The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1756: Turning around

Chapter 1756

Meng Chao knew that tens of millions of Longcheng citizens could not be immersed in confusion and anxiety for too long.

The fire has burned enough, and it's time to recycle it.

"I know that everyone must have a lot of confusion and different opinions about the conclusion just now."

Meng Chao said, "Next, I will spend ten minutes briefly reviewing what I have seen and heard in Turanze for more than a year.

"I believe that when everyone learns more about the Turan civilization and even the entire alien world, they will be able to make more correct choices about the future of Dragon City.

"Believe me, even though I brought a series of shocking news just now, there is still hope for Dragon City civilization—because we still have a future, I must tell everyone the truth and believe every Everyone in Longcheng, who has experienced countless sufferings and disasters, is still full of courage and faith, can use the cruel truth as a starting point to pursue a brighter future!"

Meng Chao began to talk about his experience in the past year.

He spoke from the dark depths of the Bloodskull Arena.

It talked about the cruel training and death elimination of the Ratmen servants by the Turan warriors.

It talked about the unique culture of the Turan people who take joy in war and take pride in death.

It talks about the dilapidated city that at first glance is still in the clan era, but it contains excellent technology that is difficult for people on earth in the 22nd century to match.

Speaking of the totem armor—this kind of high-tech equipment developed by the ancient Turan people with great care, the original intention is to enable future generations to survive in a crisis-ridden alien world despite the continuous degradation of technology.

As a result, the inheritance of the ancestors turned into a cruel curse. The totem armor that was supposed to be manipulated by the Turan people became the spiritual sustenance and manipulator of the Turan people, causing the Turan people to gradually forget the civilization of their ancestors. Indulging in the thrill of killing and destruction all day long, in the end, he changed from "Turanian" to "Turanian orc".

Then he talked about the horned mouse god.

It talked about how the Rat People, who accounted for 95% of the total population of the Turan civilization, suppressed their anger for thousands of years, and how they were condensed into billowing magma by a non-existent god.

It talked about how the Rat People's Rebel Army turned the city of Noire upside down like a volcanic eruption, and swept the entire Turanze.

It talked about the conflicts among the five clans of Gold, Bloodhoof, Thunder and Lightning, Dark Moon and Shenmu, as well as the internal conflicts of the Golden Clan, the leader of the five clans.

It also mentioned that in order to alleviate internal conflicts, the Turan orcs divided their history into the "Era of Glory" and "Era of Prosperity". The mighty army launched the most holy war.

The outcome of this "battle of glory" is not important, and it doesn't even matter who the opponent is.

The key is to plunder resources, consume excess population, and eliminate the fittest through protracted wars to ensure that the best combat genes of the Turan civilization can obtain the most sufficient resources and pass them down from generation to generation, accumulating More battle stats.

Finally, Meng Chao talked about how "Jackal" Kanus, by virtue of playing the role of "the third millennium" wolf clan in the Golden clan, took advantage of the contradictions between the lion and tiger clans, reaped the benefits of the fisherman, and became the leader of the entire Turan civilization in one fell swoop. new owner.

He also talked about his experience of teaming up with "Jackal" Kanus to discover the holy mountain temple.

Except for promising "Jackal" Kanus to omit some core secrets about Turan's civilization that are too sensitive, Meng Chao did not paint or paint on this "Doomsday Demon Wolf" just because he was his verbal ally. .

On the contrary, Meng Chao solemnly told all Longcheng people that although the civilization of the Turan orcs seemed to have degenerated into a primitive, barbaric, and backward clan era, these natives from other worlds also looked half-human, half-animal with well-developed limbs. Simple minded existence.

But the individual differences of the Turan orcs are far greater than those of the people on Earth.

Of course, among the Rat People, there are a large number of muddleheaded, illiterate, and almost devoured by animal instincts.

But the best among the Turan warriors have been intriguing and cheating for thousands of years, and their survival wisdom is no less than that of any human being.

In particular, a born ambitious man like "Jackal" Kanus is like a feudal monarch who once set off turbulent waves and affected the progress of civilization in the Earth Age.

They are sinister, cunning, ruthless, and ambitious. They regard everyone except themselves, even their blood-related relatives, as bargaining chips that can be traded at any time and pawns that can be sacrificed at any time.

To deal with this kind of person, one must be 120,000 points of energy at all times, even if you blink one more time, you may be eaten up by the other party.

But such careerists also have an advantage.

Because they don't have the emotions of normal people at all, they will never be emotional.

If it is said that a "normal" alien native may still regard the earthlings as "alien natural disasters" falling from the sky, and will expel the earthlings from the alien world at all costs, even if it harms their own interests.

For a person like "Jackal" Kanus, as long as he is given enough benefits, he can even sit with "Alien Calamity" calmly and share the blood and stewed broth of his father.

Meng Chao spoke extremely fast.

It is close to the limit of ordinary people's hearing.

It also omits most of the details and the explanation of some proper nouns, including the ins and outs of the ancient Turan civilization.

Even so, tens of millions of Longcheng citizens were still stunned and fascinated.

Everyone has long been mentally prepared and believes that Meng Chao can create the same miracle in Turanze as he did in Dragon City.

After all, this is a man who buried at least the "Four Great Demon Gods" with his own hands.

But no matter how thrilling and dangerous everyone imagined Meng Chao's trip to Turanze was.

Meng Chao's personal description still broke through the limits of almost everyone's imagination.

Single-handedly, bravely ventured into foreign lands, participated in the power game of the indigenous civilizations of other worlds, and even unearthed the secrets hidden behind the indigenous civilizations of other worlds from the other side of the star sea!

How dangerous this is!

What a legend this is!

For a moment, while countless people were amazed, they scratched their heads anxiously.

Tens of millions of people in Longcheng can't wait to know more details.

I want to know what a 100,000-person arena with a size comparable to a football field looks like.

Want to know how brutal the ligers and tigers are, how savage the tauren and wild boars are.

As for the Catwoman and Rabbit Girl that Meng Chao had just picked up, were they as pretty and cute as in the legend?

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