The edge of pure land

Chapter 135 The Authority of Immortal Truth

That night, the silent Linhai City was pierced by the roar of dragons.

A blazing firework illuminated the night scene of the city. It was clearly the roar of a bullet coming out of a barrel, but it was like an ancient dragon waking up from its slumber and roaring at the world with an extremely angry attitude.

Accompanied by terrifying celestial phenomena, the night sky seemed to be burned brightly by a blazing fire. The falling blizzards were evaporated into fog in an instant. The dark clouds that were pregnant with thunder were also burned away, leaving only a red burning cloud. , like a dragon that has penetrated thousands of miles.

The chill of winter was dispelled in an instant, and the temperature of the entire city rose sharply from below zero, soaring to nearly 50 degrees in an instant. The power of the heat and drought was so terrifying!

And this is just the accompanying effect of the bullet shot by Longque.

"An Aragami-level life disaster has been detected, confirmed to be from the Sequence Number 2 file, belonging to the Dragon of Candlelight, and advanced to the Burning Sky Bone. It will not go out!" A piercing siren echoed over the city.

As a possessor of the White Walkers, the mutated organ of Dragon Bird is the spine.

Therefore, this strange ghost technique is called Burning Sky Bone.

And the concept he was displaying at this moment was the advanced authority of Burning Sky Bone.

Not extinguished.

Very simple literal meaning.

Unless the enemy is burned up, it will never be extinguished!

The flaming bullet penetrated the long street, but the terrifying heat did not leak out. Until the moment it landed on the flower shop, the wind chimes at the door were suddenly melted and destroyed, and the flowers that bloomed in the cold winter on the balcony also melted. As ashes, then the curtains were turned into smoke, and the glass was blasted by the high temperature. The woman was exposed to the foehn wind, as beautiful as looking back from hell.

She really looked back, but her long hair was blocking the side of her face.

I can only feel that look.

Remembrance, nostalgia.

Like a first love lover looking at you lovingly.

And with inexplicable pampering.


As the flower shop was exploded by a terrifying force, thousands of strands of thunder burst out, as if condensed into a burly and majestic ancient giant. Its whole body was wrapped with dark and fierce thunder, and there were six thick arms behind it. , holding a shield, sword, gun, axe, halberd and hammer!

It's like a thunder god rising from the ground, standing in front of a woman!

The moment the life-destroying bullet arrived.

The God of Thunder showed terrifying speed and slashed down with his weapon!

Whether it's a sword or a spear, or an ax and a halberd.

The moment he struck, he was burned by the blazing foehn wind.

Even the mighty giant hammer was annihilated the moment it fell.

The immortal thunder was cracked hard.

In the end, the shield wrapped around the dark thunder resisted the bullet head-on!

There was just a loud roar, and the giant shield lasted for a second before disappearing into ashes. The burly God of Thunder was suddenly penetrated by the bullet, and the lightning in his body exploded and was extinguished instantly.

The terrifying high temperature swept over.

The woman finally stood up from the chair. Even though her body was covered with thousands of jet-black lightnings, her snow-white and delicate skin still suffered from shocking burn marks, but it healed in an instant and her red dress also disappeared. Burn in this moment.

But it only burned, but was not burned!

She was instantly swallowed up by the flames, but was not burned to ashes.

Instead, he raised his graceful eyes and looked at the helicopter in the sky.

I saw the swaying white hair.

And that familiar face.

In an instant, her pupils also burned.

"Aren't you even going to give me a chance to take a look at you?"

she said softly.

The clear sound like wind chimes echoed in the silent night.

A strange scene appeared.

The bullet actually floated in front of the woman, and time seemed to fall into a quagmire-like silence. It was clearly still rushing forward, but it became extremely slow.

The fire is flowing.

The bullet is also spinning.

The distance is less than a millimeter, but it seems like a world apart.

Unable to hit target!

When Long Que saw this scene, the cigarette he was biting at the corner of his mouth also fell in the wind. His sigh seemed to have drifted to eight years ago: "Unlimited authority acts on the endless division of energy. Infinite authority acts on the endless division of matter." Quality. Eternal authority, eternal within a certain scope.”

This was the immortal body that her sister had mastered back then.

Three powerful authorities.

The battle eight years ago made him suffer a lot.

Goodbye now, it feels like it was then.

Longque suddenly coughed up a mouthful of blood and couldn't even hold the gun steady. In fact, if he wasn't in the city, he would have used the power of the Burning Sky Bone.

That move is extremely powerful and has a high probability of breaking the eternal authority.

The price is that the whole city goes to meet Tai Nai.

"Sometimes I really hate this fire attribute."

Long Que said softly: "Let's call it a day. The unquenchable fire has burned her body. Next, she needs to find a way to get rid of my flame. Although the unquenchable fire is not impossible to transfer to other things, it will take a while. She can’t handle it.”

"The drought and heat I create can evaporate a lot of the floods in this city, so they can relax a little bit. The rest, I can't help much."

He took out a tissue and wiped his mouth: "Qiangwei, go to the hospital."


Qiangwei was operating the dashboard and suddenly glanced down. The burning figure seemed to be still staring at them, and they could feel that look from a thousand meters away.

She suddenly paused and couldn't help but say: "Boss, if it's really her, don't you have anything to say to her? That's your sister, the person closest to you in your life."

Long Que did not look back at all, but leaned tiredly on the back of the seat and said calmly: "What you really want to ask is why I want to be her enemy, right?"

