The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1823: real plan

Chapter 1823 The real plan

"In summary, although you have been corrupted by the monster mastermind, you have not committed any crimes that can be charged in the legal sense?"

Meng Chao was thoughtful and came to a conclusion for Lu Siya.

"That's right."

Lu Siya was full of confidence, "I have a clear conscience, and I am willing to accept any investigation. Unless you are framed, you will not be able to find out any problems."

"I believe that with your wisdom, even if you really cross the line, you will never leave any evidence."

Meng Chao narrowed his eyes and stared deeply at Lu Siya, "However, even if what you just said is the truth, you can still draw a completely different conclusion based on the above 'facts'."


Lu Siya's eyebrows and eyes remained unchanged, her expression was calm, "What kind of conclusion?"

"About your break with the Lu family and Qingtian Group, yes, it is indeed for freedom."

Meng Chao paused for a moment, then changed the topic, and said, "But whose freedom is it? Is it the real, pure human, 100% Lu Siya, or the monster mastermind lurking in Lu Siya's body?"

"I don't understand you."

Lu Siya still smiled, "Isn't the mastermind of the monster residing in my body already dead and gone, or was wiped out by your own hands less than 24 hours ago, did you forget it so quickly?" ?”

"No, the life form of the monster master brain is completely different from most carbon-based creatures—perhaps, the huge biological brain we found in the ultimate lair of monster civilization is just a puppet parasitized by it, and the real monster master brain , it is very likely that it is some kind of existence that is more subtle, more mysterious, and has more tenacious vitality than the blood-streaked flower spores."

Meng Chao thought deeply, "It is entirely possible that Lu Zhongqi underestimated the horror of the monster mastermind. He thought he could completely control the monster mastermind. He extracted the essence from that huge brain tissue and prepared it into a 'monster potion'." , into your body, trying to use this method to create a 'forest banshee' that is completely loyal to him, at least for him to use.

"However, Lu Zhongqi underestimated both your ambition and the wisdom of the monster mastermind.

"Maybe, even his crazy idea was implanted deep in his brain by the interference of the monster mastermind.

"It is through the use of Lu Zhongqi, the will of the monster's master brain, that it can be transferred from that huge biological brain that is closely monitored by humans to your body.

"You who have fused with the monster mastermind and evolved into the 'Forest Banshee' are indeed unwilling to be anyone's puppet and pawn.

"However, more important to you, or 'you,' than to be free, is to cleanse yourself.

"You are very clear that your secret is still in the hands of Lu Zhongqi.

"And after decades of monster wars, the hatred of humans towards monsters has reached its peak.

"In this case, as long as you show your monster power in public, your ambition, life and everything will be destroyed.

"Therefore, it has become a top priority to find a legal and reasonable source for the power of the monster in my body, and even one day, to be able to display the power of the monster under the blue sky and broad daylight.

"Afterwards, everything you did—whether you formed the Azure Alliance in Lu Siya's appearance, seemingly serving the common people wholeheartedly, or openly broke with the Lu family and the Qingtian Group, and investigated the Blood Alliance, attracted the Blood Alliance to use the most The extreme means to deal with you are all for this purpose.

"It was indeed your plan to act as a bait and take the risk of being caught by Yunfei Dian.

"But the real purpose of this plan is not just to expose the blood alliance's conspiracy, but to create the 'civilian hero Lu Siya, who was captured by the evil members of the blood alliance and forcibly injected with monster medicine, thus possessing the power of the monster. force' the 'fact'.

"Presumably, you have been thinking about this plan for a long time.

"From the time you found Ailei through 'Tailless Monkey' and asked him to interview Shen Yulin, your bet has already begun. Neither Lu Zhongqi nor Yunfei Dian, including the nine giants and the Blue Alliance, can be regarded as your opponents. , but your chips and pawns!

"My appearance may surprise you.

"But after careful consideration, you discovered that my testimony will greatly increase the credibility of the 'fact'.

"So, you adjusted your plan, deliberately got caught by Yunfeidian's people under my nose, and attracted me to rescue you, and deliberately confronted Yunfeidian while I was listening, honestly, Makes me believe in you.

"After that, you even borrowed my hand to 'remove' the monster power in your body, and even abolished your extremely powerful force to break through the divine realm.

"After you paid such a heavy price in front of me, I don't seem to have any reason not to believe that you are 100% Lu Siya.

"However, your grandfather Lu Zhongqi said a sentence before he died, but it made sense.

"A person or 'existence' like you is destined to be impossible to be bound by a mere 'realm'.

"In the monster civilization of the past, there were dozens of doomsday beasts, each of which controlled a powerful force that could destroy thousands of troops.

"So what? Didn't the entire civilization be reduced to ashes by the explosion of human cannons?

"Perhaps, force has never been the most important basis for the long-term survival of a civilization.

"Wisdom is.

"Especially the hidden wisdom.

"Furthermore, the cultivation method of monsters is different from that of humans.

"Although from a human point of view, your spiritual veins are severed and you can no longer practice martial arts, but as our understanding of monster civilization becomes more and more profound, and gene modulation technology is changing with each passing day, various monster heritages have been analyzed and copied one after another, becoming There are various and powerful 'monster potions', how do you know that the remaining 0.01% of the monster's power in your body will not revive and become a new form, what about the upgraded version of 'monster brain 2.0'?

"Just now, Su Mulian's prophecy also confirmed my deduction.

"In the future she dreamed, you spent a full ten years gaining the trust of all Dragon City people, including me, until you succeeded me on the throne of Dragon City. True power and intent.

"At that time, no one will know, after the so-called 'National Monster Transformation Plan' is fully rolled out, the unrecognizable Dragon City is human civilization, or the resurgent monster civilization 2.0!"

Meng Chao finished speaking in one breath.

Quietly waiting for Lu Siya's reaction.

Lu Siya's reaction was beyond his expectation.

She laughed "puchi".

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