The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 822: Twin Beast

This time the "mother" fell asleep longer than last time.

Meng Chao felt that it seemed to want to sleep until it was old. It relied on the most instinctive cell self-healing ability, slowly starting from 1% to repair, until 100% of the huge body was repaired.

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Because of the lack of sufficient root system, to entangle and **** spar veins.

It can only passively absorb extremely weak ripples of psionic energy.

The entire repair process is extremely slow, perhaps tens of millions of years, or even longer.

But the "mother" doesn't care.

Its patience is as good as its appetite.

Since the stars will not go out for billions of years, time does not have much meaning to it.

However, this long period of sleep and restoration was forcibly interrupted again not long after it started.

The "maternal body" wakes up again.

And felt strong earthquakes and psychic energy fluctuations.

The space in all directions vibrated, squeezed, merged, and exploded like a landslide.

Countless rocks are subjected to the combined action of high temperature and high pressure, turning into flooding magma, eroding the body that the "mother body" has finally repaired.

The "maternal body" was once again threatened with death.

Had to wake up early in an extremely weak "incomplete form".

Using the energy and resources originally intended to repair the body, he created bunches of slender tentacles to spy on the surrounding movement.

The "maternal body" smelled the breath of ancient civilization.

Certain precision equipment left over from the ancient civilization began to rumble again after hundreds of millions of years of silence, absorbing the surrounding aura, and resonating with the magnetic field of the heavens and the earth, affecting a large area of ​​space with a radius of thousands of miles.

The first reaction of the "maternal body" is that the "ancients" have returned to this planet.

It wants to escape.

But before he had time, he evolved limbs and tentacles to move, and he couldn't even move half a millimeter.

However, the "maternal body" soon discovered that the strangers near its lair were not genuine "ancients".


"Taoyuan Town?"

Meng Chao saw the iconic Twin Towers and the undulating town skyline in the memory of the "maternal body".

He recognized at a glance, this is one of the ten largest satellite towns in Dragon City, crossing to Taoyuan Town, a hidden area of ​​mist!

"It turns out that the'Mother Body' was actually awakened by the spatial storm and psychic ripples that Longcheng and Taoyuan Town crossed into another world."

Meng Chao suddenly realized, "According to the original plan, the'mother' wants to sleep here for tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of years more comfortably, completely healed the injury, restored to its peak form, and then broke ground.

"Unexpectedly, the arrival of the earthlings disrupted its overall plan.

"Although the people on earth are not really'ancients' and do not have technology as strong as gods and demons, we and the'ancients' are inextricably linked after all. Once we inherit the technology and power of the'ancients' left in the No. , The level of civilization is very likely to explode.

"With the uncomfortable character of people on earth who don't die, after the big explosion of civilization level, they will definitely dig three feet to try to use all the resources in the monster mountain range for their own use.

"In that way, the people on earth will definitely discover the existence of the'mother body'.

"If it was still asleep at that time, it would be the fish on the chopping board and it would be slaughtered!"

Only then did Meng Chao understand that human civilization and monster civilization are actually "fear of beating a wolf with a stick."

Of course, the people of the earth have a headache for the endless stream of vicious monsters.

In fact, the "maternal body" is unwilling to wake up early and fall into an endless **** battle with the people of the earth at such a "weak and small" time.

But the "Taoyuan Town" from the earth has been firmly photographed on the face of the "maternal body".

It cannot ignore it and wait to die.

As a result, the "maternal body" mobilized all resources and temporarily prepared a more independent organ to spy on the development of Taoyuan Town in secret, study the characteristics of human civilization, and proceed with the conflict between civilizations that is bound to come. All preparations for information, materials, energy, and arms.

This organ is the "tree of wisdom".

The tree of wisdom is the first "monster" produced by the "maternal body".

In a sense, it is also its clone.

It is a "maternal copy" of a fully weakened version.

What happened next was not much different from what the Tree of Wisdom had told Meng Chao.

It seems that the Tree of Wisdom did not lie, and the destruction of Taoyuan Town had two reasons.

On the one hand, it is naturally threatened by monsters.

Perhaps it is because the "mother body" is dormant underground. Its extremely weak life magnetic field can still form a subtle resonance with the psychic energy of the surrounding spar veins, causing the aura to penetrate the crevices in the ground and condense in the depths of the crevices to form new ones. The spar vein grows slowly and firmly in the direction where it is.

The spar veins have attracted a large number of monsters to live here. The diamond-shaped crystal has not been able to eliminate all the carbon-based organisms on the planet, and life will naturally find a way out.

Although the "mother body" is asleep, its magnetic field of life can still provide guidance and shelter for carbon-based organisms. This has enabled a large number of carbon-based organisms to gradually evolve into a weakened version of the Primordial Beasts, and it has also turned the Haze Extinct Territory into a weakened version. The paradise of monsters.

