The edge of pure land

Chapter 193 Boredom, blood flowing like a river


At this moment, Chen Jing felt very clearly that the distant gods were so angry. It felt as if he was watching his property being stolen in front of his face, but he had no way to stop it. In the end, he could only be helpless and furious. .

No, that's not quite right.

It's like it's currently a crime.

"What happened to the gods?"

she murmured.

"Miss, are you okay?"

The veteran driver asked respectfully.


Chen Jing has felt the abnormality of the gods many times recently.

This has never happened before.

"Is there something wrong with Long Ling? Is there a conflict between divinity and humanity? Or is her mood becoming unstable because she was reincarnated into a human body? Will the human body still be affected by the menstrual period? ? Well, I'm a little curious." Chen Jing fell into deep thought.

At this moment, there was a roar.

The barrier that enveloped Banyue Manor finally opened a gap.

Masked killers stood guard at the door, bowing deeply.

"Miss Chen Jing, you can leave."

A killer said in a deep voice: "Mr. Arthur and the others have already left ahead of time and are heading to the west coast to prepare. Along the way, Deacon Yuan Yin will protect your safety."

"The West Coast."

Chen Jing looked at the sparkling sea and the cross-sea bridge across the sea, and snorted disdainfully: "Since we are going to the west coast, that means...the Federation and the Church have compromised and are willing to Negotiate with us?”

The killer smiled and said: "Yes, after all, there is a god behind us."

Chen Jing was not happy about this, and his eyes became gloomy.

"Boring, I just want to see blood flowing into a river..."



In the morning light-filled living room, Qiangwei looked at the woman opposite her with some restraint. She didn't know why she felt suppressed every time she saw her.

It's a bit like a mistress meeting her real wife.

No, that's not right.

To be precise, it was the maid who met the main wife.

In fact, everyone is innocent, and even if she had some thoughts, they have not come true. At present, her only wish is to protect the boy, help deal with some insignificant things, and then wait silently for the commander to wake up.

Therefore, there is no need for her to feel guilty!

However, Lianhua is indeed too majestic. Even in her human state, she has an inexplicable aura. And although she has little experience in love, she has a very accurate eye for people.

You can see the other person's thoughts at a glance.

If you are a thief, you will naturally feel guilty.

Of course, she is not the kind of narrow-minded woman. She won't do anything to target her like green tea. She just needs to show up as a real woman.

With her aura, she can naturally suppress everything.


What a real woman.

She hasn't admitted it yet.

The atmosphere in the living room was awkward, with only the sound of boring soap operas playing on the TV. The inexplicable aura was so overwhelming that Qiangwei couldn't bear it. She stood up cautiously, poured a cup of hot tea, and placed it in front of the woman. Smile slightly.


Lianhua said reservedly: "I have milkshake."

In fact, she had finished her milkshake long ago.

What I’m drinking now is Lu Fuji’s.

Because Lu Fuji didn't like anything too sweet, he didn't move much at all.

This way of drinking can be regarded as an indirect kiss.

However, we have already kissed each other, so what is there to dislike?

"Dog abuse in broad daylight..."

Qiangwei muttered in her heart: "Obviously I can change to a straw!"

Lianhua didn't know what she was thinking. At this moment, the mobile phone in her pocket suddenly rang. The caller ID showed an unknown number. This proved that the caller was using a satellite encrypted phone and it was almost impossible to be monitored. arrive.

When she saw the number, her eyes darkened.

There was a hint of chill.

Qiangwei looked at her secretly.

It felt like suddenly, she seemed to have turned into an iceberg.

Lianhua grabbed the phone and walked to the balcony, overlooking the old community full of green plants. Her eyes seemed to be floating to the sky. She silently answered the phone and her voice became colder: "If you don't sleep in the dormitory, get up and give me a call." What are you doing on the phone?”

Rose tried to eavesdrop, but heard nothing.

It's as if the other person's voice is far away from the universe.

Obviously, this was blocked by divine magic.

