The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 942: Thoroughly tempered knife skills!

As expected by the ice storm, the leaf didn't cut half a wound on his body.

He steadily walked out of fifty arms and threw the rock accurately to the designated area outside the runway-just over the line, without wasting a single bit of strength, even half an arm.

In front is a fishing net full of sharp blades.

Across the runway, about half an arm's height.

Countless sharp blades hang down, and they must crawl forward and cautiously before they can walk through.

For Ye Zi with a thin agility fighter, this is his strength.

But he still didn't exert his full strength, instead, he crawled meticulously, making sure that there were no half-sharp blades and half-fish hooks that caught his flesh and blood.

The speed does not seem to be fast.

But because he did not get caught up in the entanglement with other brawny rats, after climbing over the sharp-edged fishing nets, he had already come behind the first group.

The first group consists of 14 or 5 strongest rat people.

They crowded the entire runway, both staring at each other and being highly alert to the chasers behind them.

Whoever wants to surpass them will inevitably be bombarded mercilessly with their elbows like a warhammer.

Ye Zi didn't mean to be the leader at all.

Hanging behind the first group unhurriedly, keeping a distance of three to five arms.

In front is the sandbag array.

Hundreds of sandbags filled with iron sand are covered with the leather of totem beasts, and the leather is also inlaid with huge steel nails.

Like an upside-down mace, blocking the entire runway.

If you want to pass the sandbag array, you must push out all the mace-like sandbags and launch a road.

But the sandbags that have been pushed out will come back again.

Push harder, swing harder, and hit harder.

The collision of sandbags and sandbags will also set off a chain reaction.

When hundreds of sandbags shake violently together, they can really squeeze the tester into meatloaf alive.

When the strong men of the first group passed through the sandbag array, they were hit hard by the sandbags inlaid with steel nails.

Many people have swollen noses and swollen faces.

After more than a dozen strong men pushed and shoved, hundreds of sandbags seemed to have been injected with strong vitality, moving irregularly in different directions, and the chain reaction of collision with each other made it impossible for the latecomers to figure out their direction.

Many stalwart rats who lag behind can only grit their teeth and wait in front of the sandbag array.

Wait for the sandbag to calm down a bit before breaking in.

Ye Ye didn't hesitate, and rushed into the violently shaking sandbag array.

In the exclamation of the onlookers, he was like a loach, flexibly finding cracks in the collision of the sandbags.

It seemed that the sandbag was about to knock him into the air, but he was spinning like a top, passing by dangerously and dangerously.

Once, he was obviously hit by a sandbag, but the two sandbags at his foot collided fiercely, but they bounced out at the same time, just giving him a way.

The dazzling movements made the onlookers amazed.

"This kid, luck is too good!"

"Could it be that he moved all his luck during the trial two days ago to this one today?"

Killing these onlookers, they didn't believe that Ye Zi's actions were derived from precise calculations and clever exertion.

Thinking about going can only be attributed to luck.

The expression of Ice Storm became more and more solemn.

She could see the streamlined, seemingly not exaggerated muscle bundles of the boy's limbs were beating in a wave-like posture.

The constant power, like a never-ending ripple, helped him make wonderful evasion and borrowing time after time.

Ice storm has never seen such a peculiar way of exerting force.

Regardless of the Golden Clan or the Bloodhoof Clan.

Regardless of the tiger, leopard, lion, tauren, wild boar, or barbarian elephant, the military nobles did not seem to have such a concise, precise, and effective way of exerting their power than the rat boy in front of them.

"Behind this boy, there is a treasure hidden!"

Ice storms are increasingly certain of this.

She closed her eyes and imagined herself using a similar force method.

I was surprised to find that the same technique can really be applied to her, and her combat effectiveness can be greatly improved!

Suddenly there was an explosion of cheers from all around.

The ice storm opened his eyes suddenly and found that the Ratman boy had broken through the sandbag array, and was speeding past the road full of charcoal and burning flames at lightning speed.

If you want to step on the red-hot charcoal and pass the thirty-arm-long flame path, you will either have thick skin and no dust on your feet.

The Ratman boy who chose the latter finally broke out with all his strength, like an arrow from the string, his toes barely stepped on the charcoal, but stepped on the flame, and rushed to the safe area in the blink of an eye.

Such a brilliant performance conquered all the onlookers.

The sarcasm, like a cold wind, all turned into a heat wave of admiration.

Some people even cast admiring gazes at Ice Storm, as if they were saying: "I really deserve to be Lord Ice Storm. I can see the potential hidden in him at a glance!"

In this way, Ye Ye always followed closely behind the first group, surpassed all obstacles, and came to the front of the last level.

