The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 957: Unexpected challenger

The Blood Skull Arena is a meat grinder that frantically devours flesh and blood and harvests lives day and night.

Even in the darkest starless night, it is still brightly lit.

Dozens of large and small arenas are performing lively shows at the same time.

Let tens of thousands of high-level orcs with **** blood and extreme excitement vent their killing intent and gambling.

If a spectator loses completely, or is not satisfied with it, he can also go off the court himself and show off his talents.

Or even win back the profit, or even be favored by a military nobleman, and bestow a drop of glory with blood.

Or it was unloaded by the NPC, smashed into fleshy mud, and turned into totem beast dung in countless boos and ridicules.

Similar things have been repeated countless times in the past thousand years.

As a result, the air inside and outside the arena is moist and sticky, as if a light twist can squeeze out blood.

When the **** dawn tore through the night, this never-ending meat grinder ushered in a new batch of fresh flesh and blood.

Ice Storm led her thirty-man team through the intricate and labyrinthine underground passages to the main arena, a spacious square like a palace.

Because here is a place where many gladiators and servants lead to glory or death.

In jargon, it is also called "Glory Hall".

Meng Chao squinted his eyes and looked around the "Hall of Glory" which was the size of three or five football fields.

Once again, I was surprised by the superb architectural skills of the Turan ancestors.

From the Ace Training Camp where Ice Storm is located.

To the "Hall of Glory".

They walked for a full seventeen minutes and twenty-five seconds at a rapid marching speed.

This shows that the "Blood Skull Arena" is an extremely large scale, but the internal facilities are scattered and the layout is very scientific.

By condensing psychic energy into the eardrum and cochlea, Meng Chao also collected sounds from all directions.

Roughly scanning, in addition to the arena and auditorium, there are at least dozens of large and small training camps with complete facilities, and dozens of dormitories or cells that can accommodate thousands of people.

This once again proved his judgment.

The Blood Skull Arena is not just as simple as an arena.

It is a vital military facility, a multi-functional barracks that integrates training, screening, trial, conscription, assembly... and so on.

Thousands of years ago, the Turan people must have a highly developed civilization to build such a large and sophisticated military building.

However, after thousands of years of erosion, their descendants have become...

Meng Chao's gaze coldly swept away from the glory hall, the gladiators and servants who were warming up, resting and choosing weapons.

It is not just Ice Storm and the opponents that will participate in the gladiatorial battle.

Rather, there are dozens of teams to participate in team battles, and hundreds of gladiators to prove their martial arts in a single fight.

The smell and killing intent of hundreds of gladiators and thousands of servants made the huge underground square look sultry and cramped.

The weakened rat militiamen would feel suffocated as soon as they stepped into this place.

Especially, when the eyes of all the gladiators and servants are like sharp blades, when they pierce the same team.

—Compared with the ice storm team, other gladiators and servants have one thing in common.

Five big and three thick, with a sturdy back, strong muscles as if to tear the skin, jumping out with teeth and claws.

Therefore, seeing that Ice Storm had pulled out such a team with a unique style of painting, all the gladiators disregarded her status as the "ace", and the corners of their mouths reached the roots of their ears, and they laughed "chichi".

Although the rat militiamen of other teams did not dare to laugh at an ace gladiator directly.

However, it is inevitable to cast malicious eyes on Meng Chao, leaves, spiders, and other unsurprisingly-looking counterparts.

Some people were still flicking their tails and swiping their throats with the tip of their tails to signal that they would not live long.

Some people even lamented, why is his luck so bad that he didn't meet such a "perfect" opponent like Meng Chao?

Looking at this guy with black hair and dark eyes, he needs to support others in two steps, take a few breaths, and cough a few vigorously, looking even more delicate than blood.

When he is really on the arena, I am afraid that he does not need to make a move at all. Just relying on the spectator's mountain whistling and tsunami can scare him out of fear, right?

These people's contemptuous eyes made Meng Chao even more curious.

What happened in the history of the Turan civilization that caused such a big landslide or even a fault in the entire civilization.

From being able to manufacture super weapons such as "Totem Armor", and using advanced biotechnology, with mandala trees as pillars, to build such a majestic military structure as "Gladiatorium".

Become a bunch of idiots with well-developed limbs and simple minds.

Only know the size of the muscles to judge the strength of the opponent?

You should know that when the cultivation base breaks through a certain level, the increase in combat effectiveness by simply increasing the muscles will become very small.

On the contrary, the size is too big, the drag on speed and agility, as well as the super high energy consumption, has become a fatal problem.

To put it ugly, the deformed swollen muscle sticks are several times more likely to be sniped by the enemy or swept by shrapnel on the battlefield where bullets fly.

