The edge of pure land

Chapter 141 The Third Victory Realm

At this moment, Lu Fuji finally felt what that kind of warmth was.

That is the belief passed on by comrades-in-arms.

The so-called professional soldiers are like candles burning in the dark. Everyone will use their own fire to light up others before they are extinguished. Even if this light goes out, another light will light up, so faith and strength are thus destroyed. Pass it on together.

So there is always light in the darkness.

It has not been extinguished for five hundred years.

People like Lu Ming are also extremely talented. It seems that he has reached the fifth majestic realm at the age of only thirty years old. He is also the master of the ghost technique and has a bright future.

If possible, he will be able to live a very good life after retirement, and there will be many families and companies willing to support him.

But he didn't do that.

Instead, he continued to devote his life to the military.

And then he died.

What he got in exchange was the skyrocketing life energy in Lu Fuji's body. In just a short moment, it had reached the critical point that he could bear, touching the threshold of the third victory realm.

But at this moment, his life energy failed to be assimilated by numerology.

Not even close.

Lu Sixian watched this scene silently and suddenly closed her eyes.

Her spiritual thoughts passed through the deep sea water, crossed the flooded underground ruins, came to the flooded underground neighborhood, and finally passed it to her teacher.

At this moment, rescue operations are still being carried out in the underground ruins. Submarines from the military headquarters have finally arrived, and the refugees are being escorted up. Everything is in order.

As soon as Xuelian sent a refugee onto the submarine, she sensed the spiritual thoughts from the student and could also feel the boy's desire for power.

Desperate for power.

Desperate to advance.

His desire, his determination, his blood.

She felt it all.

She had no idea what was going on under the water.

But she decided to respond.

"I once swore to God that I would dedicate everything to this world in this life. In principle, I cannot help anyone start a small business. But you saved me twice, and I will give you the only selfishness I have in this life."

She whispered: "Sending you a thunderstorm."

At this moment, her beautiful eyes lit up with an extremely bright light, and a huge shadow seemed to light up in the dark deep water, like a god coming to the world.

“Our Lord is merciful and has mercy on all people!”

Whether it was the rescue team and refugees under the water, the support troops arriving on the water, or the soldiers building dams and transporting supplies, including those safe and sound people in the city, they all saw the light released by the high priest. Divine light.

Only this time, it was not the world that the high priest loved.

But a person.

There was a boom.

A blazing bolt of lightning illuminated the dark city.

Faint thunder.

The night sky was filled with surging dark clouds, the fragmented electric light was wandering like a dragon in the depths of darkness, and the terrifying thunder roared in the silence, shaking the whole world in an instant!

The golden shadow standing between the sky and the earth raised his hand and shook it hard. The terrifying thunderstorm suddenly disappeared without a trace, as if it was transported to the deep water!




Lu Fuji felt the terrifying thunderstorm in his mind. The skyrocketing life energy in his body was suddenly assimilated by the endless thunder. The power from the natural celestial phenomena penetrated his limbs and bones. At this moment, the numerology of thunder attribute completed a qualitative change and suddenly broke through. limit!

Not only that, blazing lightning actually appeared under the deep water, as if it spanned distant time and space, and struck him hard, helping him complete the ultimate elemental transformation!

The lightning that came across time and space seemed to have suffered huge losses during the transmission process, but when it was poured into his body, his thunder numerology still went wild.

This was Long Ling's original advancement method. By making his numerology infinitely close to the natural elements, his thunder had unimaginable terrifying power.

If you compare numerology to a computer system.

Then the elemental system has strong advantages in performance.

Just when his body was about to be burst by the numerology, the sweet blood poured into his throat again, helping him tame the violent thunder. The numerology completed its sublimation at this moment!

His level of evolution breaks through instantly!

The Kabbalah Tree of Life System.

The third realm, the realm of victory!

It was at this moment that he completely mastered the violent thunder numerology in his body, and the spells he had inherited from the memory chip were integrated in his mind.

Based on the dispersion.

Ming Lei and Cang Shan, master them all.

Thunder is to gather a large amount of thunder and lightning to blast remotely, roaring like thunder.

Cang Shan's thunder and lightning spread completely throughout his body, he charged forward with an absolutely violent attitude, and then made an absolutely sharp slash, draining all the thunder in his body!

That is, a super fast slash!

When Lu Fuji opened his eyes again.

There was fierce lightning in the depths of his pupils.

"Has brother completed the advancement?"

Lu Sixian tilted her head and asked curiously.

Her face became paler and paler, which made people feel distressed.


Lu Fuji took a deep breath. At this moment, he felt that his state had reached its peak. His life energy had never been so full, and the power of thunder had never been more violent.

But he couldn't be happy at all.

Under the deep water, the last of Lu Ming's life was burned out. His last expression was a relieved smile, and his slightly raised right hand gave a thumbs up.

As if to say: "Come on."

This is the first time since Lu Buer became a soldier that he has truly felt the faith passed down between his comrades. They have never met before and have no deep intersection.

But comrades-in-arms seem to be this magical thing.

Even if I have never met you, I can trust you with everything.

Lu Ming not only helped the boy complete the advancement.

It seemed to also ignite the fire in the young man's heart.

"You rest here for a while. Heroes shouldn't sleep in a place like this. I will come back alive and take you out. How about I bring a few beasts to bury you with you? Forget it, they don't deserve it." Lu Fujie He closed his eyes and stretched his muscles.

"There's a fight."

He paused: "Let's go, Xiaoxian, hide behind me."

