The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 952: Leading the nose of the snow leopard warrior

Higher orcs have many shortcomings.

But it doesn't include denial.

To lose is to lose, and to win is to win.

Although she is proud of being an ace, it is difficult for the Snow Leopard Warrior to accept a teamfight that has lost all three games.

But Meng Chao's outspokenness did not make her angry.

I just became more and more curious: "You know how to train these servants to play the... tactics you said?"

"of course."

Meng Chao smiled slightly.

If it is to command thousands of armies, to engage in coordinated operations of the various arms of a mechanized corps, or to combat operations such as integrated sea, land, air and space strikes, he really doesn't know anything about it.

However, the number of soldiers was about a hundred, and the tactical coordination of the class and platoons, he heard the bragging of the red dragon army's retired father from childhood, and his ears were greasy.

In addition to the ghost brigade from the previous life, the ninth special search team of the Alien Beast Investigation Bureau in this life consists of dozens of special forces members to form a combat unit to perform various difficult tasks.

If we say that the ghost brigade, which specializes in infiltrating alien civilizations and is responsible for assassination, eavesdropping, theft, fire prevention, explosion, and riots, is the sharpest poisonous blade.

So, the purpose of the formation is to dig out the monsters lurking in the human society and prevent the chaos inside the Dragon City. The ninth group of the investigation bureau is the strongest shield.

Meng Chao is a person holding a sword in his left hand and a shield in his right hand.

In addition, he got acquainted with a large number of grassroots commanders and young officers of the Red Dragon Army, including Long Feijun, the "Train Cannon", through the Remnant Star Association and the Martial God Temple.

Apart from exchanging martial arts with each other, the only people who can compete with each other are the tactical drills of special forces.

Even if he has never eaten pork, Meng Chao has seen so many pigs running.

Maybe it's nothing in Dragon City, but in Turanze whose tactics are relatively monotonous and the concept of "step-tank coordination" is almost zero, Meng Chao is definitely an out-and-out "master of tactics"!

"Tell me?"

The interest in Ice Storm is getting stronger and stronger.

Usually, a rat people dare to be so confident in front of a clan warrior, either he is crazy, or he has some real ability.

Ice Storm felt that Meng Chao had both.

"I have just said how I trained servants in the past—in fact, all gladiators in the Blood Skull Arena, no, it should be said that all the clan warriors of Turanze trained their servants in this way, unless the servants Soldiers can prove their strength in the Battle of Glory, otherwise, there is really no need to invest too much resources and energy on the servant soldiers."

Ice Storm stared at Meng Chaodao, "But since you are so confident, I can give you a chance to talk about it. In the next five days, how will you train these servants so that they can become real fighters?"

"In five days, I'm afraid I can't turn any servants except Ye Zi into real soldiers."

Meng Chao's conversation turned and said, "Fortunately, our opponent is not a well-trained iron-blooded strong soldier. At most, there are some servants who have played one or two more team battles than us.

"Five days is enough to deal with these shrimp soldiers and crabs.

"First of all, I recommend Master Ice Storm to halve the training time and training volume of the servants."


Ice Storm suspected that there was a problem with his ears, "halved, not doubled?"

"Yes, halved."

Meng Chao explained, “The training time is not as long as possible, and the amount of training is not as large as possible. Even if the Turan’s flesh and blood body has its limits, training frantically regardless of physical condition will only overdraw quickly, before knocking down the enemy. , I burned my life.

"Before we were caught in the Blood Skull Arena, we had gone through long distances and various tortures. Many people were tired and hungry, and others were scarred. It was like a bowstring that was tightened to the limit, and then blindly imposed. Stress will only break the nerves."


Ice Storm stared directly at Meng Chao, "It is really surprising to hear such words from a rat citizen."

Meng Chao shrugged.

He didn't mind, and even deliberately exposed a part of the mysterious identity, so that Ice Storm didn't dare to treat him as an ordinary rat folk.

Of course, the civilization development index, the Turan civilization, which seems to be still in the clan era, also has the term "neural", and even the human body's neural network and even cell structure have been studied in depth. This is also a thing that greatly exceeded Meng Chao's expectations.

But this is not the focus at the moment, Meng Chao continued: "Believe me, Lord Ice Storm, blindly squeezing the ultimate strength of the servants will only crush their emotions and will, turning them into selfless killing machines, even, Treat death as the greatest relief.

"Yes, maybe on the battlefield, such a killing machine will pounce on death without hesitation.

"But just not being afraid of death is useless. Death is not victory. It is victory when you live to the end, right?"

The gaze of Ice Storm quickly swept across the wounds of a group of crooked soldiers.

