The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 799: Go deep into the ruins

The hidden area of ​​mist that was fully occupied by humans has become a jungle where giant crocodiles are rampant in another sense.

For the mining rights of spar veins and the exploration rights of the archaic relics, the nine super enterprises are vying against each other.

Although Chaoxing Resources has gained fame in the circle through several mergers and acquisitions involving "snake swallowing elephants".

After all, the lack of foundation is not enough to compete head-on with the giant crocodiles.

Lu Siya told Meng Chao that in order to carve up the legacy of the monster civilization, the large and small shareholders of the Sky Group, and even the brothers and sisters of the Lu family, are intrigues and deceives, and do everything.

Even her father, as the most profitable company under the group and the controller of "Sky Mining", can't guarantee how much cream he can get from this big cake.

Not to mention the distribution of interests between the Sky Group and the Universe Group, between the super enterprises and the Red Dragon Army, between the giant crocodiles and the small and medium-sized enterprises, and between the powerhouses of the gods and the low- and middle-level extraordinary.

From a certain perspective, this war for the spoils is more intense than the monster war itself.

Relying on Meng Chao's military exploits, it is natural to get a few more medals and win the fame as "Dragon City's Top Ten Outstanding Youths".

But if you want to reap tangible benefits from the remains of the monster civilization, you have to wait patiently for the opportunity.

Meng Chao is not a generation greedy for fame and fortune.

He mainly wanted to mobilize more resources, and add a few valuable weights to the "Strategy of the Other World" that he had laid out in advance.

Facing the status quo of rampant giant crocodiles, they had no choice but to stand on the sidelines.

Unexpectedly, on this day, the arrival of a mysterious VIP turned things around.


"Master Lei!"

An unmarked armored airship that looked very simple at first glance, slowly landed in the depths of the misty extremity, in a temporarily opened military base.

The hatch slowly opened, and an old man who was quite tall, but was tightly covered by a fully enclosed chemical protective suit, walked down one step at a time.

Careful observation reveals that this set of the highest-grade fully enclosed chemical protective clothing is bloated several times than the ordinary chemical protective clothing, and the inside is filled with crystal clear light green liquid medicine.

There are also seven or eight pipes connected to the tank behind the chemical protective suit to ensure that the elderly will neither be exposed to the slightest outside air nor be disturbed by the chaotic psychic radiation in the misty extinct domain.

Where is this chemical protective suit, it is simply a mobile medical cabin.

In addition, the medical team who hugged from the front and back, and the strong and the officers who waited respectfully around the armored airship.

Looking at the entire Dragon City, apart from "War God" Lei Zongchao, who else can put on such a pomp?

Lei Zongchao frowned slightly, not too cold at the welcome ceremony arranged by "Train Cannon" Long Feijun.

But apart from Meng Chao, who was supporting him, perceiving this, Lei Zongchao didn't let his emotions leak out, making the welcomers feel uneasy.

Instead, he abides by the duties of an old predecessor with a smile.

First, he gave an impassioned speech to the unit that performed the best in this battle.

I also visited several soldiers who were the bravest in combat and were seriously injured and had to amputate parts of their limbs to replace mechanical prosthetic limbs, and promised to pass on the latest "mechanical martial art" developed by himself and Meng Chao to these soldiers.

I have been busy for most of the day before I have time to greet Meng Chao aside.

"Master Lei, how did you come to the forefront?"

Meng Chao was surprised and worried about Lei Zongchao's arrival.

He knew that although Lei Zongchao was the "Budo Myth" of the past, he had entered the age of dying.

When I was young, I was attacked by mysterious forces in the ancient ruins, and after hundreds of fierce battles, countless large and small injuries were superimposed on light and dark injuries, like a volcano that erupts at any time, even if it will spontaneously burn and die in the next second Not surprising.

In order to stabilize the life magnetic field, he usually can only stay in the Transcendent Pagoda and the Martial God Temple.

It shouldn't appear in a place where the psychic environment is complicated and the radiation and interference are very strong.

Not to mention the early Lei Zongchao, who died in the depths of the misty extremity with the monster's master.

Meng Chao couldn't help but give birth to a hint of worry.

But thinking that today is different from the past, the monster master brain has long been swarmed by the powerhouses of the gods, and the whole lair has also been opened by human large-scale engineering machinery and dug out. Don't worry too much, it will repeat the same mistakes.

"So many brave and fearless Red Dragon Army and transcendents are fighting desperately on the front line, even giving their precious lives, but I can only curl up in the transcendental tower, and I have waited for a long time to be restless, and I finally waited for you to get a lot of money. A triumphant victory, can't you come to the front to join in the fun?"

Lei Zongchao said with a smile, after a pause, his expression became a little stiff, and his voice became low. "It is said that they found the traces of Golden Millennium in the brain of the monster master..."


Meng Chao immediately understood Lei Zongchao's mood.

Jin Qianxi is not only his comrade-in-arms in life and death, but also his unswerving lover.

Although the relationship between the two has spanned half a century of erosion and the barrier between yin and yang, even at the end of his life, Lei Zongchao still can't forget the love of his life.