An old but extremely cold voice rang on the phone: "The Supreme Council has been convened three times. How can I not wake up? With a messy daughter like you, even if I die, You can’t even worry about it in the dormant warehouse!”

It was a woman's voice.

Vigorous and powerful.

Lianhua said indifferently: "I have forgotten that I am your daughter."


The old man on the phone snorted coldly: "I heard that the Pope has issued an order for you to evacuate that city. Why don't you evacuate? This is also because the president has reached an agreement with the former general. It is related to the safety of a city. You can't act according to your temper."

Lianhua said calmly: "The Holy High Priest is responsible for governing the five deity stations. We have the greatest autonomy and are not under their jurisdiction."

However, the next moment, the old man's answer was heartbreaking: "That was back then, do you still think this is the time when your brother was alive? When Xingpan was alive, who in the world would dare to control you? It's not up to you. What is your temper? At that time, you could be iron-fisted, capricious, and do whatever you wanted. Because you had an invincible person guarding you, nothing would happen to you no matter what. But what about now? What era is it now? "

She emphasized: "Although the Holy High Priest is powerful, he can also be easily assassinated. Now Linhai City is no longer safe. We must admit that an unprecedentedly powerful heretical force is rising. The Tower of Babel is the one among us. A member who broke away. They know us, but we don’t know them. The lack of intelligence is very fatal.”

Lianhua was silent for a few seconds: "I said that if you want to find out about this matter, you need to start purging it within the Federation and the Church. Where did those creation races come from? The human experiments in Linhai City for more than a hundred years , who is behind this? Those families, those high-level officials, if these pests are not dealt with, then similar things will only continue endlessly."

When she said this, her eyes were filled with murderous intent.

In fact, when the boy came back from outside, she felt her heart tremble slightly when she saw his tired expression and the blood and mud all over his body.

That's a very complicated emotion.

Some are distressed, and some are angry.

Especially when you meet his eyes.

I always felt that the light in his eyes was missing a lot.

In fact, those joys and sorrows, those heavy burdens.

It is true that Xiaolu's talent is very good, but after all, he is just a young man who has just emerged from his cocoon. How can it be reasonable to let him take on so many things?

Now Longque is gone.

Lianhua is already the only person he can rely on.

Of course she wanted to help him seek justice.

On the phone, the old man scolded: "I have said many times, you don't understand politics at all! Do you think that if someone can really control gods, what do these more than a hundred years of experiments mean to those politicians? Is it a big deal? Although they messed up in the end, they will definitely clean themselves up. In the end, you only find a group of scapegoats."

"Greed and darkness in this world have never stopped, and good and evil have always been conserved. There is a saying that light and dust are like dust. Idealists like you who cannot see darkness may never understand it. Furthermore, , since you want to start a war against the Tower of Babel, and you also want to purge it internally, are you kidding me? How could I teach a daughter like you?"

"In the end, the Tower of Babel did not attack the ordinary people in Linhai City, which proves that they really want to negotiate. After these two Supreme Councils, they have reached an agreement. Now that God has awakened, this has been the case for five hundred years. A situation that has never happened before. In order to prevent the world from being destroyed, we need to wait and see what the Tower of Babel wants to do."

In fact, in the past two months, the Federation and the Church have been divided into two factions. The war faction and the peace faction have been arguing fiercely, but in the end, the latter has the upper hand.


The Federation and the Church, faced with pressure from God, compromised.

Lianhua's eyes suddenly turned cold.

Whether it's a battle or a peace, no one knows the outcome.

But as the holy high priest, she could vaguely predict some things.

Compromising with heretics is unlikely to yield any good results.

Of course, the Federation and the Church are not a real compromise, but rather buying some time for the world until a way to deal with the God of Origin can be found.

But the problem is, she always has a bad feeling.

It seems like a storm is coming.

If you delay it, something will probably happen.

If the first and second generations were still alive, how could such a thing be tolerated?

I took a plane to Linhai Kaiwushuang that day.

