The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 983: Solve the trouble

The ghost assassin who returned from the doomsday hibernated in the shell of a loyal and honest university student for too long.

He couldn't wait, he wanted to enjoy the thrill of hunting in the dark night again.

According to the news from the Rat People’s Handyman, there are only three high-level battles involving the power of totem in the arena where Big Buck is located today.

Then there are the rat militiamen testing all kinds of weird new weapons, and new tactics that have opened up their minds.

99% of new weapons and new tactics are rubbish.

Few viewers are interested in such boring tricks.

The small lives of the Rat Civil Servant are not worth much.

Therefore, there is no need to watch the scene of Big Buck.

Around the time of the "tiger moment", he will end his day's work.

The Turan civilization divides a day into twelve scales, each of which is equivalent to two hours, and is named after a beast.

Tiger Moment is about four o'clock in the afternoon.

At this time, when work is over, Big Buck will probably go to the tavern and casino next to the Blood Skull Arena to have fun with his companions.

Moreover, he hasn't been to the "Sugar Room" for three days.

After winning wild gambling, Meng Chao didn't feel that he could resist the temptation.

By convention, he would walk into the poor streets leading to the "Sugar House" about halfway through the "Eagle Moment".

In the "Insect Moment", that is, at about ten o'clock in the evening, he left the "Sugar Room" and hurried back to the Blood Skull Arena before his companions, pretending to be sweaty and sweaty all the time.

Other guests usually leave the "sugar house" later in the dead of night.

In other words, at the moment of the "worm", there is a high probability that Big Buck will be alone and appear in the poor streets and alleys that Meng Chao has already explored and deduced several times.

As for the wild boar Buck from Hongxi Town.

He still appeared in the tavern on time every day, scolded Big Buck in public, and vowed to take revenge.

According to Turan tradition, this kind of "ruthless talk" performance lasts about five to seven days.

Then, Buck, the wild boar, under the "stubborn persuasion" of his companions, "the remaining anger has not subsided, and he will leave", which is a temporary enlargement of Buck's horse, and also saves his face.

With all the details in mind, I went through it one last time.

Meng Chao smiled slightly, and suddenly got up from the already thin liquid medicine.

Then he saw Ice Storm sitting opposite, looking at him blankly.

Just like last time.

Meng Chao sat back.

"Did you know that I suddenly had a very bold idea. Wouldn't it? You weren't hurt at all?"

Ice Storm frowned and said, "The reason you pretended to be **** and bruised all over your body caused Ye Ye to be moved by your ‘brave and fearless, and regard death as home,’ but you are just coveting the secret medicine for not having money here!"

Meng Chao lowered his head and looked at the lustrous skin and flesh and blood under the rapidly peeling scab on his body.

There was no embarrassment on his face.

"Trust me, I'm really badly injured and I can't help but feel weak."

Meng Chao said, "Don't look at my apparent recovery, but in fact, it's just a mere illusion, strong on the outside and doing it at the same time."


Ice Storm held his forehead, took a deep breath, and said, "Well, we said that we don’t explore each other’s details. Since the sword technique you taught me is really useful, I don’t care if you are actually injured or not. Up.

"But, may I ask this illusory Mr. Reaper, since you are so weak, don't you want to stay in the medicine tank to rest, and crawl out excitedly, where are you going?"

Meng Chao subconsciously touched his cheek.

"Do I have a face full of excitement?" he asked Ice Storm.

"you have."

The Snow Leopard female warrior said, "I have seen similar expressions on the faces of many clan warriors. Usually after putting on this expression, they either go to kill people and set fire, or go to black hands, sap, and rob property.

"In addition, these days, you did not devote yourself to the training of the rat people like the'Leaf' like the last round of military training. Strange things that I have never seen before.

"Intuition tells me that you are likely to go out and cause great trouble."

Meng Chao scratched his head.

"You blamed me, Master Ice Storm."

He said sincerely, "Even if I really get into trouble, it is definitely not as big as the trouble you are facing. As the saying goes, there are no itchy lice, no worries about debts, and sometimes, a fatal trouble, and ten A fatal trouble, it doesn't make much difference.

"I think you are also aware of this, so you will be unscrupulous and tore the second totem armor, right?"

The ice storm snorted coldly.

"Although I don't know what kind of troubles Lord Ice Storm is facing, I know that your troubles are about to explode."

Meng Chao continued, "I heard from the rat people's handymen that in the past, your fighting style was gorgeous and fierce on the surface, but on the inside it was very calm, and you made your moves very well-measured.

"After all, in Pointe-Noire, you are an outsider with no background, and you don't want to completely take refuge in the Bloodhoof family. Therefore, you rarely offend those strong men who will cause trouble.