Lei Zongchao's mood is extremely complicated when he knows that his life's love is implicated in the monster's mastermind, even if it is involuntarily implicated.

He probably wanted to know more than Meng Chao, what happened in the monster base camp, and what kind of existence the monster mastermind was.

"They told me that the monster's main brain is an existence similar to the'queen ant'. Of course, it is countless times larger than the ruler of an ordinary ant colony, and it is connected to the modulating beast tide and the doomsday through thousands of sticky tentacles. In the gene factory of the beast, and on the chest of this'super queen', there is a human face inlaid upright, exactly like the golden millennium. Also, when they are fighting with the monster master, the monster master will always say Speaking in the tone of a tortured human girl."

Lei Zongchao sighed and said, "Don't persuade me, my mind is very clear, knowing that it cannot be the real Golden Millennium, but the wreckage of the Golden Millennium, which may contain part of the brain tissue, which was accidentally picked up and swallowed by the monster master brain. , Read the memory of the golden millennium, created a puppet.

"It's just that, even if it's just a puppet, even if it's broken or even turned into a pool of blood, I still want to go to the scene and see in person to figure out how she died.

"Meng Chao, can you understand this feeling and accompany me to the ultimate lair of monster civilization?"

Supernatural Meng will not miss this heaven-sent opportunity.

Lei Zongchao didn't want to disturb too many people.

After saying hello to all parties, Meng Chao simply drove an all-terrain vehicle in dual driving mode, carrying Lei Zongchao, and traveling low-key.

Dragon City Civilization has opened dozens of simple roads in the misty and extinct domain.

From the military base to the edge of the sinkhole, all the way is unimpeded.

Because humans blasted on the surrounding mountains with spar veins and changed the spiritual magnetism environment, most of the fog that has been lingering around the tiankeng for thousands of years has dissipated.

The sky jungle that originally covered the tiankeng was even burnt.

Standing on the edge of the tiankeng and looking far away, the line of sight can reach the bottom of the tiankeng, which is nearly a thousand meters deep.

After the indiscriminate bombing more than half a month ago, as well as the desperate fight between the gods and the doomsday beasts, the dark jungle at the bottom of the tiankeng had long been torn and burned.

Humans have built a large number of tents, semi-permanent bases, automatic firepower points and signal launch towers here, and tens of thousands of thinking tanks, drones and construction machinery have been transported here. It is like a roar of steam and molten iron splashing. Sweat is transpiring, and the construction scene is in full swing.

The all-terrain vehicle stretched out eight folded anti-joint crawling feet to both sides, instead of crawlers, followed the trimmed gentle **** to the bottom of the tiankeng.

They passed through a large-scale warehouse area where monster materials were temporarily stacked.

Passing by the inflatable station where armored airships and hot air balloons gather, constantly screaming "squeaking".

There is also an open-air canteen that can accommodate 50,000 soldiers and engineering builders at the same time. The ingredients here are all slaughtered on the spot. Pieces of fat monster flesh and blood are so fresh that the muscles are still "bubbling". After eating, the soldiers sweated profusely, were contented, and hiccuped, they continued to go to the forefront of the battle.

When passing by the ruins of Taoyuan Town, Lei Zongchao asked Meng Chao to stop.

Because the weeds and vines covering the ruins of Taoyuan Town were all uprooted and burned to ashes.

This unfortunate satellite town reveals a fragmented and devastated picture.

Time was limited, and the engineering construction troops had only time to clean up the rubble of the collapsed building.

The remaining ruins and broken walls still stand alone there, like monuments without words.

Perhaps one day, even if the people of Longcheng built a memorial here to commemorate this struggling satellite town in the end, they don't know how to explain the destruction of Taoyuan Town, right?

With Meng Chao's support, Lei Zongchao came to the front of the "wordless stele" composed of ruined walls.

With a solemn expression, he bowed deeply to the ruins of the town in front of him, paying homage to the undead of the compatriots who were more unfortunate than the Longcheng people.

Meng Chao understood what he meant in an instant.

Like him, he bowed deeply, hoping that all wandering souls from the earth would find rest.

After three minutes of silence, he straightened up, and Meng Chao stopped talking.

"You want to know whether Taoyuan Town was destroyed by the hands of humans or monsters?"

Lei Zongchao sensed his confusion, "You still want to know whether the earth's civilization was destroyed by a full-scale nuclear war?"

Meng Chao hesitated for a moment and nodded: "Yes."

"The previous question, I don't have an answer."

Lei Zong said, "But for the latter question, I can tell you clearly that the earth civilization has not been destroyed, because we are still here.

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"Even if the earth is now full of radiation pollution, it is already a devastated and barren land, but the dust will eventually settle, and even the terrible radiation will dissipate.

"At that time, we will return to the earth, building a brick and building a brick, a road connecting a road, a city after a city, and rebuilding the entire civilization."

This is also Meng Chao's belief.

But he couldn't help but entangled: "How long will it take?"

"It won't take long."

Lei Zong said, "From the early humans igniting the first spark of wisdom, to the time when humans became the spirit of all things, the entire earth was bathed in the brilliance of civilization, but only two million years.

"Don't worry, our path will never be harder and longer than that of our ancestors."

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