The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 930: Life and death game

Sure enough, the strong man number one did not notice the leaves, as Master Reaper said.

In other words, all the red-eyed rat people will have murderous eyes fixed on the strongest people.

The strong want to grab a few more fried mandala fruits.

The weak make eye contact and want to unite against the strong.

Even if a few people can share a piece of food, they have a chance to survive.

In this case, Ye Zi relied on his agility and easily sneaked into the crowd.

At this time, someone finally discovered his existence.

Screamed with surprise and anger.

These people are afraid of leaves.

Certainly not the fear of "encountering a beast."

It's the fear of "stepping on shit".

Turan people are the most contemptuous of cowards.

And believe that cowardice is a disease and contagious.

The blood of cowardice was originally flowing in the rat people.

It's like a bald person who is extremely sensitive and others say "hair".

The red-eyed rat people who aspire to become gladiators, even consumables in the arena, to change their destiny, are especially taboo to mix with cowards among cowards like Ye Zi.

Not to mention that he just cried.

There are still tears on his face now.

If anyone touched by him, it would be unlucky for three days and three nights.

Immediately there was a roar of the red-eyed rat people, and he lifted his big feet and kicked heavily towards Ye Zi's waist and eyes.

There was a flash of inspiration in Ye Zi's mind, pretending to be panicked, not evasive, and abruptly took a kick.

But using the shiny lines and arrows in the body, the flesh and blood tissue became soft like rubber, and most of the power was removed, and it slammed into the depths of the crowd.

It's like stirring up a thousand waves in a cesspit.

The leaf that fell into the crowd caused a great uproar.

No one wants to touch this coward who will spread the plague.

Instead of pushing hard, trying to push others between the leaves and yourself, acting as a shield.

It was unavoidable, and was hit hard by the leaves, and could only punch and kick like venting.

The young man shrank his head without saying a word, holding the sewage in his mouth tightly, enduring countless fists and feet falling on him like a gust of rain.

But my heart was clear, thinking of climbing to the tallest mandala tree in the village when the storm came.

Want to walk flat on the violently swaying branches.

The secret is to use your heart to perceive the power coming from different directions, let the blood and the storm fluctuate in the same rhythm, and make the power a friend instead of an enemy.

The young man seemed to panic and fled in the direction of the strongest man.

Someone kicked heavily behind him, helped him speed up, and staggered into the strong man number one.

The boy had a black nose and swollen face, lost his balance, and was about to fall forward and hit the hardest kneecap of the strongest man.

The strong man number one frowned slightly, obviously unexpectedly that such an episode would happen.

But he didn't put the boy in his eyes, and subconsciously raised his knees, wanting to smash the boy into a mandala blossom with a full face, and smash the boy out by the way.

"It's now!

"Master Reaper is right, seduce the enemy and make the attack you want!

"This is the rhythm I want!"

Stars flashed under Ye Ye's eyes.

The legs hidden in the sewage swelled instantly.

The two calves exploded like a ripe mandala fruit.

Explosive force was blasted out.

The speed has reached its limit.

Like the oxtail whip of a bloodhoof warrior, his right arm slammed out. During the swing, it instantly doubled, making the end speed extremely amazing.

The eyes of the top brawny instantly solidified.

Subconsciously lifted the arm that was thicker than Ye Zi's thigh to block it.

But he didn't expect Ye Ye's arm to become weak and boneless.

After being blocked, instead of stopping the offensive, he used his elbow as a fulcrum, went around from behind him, and stabbed his liver area.


The fangs hidden between the leaves' fingers, marked a **** wound on the liver area of ​​the strongest man.

Measured by Turan standards, this is not a terrible injury.

But the number one brawny man, who was still fierce and wicked just now, showed an expression of anguish.

"Master Reaper is right again, this part of this guy is particularly afraid of pain!"

While thinking about it, Ye Zi curled up, holding his head, and slammed into the arms of the strongest man from the right side.

His right side is exactly the left side of the strong man.

The space in the dungeon was originally small.

The corner where Meng Chao and Ye Zi are located is the place with the lowest terrain, the deepest sewage, and the darkest light. If no rat people are willing to stay there, they can steal a trace of peace.

The center of the cell where the top strong man is located is not only the highest, the cleanest and refreshing, but most of the deep-fried mandala fruits dropped from the center each time.

Naturally, this place is crowded with the strongest rat people.

Even if he is usually afraid of the fierceness of the strongest man, no one dares to stick to his side.

But when it comes to vying for the fried mandala fruit, the red-eyed rat people who are still struggling can't control so much.

Not to mention the chaos created by the leaves, which caused a wave of people among the red-eyed rat people. Many people wanted to fish in troubled waters and squeezed into the center of the cell to try their luck.

The result is that the strong man is crowded with people around him.

When he was caught off guard, it was difficult for him to turn around and use his exceptionally strong right arm and shoulder to deal with the teenager.

What's more, there is no need for this.

