The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 905: Very clear memory

"That night, Meng Chao and I were practicing together in the rain. Originally, I wanted to go to a familiar hill, but I don’t know whether to celebrate the victory. After drinking too much wine, our interest was extremely high. Even the heavy rain could not be quenched. We finally decided , Go to the top of Wushen Mountain!"

Lu Siya crossed her fingers and placed her on her chest, sinking her whole body in the soft therapeutic chair. Under the guidance of the psychic expert, she entered a half-sleep and half-awake, trance state.

A metal helmet filled with crystal wires and optical cables was buckled on her head, which blocked her eyes and left a shadow on her face.

This is a brain wave monitor.

Can scan every active area in her brain and analyze her brain wave response.

Then infer her mental state and the truth of the statement.

Lu Fanghui and several military powerhouses are separated by a wall.

Lv Zhongqi and "War God" Lei Zongchao and other Dragon City powerhouses also followed Meng Chao's news through remote connections.

"Of course we know the danger of the top of the Mist Mountain."

Lu Siya murmured, "This is the place where the psychic energy of the entire Mist Hidden Region is the most disordered. Extreme weather activated the spar veins hidden in the depths of the Mist Mountain, turning the top of the mountain into an extremely violent psychic ocean. Cultivating there, if you are not careful, you will get confused."

"Under normal circumstances, we would never go there.

"But the extreme weather is about to pass, and the violent psychic energy accumulated in the ground for half a century will be poured out. If you want to find such a good practice opportunity, I am afraid you will have to wait for several years.

"Take advantage of the torrential rain and the roar of thunder, go to the top of the fog mountain to practice, and you will definitely make a breakthrough.

"Both of us are holding back our energy, wanting to surpass ourselves.

"Furthermore, even the main brains of monsters have been dismantled by humans, sliced ​​and studied, what else can threaten us?

"In this way, we came to the top of the mountain against the torrents and mudslides.

"That really is a place where psychic energy surges, the spiritual energy soars into the sky, and it turns into a stormy sea that is visible to the naked eye, an extremely dangerous place.

"We were surprised and delighted, and we immediately focused our attention, and we forgot to devote ourselves to the practice.

"The top of Wushen Mountain is indeed a holy land for cultivation.

"With the torrential rain pouring and the thunder roaring, the hot psychic energy seemed to turn into puffy raindrops, crackling on us.

"We have all entered the unprecedented best state, faintly prying into the mystery of a higher realm.

"Just when we both climbed to the top—

"Suddenly, a lightning flashing hundreds of kilometers across the sky, hung upside down like a flaming waterfall.

"At that instant, the entire Mist Mountain seemed to become transparent.

"And as a sensitive person, I am also keenly aware that something seems to be dormant in the depths of the Mist Mountain below our feet!

"I... can't tell what it is.

"It disrupted my brain waves and formed numerous phantoms before my eyes, allowing me to see all kinds of terrifying monster forms, but I am not sure which one is its main body.

"In short, this thing seems to have been dormant in the depths of the Mist Mountain, healing and avoiding.

"After all, humans will not easily develop the Wushen Mountain before the periphery of the Mist Hidden Region and the depths of the tiankeng have not been developed. Even if it is to be developed, they will make preparations with great fanfare.

"Hidden in the depths of the Mist Mountain, hidden under the eyelids of human beings, seems extremely dangerous, but the most dangerous places are often the safest.

"It's just this thing that I didn't expect that Meng Chao and I would come to the top of the Wushen Mountain to practice in the middle of the rainy night.

"Neither did I expect that that night was extreme weather that lasted for a whole month. The'last madness', the strong psychic reaction disturbed the magnetic field of the heavens and the earth, and attracted a large amount of lightning to slam the fog mountain, causing it to converge to the limit of life. The magnetic field, leaking clues, happened to be caught by me, a sensitive person.

"However, the capture is two-way.

"At the moment I'see' it, it also'sees' us and realizes that it has been exposed.

"So it tore the ground and got out!"

When Lu Siya said this, her voice stopped abruptly.

She opened her eyes wide under the brainwave monitor, and criss-crossed blue veins appeared on her skin. Her whole body convulsed frantically, as if she had suffered a great stimulus, and her consciousness returned to the frantic rainstorm night, manipulating her body. , In the most tragic **** battle.

On the brain scan, the shiny active areas of the brain resemble a butterfly struggling desperately in a storm.

The psychiatrist hurriedly held Lu Siya's hands and input a psychic energy into her body to stabilize her life magnetic field.

The medical team on standby also quickly deployed genetic medicine and slowly injected it into her veins.