If the bigger the bigger, the more powerful, the dinosaur would not be extinct at all, and the big elephant should be the king of land warfare.

Even if they don’t understand such a simple truth, the Turan people are really getting better and better. No wonder they can’t win the World War and drag the Dragon City people into the water...

Meng Chao was thinking about it, and suddenly felt something wrong with the atmosphere.

The temperature dropped more than ten degrees, and a thin layer of frost condensed on his eyebrows, and he couldn't help but shudder.

Looking up, I found that Ice Storm was holding a two-handed super-heavy mace, the kind of very typical muscular club he had just despised, and he was confronting each other with a sword.

However, the opponent was followed by a total of three hundred rat militia soldiers, strong and strong, obviously much more generous than the two or three kittens on the ice storm side.

Ice Storm can only grind his brows and gritted his teeth, but it can't help but this flaunting and majestic elephant warrior is half a point.

"He is another trump card in the Blood Skull Arena,'Wildhammer'. I lost to this guy in Master Ice Storm's last team fight."

Behind Meng Chao, Ye Ye whispered the gossip he had just heard, "However, I heard that this guy did not win by strength, but gave his servants in advance and took a very powerful secret medicine to make them Not afraid of pain, not afraid of death, I was lucky enough to defeat Lord Ice Storm and got the opportunity to command more servants."

"is it?"

Meng Chao turned his mind and said, "Our Lord Ice Storm, isn't there a ‘very powerful secret medicine’?"


Ye Ye shook his head and said, "Wildhammer is a native of Pointe-Noire. It comes from a very powerful family among the wild elephants. Naturally, there are various ways to get more resources and secret medicines.

"Our Lord Ice Storm, both an outsider without a heel, and unwilling to join the big family in Pointe Noire through the blood-giving ceremony. The Lord Kassavar Bloodhoof who has always supported her, is impatient. I hope she loses the last teamfight, so how can she get a particularly powerful secret medicine for her?"

"That's it, it seems that our lord is really not very mixed!"

Meng Chao smiled slightly, not paying attention.

At this time, the confrontation between Wildhammer and Ice Storm ended.

The Wildhammer seemed to have said something, laughed, and led hundreds of servants to leave in a big swing.

The ice storm trembled with anger, and walked back with a sullen face, with every step a sharp flower of ice came out.

"What's going on, Master Ice Storm?"

Seeing Ice Storm's angry expression, Meng Chao knew that the other party was probably more than just verbal provocation.

Sure enough, Ice Storm dragged him aside with a gloomy face, and said to him: "There is indeed a problem-our opponent has been replaced and replaced by a wild boar from the Ironskin family. That guy is not a professional gladiator!"


Meng Chao didn't understand, "So what?"

"and so?"

Ice Storm raised his voice, "Why don't you understand anything!"

Meng Chao blinked innocently.

For him who just wants to quickly chop melons and vegetables, and then sneak out to detect, sabotage, steal, kill, and set fire.

I don't really understand what is the difference between these "melons" and "vegetables".

Ice Storm looked at him sometimes shrewdly and sometimes confused, and couldn't help but want to stretch out his paw from the mat and scratch him.

She resisted her anger and patiently explained to Meng Chao.

Three days ago, when the Ice Storm was notified, their opponent was a professional gladiator.

It sounds very powerful, but looking at the entire Bloodskull Arena, is there any gladiator whose combat effectiveness can be stronger than the trump cards such as Ice Storm and Wildhammer?

Besides, the vast majority of gladiators who participated in the 30-man team battle were the losers of the 100-man team battle.

Everyone’s training and command abilities are half a catastrophe, and the servants are also selected from the red-eyed rat people in the dungeon. They are almost the same in every respect. Ice Storm is still very confident. With a strong individual combat power, he won the victory. of.

Unexpectedly, a challenger was temporarily inserted.

He is also a member of the most powerful "ironskin family" among the wild boars.

The four pillars of the Bloodhoof clan-tauren, boar, wild elephant and centaur.

Among them, the boars do not have the tyrannical and unmatched impact of the tauren, nor the burly figure that resembles a man's copper wall and iron wall, nor the long-range attack ability of a centaur, which is rare among higher orcs.

The reason for being able to dominate the Black Point City is based on two words, irritability!

The wild boar warrior dared to go shirtless and charged towards the golden lion man wearing the totem armor.

The Ironhide family is the most powerful existence among the wild boars.

The Ironhide family is to the Boars what the Bloodhoof family is to the Tauren.

They are the unrivaled first family, and even the soul of the entire ethnic group.

From such a wealthy family with thousands of years of inheritance, even if they are just new members who have just passed the coming-of-age ceremony and are not well-known, they are much more difficult to deal with than a professional gladiator.

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