The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 874: Pain period

Meng Chao couldn't bear to look at Lu Siya's overly fierce eyes, and turned his face away: "Sister Ya, you have raised your mental realm so high, I want to say that I don't think so, is it too vulgar?"

"Then you agree to this deal?"

Lu Siya smiled, "That's right. Through this transaction, you can use the power of my father and the entire Lu family to influence the nine super enterprises and practice your ideas.

"Similarly, I can also get the support of the Remnant Star Club, the Blue Homeland and the Red Dragon Army through you.

"Although there is an irreconcilable structural contradiction between the Ninth National Congress and the Red Dragon Army, the Ninth National Congress is the Ninth National Congress. I am me, and I, Lusiya, will not be bound by anything. I live there, no matter the Lu family, the Sky Group or the nine super enterprises, they can't stop me.

"So, you can rest assured, as long as it's in our interests, I don't reject cooperation with the Cannibal Star Club, the Blue Homeland, the Red Dragon Army, or even the Martial God Temple-of course, I think this, only the two of us know That’s enough, so it’s more convenient for me to get key information and resources from within the Ninth National Congress.

"Trust me, our cooperation will become more and more enjoyable. Perhaps, it won’t be long before we can both break through the divine realm, and the future Dragon City will be the world of you and me. One day, you and I will have such powerful genes. Together, they can even give birth to the Dragon City. No, it is the most powerful and perfect life form in the entire alien world..."

Lu Siya's smile became stronger and stronger.

She drew closer to Meng Chao.

The light rolling under his eyes was something Meng Chao had never seen before.

"Ya, Sister Ya, calm down, don't we need to be so... eager, can't wait?"

Looking at the light in Lu Siya's eyes, Meng Chao actually had a horrible feeling, and he stammered, "I think your state is a bit wrong. Have you recently practiced too much, psychic energy impacts your brain, and you are too tired?

"You should take a break. Really, I think we should end the special training ahead of schedule and go back to Longcheng to relax. Just like you said, first go to watch movies, go to the park, eat ice cream, and then take a look. Doctor, make sure that the cultivation in the depths of the Monster War and the No. 2 Ruins did not cause too much negative impact on us. Let's talk about other things, you, what do you think?"

Lu Siya stood still.

Looking down at his reflection in the puddles everywhere, shattered by the rainstorm, a confused expression appeared on his face.

"Yes, maybe I'm too tired, it's really strange, how could I give birth to the idea of ​​giving birth to a new generation of beings for no reason?"

Lu Siya rubbed her temples and murmured, "Before I completely conquer the other world, I obviously didn't intend to let anything restrain my hands and feet."

"Your cultivation speed is too fast."

Meng Chao said, "I remember only a few days before you broke through the six-star heavenly realm. So quickly, you became stronger than the peak of the ordinary heavenly realm. As the so-called haste is not enough, it is easy to get into trouble if you rush forward. "

"It makes sense."

As Lu Siya said, she glanced at Meng Chao again, "However, if you say this from your mouth, it is not quite right. It hasn't been long before you broke through the five-star heavenly realm, and your combat power surpassed the ordinary six-star heavenly realm. Above? Everyone is monsters to each other!"

In a word, both of them laughed.

But the awkward and weird atmosphere a moment ago has diminished a lot.

"Right, Sister Ya——"

Meng Chao took the opportunity to change the subject, "Recently, there is something new from the Foreign Beast Investigation Bureau... is there any news about super strange beasts? It's like'White Ghost','Earthquake','Abyss Eye','Vortex','Wisdom "Tree" or something?"

"No, the monster civilization has been wiped out. Where did the'new super monster' come from?"

Lu Siya glanced at Meng Chao strangely. She didn't understand why he suddenly mentioned this. After thinking about it, she said, "Recently, the Bureau of Investigation has been working on organizational updates and system upgrades. Everyone is very busy. , There's no room, pay attention to what monster!"

"Organization update, system upgrade?"

Meng Chao was slightly startled.

"Yes, the Alien Beast Investigation Bureau was originally a secret operation organization set up specifically to deal with the high IQ monsters that infiltrated the Dragon City and wreaked havoc. Now the monster civilization is wiped out. If the Alien Beast Investigation Bureau wants to continue to develop, Of course you have to update and upgrade, and give yourself brand new tasks."

Lv Siya told Meng Chao that in the later period of the Monster War, the Alien Beast Investigation Bureau recruited a large group of strangers, made great contributions, and honed the fighting power more and more through a series of arduous and fierce battles.

Moreover, near the water towers first, the Alien Beast Investigation Bureau also used its own advantages to cut off a big piece of cake in the legacy of the monster civilization.

The strength suddenly swelled, and the development of a smooth sailing Bureau of Investigation of Alien Beasts was obviously unwilling to fall to the ending of "the bird is hiding in the bow", and it ended sadly because of the disappearance of the enemy.

Now, the Bureau of the Alien Beast Investigation Bureau, from director Nie Chenglong, to her "Ninth Special Search Team Leader", to ordinary investigators, are all ambitious and gearing up.