Taoyuan Town unfortunately passed through here, and the tragic ending is already doomed.

Having said that, resources are scarce, hopes are shattered, and order is collapsed. In such an apocalyptic world, humans have a hundred ways to destroy themselves easily, without the minions of monsters.

The Tree of Wisdom was right. Facing the pressure of survival, Taoyuan Town did have many rounds of internal fighting.

In every internal fight, the protesters who claim to represent justice and the masses will always quickly transform into a more unbearable evil ruler after defeating the evil ruler, and then be a new dragon slayer destined to become an evil dragon. Overthrow, kill.

Such tragedies have been repeated repeatedly, and one cannot help but wonder whether Taoyuan Town has fallen into the **** of endless reincarnation?

Meng Chao also saw the golden millennium in the memory of the "maternal body".

More precisely, it is the wreckage of the Golden Millennium.

She was indeed swallowed by a huge and friendless tiger leaping fish, and went upstream, bringing the source of Chilong River and Hunuchuan, and was discovered by the clone of "mother"-"Wisdom Tree".

Although only half of the chest cavity and one brain remain, the powerful aura surrounding the golden millennium still makes the "mother body" a treasure.

You must know that the "mother body" at this time is still very weak, and even 1% of its combat effectiveness during the peak period has not been restored.

If it can swallow Jin Millennium's body, assimilate her soul, and absorb all her psychic energy and vitality, it can greatly accelerate the repair, evolution and awakening of the "maternal body".

As a result, once concocted and controlled hundreds of millions of monsters, with a thought, it could form an overwhelming tide of beasts, and even make the corpses of monsters pile up like a mountain to form a "tower of the sky", piercing the "mother body" of the sky. In the long life, For the first time, "Respect and Honor", a relatively equal "invitation" was issued to a carbon-based intelligent creature.

"Incorporate into my life."

By observing Taoyuan Town, the "maternal body" at this time has mastered the language and thinking logic of the people on earth.

It sent a message to the brain of Golden Millennium, "I was born on this planet, a unique form of intelligent life.

"I have wisdom and understand civilization.

"So, I will not deprive you of your strength, thinking, and will.

"On the contrary, if you merge with me, I will give you brand new strength and body, allowing you to practice your will.

"Whether it is to avenge those who have humiliated, hurt and tortured you, protect your kind, or build your civilization, or figure out the secrets hidden in the archaic relics and figure out... whether we are from Where did it come from, and what kind of mission it shouldered.

"You can do whatever you want, whatever you want.

"As long as, completely let go of your brain and heart to me and become a part of me, no, it is to become a stronger and wiser new life, a part of ‘us’."

The "matrix" showed the golden millennium the power it once possessed.

Including the glimpses of the Primordial War at its peak.

"We are both in an extremely weak state of incompleteness. We cannot survive in this cruel world by our own strength. Monsters are not the greatest threat to mankind, and mankind is not the only enemy of monsters, or even the greatest enemy. ——The terrifying diamond-shaped crystal still wanders in nowhere, and the'ancient people' may return to this world at any time."

The "mother body" eagerly and sincerely proposed to Jin Millennium, "We should deeply integrate together, create a more powerful carbon-based life form, and create... the most perfect carbon-based life, so that we can surpass this world and see the billions of stars. Brilliant light."

Meng Chao felt that Jin Qianxi watched every picture of the Primordial War presented by the "matrix" very intently.

I also listened to and thought about the suggestions of the "maternal body" very carefully.

Seriously, Meng Chao feared that she would nod her head anytime.

But after all, she shook her head slightly and rejected the "kindness" of the "maternal".


In the consciousness of the "maternal body", a thick bewilderment rolled over.

Even if they have the ability to read and interfere with the brain waves of carbon-based intelligent life, they have a deep understanding of human civilization through studying Taoyuan Town, but it still does not understand, "You are about to die, your civilization is a lonely dragon. The city civilization is very likely to be destroyed soon.

"Fusion with me can stop all of this.

"Why, refuse?"

"Because you are a monster."

When Meng Chao heard it, Jin Qianxi answered calmly, "I only know the monsters that kill, swallow, and destroy."

"Mother" was taken aback for a moment.

Can't help but laugh.

The ridiculous smile turned into shining ripples.

The ripples turned into a scene of countless intrigues and cannibalism among human beings that happened in Taoyuan Town.

These images, which are more cruel than monsters swallowing each other, stirred up Jin Millennium's cerebral cortex, and evoked the painful memories of her being controlled by the Blood Alliance, forced to explore and experiment, and that life is better than death.

"Aren't you monsters?"

"Mother" asked, "Don't you just know to kill, swallow, and destroy monsters?"

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