Lu Sixian hummed and swam with him obediently.

It was bitingly cold in the deep water, and there was blood stirring in the dark tunnel ahead. Violent roars could be heard from time to time. It was obvious that the battle had reached a fever pitch.


Dust dispersed in the water, and the bottom was stained red with blood.

With a roar, Takagi He was severely bombarded on the rock wall of the corridor. His only remaining hand tightly grasped the box containing the bones of the gods. The other half of his body was torn apart by the strong wind. At this moment, Green juice flowed, and a large amount of blood filled the air.

So strong!

The special sequence of dawn is really powerful!

On the verge of death, he can still burst out with such powerful power!

Ai Yue held the sword in both hands, as if dancing a waltz like a sharp wind blade in the deep water. The roaring steam cannon was severely cut off by her, and countless broken wind blades fluttered.

Those broken wind blades scattered like ghosts.

The truth of death!

This ability allows her to collect the remaining power of the dead within a certain range, thereby greatly enhancing her numerology and spells, and can also impose the concept of death.

While fighting her, the opponent will also be eroded by the power of death.

It’s not just life energy that will be depleted at an accelerated rate.

Tissues and organs will also gradually decline!

She gasped hard, protecting the oxygen tank and breathing mask from being damaged, but the weakness caused by excessive blood loss made it impossible for her to continue the high-intensity battle.

She had to give it a try.

Qingye, who was being bullied, was torn apart by countless ghosts. His body had become a bloody mess. Countless injuries deep into the bones could be seen, and not a single piece of flesh was intact.

But even so, he slammed into the girl like a cannonball.

Although positions and beliefs will change.

But the training they received was the most rigorous.

Even if you still have your last breath, you must fight to the end!

If Lu Ming hadn't desperately injured Qingye, the battle would not have continued until now.

At this moment, Ai Yue and Qingye were both at the end of their strength, so they launched the ultimate charge towards each other just like they had joined the Dawn Special Sequence Assessment!

Deep red blood flowed from Ai Yue's beautiful eyes, and the dead spirit of the wind roared at the top of his lungs, rushing towards his former comrade with an aura that was not afraid of death.

Qingye's whole body was red, and it exploded like a steam cannon!

There was a boom.

They collided hard together, and terrifying energy vibrated.

The rock walls cracked and the water stirred.

Qingye suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood, and his lower abdomen was penetrated by a sword.

What was originally penetrated should be his heart.

But at the last moment, Ai Yue lost her strength and missed.

"Why bother, Captain."

Qingye said hoarsely: "Is faith really more important than life?"

He knew he was doomed.

Even if he killed the captain, he wouldn't be able to get out alive.

He couldn't understand it at all.

Why do some people really regard their faith as more important than life.

If you die, won't there be nothing?

Ai Yue's white hair spread out in the water, and her once moist and smart eyes had never been so dim. Her consciousness was a little dazed, and she murmured in a low voice: "May our martyrs in heaven protect you, may you be invulnerable, may you be invulnerable. Invincible to water and fire, may you shine brightly and be invincible..."

Qingye was stunned.

He knew that these words were not meant for him.

But to the dead Lu Ming.

Or all the comrades along the way.

He suddenly understood why the captain did this.

Of course life matters.

Even more important than anything else.

It is precisely because we value life that we value those fallen comrades.

Value their will and their heritage.

The reason why this seemingly weak girl can persist until now even in a near-death state may be because she just wants to protect the things that the deceased people fought to protect at all costs.

If the things that our comrades protect are no longer there, then the lives they have paid for them will become meaningless.

At this moment, Takagi Heqiang swam over, and sharp vines sprouted from the wound on his broken arm, burrowing towards the girl's back like a poisonous snake.

There was excitement and malice in his eyes.

The number one genius of this generation's military region headquarters was about to die in his hands.

This is a great honor!

Suddenly, a light lit up under the water.

"Why is there light under the water? Is it a flashlight?"

Takagi He was stunned.

Even the light of a flashlight shouldn't be so bright.

It shouldn't be... so fast!

In the darkness mixed with blood and dust, the white-haired boy broke through the water. Cool electric current flowed all over his body. A wooden knife wrapped with a flashing electric arc seemed to light up with thousands of rays of light, like a ray that pierced the endless night. Lightning suddenly split the water flow.

It also opened a path of life and death!

Thunder is the ultimate long-range attack.

Then Cang Shan is a quick and decisive kill at close range!

Takagi He was horrified. At this moment, he did not hesitate at all. He immediately used all the life energy in his body to hold down the rock wall. Countless thick vines broke out of the rock and pounced away like a group of violent snakes.

Qingye also felt the crisis. He used his last strength to raise his right hand, and hot steam gathered in his palm, roaring like a giant!


The first knife!

Countless thick vines were cut off by the incomparable sword light!

The light flashed past, and Takagi He saw his headless body, the blood spurting from his neck spreading in the water, and his consciousness fell into a blank.

The second knife!

The furious steam cannon was split in two.

The giant's roar seemed to be lost in the roar of the sword.

The cool lightning flashed out, and Qingye also saw his headless body, and the sight of blood spurting out of his neck looked a little disgusting for some reason.

The blazing electric light stung their eyes.

Two words came to their minds.

Cang Shine!

Known as the strongest quick slasher in the Third Victory World!

How can it be?

These were their last thoughts.

When two heads fly high.

Through the thick blood, Ai Yue saw the young man passing by.

Lu Fuji also saw the girl who was about to wither.

The moment of looking at each other seemed to transcend life and death.

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