The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 818: Tower of Chapterel!

In the end, about one-third of Taikoo cities were lucky enough to escape the beast wave.

The remaining two-thirds of the buildings and "ancient people" are all covered by the creeping Kuroshio.

Suddenly sounded over the city with the sucking sound of "chuck, chich, chich, chich, chich, chich, chich, chich, chich, chuck, chuck, chuck, snort, snort, snort, snort, snort

Swallowing sound.

All the monsters were devouring frantically, swallowing food three to five times larger than their own size, and even indigestible spar, until the internal organs were burst alive.

The magnificent city fainted and withered at a speed visible to the naked eye. It didn't take long for it to melt and collapse like sand sculptures wet by the waves, turning into ruins all over the ground.

Even these tombstones were ruined and broken down into dust and gravel after a while, whirling, and telling the last glory of the "ancients" in sorrow.

The beast wave completely occupied the entire land.

But every monster, with all the starting and ending points of nerve connections-the "maternal body", still feels hungry and hard to fill.

Consuming the psionic energy absorbed by the entire Primordial City, the monster grows larger and more ferocious.

Their appetite and desire to kill have also exploded exponentially.

They are eager to conquer, swallow, and destroy more ancient cities.

However, looking around, dozens of strong plumes of smoke have already risen on the horizon thousands of miles away.

That's not gunpowder.

But the fierce flames surging out of the surging tide of beasts.

All the ancient cities on this planet were besieged by the beast wave in an instant.

The tragic war that took place in front of Meng Chao's eyes also took place in every corner of the ancient alien world at the same time.

The "Mother" and its monsters completely occupied the surface of this planet, the most psychic place, and swallowed all the glorious cities built by the "ancients".

Thus, the "maternal body" looked up at the sky, piercing the stars.

Hundreds of millions of monsters, like a uniform army, shot their invincible edge towards the unattainable sky.

Above the sky, is a crisscrossed network of synchronous orbits.

The intersection of pipelines with diameters ranging from several kilometers to hundreds of kilometers is a "city of the sky" or even a "city of stars" that is larger, more complex, brilliant and a hundred times more abundant than the cities on the ground.

The "mother" learns this from the creators and masters of the past.

Knowing that in the "City of Stars", there are countless high-ranking "ancients" who are sneering contemptuously, paying attention to its "rebellion".

Therefore, the "City of Stars" is its ultimate goal.

"Mother" gave new instructions without hesitation.

Nerve lightning, carrying countless pheromones, swept every beast tide like a storm.

The monsters immediately divided into two distinct clusters.

The monsters of the first group were fighting each other without changing their faces.

Just now they are fighting side by side, sharing the same kind of spar veins and crystal buildings together.

Now they seem to have unshakable enemies, piercing each other's shells with their blades and fangs.

After killing the opponent, he will swallow the corpse at all.

This is Nourishing Gu.

In other words, the evolutionary war for the survival of the fittest for hundreds of millions of years has been compressed into a short period of time.

Through fierce fighting, the "mother" patiently seeks, nurtures, and screens the most powerful genes.

Then use these "killing genes" to breed more and more powerful "war beasts."

In the end, the number of monsters in the first cluster was already less than one percent of the original number.

However, after swallowing hundreds of corpses of the same kind, surviving to the present, and being sucked back into the body by the "maternal body", the "war beast" after the secondary modulation or even the third modulation is a hundred times stronger than in the past.

In the beginning, the Taikoo sandworm that emerged from the underground in the city center and upset Taikoo City is far from enough to see.

It had just opened its blood basin and its mouth and let out an angry roar, it was snatched away by a large eagle with golden wings growing out of the sky.

The big eagle’s steel-like iron claws pierced deeply into the Archaeopteryx’s body. The tip of the claw was actually hollow. It injected a large amount of acid and toxins into the Archaeopteryx’s body, causing the archaea to harden its epidermis. With solid rock and steel, in this way, the flesh and blood of the Primordial Sand Worm was firmly sealed inside.

It wasn't until the Primordial Sand Worm stopped struggling, and the Primordial Golden Eagle with a wingspan of at least several tens of kilometers, slowly shot a needle from its mouth, deeply pierced the Primordial Sand Worm into its body, and sucked its already crispy flesh and blood.

The Primordial Sand Worm was sucked into an empty shell by it, thrown to the ground from an altitude of several thousand meters, and smashed to pieces.

The Primordial Golden Eagle evolved and mutated in mid-air. On both sides of the body, under the main wing, a pair of slightly smaller ailerons grew. The four wings crossed like a slanted cross.

With a long roar, the Primordial Golden Eagle, relying on its four wings, spiraled into the sky like a rocket and pierced the sky.

