The edge of pure land

Chapter 163 God’s Back Garden

It was raining heavily, and Lu Fuji was soaked in the rain. He suddenly lost strength. He sat down in the muddy ground, gasping for air, and laughed inadvertently.

This battle was probably the most difficult battle he had ever fought, because the gap in strength between the two sides was so huge that they had to rely on temporary breakthroughs to win even though they were outnumbered and defeated, but the joy after the victory made him I was so intoxicated that I even trembled with excitement.

Because he seemed to see a road to heaven opening in front of him.

Zhang Boheng's head had been crushed by his feet, leaving only a headless corpse still flowing with flaming incantations, like a strange curse.

He put his hand on the body.

The countless traces of the Origin Curse were swallowed up by him, and he once again felt that his immortal body was evolving, as if he had received a rich experience package.

Sure enough.

It turns out that the so-called curse of the gods is a process in which gods use their followers to complete themselves. The curse of origin on the creation race does not bring any gain or debuff, and its only function is to copy its darkening. Numerology, that is, ghost magic.

Evolved people's practice of ghost magic is like cultivating a special kind of dark matter, and the function of the Curse of Origin is to copy the results of their practice and then feed it back to the god's body.

Absorb nutrients and replenish yourself.

The forbidden knowledge of the White Walkers is bait dropped by the gods.

Celestial Curse is the authority of the gods to harvest bait.

It's like a huge conspiracy that has enveloped the world for a hundred years.

It's terrifying to think about.

"It turns out that the Seed of the Gods is not that simple at all. I thought of it too simply before. It seems to be a tool used by God to achieve himself. Before, I only used it to absorb the dark matter in the body of the White Walkers. This It’s the authority of the White Walkers. After I learned the White Walker technique, I saw the gods in my mind for the first time, and I already had the ability to recycle the Curse of Origin!”

This sense of design is so exquisite.

Assuming that a newborn god is not in good condition and urgently needs to replenish its power, then the seed of the gods is its best tool. First, it uses the authority of the White Walkers to absorb a large amount of dark matter to condense into a form, and evolve from a dead ghost into a The thorn ghost transforms into the blazing ghost again.

At this time, the authority of the alien magic was opened, as if the gods were finally beginning to gather their own authority. Forbidden knowledge is actually the practice method of this ability. The seed of the gods can easily help him understand everything without any problem. bottleneck.

The most important thing is to master the powers of the gods that are opened after mastering the strange ghost technique. In this way, the curse of origin can be recovered and the speed of practice can be greatly increased.

In this way, no one can stop the awakening of the gods.

But there is one person who can identify the forbidden knowledge of strange ghosts, and can even control the God-cursed authority used by the gods to lay out. In this way, he seems to have become the biggest loophole in this conspiracy, a veritable authority-stealer!

Lu Fuji's heart was beating wildly.

If that's the case, he can definitely cut off the beast before the gods do.

Anyway, he has the authority, so he can just grab it!

This world is the God's back garden, planted with delicious fruits.

And he holds the key to the back garden.

You can buy it here for zero yuan!

As a result, it will be difficult for the gods to do whatever they want.

After all, Lu Fuji also has the authority of a god.

Maybe even higher than the gods themselves.

"I see greed and madness in your eyes."

Dongshan's voice sounded in his ears: "Your expression just now was very evil, just like Zhang Boheng who just died. Major Lu, are you sure you are not possessed by evil?"

Lu Buer came back to his senses, wiped his wet face, and complained: "What are you talking about? Can Zhang Boheng be evil like me? Speaking of which, why are you here? Are you still at the fourth level?"

Dongshan said in a deep voice: "The officer told me before he left that since you think something is wrong with Chamberlain, you must have your reasons. Therefore, he told me that once I find out something, I will come over to support you immediately. Qiangwei and Da Meng is still waiting outside the Land of the Past, but their level is not enough to keep up. The reason why I advanced is because of the battle in Waste Factory Street."

He explained: "When I get beaten, I become stronger."

"Which officer?"

Lu Fuji frowned and asked, "Who are you talking about?"

"Huh? Don't joke with me."

Dongshan was stunned: "Of course it's a dragon..."

The words were stuck in his throat, but he couldn't come out at all.

At that moment his mind went blank.

"Why are you so babbling?"

Lu Fuji exhaled a breath: "By the way, I couldn't find your sons this time. They all have precious combat power that has mastered the immortal truth. Although they look very unstable, they should all be protected. However, Don’t worry, I have found a way to rescue them.”

According to Lu Fuji's guess, there are also differences in the skills of the White Walkers, which probably correspond to each stage of the White Walkers.

The truth level corresponds to the authority of the gods.

