The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 872: Happy cooperation for a lifetime

"Absolutely understand."

Meng Chao said, "And absolutely support it."

"I knew it, you would understand and support me, that's easier!"

Lu Siya said happily, "Look, in my situation, it is too difficult for my sister to find a suitable marriage partner. I also have my own requirements!

"My ideal marriage partner, the best family background is simple enough, not like the nine giants, there are intertwined interests behind them, and I want me to waste a lot of time and energy on meaningless palace fights.

"But at the same time, I also hope that the marriage partner can have a certain degree of strength, and can play the role of ‘satisfied internal help’ to help me, rather than hinder me.

"On this basis, both parties are smart people, and they can communicate peacefully. They don't want to be like-minded, at least they can speak freely. That's even better.

"Finally, and most importantly, my marriage partner must have a strong fighting power-because a strong fighting power represents an excellent gene, and only a sufficiently excellent gene can be qualified to combine with my gene and give birth to A more powerful new generation will inherit everything from me.

"The problem is that in the third generation of the nine giants, there are no real strong people at all. They are all a bunch of gold and jade, and they are the ones who are defeated. I am serious, they may not be able to hold on for three minutes-you say , How could I let the waste genes of these waste snacks contaminate my excellent genes, right?"


Meng Chao was silent for a long time, only to suffocate one word, "Yes."

"Such a candidate is really hard to find!"

Lu Siya sighed, her eyes refocused on Meng Chao's face, and smiled, "Meng Chao, you just said that we are best friends. No matter what I do, you will definitely support me, right?"

"No, Sister Ya, my original words are ‘absolutely support’."

Meng Chao said, "There is no such word as'whatever you do'."

"Don't be anxious, listen to me, just talked about the benefits to me, the following are your benefits."

Lu Siya said, "You should have discovered that since the victory of the Monster War, Dragon City has gradually sailed towards a mysterious new sea area. Here, there are countless invisible vortices and reefs. If you are not careful, we will all Broken halberd in the sand.

"And you yourself, while your strength rushes forward, you have also been pushed to the forefront.

"In the past, your strength was low, and Superstar resources were only one of countless small and medium-sized enterprises. Many problems can be laughed at.

"But your speed of progress and the expansion of Superstar's resources are so fast, it's almost unbelievable, and many people feel threatened.

"At this time, you need to further integrate all the resources at hand, bind more closely with stakeholders, and complete the transformation and upgrade from strength to mentality to status, so that you can continue to walk fast and steadily and move towards you. The future you want to see.

"Yes, now we are, of course, best friends, comrades who live and die together, and practice partners with similar magnetic field frequencies. However, based on this relationship alone, I say that I am willing to betray the Lu family, Qingtian Group and Jiu Big super company, stand by your side wholeheartedly, do you believe it?"

Meng Chao opened his mouth.

But it was speechless.

"You don't believe it, and I don't believe it either."

Lu Siya said, "For the same reason, everyone knows that we are the best partners, but based on this relationship alone, I went to Long Feijun of the Red Dragon Army to discuss cooperation. Do you think he would believe that he was born in the nine giants? Me? What a joke!

"Understand, in order to make each other's business bigger and stronger, to provide sufficient material basis for each other's impact on the gods, and 100% to trust each other to escort, this transaction is our best choice.

"Also, the inheritance of blood is not a problem for me alone. Those who are less than thirty years old like you are qualified to attack the gods. Your genes are better than those of the nine giants who rely on astronomical resources. A hundred times better, you are destined to build your own family, don't you think about genetic optimization at all?

"Since we are the best partners, and we are all facing the problems of resource integration and blood inheritance, as the saying goes, it is better to be a good person than to be familiar. Everyone will continue to cooperate happily, even happily for the rest of their lives, isn't it great?"


Meng Chao took a deep breath and said with mixed feelings, "Sister Ya, is this the conclusion you reached after weighing the pros and cons and analyzing the costs and benefits?"

"You are a wise man, I don't want to lie to you, and I can't lie to you. Just make it clear. If you do, stop here. When I haven't said anything, business is not righteous, so don't affect our friendship."

Lu Siya said, "I know that you are a person with a lot of affection, and you may not like this kind of transaction. If you have a girl you like, I will never propose such a transaction. It is out of shame—is there such a deal? Trading, we are all friends, there is no need to make an inch, but instead make you an enemy.

