The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 886: The ultimate winner of the evolution contest

"Yes, I don't deny that I want to swallow all the'maternal fragments' and evolve into a stronger and more perfect...the ultimate carbon-based life form, and then once again attack the'ancient people'-if it goes through hundreds of millions of years Erosion, they still exist in this universe."

"Ly Siya" did not hesitate, and readily confessed her purpose, and then spread her hands openly to Meng Chao, "But I think this is not in conflict with the purpose of the Earth-traversers who want to live. Support and promote each other.

"Trust me, Meng Chao, even when the monster war was the fiercest, even if the Dragon City’s train cannon was bombarded by thousands of cannons, blasting thousands of monsters into mud in one go, I never resented. Over humans.

"No, not just humans, I have never resented any creatures that tried to destroy me, or the creatures I tried to destroy.

"Natural selection of things, survival of the fittest, we are all contestants in the'Evolution Contest', we all follow the same set of rules of the game, do our best to release the brightest light of life, and try to become higher, faster and better. Strong, nothing more.

"In order to achieve this goal, I can swept the surging beast tide, trying to completely swallow the dragon city with its bones.

"You can also choose to put aside the past, work with Dragon City wholeheartedly, and blend with humans perfectly.

"I never thought of completely annihilating such a lovely creature of mankind-of course not out of goodwill, but your performance in the Monster War, which won my respect and made me realize that your existence is your determination. Enterprising, vibrant, varied and unpredictable can effectively make up for my shortcomings in thinking and execution, allowing me to devote more energy and resources to the purest evolution.

"Dragon City people and monster masters can become a perfect symbiotic civilization, just like the'best partners' like Meng Chao and Lu Siya. Looking at the entire alien world, there is no existence that can block our progress.

"And I can guarantee that we will never interfere with the free will of mankind and the development direction of Dragon City-after all, you can think of things that I can't think of, see the future that I can't see, and make all kinds of incredible amazing things to me. Well, this was originally your greatest value, so how could I be so stupid to ruin everything?

"Don't hesitate, you have no choice at all!

"Even as you said, I am really a demon, and I am the best one among all the demons.

"Well, I can't prove that I am the'best demon', but at least, you must admit that I am the most familiar one among all the demons, right?

"Choosing between a familiar demon and a completely unfamiliar demon is not a big problem, is it?

"You can reject me, even try to destroy me, even if you succeed, then?

"Then the fog will dissipate, and the Dragon City Civilization will face the Monster Mountain Range alone, countless otherworldly indigenous civilizations affected by the'Mother Body 02','Mother Body 03'... countless fragments of the mother body.

"You are sure that without my help, you can really withstand the surging attacks from'Mother 02' to'Mother 99'?

"Don't think I'm alarmist.

"There is an extremely subtle magnetic induction between all the fragments of the mother body.

"When a'maternal body fragment' awakens from long sleep, its life magnetic field continuously releases outwards, like a starting gun for the'war of raising gu' or'maternal body self-upgrading'. All the mother body fragments will become active.

"Believe it or not, I can sense the extremely hungry and exciting life magnetic fields of several'maternal fragments'. They have long been awakened. They are near the Monster Mountain Range, ready to lock, tear and devour their own kind, and let themselves be On the road of evolution, continue to move a small step forward.

"Meng Chao, you are sure that the ordinary citizens who are still celebrating the victory of the monster war and are completely relaxed, as well as the high-level dragons who fought for power and profit, are all ready to face more brutal, cruel, and more cruel than the monster civilization. Is the evil alien native? Haha, hahahaha!"

"Lysiya" laughed brazenly.

He has long green hair, dancing like a mess of green bamboo leaves.

Behind her, green tides, blood-stripe flowers, and bushes full of poisonous thorns all rustled and danced.

Meng Chao clenched his teeth and smashed his teeth into bleeding.

If he has never experienced the real doomsday.

Like all the passionate but ignorant young people, they can shout textbook-like rhetoric at "Lüsiya", saying something silly and cute, such as "human beings are destined to open their own way."

But he has just seen the end.

Knowing that "Lysiya" did not lie.

No matter whether she is a monster or a demon, no matter whether she obliterates all humanity, no matter what heinous behavior she will do, at least, in this matter, she has not lied even a word.

"Maternal self-upgrading"-this is the truth of the super war that swept the entire alien world in the previous life!

It's easy to refuse "Lysiya".

The posture of burning the jade and the stone cost her a tragic price. For a while, it was not impossible that she could no longer harm Dragon City.

But what about the World War?

What about the "Mother 02" to "Mother 99" hidden behind the orcs, dwarves, elves, kinsmen, dragons, trolls, lizardmen, toads, gargoyles, necromancers, and skeletons?

At this moment, in Dragon City, no one knows better than Meng Chao how terrifying these "indigenous" who seem to still live in the Middle Ages are.