A cruel smile appeared on the face of the strong man number one.

In the past few days, he has used his deformed swollen right shoulder and arm to kill a lot of guys who don't have long eyes.

This kid also realized this, so he chose to attack from his left side, right?

But this kid must not be able to guess that his left hand is more terrifying than his right hand!

The strong man number one thought this way, and the whole left arm suddenly appeared and was covered with thick blue veins.

While the knuckles "cracked", the phalanxes protruded violently, making his left hand horrible like an eagle's claw.

Not to mention, the nails grew in an instant, like fangs stained with blood.

He opened his eyes wide and shouted violently, his murderous aura erupted like lava. He raised his left arm high, spreading his fingers like a mouth wide open, trying to grab the boy's face, grabbing the boy's face, and digging. Out of the eyes of a young man, as the price of offending oneself.


Unexpectedly, instead of being stunned by his murderous aura, the boy sprayed a cloud of water mist toward his eyes.

If the leaf's cheeks bulge and spew sewage as soon as they face each other, the strongest man must be prepared.

But he never expected that the boy who had been punched and kicked for so long would still have a sip of water in his mouth.

The sewage entered the eyes, and it stings fiercely.

Unable to see the position of the young man, the top strong man's left arm raised high, inevitably stopped for a moment.

After that, under the left armpit, on the fatal old wound that had caused him to lie down for half a year, there was again a heart-piercing pain.

It was like an ice cone following the old wound and piercing his heart fiercely.

The strength of the strongest man followed the wound, leaking out like a flood that bursts a bank.

He screamed and curled up in pain.

His face was hit heavily by the boy's knees again, as if being hit hard by an adult wild boar, the whole person fell backward, and several teeth were ejected.

When he opened his eyes again, he only saw the young man riding on him, with his tightly clenched fists and the shining fangs.

In the eyes of the top brawny man, despair and fear finally appeared.

After all, it is just a rat people, not a professional samurai who has been trained all year round.

Even if he had fought against totem beasts in the deep mountains and old forests, he had not learned the ability to talk and laugh in front of death.

The strongest man no longer has the slightest fierce prestige.

He was like the rat people who had been defeated by him, wailing and shaking in fear.

The look in his eyes made Ye Zi hesitate.

The same look appeared on the faces of mother, brother, uncle missing front teeth, old confused, Anjia, Tutu, and all the villagers.

Through the reflection in the eyes of the strongest man.

Ye Zi seemed to see himself, the appearance of a ox head warrior with a broken horn.

This look made him hesitate.

With his fangs in his fist, he couldn't fall anyhow.

And it was this moment of hesitation that caused another 180 degree change in the situation.

The strong man screamed, and suddenly overturned the leaf to the ground and turned into a resort to ride on the leaf.

—After all, this is the first time a teenager has actually fought in the real sense.

No matter how hard Meng Chao taught, it is impossible to instantly turn him into a calm and precise killing machine.

The force of the leaf chiseling the left armpit of the top brawny was still too light, and the accuracy was not enough. It only paralyzed the opponent with severe pain for a moment.

And he was soft-hearted and didn't seize the fleeting opportunity.

As a result, his work fell short, and the strong man was pinched by the throat, pressed in the sewage, unable to breathe.

The situation has taken a turn for the worse.

Ye Zi was very upset.

Struggling desperately, but it didn't help. Instead, the opponent smashed his head and smashed his face several times, making him dizzy, so he could only loosen his nose and let a large group of sewage choke in.

Seeing that the top brawny once again spread the five fingers of his left hand.

The falcon-like claws shone with a brutal cold light.

The teenager's brain, heart, and internal organs were all frozen by the chill of death.

At this moment, a sudden change occurred.

Above the head of the strongest man, there was a sudden explosion like thunder.

But someone took advantage of his furious anger and focused all his attention on the young man, punching him in the back of the head.

There was a "click" sound from the head of the strongest man.

He screamed, rolled his head to the side, and even spit out the two fried mandala fruits stuffed in his mouth.

From the "second" to the "fifth", and even the red-eyed rat people below the "sixth", all swarmed up and pressed the strongest man to the bottom.

They either punched or kicked, desperately venting their dissatisfaction that the strong man had snatched too many fried mandala fruits the previous two days.

Or tear it hard, trying to **** the remaining two deep-fried mandala fruits from the instinctively curled up hands of the strongest man.

But no one pounced on the leaves.

After all, the boy didn't have fried mandala fruit in his hands, so what did he do?

Ye Zi hurriedly got up from the sewage.

Holding his torn throat, breathing hard and painfully.

When he finally got over his breath.

The strong man number one has been completely overwhelmed by the angry red-eyed rat people.

Ye Zi stared at this scene blankly.

It seems to understand a lot of the truth of the game in an instant.

"Master Reaper guessed right again."

The boy muttered to himself, his tone full of awe.

At this moment, the image of Meng Chao in the heart of the teenager became extremely tall and mysterious.

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