"It's just that, through observation, I found that you don't seem to be interested in women.

"Since you don't like women, I won't like men anymore. Are we a match made in heaven?"

"and many more!"

Meng Chao was shocked, "Who told you that I don't like women?"

"It's boring if you want to be so dead."

Lu Siya sighed and said, "Meng Chao, don’t forget that I am a sensitive person. You know that for a naturally sensitive person, especially a sensitive female person, the most unbearable thing in daily life is What?"

Meng Chao was at a loss.

I don't know what this topic has to do with sensitive people.

"Yes, since I was a child, I have ten times the perception ability of ordinary people. I can smell extremely strong poison, odor, and fishy smell, hear all kinds of deafening noises, perceive rough sheets and blankets, and scratch my clothes. Body, but all these can be endured by grit your teeth."

Lu Siya said, "What makes me most unbearable is that I can observe people's micro expressions, hear their breathing and heartbeat, the weakest changes, and perceive the rhythm of their organs and the secretion of hormones. Finally, through these micro Data integration of facial expressions and micro-changes can read their inner voices.

"I can... see through people's hearts at a glance!

"I tell you, this is not a talent at all, but a terrible curse.

"You can imagine a three-year-old child who saw smiling uncles and aunts walking towards him holding toys, but their hearts were filled with venom. They inherited my grandfather's talent as a'smart man', full of envy, jealousy and hatred. , Can you wait for my brain to burst and die on the spot?

"Can you imagine that every time my father put on a kind and affectionate look, he seemed to play with me wholeheartedly, but I could see that he was full of brains, full of calculations, and his thoughts were not placed on me at all?

"Especially, when I entered puberty, I started to develop.

"As you can see, I am developing well."

Lu Siya showed Meng Chao her strong thighs and rough curves.

Meng Chao had to admit that although turnip greens have their own loves, Sister Ya’s facial features are very three-dimensional, aggressive, and suitable for heavy makeup, which may not be liked by everyone.

But her figure, measured by the scale of a human being, is indeed...well-developed.

Of course, compared with the "Frost Giantess" and other foreign races that Meng Chao had seen in his previous life, it was a little insignificant.

Therefore, Meng Chao was still able to control the situation, and the troubles were unhappy.

"Many girls enter puberty and after they begin to develop, they will be harassed by the opposite sex."

Lu Siya twitched her eyes and gritted her teeth, "But the harassment I suffered is ten times more serious than any girl.

"Because, as a'smart person', I can not only see the men’s greedy eyes, hear their wretched breathing, and endure their foul language, but I can also perceive the increase in body temperature and blood in some areas of them. Accelerated aggregation, crazy secretion of hormones, and various unsightly, disgusting physiological changes.

"If it's just a scumbag who looks vulgar at first glance, that's fine.

"However, even the teachers, seniors, and heroes that I have always respected to protect the Dragon City at all costs, when they see me, more or less, they will have subtle changes that make me penetrate them at a glance. Dirty in the deepest part of my heart.

"This feeling is terrible, you can't understand it at all. This feeling makes me instinctively disgusted and defensive when I see a man. When I smell androgen, I want to vomit. My special physique makes me feel bad. I couldn't stop these boar-like smells at all, and I kept drilling into my nose!

"I used to think that all men in this world are the most disgusting creatures, even my father, the guy who raised dozens of women outside under the banner of ‘Continuing Civilization’.

"Until I met Lin Chuan.

"Do you know why I feel good about Lin Chuan, because he is so rare that he didn't have too strong, disgusting reactions to me!

"This makes me feel that his heart is very clean and he is a trustworthy gentleman.

"Think about it now, is this a liking, I don't know.

"But at that time, beside him, it was indeed the only place where I could breathe fresh air in this pigpen with bad breath. His existence made me hold the last bit of man as a species. Confidence.

"Who knows, until the end, I realized that Lin Chuan is not an upright gentleman, he is inferior. He is so inferior that he does not dare to like me or even any girl, but runs away instead. Go to the depths of the wilderness, to the point where you get mixed up with a monster!"


Meng Chao wanted to defend Lin Chuan and "Bai Youling".

But looking at Lusiya's gradually hysterical appearance, I feel that her emotions are not quite right recently.

Probably the side effect of upgrading too fast and psychic impact on the brain.

It's better not to stimulate her yourself.

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