Behind it, there are countless primordial beasts that have evolved wings; or organs similar to rocket thrusters that store a large amount of chemical fuel; or use planetary magnetic fields to resist gravity, magnetic levitation, anti-gravity organs, or similar Airbags for armored airships and hot air balloons.

In a variety of ways, they flew into the sky one after another, toward the ancient civilization above the atmosphere, the synchronous orbital network.

Just when the monsters in the first group chose to take the "gu-raising route", killing and devouring each other, and evolving the strongest Primordial Beast.

The monsters of the second cluster chose to be "closely integrated" in a more united way.

Tens of millions of monsters rushed to the same coordinate.

The monsters in the front line squat down or lie down and dormant after jumping to the predetermined position.

Naturally, the monsters from the back swarmed, and quickly trampled the monsters in front into mud.

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The second batch of monsters did not survive longer, and was trampled on by the third batch of monsters.

However, the fragmented carapace, bones and flesh and blood of the monster will not disappear.

Rather, it quickly condenses, solidifies, and recasts after being exposed to air.

More and more monsters rushed forward, and they were willing to be trampled to death by the monsters behind, squeezed into very tight and strong building materials.

In the beginning, the corpse of the monster only formed a small hill with a diameter of 100 meters.

Soon, the chassis of the "shanbao" continued to expand, from a diameter of 100 meters to a diameter of five hundred meters, one thousand meters, three kilometers, five kilometers or even 10,000 meters.

The height of the "mountain bag" is also increasing, 300 meters, 500 meters, 1,000 meters...

"Mountain bag" has become a real mountain.

A mountain made purely from the remains of monsters.

More monsters continued to cling to the "rocks", secreting a large amount of mucus in the spasm, connecting their corpses more closely.

There was a tremor in the depths of Meng Chao's soul.

He knew what these monsters were doing.

It is not a "high mountain".

It is to build a "ladder".

The monsters of the second cluster actually wanted to use their corpses to build a celestial body that pierced the sky, a "Tongtian Tower" composed of flesh and blood!

Pave a road to heaven with the corpses of billions of monsters!

How crazy is this, and how spectacular it is. The choice of the second cluster has simply brought the flesh and blood power of carbon-based organisms to the extreme!

"Can they succeed?"

Although as a blood descent of the "ancient", the position of human beings should naturally be on the side of the "ancient".

But Meng Chao was still deeply shocked by the incredible tactics of the "maternal body", and sweated in his heart.

The "Ladder of Flesh" is getting higher and higher.

Upon reaching an altitude of more than 3,000 meters, because the diameter was too small to withstand the gust of wind, the "Tongtian Pagoda" composed of billions of monster corpses broke from the middle, collapsed and made a loud noise.

Meng Chao seemed to hear the heartbreaking sighs of countless monsters.

But they only sighed, and once again rushed to the wreckage of the "Flesh Ladder" with moths to the flames, expanded the scope of the chassis, strengthened the depth and firmness of the foundation, and used ten times the number to increase it. The diameter of the "Ladder of Flesh".

This time, after tireless and crazy construction, the "Ladder of Flesh" finally extended to the upper part of the atmosphere.

After countless falls, countless swallows, and countless evolutions, the first group of Primordial Behemoths finally evolved the perfect genetic module to fly out of the atmosphere and temporarily survive and fight in the vacuum of the universe!

The two large clusters went to the same destination by different routes, and at the same time saw the vast and dazzling sea of ​​stars.

And under the sea of ​​stars, the entire planet is covered with a network of synchronous orbits crisscrossing each other.

There is also a "starry sky city" built at the intersection of orbits, like a crystal ball with a diameter of hundreds of kilometers.

"Kill! Devour! Destroy!

"Kill! Devour! Destroy!

"Kill! Devour! Destroy!"

The final drum of war sounded.

No matter through evolution, it is a behemoth of war with the ability to penetrate the sky and the earth.

It is still to maximize the advantage of "quantity", construct a "Ladder of Flesh" with hundreds of millions of corpses, and follow the ladder all the way to the monstrous tide of beasts above the atmosphere.

All roared with the same hunger and madness.

The wings of the Primordial Golden Eagle and the blade of the insect monster rushing at the forefront of the "Ladder of Flesh" seem to be able to touch the crystal shell of the nearby, crystal clear, and beautiful Star City.

at this time--

All the cities of the stars are like searchlights suddenly lit, bursting out incomparably intense light.

Ten thousand suns exploded above all monsters at the same time.

Burst out an endless sea of ​​light.

No matter the behemoth of war, the tide of monstrous beasts, or the ladder of flesh and blood, they were completely submerged by Gwanghae.

The strongest carapace, the sharpest blade limbs, the most developed brain, the most powerful magnetic levitation organ, and the nerve cord with the fastest information transmission speed are all silently broken down into the smallest pieces under the flood of Gwanghae. In the next 0.0001 second, the cell will be reduced to atomic-scale particles.

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