They hope to remove the word "different beast" from the name and upgrade from "different beasts investigation bureau" to "dragon city investigation bureau". The scope of future investigation and disposal will not be limited to the high-IQ monsters, but the entire strange beasts. World, all the native creatures with high IQ.

"The Dragon City secret police in the referee's court are still in charge of Dragon City's internal investigations, specializing in hunting down and punishing out-of-control transcendents, and our investigation bureau is the Dragon City civilization stabbing into the depths of the alien world, the most fearful With a sharp blade, one day, the'Investigation Bureau' will be upgraded to the'Investigation Corps' to control the top special operations personnel and hidden resources of Dragon City."

Lu Siya said proudly, "You should be able to imagine how powerful the Bureau of Investigation will become at that time!"

Meng Chao nodded.

Throughout the ages, secret agencies like the "Investigation Bureau" active on the black front may not be stronger than the regular army, but they are definitely more terrifying than the regular army.

The cooperation between Meng Chao and the Bureau of Investigation of Alien Animals has always been good, and even put his family in the family house of the Bureau of Investigation.

The Bureau of Investigation is getting stronger and stronger, of course, it will only benefit him, not harm.

But for some reason, deep in his brain, there was still a flame of uneasiness faintly jumping.

Staring at the dark night sky, he seemed to have caught some kind of danger that was fleeting.

"What's wrong with you, your body temperature dropped by 0.33 degrees?"

Lu Siya sensed Meng Chao's anxiety and glanced at him strangely, "By the way, the director was still asking me two days ago, are you interested in officially joining the Bureau of Investigation?

"Of course not as an ordinary investigator or even a gold medal investigator.

"During this time, the Bureau of Investigation is recruiting troops and expanding its capabilities. Several new special operations teams have been established. Although the specifications are not high for the time being, they have the opportunity to climb the monster mountain range and go outside to stand alone, with vital independent rights of action and loot. Priority, I think, maybe you will be happy to become the leader of one of the action teams."

"and many more……"

Meng Chao's brain was hot, and countless pieces of information were like bubbles surging in the magma, but he wanted to reach into the "magma", endure the severe pain, and fish out the fragmented clues.

[The current total progress of "Mystery of the Demon God" is 99%, all the demon gods have appeared, and the final answer is right in front of us.]

This line of small golden letters flashed before his eyes again.

Every tiny little print is like a golden cone, piercing deeply into his brain.

The corner of Meng Chao's eyes twitched, and he murmured: "Sister Ya, do you know that in Longcheng recently, there are institutions that carry out ‘system upgrades and organization renewal’ like the Alien Beast Investigation Bureau?"

"Of course there is. In addition to our investigation bureau, there are also courts of judges, hunters' associations, major universities and research institutes, including the Red Dragon Army and nine super enterprises. Adjustments have even caused earth-shaking changes!"

Lu Siya said, “After all, in the past, all the major forces in Dragon City used'victory of the monster civilization' as the highest goal to determine the organizational structure, allocate personnel and resources, shape the corporate culture, decompose tasks, and set KPI.

"Now, the monster civilization has been completely defeated, and the door to the new world is slowly opening in front of us. Don't all forces need to be fully transformed?"

"No wonder……"

Meng Chao is like a bee who has been disturbed by spiritual magnetism and has a sense of disorientation. He keeps spinning in the muddy col, but he can't find the direction. He murmured, "No wonder, the recent Dragon City has been so messy. It turned out to be everyone. It’s all because of the transformation, and transformation will inevitably have to pay a price, right?"

"Of course, just like the human body's metabolism, a lot of waste must be discharged to ensure that the new tissue is stronger."

Lu Siya said without the slightest emotion, "Many senior veterans who have repeatedly made military exploits have been fighting monsters all their lives. Their gradually rigid thinking can only adapt to the way of dealing with monsters. If they are rigidly applied to a new war. , It will cause a catastrophe.

"If you want to reform the old and get the new, replace these high-ranking and even powerful older generations with a new generation full of new thinking and new tactics, and to ensure that the entire Dragon City civilization can be successfully transformed, it is indeed a high price to pay. ——But we have no choice but to grit our teeth and survive this period of pain."

"The painful period..."

Meng Chao squinted his eyes and said, "So, the period of the end of the Monster War is indeed the weakest time of the Dragon City civilization.

"On the one hand, the enemy that urged us to unite has collapsed. The rift that existed among us long ago was unscrupulously exposed, and under the stimulation of the'monster civilization heritage', the rift has become bigger. ,Deeper!

"On the other hand, the change of strategic goals has caused all major forces in Dragon City to rush to carry out'system upgrades and organizational renewal'. As you said,'the painful period of transformation', and the transformation is bound to pay a price. It is possible. Stir up new contradictions.

"We are now like a man who has been wounded and exhausted in half a century of fierce fighting. We were originally supported by a strong desire to survive and willpower to stand still and fight the enemy desperately.

"As a result, the moment we killed the enemy, the breath that supported us to stand upright dissipated, and we collapsed all at once, and all injuries and tiredness flooded us like a tide.

"Unfortunately, we are still driven by hunger, desperately tearing flesh and blood from the enemy's corpse, wind blowing, gorging, eating too much, indigestion, is it that way, is it!"

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