This level looks very simple.

They just want them to chop down a piece of wood.

However, this 30-armed wood is the hardest core of the mandala tree.

Moreover, the grease of the totem beast was smeared shiny and shiny, and there was no way to take advantage of it.

Their cutting tool was not a war knife or a sharp axe made of metal, but just a heavy stone axe with a broken hole.

The most terrible thing is that it was not the root of the mandala tree core that they were asked to chop down, but the top, about twenty-five arms high—they had to chop down the top five-arm core.

Apart from a heavy and rough stone axe, the only tool they could use was a bundle of mandala tree branches.

First, cut a gap in the root of the tree core.

Insert a branch into it as a pedal, stand on it, cut a higher place, cut a second gap, insert the second branch, climb up, and then cut a higher place.

Just cut down and climb step by step, about a dozen or twenty gaps are cut, and a dozen or twenty branches are inserted before it can reach the height of twenty-five arms.

It is conceivable that the branches inserted into the gap cannot be fixed particularly firmly.

Moreover, the branches of the mandala are originally very flexible and shake things.

Standing on a branch that is shallowly inserted into the gap is like standing on a sea wave. It is not stable at all, let alone picking up a heavy and rough stone axe, using all your strength to cut a new gap.

This is the most difficult level.

It not only tests the strength and stability of the tester, but also tests the spirit and judgment of the tester.

Because the length, thickness, and hardness of the branches are different, and the number may not be enough, the tester must accurately calculate and allocate his physical strength and the distance between the branches to climb all the way to the highest point of the mandala tree core.

Ranked in the first group, the brawny men who had been advancing wildly just now came to the front of the mandala tree core and looked up at the top five arms. The red paint had been applied to the wood that needed to be cut down.

After calculating silently for a long time, he spit on the palm of his hand, carried a tree branch, picked up a stone axe, and slashed vigorously.

Even the most reckless person among them is cautious at this moment, and would rather chop a few more axes on the mandala tree core and cut the gap deeper, so that the branches can be fixed more firmly and stepped on more securely.

However, among the strong men of the first group, the fastest one only inserted seven or eight branches, and when he climbed to the height of twelve or three arms, another burst of unbelievable surprise broke out among the onlookers. call.

"He, he actually rushed to number one!"

Following the direction they were pointing, a figure that was more agile and agile than all the strong men, almost without hesitation and stagnation, followed the slippery mandala tree core, and climbed up in one breath.

The seemingly cumbersome stone axe drew a nearly perfect arc in his hand, cutting deep into the hard and slippery tree core at a very clever angle, and an average of two axes could cut a triangular gap.

The gap is not deep, and the branches inserted are like dog's tail grass in the squally wind, always seeming to be shaky.

The boy stepped on it, like stepping on a lone boat in the stormy waves, up and down, left and right, and he would stumble and fall at any time.

But no matter how thrilling the action is, his toes are like the barbs of the Thunder clan, piercing deeply into the branches and blending with the whole mandala tree core.

He even used the elasticity of the branches to speed up the speed of waving and climbing, and in a short while, he climbed to the height of twenty-five arms.

The entire training camp was silent.

No one can believe his eyes.

There were even a lot of strong men who participated in the competition and felled together. They were deeply shocked by the movements and explosive power of the young boy's running clouds and flowing water, and fell from the branches without checking them for a while.

The Ratman boy was not disturbed in any way.

In my mind, I silently recalled the secret method that Master Reaper taught him.

Imagine the mandala tree core painted with red paint as the neck of a samurai with broken horns.

Then, his eyes widened, with all his strength, he cut down fiercely!

"this is-"

The pupils of Ice Storm shrank suddenly.

Both were shocked by the murderous aura that suddenly burst out of the teenager.

He was even more shocked by the strength of his limbs, the way he held the stone axe, and the speed, arc, and angle of the vigorous chopping.

"This is a sword technique that has been tempered through thousands of times!

"Although it's not too complicated a technique that even the rat militia can master, it can make these miscellaneous soldiers explode with amazing lethality!

"The five great clans will never create such a powerful sword technique for the rat militia. Who is it and how is it possible?"




In the ice storm and everyone's shocked and confused staring ceremony, Leaf only used three axes to chop off the twenty-five-arm-high mandala core, which was as hard as iron.

He carried the five-arm-long broken wood, like a real leaf, and fell to the ground lightly.

Forbearing the excitement in the heart and the crystal clearness in the eye sockets, the leaf took two steps forward, smashing the broken wood heavily towards the end.

He did it.

Coming from a remote country, the Ratman boy who is carrying a sea of ​​blood and hatred, has crossed the "Glorious Road" for the first time in his life!

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