Qiangwei was silent for a moment: "Yes."

Long Que smiled silently: "This is my promise to her."

He looked at the sky burned by the flames, his eyes deep and calm.



As the speedboat cut through the turbulent water, Lu Buer looked up at the burned-out sky. He was so hot that he was covered in sweat. He couldn't help complaining: "It's sour. I'm really sore this time. When will I He has such ability, why is he so pretentious?"

Having said that, his eyes were slightly deeper.

He didn't need to think about it to know who had taken action.

The problem is, he has been taking medication too frequently these days.

Can your body really hold on?

But that guy should be fine for the time being, because he is a man of his word.

If we promise to solve the problem of the Holy Mountain, we will definitely do it.

He will not die unless the hidden dangers of the Holy Mountain are solved.

This is Lu Fuji's confidence in him.

As long as he fails to fulfill his promise, even the gods and demons will not be able to kill him.

"It's really disturbing."

Lu Fuji rubbed his ears.

The roar of the dragon was so terrifying that it made his ears bleed.

Especially the soaring temperature made him sweat all over. He even took off his military jacket, leaving only his light military uniform and military trousers.

Even so, I still feel hot all over.

He suddenly remembered something and turned around and said: "Um, I just saw a store selling clothes. There may be summer clothes in stock. Madam, would you like..."

Mrs. Lu said coldly: "I have the protection of divine magic, and the cold and heat will not invade me."

Lu Fuji turned to look at his sister again.

Lu Sixian also said: "My teacher taught me that I am immune to cold and heat."

Lu Fuji suffered a heavy blow.

If you can't play Pure Land Nuannuan, you have to shoulder the big blame for magic.

"What kind of bullshit magic is this? It's so disgusting..."

The people on the speedboat all looked like they were surviving the disaster. This was a fairy fight between high-level evolutionaries. Fortunately, the combat power on our side was superior, otherwise everyone would have been struck to death by lightning.

"Don't take it lightly. The officers can only help us block attacks from the opponent's high-level combat power, but we still have to rely on ourselves for our next actions."

At this moment, Ai Yue is leading her comrades to clean up the White Walkers lurking under the water. They are all super special forces from the Fifth Majesty Realm. Performing such tasks is just like playing.

They actually brought fresh flesh and blood with them to attract the White Walkers.

Whenever a strange ghost pounced on them, they would directly pierce the heart with a sword, and then cut off the head with a dagger. This operation was so smooth that they didn't even need numerology or spells.

At this level, brute force alone is enough.

Ai Yue casually killed a White Walker and looked around vigilantly: "The ambush at the Tower of Babel will definitely not be as simple as just White Walkers. The trouble is still behind."

"Why hasn't Uncle Su caught up with you yet?"

Lu Fuji suddenly turned back and looked at the flooded alley.

"Possibly ambushed by other members of the Tower of Babel."

Ai Yue shook her head and explained: "It doesn't matter, my father has anticipated such a situation, and he has already given me his soul blade. Once he cannot catch up, we only need to send his soul blade to the gap in the underground ruins." , it can still block groundwater."

She spread her delicate white right hand: "To awaken father's soul blade, a lot of life energy is needed. We didn't use numerology just now, we just tried to preserve life energy as much as possible."

In the palm of his hand is a mini ice sword!

"I see."

Just as Lu Fuji was about to say something, the palm of his right hand suddenly started beating.

"There's a situation!"

He sensed dark matter.

According to the feedback from the Seed of the Gods, it should be artificially transplanted dark matter!

The reaction of the God's seed to dark matter is as follows.

The first is joy.

This situation creates a strong desire to eat.

It means you can evolve after eating it.

The second is peace.

In this case, you have entered the sage mode after eating and drinking enough.

Feeling the dark matter again, I don’t bother to eat.

The third type is laziness.

In this case, the dark matter is sensed, but is too lazy to pay attention to it.

Basically, they are corpse-eating cultists who transplanted the flesh and blood of other ghosts.

Or someone infected with dark matter.

Of course there is a fourth kind.

That's vomiting.

As soon as he finished speaking, a group of zombie cultists suddenly appeared from the low buildings on both sides of the long street. They held heavy rocket launchers in their hands and fired at them without hesitation!

The moment she pulled the trigger, Ai Yue's eyes changed slightly.

"Do it!"

There is no room for conserving strength at this moment.

Lu Fuji suddenly said: "It's not necessary."

He suddenly raised a finger and gave an order.

With a roar, the moment the rocket launcher was launched, ferocious black shadows suddenly broke out of the water, roaring into the sky, with scorching lines lighting up all over their bodies.


The huge explosion was forcibly swallowed up by the blazing ghosts.

They absorb energy and roar toward the sky.

"Are you surprised or surprised?"

Lu Fuji looked at the zombie cultists on both sides of the short building and smiled slightly.

The blazing ghosts roared again, releasing terrifying energy.

The huge shock wave destroyed the nearby low buildings, and the corpse-eating cultists were blown to pieces on the spot, leaving not even a complete corpse.

Ai Yue turned to look at the young man, her eyes as if she had seen a ghost.

"Can you...control the White Walkers?"

she said suspiciously.

"The techniques of the Corpse Eater Cult."

Lu Fuji shrugged: "My wife improved it and used it."

Mrs. Lu felt like she couldn't help but roll her eyes.

This guy is now starting to use her as a scapegoat...

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