And through the metal helmet, hundreds of extremely weak bioelectrical currents were sent to her brain to prevent her from becoming confused again.

There are also several Dragon City's top psychic experts, including masters in the internal control department of the Alien Beast Investigation Bureau, nervously analyzing Lu Siya's brain activity trajectories and indexes, and judging the truth or falsehood of her statement.

Lusiya didn't know all this.

She was still trapped in the incomparably clear memory picture and couldn't help herself.

It's like being stuck in a never-ending nightmare.

"I can't tell what the monster looks like.

"It's like a stitching monster among undead creatures. No, dozens of stitching monsters are stitched together again.

"No, it's not a suture monster, it's a giant of bones, like tens of thousands of intricate bones, seemingly pieced together in a mess, but can be flexibly turned in an incredible way, just like the most sophisticated machine.

"There are also blood patterns and green tides—the things that the Piranha squad once discovered, covering the outside of the UHV transmission tower.

"It uses thousands of vines full of poisonous thorns, tentacles entwined with blood, and dragons spliced ​​with bones to attack me and Meng Chao.

"Of course, Meng Chao and I counterattack without hesitation.

"But the horror of the other party is far beyond our imagination.

"Furthermore, the psychic environment on the top of the Mt. Shenshan is too complicated. It seems that there are thousands of hands, tearing our life magnetic field fiercely, making us unable to accurately construct the life magnetic field. We can only fight against each other by instinct.

"I remember that we were entangled with this monster, fell into a mountain torrent, and were engulfed by mudslides.

"We don't know how many times we have rotated and collided in the depths of the mudslide, rolled all the way from the top of the mountain to the foot of the mountain, and were caught in an underground river.

"Meng Chaodu and I had broken tendons and fractured our bodies, our bodies were bruised, our psychic energy was almost exhausted, and the fire of life was extremely weak.

"But the monster is still chasing after us, sticking out tentacles full of fangs and pustules again and again, trying to swallow us down.

"I activated my ability to manipulate the rock and wanted to lock it underground.

"But the monster's power is too strong, no matter how many times I manipulate the rock stitches together, I can't stop it.

"Think about it. Since it can hibernate at the bottom of Wushen Mountain for so long, it naturally has the ability to manipulate rocks similarly.

"I can only change my strategy, hoping to open up a way out in the rock formations, escape from the clutches of monsters, ask for help and sound the alarm.

"Meng Chao desperately delayed the monster's footsteps.

"I squeezed out my last cell, forcibly tore through the layers of rock, and tore a winding, narrow passage.

"Finally, we see the light!

"However, I haven't waited half a second for Meng Chao and I to be happy.

"The strongest hope has turned into the coldest despair.

"This exit is actually on a cliff as smooth as a mirror above the'Devil's Eye' where Chilong River and Hunuchuan meet!"

Lu Siya's emotions became agitated again.

A team of medical experts had to give her ten minutes of emergency treatment before she could continue to piece together what happened that day.

"In front is a super vortex of psychic energy.

"Behind is a vicious mysterious monster.

"And Meng Chao and I almost shed the last drop of blood.

"It seems that there is no more power that can perform miracles.

"At this time, Meng Chao took a deep look at me.

"When I was unconscious, I had forgotten a lot of things, except the look in Meng Chao's eyes at that time.

"The monster pounced on us.

"Meng Chao pushed me aside fiercely and jumped toward the exit by himself.

"At first glance, he was greedy for life and fear of death, and wanted to escape by seizing the road.

"But I know very well that he concentrated all his firepower on himself, but he created a precious opportunity for me to escape.

"Because this monster will never allow anyone to escape from the ground and speak out about its existence.

"So, whoever escapes first will be attacked by it first.

"Because it is behind us, our sight is blocked by us, and our perception is disturbed by us, for a while, the existence of the'devil's eye' has not yet been discovered.

"So, Meng Chao led this **** monster to the exit of the crevice, above the'devil's eye'.

"When this monster realizes that something is wrong, it's too late.

"I will always remember Meng Chaozhuo standing at the exit of the crevice, shining in the first ray of sunlight, drawing a golden outline all over his body.

"His arms are like hot red sabers, piercing deeply into the monster's body, making a scorching sound of'chicking', no matter how the monster struggles and tears, he can't break free of his control.

"His eyes are extremely clear, his laughter is like the loudest horn, seemingly invincible monsters, all wailing in his laughter.

"'This is my homeland, no matter what monster you are, I won't let you get involved, even if it's a cent'!

"Every last word Meng Chao said came into my mind like a bullet.

"After saying these words, he did his best, jumped, dragged the monster with his battered and broken body, and fell into the'Eyes of the Devil' together..."

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