"Lu Si Ya" keenly caught Meng Chao's hesitation.

Her eyes lit up, surprised and delighted.

"Meng Chao, I know, you will believe and understand me!"

She was full of radiance, almost cheering, "The same thing, I once said to Jin Qianxi, but that is really a stubborn and stupid woman who insists on clinging to the stale morality of the earth age and the so-called'humanity'.

"She would rather die with this poor'humanity' than make small changes to find a way out for her fellow citizens.

"But I believe that you will not be as stupid as Golden Millennium.

"Although you also love Dragon City and are willing to contribute everything to Dragon City, compared with that silly girl, you are a bit more cruel and unscrupulous, and you do everything to achieve your goals, let alone gossip. decisive.

"This makes me believe that as long as you can save Dragon City, you won't care and make a deal with the devil!"

Meng Chao narrowed his eyes.

Give birth to the shame of being pierced by others.

While hesitating, the golden light above the horizon suddenly flickered at high frequencies.

The task reward of "Mystery of the Demon God" is about to be settled.

In just a few seconds, his trump card will take shape!

Meng Chao's spirits lifted up, pretending to be excited and hesitant, and coldly snorted: "Even if Dragon City really needs the'Matrix 01' to deal with a more ambitious and cruel war, it doesn't mean that we need to cooperate with you, let alone. Now, we are about to accept your control.

Exchange good books. Pay attention now to receive cash red envelopes!

"Now, victory and initiative are clearly in the hands of mankind-we have occupied the entire obscure area of ​​mist, sinkholes and monster nests, and have mastered 99% of the active tissues of the'Matrix 01'. We can fully develop our own The two relics continuously extract the technology, information and power inside.

"Even if a lot of key information must be opened and analyzed by you, I think you, who just robbed Sister Ya's body, are not strong enough that three or five powerhouses of the gods can join forces and can't suppress you, right?

"If you are really more powerful than the gods, you would have taken action long ago, pressing me under your body, and doing whatever you want, how can you explain so much with patience?

"Although, including Mr. Lu Zhongqi, many of the older generations of strong gods have been seriously injured or even fallen, but looking at the entire dragon city, three or five strong gods on standby can still get together at any time.

"Tell me, why can't I escape and ask them for help? Ask them to take action. After you have been severely suppressed, you will be tied up, tortured and even sliced ​​to study, draining all your secrets, but I want to cooperate with you and help you in Dragon City. Make waves?"

"The reason is simple, because you are too slow."

"Lysiya" said with a poised expression, "With Dragon City's current organizational structure and development model, even the most ruthless among the nine super enterprises, when formulating and implementing strategies, they still have to consider most of the ordinary citizens. Feelings and benefits.

"And these ordinary citizens still cling to the stale ethics of the earth age and the so-called'humanity'-just like the stupid woman of Jin Millennium.

"Although you have gone through more than half a century of chaos, **** battles, and reconstruction, you still don't seem to realize that the earth no longer exists, the earth's civilization has fallen apart and disappeared, and all the people on the earth have gone to hell!

"Now you are completely a group of brand-new human beings with brand-new civilization. Of course, you should establish brand-new moral concepts and social forms to have a chance to survive on the cruel battlefield of the'other world' and become an'evolution contest'. The ultimate winner.

"If you can't fully realize and implement this, you will still stick to the so-called'humanity' as it is now, and take care of the weak who are destined to be out early in the'evolution contest', those who are ignorant, weak, and blind ordinary citizens. Feelings and benefits, then, Longcheng Civilization is destined to be like a giant with mud feet deep in it, can't do anything, can only wait for death.

"Meng Chao, if I tell you, there is still an extremely powerful ancient power in the depths of the No. 2 Ruins. I know how to discover and use them, but if you want to develop them quickly in just a few years, you need to sacrifice at least one million. A lively life, otherwise, it will only take thirty to fifty years or even one to two hundred years. Take your time, how would you choose?"


Meng Chao subconsciously said, "You are lying, how could it be possible!"

"Look, you dare not answer my question directly."

"Lu Siya" smiled slightly, "Don't be ashamed, not only you can't answer this question, the controllers of the nine super enterprises, plus the commander of the Red Dragon Army, no one can answer this question positively-even if they really want to With millions of lives in exchange for the powerful Primordial Power, they dare not say it. Whoever dares to say, who is a frenzied monster, a demon that exterminates humanity, will be pointed out by thousands of people and will die without disease.

"This is what I said. With the current model of Dragon City Civilization, don't even want to win the'War of Raising Gu' and become the ultimate winner of the'Evolution Contest'. In the near future, I will die and you will die. A Dragon City person will die, all this is doomed.

"If you want to prevent future destruction, you must first change the model of Dragon City to... for example, the model of the Blood League?"

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