The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 827: Thor's olive branch

One more thing is the experience of Golden Millennium and the final struggle.

There is no doubt that Golden Millennium is of course a hero.

But after her brain was swallowed by the "maternal body", it did allow the "maternal body" to learn more about the Dragon City and human civilization, thus accelerating the evolution of the "monster civilization".

Moreover, in order to win the trust of the "maternal body" when she is fighting wits and courage, she inevitably reveals some real and credible top-secret information about Dragon City and the earth.

When making suggestions for the "maternal body", obviously you can't make a bad idea every time you look at it.

The best lie is always a lie in the nine truths.

Through the memory information of the "maternal body", Meng Chao can of course deeply understand the good intentions of the golden millennium.

And after the "maternal body" suddenly realized, how anger turned into anger, and thunderous.

But the others are not him.

The souls of others have not been deeply bound to the memory data of the "maternal body".

Such a thrilling, mysterious and mysterious soul confrontation, through language and pictures, always seems pale and weak.

Meng Chao didn't know what kind of views that the "nine sentences of truth" would arouse all citizens and major forces if they rashly disclosed what Jin Millennium had done to the public.

This is a big deal. Meng Chao felt it necessary to communicate privately with Lei Zongchao, the "War God", carefully considered and negotiated a one-size-fits-all solution, and then cooperated with a series of publicity packages to ensure that Golden Millennium could fight alone "on the invisible front." In ten years, the image of "the heroine who defeated the monster mastermind from the soul level and saved the Dragon City" came to the hearts of all Longcheng citizens.

Only in this way can it play a positive and positive role in the long-term development of Longcheng civilization.

It's a pity that Lei Zongchao dragged the remnant body with superimposed dark injuries, abruptly helping Meng Chao **** for more than 20 hours.

At the most critical juncture, he did not hesitate to burn his cerebral cortex, so that his mental power penetrated the vast ocean of ancient information and brought back Meng Chao's consciousness.

He suffered more injuries than he thought.

It is not suitable to stay in the misty and obscure area where the psychic environment is complex and the spar veins radiate strongly and chaotically.

Therefore, under the guard of the people in the temple of war gods, he returned to the Transcendent Pagoda to recuperate.

Meng Chao didn't want to discuss such an important and secret matter with Lei Zongchao on the phone or on the Internet.

Regarding the golden millennium, I'll leave it temporarily.

Fortunately, the monster war has been settled, and this matter is not in a hurry.

Even if it was only the Primordial War, and the barren ground, deformed creatures, and diamond crystals that the "maternal body" saw when it first awakened, Dragon City's peerless powerhouses and senior researchers had been treasured.

Faced with the rising star Meng Chao, no one would be stupid enough to not abide by the agreement.

All forces, including the nine super enterprises, the five-school alliance, the four major research institutes and the Chilong Army, have come up with a one-in-a-million talent, a very sincere business cooperation agreement, and support for Chaocheng Reconstruction of the astronomical fund.

It is not only an "information fee", but also a "good bond" with Meng Chao.

And Meng Chao’s most valued "information fee" is undoubtedly the immemorial picture that emerged in the minds of the powerful gods, including the "War God" Lei Zongchao, when they came into contact with the "micro brain".

Wu Haibo told Meng Chao that before him, almost all the powerhouses of the gods in Longcheng had contacted the "micro brain" and received a lot of enlightenment.

And recorded the fleeting pictures in my mind in time.

These pictures contain information from all angles and levels of the ancient times.

From an altitude of several thousand meters, overlooking the entire Taikoo land, a topographic map of the Taikoo alien world was drawn.

It is as small as the genetic map of a certain Primordial Behemoth, how to modulate and breed.

It can be said that it is all-encompassing and all-inclusive.

But most of the information is fragmented and fragmented.

It's like a large part of the puzzle pieces that are missing and mixed together.

Maybe, the surface of many fragments is still stained with colorful stains, making people more and more unable to guess the full picture of the puzzle.

However, the more than 300 "Taigu Information Maps" drawn by Meng Chao have run through tens of millions of years, like a shiny gold necklace, linking all the images seen by the powerhouses of the gods.

Many pictures are originally inexplicable, and humans cannot guess the purpose and camp of the things in the pictures.

Inspired by Meng Chao, it was suddenly clear.

As a result, the Dragon City Civilization finally generalized the truth about the Primordial War and the origin of the monster civilization.

Meng Chao made great contributions.

As a result, he has obtained the highest level of authority, and he can browse all the "prime ancient information maps" depicted by strong gods at will.

In the next few days, Meng Chaodu was obsessed with thousands of bizarre and wonderful information maps of the ancient times.