"I heard that there are fluctuations in the eternal domain of Linhai City, and they have sent people to the west coast. In addition to dealing with the negotiations at the Tower of Babel, they must also find ways to prevent their power from continuing to expand. According to the analysis of the Holy Intelligence Body, In just two months, the number of evolvers who have mastered the art of ghosts has doubled exponentially. Although most of them are rotten fish and shrimps, there are also some strong ones. Regarding Metanzo, it is also Needs to be discussed.”

The old man left a last word: "The day after tomorrow, negotiations will be held on the west coast. As the holy high priest of the fifth site, you must attend. Remember to survive and don't be assassinated. Remember, this is not a request, But a notification!”

She said the last words in a cold voice: "Don't embarrass the Li family!"

The call is interrupted.

Lianhua took a deep breath and repeatedly warned herself not to be angry.

But the hand holding the phone turned slightly white.


Lianhua said coldly: "I won't listen to you."

She put away her phone and returned to the living room.

Qiangwei was startled by her.

Not long ago, this woman's temperament had only become colder.

Now it is murderous.

It seemed as if he was about to destroy himself at a glance.

At this moment, the bedroom door opened, and a mysterious and ethereal fragrance floated out. Lu Fuji walked out, covering his aching head.

Lianhua felt a little better when she saw him.

He relaxed his mood slightly: "What did you do?"

She vaguely felt that the fragrance had become stronger.

Could it be that Lu Fuji opened the coffin?

"Nothing, just checking his status."

Lu Buer said suspiciously: "Who made you angry?"

Lianhua said with a straight face, "So obvious?"

"if not?"

Lu Fuji shrugged and complained a little tiredly: "If you had this expression when you were at home, I wouldn't dare to kiss you if you gave me ten more courages."

Lianhua almost laughed angrily at him.

She sat on the sofa, grabbed a pillow, and squeezed it hard: "People from the Federation called just now. Regarding the Tower of Babel, they plan to negotiate a peace."

Lu Fuji raised his eyebrows slightly.

Official peace talks with heretics.

This sounds outrageous.

But after all, the Tower of Babel was backed by gods.

If you think about it carefully, it's not surprising.

But, it's boring.

For him, all he wanted was to see rivers of blood.

"It seems that the Tower of Babel did not attack ordinary people in this city. That is because they want to use the people in this city as hostages. It can be seen from the flood in the underground ruins that as long as they can make a profit , they can do anything.”

Lianhua said coldly: "As for the group of creation races hidden within the Federation and the Church, they are not going to deal with it for the time being. In the eyes of those politicians, our words are unfounded. The only evidence we have so far is not enough. It hurts the muscles and bones, and cleanses it internally.”

Lu Buer was silent for a moment: "In the end, isn't it true that the fist is not strong enough? After all, anti-corruption requires evidence, and counter-terrorism only requires a list."

"After all, this is an era without a divine monarch."

Lianhua could not deny this: "The negotiations will be held as scheduled the day after tomorrow."

At this time, she received another message on her phone.

"The war in the Land of the Past is over, and the Tower of Babel has chosen to retreat."

She raised her eyes: "This means that the Vice-Pope and Chamberlain will also come back, and Admiral Su Shi will escort them to the west coast. I will go to participate in specific negotiations by then. To be on the safe side, you stay with me. Don't Recklessly."

Lianhua didn't think he would be assassinated.

On the contrary, she felt that she had to protect the young man in front of her.

After all, the group of Creation Ethnics hiding in the gutter had already set their sights on him.

He asked Lu Fuji to accompany him just to keep an eye on him.

Don't let him mess around.

After hearing the news, Lu Fuji's hand covering his forehead flicked like an electric shock, and he touched the bronze mirror in his pocket intentionally or unintentionally.

All compromises in this world are just because the fist is not strong enough.

This is indeed an era without a divine monarch.

But the problem is, there is someone better than the divine monarch.

A bold idea took shape in the young man's mind.

"I wonder if we can ask him to take action."

Lu Fuji thought secretly in his heart.

"By the way, let me ask you two something."

He suddenly said: "Did Longque leave any important information for you before he left? That thing is very important."

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