The Virtual Reality level corresponds to the authority of the Aragami.

The curse level corresponds to the authority of the overlord.

The Quantitative Level corresponds to the authority of the White Walkers from Levels 1 to 3.

He may not have a solution to the twins' physical problems, but at least he can lift the curse of origin, which is a very precious experience package for him.

Dongshan didn't expect that he would still remember this: "Thank you."

Lu Fuji suddenly thought of something: "Oh no!"

He forgot something very important.

The man in front of him is still a wanted criminal by the federal government.

And there is a captain of the Dawn Special Sequence behind him!

Ai Yue put away her sword and walked over, her sharp breath like a knife cutting her face.

It looks very stern.

Dongshan understood something immediately, and did not want to embarrass the young man. He stood up and held out his hands: "I know that I am a criminal now, and my escape from prison also violated federal law. You can arrest me, or you can kill me on the spot. .”

Ai Yue glanced at the man, shook her head and said: "The department I work for is the Dawn Special Sequence. Unless I receive a task to behead you, I have no obligation to arrest you or execute you. But in view of your contribution, I can report it to you Commutation of sentence.”

After saying that, she turned around, her eyes became sharper and more serious, and she puffed her cheeks slightly and said, "Brother Xiaolu, has the secret blood been hidden by you?"

Lu Fuji's heart thumped: "No."

Ai Yue said quietly: "Then why can I sense your specific location after taking the real blood? There are obviously traces of the real blood in Zhang Boheng's body."

Lu Fuji thought for a moment: "Listen to my quibbles..."

Ai Yue said with a straight face: "The secret blood is a very dangerous thing. Once you don't use it well, your whole person will disappear from this world. Although it is not impossible to break it, once you are really swallowed by the secret, you You may even forget yourself. You are still a newbie and without anyone to help you control it, it is very easy for something to happen.”

She stretched out her white and tender hands, her meaning self-evident.

Lu Buer thought that this girl's worries were justified.

But he has a wife.

Afraid of a hammer.


Lu Fuji said cautiously: "What do you mean?"

"Give me the secret blood."

Ai Yue said seriously: "Don't use that thing."

Lu Fuji thought for a while: "What if I have to use it?"

Ai Yue stared at him: "Then I'll tell my dad."

Lu Fuji sighed: "The squad leader who snitches is not popular with the classmates. No matter how beautiful he is, it is useless. But since you insist on doing so, there is nothing I can do about it. Jun-chan, you can't You don’t want your father to know about your secret mission, do you?”

Ai Yue was slightly startled.

And not just because of her nickname.

Or because of that damn tone.

She was hit in her weak spot and felt a little embarrassed for a moment.

"Look, we are all disobedient children, why bother hurting each other? I promise you, I will not be swallowed up by the secret. This world is so wonderful, and I haven't experienced it yet, how can I get away with it? As for the Secret Blood, I don’t know if there are any other backups, but it’s better to put it here than to put it in the hands of beasts, right?”

Lu Fuji spread his hands and said pointedly: "If you are really worried about me, just give me the true blood, right?"

Ai Yue blinked her eyes and fell into deep thought.

It sounds reasonable, although it feels a little wrong.

"But the sacred objects in the Sealed Gate are taboo and belong to the church's property and cannot be abused. In theory, these things can only be used to save the human world."

She frowned and said, "I can't make the decision."

"Jun-chan, what do you think of my talent?"

"very good."

"Then do you think I have any hope of becoming the Holy Monarch?"

"If he doesn't die young, the probability is very high."

"Then am I the future of the human world?"

"Yeah... sort of."

Lu Fuji slapped his thigh: "Isn't this necessary? To protect me is to protect the future of mankind. I am a human being, why can't you give me the real blood? Anyway, this thing has a backup, and it's not like giving it to me. It's useless. Rules are dead, but people are alive. Those beasts can embezzle public property, why can't we? They don't obey the rules, but you have to obey them. If this continues, when will you defeat them? "

He said sternly: "Wake up, Jun-chan!"

Ai Yue's brain was shut down. Although it sounded like nonsense at first, she couldn't refute it, and she even agreed with it emotionally.

"I still can't make the decision without permission, but I can lend it to you."

She said seriously: "I still have this authority."

I saw her taking out a bottle of bright red blood from the pocket of her military uniform.

In the dark, it is so beautiful, but not bloody.

Instead, it exudes a fresh scent.

Lu Fuji accepted it unceremoniously and smiled slightly: "Thank you."

As expected, this girl's fierce appearance was all fake, but deep down she was just an eighteen-year-old girl, too innocent to be true.

There is no reason why the meat that has entered the lion's mouth should be spit out.

Liu Bei borrowed Jingzhou back then and had no intention of paying it back.

