The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 891: Life and death choice

More importantly, Meng Chao didn't even think about it, just like this.

He knew very well that if she didn't **** with "Luziya", she wouldn't let her go so easily.

Only if you can fight can you escape!

"Then... as you wish!"

In the depths of the mudslide, Meng Chao's eyes gleamed, as if a rocket was about to launch, and the engine jet port was shining.

The life's magnetic field instantly expanded to its limit, sweeping the invisible environment, including every turbulence in the mud-rock flow, every piece of rubble, and every piece of wood.

The bone blade came out, like a stretchable chain, and rolled toward a section of broken wood that was plunged into the depths of the silt not far away.

Using the subtle force of the muscles, it oscillates at high frequency from the palm to the bone blade to the broken wood.

Soon, he pulled out the two-meter-long broken wood from the mud and rolled it to his hand.

Immediately afterwards, Meng Chao made an action that no one had expected.

He punched his backhand and hit his chest hard.


A mouthful of psychic energy, faintly glowing blood, sprayed onto the broken wood without leaking.

Even because the spray was too strong, the blood beads were embedded in the depths of the broken wood like bullets.

This blood contains the essence of Meng Chao's life-a large amount of psychic energy derived from the red jade and the blue original mother stone.

If the tentacles of "Ly Siya" explored this area, it is very easy to regard this truncated wood as Meng Chao when the eyes are closed.

Although such a trick can confuse her for half a second at most.

But for Meng Chao, half a second is enough.

Next, is the most important issue, how to allocate the contribution value.

It can be said that the 1.8 million contribution value obtained by solving the "Mystery of the Demon God" is Meng Chao's largest and only hole card at the moment.

It is a matter of life and death to make use of these contribution values ​​to impact which marvelous work, and even determine the future choice of Dragon City.

At first glance, there is no need to think at all, as long as a brain puts all the contribution values ​​into "Tianba Broken Stars" and "Nine Dragons Divine Seal", these two domineering and peerless magic skills are pushed to the "perfect level." Even the pinnacle of "Ultimate" can naturally suppress "Lu Si Ya" severely.

Meng Chao was thinking about it, but realized that it was not that simple.

First of all, he had just penetrated the sixth dragon vein, even if he invested in astronomical contribution values, it was unlikely that he would immediately penetrate the seventh dragon vein entwining the gonads.

Besides, "The Seal of Nine Dragons" is not an exquisite combat technique, but an explosive technique used to instantly increase combat effectiveness, just like "Extreme Burning".

Lack of the coordination of moves and brute force, even the long green hair of "Ly Si Ya" may not be able to come across.

So, what about "Tianba Broken Star Slash"?

This set of peerless sword techniques developed by the "dominant sword" Golden Manhao is of course the foremost skill of Dragon City.

But precisely because it is too subtle and fierce, it is difficult for the proficiency to break through the "perfect level" or even the "ultimate".

Judging from the past experience of using contribution points to forcibly increase his proficiency, even if Meng Chao made a desperate bet and smashed a full 1.8 million contribution points, he really raised "Tianba Broken Stars" to the "perfect level."

It takes a long time for your nerves and muscles to adapt to the new fighting memory.

During the adaptation period, due to the incoordination of the body and the mind, the improvement of combat effectiveness is not obvious, and there may even be constraints on each other.

Probably, the brain says "I will", and the body says "No, you won't", in such a state.

There is the most terrible point.

He was not holding the Golden Tooth Blood Soul Knife.

It was just a piece of the spine of the nightmare beast.

No matter how "crystallized", there are limits to strength, hardness and toughness.

Just a moment ago, he just shot with "Lü Si Ya", judging from the subtle power feedback, he could perceive that the iron sword lizard's crystallized vertebrae had tiny cracks.

If you use this bone blade, you can use the "perfect level" "Tianba Broken Star".

The blade light hadn't cut the hair of "Lu Si Ya", and the blade could not withstand the surging power, and it was the first to shatter.

and so…

Meng Chao took a deep breath, extracted 300,000 contribution points, and smashed into the "The Walking Dead" and "The Method of Sting Sting".

These two advanced skills are compulsory subjects for the "Ghost Brigade", the most mysterious super corporate elite weapon in the previous life of Dragon City.

The former can reduce all physiological reactions of the human body, including but not limited to breathing, heartbeat, body temperature, blood flow rate, and adrenaline secretion, all down to the bottom, turning a living person into a cold corpse in an instant, and the "corpse" can Resurrected instantly.

The latter can hide murderous intent and hostility to the utmost extent, and use all kinds of extremely mysterious means to quietly send the poisonous blade into the target's heart.

Even before the target was soaked in his chest by his own blood, he would not realize that he had been assassinated, or even died!

At this time, the assassin had already left, so far.