She nodded thoughtfully: "Go on."

"Secondly, I think we should focus on special training for speed and agility. After all, Master Ice Storm, you have won the title of'Ace' by virtue of speed and agility. If your servant can't keep up with your rhythm, Not only can it not cooperate with your offensive, it is simply a burden."

Meng Chaodao said, "This is the servant I chose. The size is relatively small. I didn't choose the brawny guys, including the guy with the blood of the savage elephant clan, who looks like a wall."

Ice Storm remembered his previous team battles.

In the first few games, she has selected a lot of guys with well-developed limbs.

But, indeed, as Meng Chao said.

In the case that both clan warriors have activated the totem armor.

No matter strong or weak, the rat militia could not withstand the blow of the totem warrior.

Strong people run slowly and are likely to become a burden to the master.

On the contrary, they are clever ghosts who are small and smart, and they can often live a little longer!

"Anything else?" Ice Storm continued to ask.

"Also, training time and training volume can be halved, but I hope Master Ice Storm can spend more time training with his servants, and during training, he must activate the totem armor to release the strongest. Murderous."

Meng Chao said seriously, "This is to cultivate the adaptability and resistance to pressure of the servants. According to my observations, when two totem warriors are in a fierce battle, they may not have time to clean up each other's servants, but the servants are still easy to collapse completely. The reason is that he can't bear the powerful aura of the totem samurai.

"If Master Ice Storm can summon Totem Armor every day and let the servants train in the extreme cold murderous aura, the servants will gradually adapt. When they are on the arena or on the real battlefield, they will not be easy to panic. collapsed."

This suggestion contains Meng Chao's selfishness.

If Ice Storm adopted his suggestion, he would have the opportunity to carefully study what is going on with the so-called "Totem Armor".

But the proposal itself, there is no problem.

Even in the Red Dragon Army, recruits lie down on their backs, watching heavy tanks and construction vehicles, driving towards them, two tracks covered with the flesh and bones of monsters crushing past their sides. Training method.

In addition to actual combat, this is the best way to make a recruit mature as soon as possible.

Ice Storm nodded.

Once again, Meng Chao made sense.

In fact, similar training methods are not difficult to understand.

It's just that there has never been a clan warrior, who is willing to waste so much energy on the mere rat people.

After all, how much cannon fodder is needed to make them barely form a battlefield, and under the intimidation of the clan warriors, they rush toward the enemy in a swarm, which is enough.

If even the servant soldiers can be trained to be elite, what are the professional samurai doing?

But Ice Storm has other thoughts.

Kassavar Bloodhoof appeared in her heart again, with aggressive eyes.

The battle of the five races is about to begin.

Looking at the entire area of ​​Turanze, the Golden Clan ranked first in war strength, and the Bloodhoof Clan ranked second, are bound to have an earth-shattering collision for the throne of the "war chief".

If he had rebelled against the Golden Clan, if he did not perform the blood-giving ceremony and officially joined the Bloodhoof Clan, I am afraid that no one would believe in him, let alone give himself enough soldiers, resources and freedom.

However, he has an ulterior motive and absolutely cannot perform the blood-giving ceremony.

"Kasava has already begun to doubt me."

Ice Storm said to himself, "Before I completely turn my face, the more soldiers I can control, the better, and the stronger the better!"

Although every time the Totem Battlegear is summoned, the mandala fruit and totem beast's flesh and blood consumed are doubled.

Maintaining the Totem Armor for a long time consumes astronomical resources.

But Ice Storm decided to agree to Meng Chao's proposal.

This was another thing that made her feel very...angry but powerless.

She always felt that the trump card of her dignified Blood Skull Arena seemed to be being led by the nose by this black-haired and dark-eyed rat folk!

Although this self-proclaimed "Reaper" guy is not a serious rat people in all likelihood.

But it's always very upset.

"Anything else?"

I involuntarily agreed with Meng Chao's proposal, but the furrowed her brows became closer, and the Xue Leopard female warrior said coldly, "If you do the above three, can you guarantee my victory?"

"Also, I will personally help twenty-nine servants including Ye Zi, adjust the force, massage the tendons, dredge the blood, and teach them the most basic but most refined method of killing. ."

Meng Chao said lightly, "However, the effect depends on the quantity and quality of food and secret medicine.

"Not only the food and secret medicine for the servants, but also my share, how much and how good it is.

"After all, I have not healed from a serious injury, and I can't exert a lot of strength. Regardless of adjusting the strength, massaging the tendons, dredging the blood, or teaching moves, it is very exhausting. What do you think, Lord Ice Storm?"

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