The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1828: gymnastics question

Chapter 1828 The problem of gymnastics

Because the crimes committed by members of the Blood League were extensive and harmful, the secret interrogation against them was carried out almost at the same time as the arrest.

Following the news of Lu Zhongqi and Yunfei Dian's demise, more and more blood alliance members gave up their resistance and their mouths were pried open one after another.

As the saying goes, "pull out the radish and bring out the mud", the secret they confessed is really "shocking".

If any interrogation record is taken out, it may cause a major earthquake in a certain area of ​​Dragon City.

For example, a member of the blood alliance explained the problems related to "primary and middle school students' gymnastics".

The Dragon City civilization, which matured in the war years, has a hundred times higher requirements for the physical fitness of young people than the Earth era.

Whether it is out of the need to cultivate qualified militarized talents, or to lay a solid foundation for opening up spiritual veins and awakening extraordinary power, relevant departments need to issue a set of authoritative, unified, simple and easy-to-use rules for young people aged seven to eighteen. The proven and effective entry-level training program is used in conjunction with entry-level martial arts such as the "Three Basic Force-Exercise Methods" and "Hundred Fighting Swordsmanship".

It is completely conceivable that developing such an authoritative entry-level training program and forcing it to all primary and secondary schools in the city, making it a compulsory subject for daily teaching and entrance examinations, what huge benefits are hidden behind it.

Even though the entry-level training program itself is provided to the education department for free, the long-term and stable profits brought about from the detailed deep learning program to the supporting training potions are all astronomical.

Therefore, as early as several decades ago, the nine cultivation families behind the nine super companies have invested heavily in exploring and developing unique entry-level cultivation solutions, which are used to replace the radio gymnastics of the earth age and become A compulsory course for every student.

Today, this set of "gymnastics" has been upgraded to version 9.0.

This version refers to the opinions of many experts in the fields of cultivation and youth education, and optimizes various deficiencies found in practice. It is perfect in every aspect—at least, before today, all citizens thought so.

According to the confession of this blood alliance member, the 9.0 version of youth gymnastics is not the most perfect solution.

According to him, in fact, in the "Youth Gymnastics Editorial Committee", there have always been two editorial plans.

Plan A is complicated in action, difficult in cultivation, and risky in cultivation. After long-term cultivation, teenagers urgently need to replenish a large amount of cultivation potions refined from high-level monster essences. They also need to use various secret medicines, essential oils, and even medical cabins Only by repairing damaged cells and broken muscle fibers can the cultivation results be perfectly digested and absorbed.

Otherwise, various accidents are likely to occur, and fatigue and hidden injuries will continue to accumulate. Even if the appearance becomes stronger and stronger, the probability of awakening extraordinary power will continue to decrease.

The cultivation difficulty of Plan B is relatively low, and the requirements for cultivation resources are also relatively low.

Even the descendants of ordinary citizens born in slums can practice on their own, step by step, by simply supplementing with cheap monster flesh and blood.

Of course, the cultivation effect of plan B is definitely not as obvious as plan A—this is something that you can’t have both.

To put it more bluntly.

Choosing Plan A is more beneficial to the rich and the children of wealthy families with family inheritance.

Because they can easily pile up training resources, sit and enjoy tailor-made training equipment, and have 24-hour on-call advice from famous teachers, they hardly have to worry about nutrition not keeping up or going crazy, serious injuries and death.

Choosing option B is more beneficial to ordinary people with average family backgrounds who have neither money nor special channels to obtain high-level cultivation resources.

Because it is a relatively safe and conservative plan, it can greatly reduce the cost and risk of cultivation. If it is truly achieved, everyone can afford and understand cultivation, and all young people will stand on the same starting line.

As a result, the "Youth Gymnastics Editorial Committee" controlled by the Nine Great Cultivation Families chose Plan A every time it was upgraded.

Up to this point, it still cannot be said that there are too many problems.

There must be black-box operations, but it is not inexplicable—the monster war is in full swing, and Dragon City needs to cultivate more and higher-level superhumans in a shorter period of time, as well as more and more **** beasts and doomsday beasts contend.

For this reason, it is completely understandable and acceptable to take a small risk and pay a small price.

This is a legitimate reason.

However, the Juvenile Gymnastics Editorial Committee could have announced both plans A and B.

Even, let the ordinary schools located near the slums choose the high-quality and cheap plan B.

And those private aristocratic schools with expensive tuition fees and harsh admission conditions, choose Plan A with better results and higher entry barriers.

But the juvenile gymnastics editorial committee not only did not do so.

Instead, plan B was completely sealed up.

All the schools in the city, no matter ordinary or noble, all chose Plan A.

The reason is very simple.

After all, the number of private noble schools is too small.

Even if the fee per student is higher.

Accumulated together, after all, it is not as good as the tens of millions of ordinary citizens who are willing to invest in children's education expenditures. The accumulation of small sands becomes a tower, which can be fully transformed into a string of shiny, full of money on the financial statements of the nine super companies. imaginative numbers.

No, it's not just about profit.

There is also a long-term and hidden benefit of adopting option A.

Since the fight is all about resources and inheritance, it is naturally more beneficial to the children of wealthy families.

As long as you start from the basic education stage, plan A will be adopted for a long time.

When it comes to various key exams that can determine fate, naturally only the content of Plan A can be assessed.

In this way, the rate of admission to higher education and the probability of being admitted to various official institutions and super companies, and then permanently controlling Dragon City, for children from rich families will be significantly higher than those of children from poor families.

Of course, the disadvantages are not without.

After adopting Plan A, the difficulty of cultivation will be a little higher for children from poor families, and the risk of cultivation will be a little higher. If there is no guidance from a famous teacher, if the nutrition cannot keep up, or they will become more and more ignorant of how to cultivate, and their hearts will become more and more serious. Feeling more and more defeated and frustrated, I finally gave up cultivation, accepted my fate obediently, and became an ordinary person for the rest of my life.

Or, just like Meng Chao in high school, he didn't believe in evil, refused to admit defeat, refused to accept his fate, practiced crazily, and trained himself until he became obsessed, seriously injured and fell, and even couldn't afford to fall ill.

However, as I said just now, in order to win the monster war, "it is completely understandable and acceptable to take a small risk and pay a small price."

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