That's right, "The Walking Dead" and "The Method of Tricky Stabbing" are the killing techniques specially developed for assassins by martial artists, life scientists, ergonomics, and tactical experts from the previous Dragon City.

Meng Chao, who joined the Ghost Brigade in his previous life and is active on the alien continent under the name of "ghost messenger", is also an out-and-out assassin.

Relying on the ultimate stealth, dormancy, camouflage, and penetration skills, he can deal with targets that are far stronger than himself, harvest the lives of countless experts in other worlds, collect countless strategic intelligence and secrets from other worlds, and return safely. To your own camp.

"The Walking Dead" and "The Method of Trickling Sting" have been deeply imprinted on Meng Chao's soul through flesh and blood, nerves and bone marrow.

Therefore, unlike "Tianba Broken Stars", he has never been in contact with the domineering martial arts in his previous life. He only needs to drop a small amount of contribution points, and he instantly awakens a lot of information about "The Walking Dead" and "Tailor". Fragments of memory of the Act.

Moreover, these memory fragments are like the old swallows returning to their nests. They are perfectly integrated with his current body without the need for a half-second adaptation period.

["The Walking Dead", proficiency, ultimate! 】

["Trick and Stabbing Method", proficiency, ultimate! 】

Soon, deep in Meng Chao's brain, there was a crisp and melodious spar cracking sound.

Two mysterious powers poured into each of his nerve endings through the central nerve.

His fingers throbbed lightly, he had never been so eager and confident that he could wipe out an enemy several times stronger than himself.

With just a few hundred thousand contribution points, the proficiency of the two assassination techniques has been raised to the apex.

Of course.

You know, in his previous life, in order to survive and to protect his sister who became the "Night Witch", he even kept one eye open when he slept and practiced so madly.

Unfortunately, due to his talent and old wounds in his previous life, he has always been an influential powerhouse.

No matter how many of the profound meanings of "The Walking Dead" and "The Method of Sting Sting" are branded into the depths of his brain with a soldering iron, he cannot use his weak body to maximize the art of assassination.

Unexpectedly, the hard training in the previous life will be rewarded in this life.

Unlike the previous life struggling in the realm, Meng Chao today has already broken through the limit of the five-star heaven.

It's like asking college students to do Mathematical Olympiad for elementary school students.

Even if you have never seen a question type before, and you can't even find a way to solve the problem, you can still solve the problem with the tools and formulas of the university level.

After getting the answer, go back to the questioner's thoughts, and it becomes extremely clear in an instant.

"I am right.

"Instead of consuming all the contribution points, to hit the heavyweight marvelous art of "Tianba Broken Star Slash".

"It's better to practice the killing skills countless times in the previous life and rush to the top first.

"This is the most cost-effective choice!"

Next, is...

"Extreme burning!"

Meng Chao's eyes were wide open. In addition to setting aside hundreds of thousands of contribution points to exchange for healing techniques, his contribution points were close to one million, and they all fell into the "Forbidden Moves—Extreme Burning".

In addition, activate the corresponding spiritual veins and allow the torrents of psychic energy to flow in the spiritual veins at an extremely fast speed, constructing a mysterious and complex spiritual magnetic field, pushing the "limit burning" to the limit!

For an instant, in the depths of his body, an active volcano appeared.

Hundreds of millions of tons of magma shot out from between the chest and abdomen, rushing to the limbs, every bloodline.

Meng Chao seemed to be able to "see" that the two eyeballs that protruded beyond his eye sockets were covered with criss-crossed bloodshot eyes. Each bloodshot was hot and hot lava surging inside!

In the depths of the blood, every cell is screaming, and under the impetus of the mitochondria that runs wildly, it becomes an atom that has reached the critical point of fission!

And Meng Chao also thinks that this kind of "burning" is not enough.

The construction principle and method of "Limit Burning" emerged in his mind, silently meditating on the pictures that make him angry or even crazy.

Naturally, 10,000 suns exploded over the Dragon City, and the flames of destruction descended like a downpour, and scorched holes were made in the humans with nowhere to escape. First, the humans were burned into a hornet's nest with riddled holes. , And then burned into black corpses, and then burned black corpses into white ashes, and finally with a solar wind-like shock wave, the ashes of human beings and the creation of human beings—the once magnificent city, were blown away without a trace.

"Do not…"

Meng Chao could feel that his mental index was soaring at a speed visible to the naked eye.

If he had a psychic index detector over his head, he would surely sound a hysterical alarm at this moment.

Maybe, his face was so hideous and distorted that even monsters could scare away.

But his will, like a cold chain, stubbornly grabbed the magma-like force that spewed freely.

Enter the state of "quasi-addicted".

Use the crazy increase in combat power.

But it is not backlashed by delusions.

This is the meaning of "Extreme Burning".

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