Dongshan watched this scene silently.

It can only be said that Major Lu is indeed evil.

In a few words, the matter of the hidden blood was fooled.

Not only that, but he also got a bottle of real blood.

"Brother Xiaolu, I can give you the real blood, but I will strictly guard you from now on and never let you mess around. This is also what my father meant. Your character is too lawless!" Ai Yue held up another bag. The serious posture still gives people the feeling of a beautiful girl monitor in school. She points to your homework and says that if you don't study hard, I will sue the teacher.

"Know it."

Lu Fuji shrugged.

Now both the Hidden Blood and the True Blood are in his hands.

Can you still control me?

Ai Yue didn't know what he was thinking. When she saw him agreeing, she raised the corners of her lips slightly, and the sharp feeling in the corners of her eyes and eyebrows gradually disappeared.

In fact, when her father asked her to take care of this young man, she was somewhat resistant because she was now a professional soldier and had no time to take care of the child.

Of course, child is just an adjective.

Generally used to describe those who have just awakened from the cocoon.

Because they cannot adapt to the new era, or are separated from their families, many people will become as difficult as a giant baby. Some people just cannot take care of themselves, and some people even directly ask you to help them advance to the next level. , or else they will roll around.

Lu Fuji was a patient before, and he may not be able to adapt to the new world after coming to it.

But later events proved that you should never look at people through stereotypes and colored glasses. Many people can only discover their truly outstanding qualities when they come into contact with them.

At this moment, the Holy Mountain roared again.

The dark torrent in the mountains became more and more turbulent.

It was like a terrible mudslide, getting louder and louder.

Even if the terrain they are in is relatively safe, it is not a long-term solution.

Especially in the torrent of dark matter, there is a vague and terrifying aura.

"The White Walkers in the Holy Mountain are awakening!"

Ai Yue suddenly became vigilant: "We must evacuate. There may be a large number of overlord-level white ghosts in the evolutionary chain awakening here. Such a large number is definitely not something we can deal with. There may even be... …Aragami!”

Dongshan also stood up and said in a deep voice: "When I rushed over, the descendants of the Brotherhood had betrayed and they had evacuated the Holy Mountain. If I guessed correctly, they wanted to keep everyone else behind They were trapped to death in the Holy Mountain. After we are all dead, no one will know what they did. But I think things will not be that simple. They should also seek refuge in the Tower of Babel. After all, they dare not bet whether anyone will come from Survive the Holy Mountain.”

Shen Xiong's roar could be heard faintly in the heavy rain.

It's like demons awakening in hell.

The sky was flickering, and endless auroras flickered.

A horn sounded faintly.

The sound was so solemn and sacred, like heaven.

In the deepest part of the rain curtain, it was as if you could see the wings of an angel spread out!

Lu Buer's God's Seed fluctuated violently. It was obvious that it was a high-level White Walker from the Creation Mother Nest sequence. It was unknown whether it was the Overlord level or the Aragami level.

In short, it is definitely not something they can deal with.

At this time, his bronze mirror also trembled, and Metanzo's voice sounded: "You are very lucky to have survived. It seems that those who plotted against me will probably not come. After all, my power has spread He is out, and there will be no one stronger than him in this world. Run away, the gods are about to awaken, and this holy mountain is no longer a place for you to stay."

Lu Fuji vaguely felt that there was an extremely hot energy permeating the depths of the holy mountain. He felt vaguely familiar, but he couldn't remember who it was: "Who are you talking about?"

In the bronze mirror, Metanzo's smile became more mysterious and profound.

"Have you forgotten?"

He said calmly: "But I have already reminded you of your name."

It's a pity that Lu Buer subjectively ignored him.

"Wait, you mean... the secret blood?"

His brain seemed to be exploding.

No wonder he'd always felt like he'd forgotten something.

But at this moment, it felt like a cold snake was crawling through my heart.

He suddenly realized something.

Xiaoxian once reminded him.

Metanzo has the ability to confuse people.

Medanzo seemed to be letting him go, but in reality he was letting him enter the Holy Mountain.

Using the person he forgot as bait!

After all, Medanzo's deal was by no means that simple. He couldn't just want to kill a creation race from the fifth realm. He must have a deeper meaning in doing so, trying to trick him into doing something.

Just by entering the Holy Mountain, can Lu Buer help that person?

Obviously not.

After all, things in the Holy Mountain are definitely not something Lu Buer can get involved with.

He didn't feel that there was such an important person in his life, and he needed to take such a big risk to break into the deepest part of this hell, but he couldn't help.


Ai Yue fired a flare.

Dongshan pulled the young man and said, "Hurry up, or it will be too late!"

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