"But in the last two battles, you have severely injured two gladiators with deep backgrounds one after another, tearing and snatching their totem armor.

"You chased victory and seized the battle armor like this frantically, and you didn't even care whether you would offend the Ironhide family. I guess your trouble is about to explode, and it is definitely more serious than the ironhide family's anger.

"If this is the case, the trouble I am going to cause is nothing compared to the trouble you have already caused.

"However, as long as we continue to cooperate sincerely and fight side by side as we have done in the past half a month, I believe that even the big troubles can be solved by us together."

Ice storm thought for a long time.

"You are really willing to help me solve the trouble-even if you don't know, what is my trouble?" She couldn't believe it.

Meng Chao laughed.

"Please believe that all the troubles in this world are not really troubles in the face of the trouble that I will finally solve." He said lightly.


Ice Storm was silent for a moment, digesting Meng Chao's extremely informative and extremely arrogant words.

Then she asked: "How long are you going out?"

"About three moments."

Meng Chao said, "I will come back before the'Snake Moment'."

"Do you need my help?"

"not needed for now."

"Then do I need to know what you are going to do?"

"It's not necessary for the time being, but Master Ice Storm will know it early tomorrow morning."

"Okay, be careful, the Ironhide family has already been eyeing me, and Kassavar has been eyeing you."

"Then we should race against time, get ready, and solve all the troubles!"

Bear Moment.

The old blacksmith tavern.

The wild boar Buck slammed the empty wine glass on the wine table made by the tree stump, wiped his cheeks covered with bad wine, and shouted at everyone in the tavern: "The sword is up! I swear in the name of the ancestor spirit." ! That arena is really slippery!"


On the same wine table, the wild boar warriors from Hongxi Town hurriedly proved for him, "We have all seen it. There are still blood stains from the previous battle on that arena. You were about to defeat that The guy, and as a result, I slipped accidentally before I lost to him."

"Moreover, I didn't use all my strength at all!"

The wild boar Buck said with red eyes, "For the friendship between the Ironhide family and the Bloodhoof family! For the unity of the entire Bloodhoof clan! I only used half of my power! Who knows, this **** did his best!"

"Yes, of course you didn't use all your strength."

The companions said one after another, "If you go all out, this bloodhoof family's Buck has already flown from the arena to the outside of the auditorium. How could it be possible to rely on a despicable sneak attack to steal the victory that should have belonged to you? "

"I'm Buck from Hongxi Town!"

The wild boar Buck smashed the empty glass of wood into a ball of sawdust, and roared for the third time, "My grandpa's grandpa once killed countless grumbling beasts, thunder roar beasts, six-armed orangutans, these totem beasts in the jungle. The blood stained the entire stream!

"My grandfather once followed Turan's army and smashed into the land of the holy light. Before he was bombarded into flesh by the holy light, he chopped down a hundred night watchmen, fifty ascetics, and thirty magicians in one breath. Without paying attention to his head, he trampled to death two dwarves who came out of the ground!

"My father is the greatest warrior within a hundred li in Hongxi Town. He can cast a rock larger than the Manxiangren by hundreds of arms.

"And I, with such a glorious blood flowing in my body, all the ancestor spirits are staring at me, I will never lose to this guy who is also called Buck — no, he is not qualified to be called such a prestigious name as'Buck'. One day, I will beat him all over looking for teeth, so that he never dare to call that name again!

"Praise the ancestors!"

"The battle axe is on top, no one can humiliate the warrior from Red Creek Town like this, no one!"

"One day, we will definitely kill this'big buck'!"

Most of the companions of the wild boar Buck are also surnamed "Hongxi", all of his brothers of the same race, flowing with the same blood, and worshiping the same ancestor spirit.

The humiliation suffered by the wild boar Buck is their humiliation.

The hatred of the wild boar Buck is also their hatred.

Under the same hatred of the enemy, the atmosphere was quickly brought to the extreme.

No matter what revenge or hatred, at least they drink bad wine made from mandala husks.

It stands to reason that even if the mandala blossoms, the raw materials used to make wine are in short supply, and the price of wine changes day by day.

With the status of the landlord in these places, it is not possible to drink the cheapest inferior wine in this third-class tavern.

The problem is that on the arena a few days ago, they put almost all of their belongings on the boar Buck, and they lost completely.

I can only ignore the turbid liquor, all kinds of scum including straw, close my eyes, and pour it down one cup after another.

Deep in the throat, there seemed to be a red chain pulling back and forth.

It made them gritted their teeth towards the "big buck" of the Bloodhoof family.

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