Some infographics depict the ancient cities of different shapes-some cities are built on the sea, which can transform the inexhaustible tidal power into the purest psychic energy; some cities are built in continuous ups and downs. The erupting volcanic community and the sky above the magma lake can absorb the heat from the depths of the magma and condense into the purest red spar; some cities are built between the valleys, where hurricanes roar all the year round, and are guided by crystal shields. The hurricane follows the hollow pipes and rotates at high speed around the city. Not only does it provide the city with inexhaustible and inexhaustible energy, it can also condense into faint blue spars.

These ancient cities were all besieged by the tide of beasts, shivering under the hungry and thirsty roar of the "mother".

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There are also some infographics, depicting detailed structural diagrams, organ distribution diagrams, and movement diagrams of life's magnetic fields of the ancient beasts, which can bring earth-shaking, thunderous storms to the earth's biochemical modulation technology.

There are also some infographics, which have recorded hundreds of kilometers in detail from various angles, extending from the ground all the way to the outside of the atmosphere, as if to pierce the sky’s "Ladder of Flesh".

This unattainable "Tongtian Pagoda" is purely glued, connected, and nested between the corpses of monsters to come together.

It can withstand the perennial whistling above the atmosphere, mixed with destructive psychic winds, and bear the climb of countless ancient giants without falling. It contains unfathomable in the fields of structure, material science, building mechanics and so on. wisdom.

If the people on earth can thoroughly analyze the secrets of the "Sky Tower" built from the corpse of this monster, it will have great benefits for further enhancing the solidity and defense of human cities, fortresses, fortresses, underground mining farms, etc. .

Of course, in the more information map, the "ancient" and the ancient fierce beasts are fighting at close range. The two sides stir up the magnetic field of life, constructing a complex and mysterious spiritual magnetic field. The moves that destroy the world and destroy the earth are for today's transcendents. It can still bring great enlightenment.

Therefore, for ten and a half months, Meng Chao stayed in the temporary medical camp next to the monster’s lair without leaving the house, concentrating on studying the immemorial information sensed by the powerhouses of the gods.

While studying the battle modes of "Ancient Man" and Primordial Beasts, while recalling the decisive battle between "Mother" and the powerhouses of the gods.

Most of the exquisite and ingenious moves are naturally confused and silly.

But under the indiscriminate bombardment of a large amount of contribution value, Meng Chao felt that he was fascinated and imperceptible, and to some extent accepted the influence of some "ancients", "maternal bodies" and strong gods.

You know, he just broke through the five-star "spiritual vision" realm before going deep into the misty extinct domain.

It’s just a month or two.

The whole body's spiritual veins were about to move again, like a dragon and snake gradually waking up from hibernation, with signs of metamorphosis again and soaring into the sky.

Meng Chao didn't say anything about this.

In just three to five years, he almost failed the college entrance examination and broke through to the peak of the heavens in one breath?

This is too scary.

Saying he is not a monster, even he himself does not believe it.

Haste is not enough, Meng Chao is afraid that upgrading too quickly will leave many hidden dangers, so he decided to concentrate on practicing and lay a solid foundation.

But he was radiant and radiant all day long, and his life's magnetic field became stronger day by day, but he couldn't hide it from the eyes of the caring people.

As a result, the major forces that had extended their olive branches to him became more active and enthusiastic as his strength increased.

Among them, the most sincere person is the first master of the Red Dragon Army, "Thunder God" Shao Zhengyang.

He not only took out all the ancient information he had read from the depths of the "micro brain", and let Meng Chao study it casually.

It has also actively promoted a new cooperation agreement between the Chilong Army and Chaoxing Resources, and the scale and level of cooperation between the two parties have reached a higher level.

In addition, like Lei Zongchao, "the **** of war", he unreservedly opened up his martial arts to Meng Chao. In the exchanges and discussions, Meng Chao repeatedly experienced the "heroic spirits, war souls, and army killings." The essence of "technique".

In Shao Zhengyang’s original words: “I and Lei Zongchao are good brothers who live and die together. He knows his vision and character very well. Since he trusts and values ​​you so much, he even doesn’t hesitate to'exchange life for life'. The risk of brain spontaneous combustion must be escorted for you. It seems that he believes that you can promote our Dragon City in the next few decades and continue to advance in the alien world.

"Then, I am also willing to follow him and drop some small chips on you.

"Not to mention, you and the Scarlet Dragon Army have a great relationship; you risked your life to make so many contributions to the Dragon City and the Scarlet Dragon Army; at the moment, the Scarlet Dragon Army and the Superstar Resources, the Remnant Star Club, and Lan With so many cooperation projects in Sejiayuan and Wushen Temple, we have long condensed into an inseparable community of interests.

"Compared to everything you have done for the Red Dragon Army, especially the grassroots officers and soldiers who are fighting on the front line, what are my martial arts and training resources?

"Speaking of which, Meng Chao, the Monster War is now perfectly concluded. Do you have any views on our overall strategy for the next phase of Dragon City? What are your plans for your own future?"

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