The edge of pure land

Chapter 213 The road to invincibility begins here

Along with the thunder, the rain fell harder.

In the pouring rain, Lu Fuji didn't give the world much time to choose, because the moment he finished speaking, he had already leaned down.

Both hands grabbed Chamberlain's head.

Stagger left and right, and break with force.

Under the gaze of everyone, Chamberlain's eyes widened in horror. His neck was violently broken, and he lay like a dead dog in the rain on the asphalt road. He probably never thought about how he ended up in so many federations until his death. He was killed in front of the church's top brass.

Why is that madman so audacious?

This became his last thought.

Chamberlain died just like that.

An archbishop from the church headquarters.


Facing the sky full of drones and countless cameras.

Lu Fuji raised his face that was soaked by the rain, looking very happy.


An extremely angry voice sounded in the silent wind and rain. It was Archbishop Leon's shout after he jumped out of the car. The clergy from the church were following him. They undoubtedly represented the will of the Holy Religion of Akasha.

In just a moment, Lu Fuji's chest lit up with countless dense red dots, which were obviously locked by the anti-equipment alchemy sniper rifle. Weapons of this level are already equipped for overlord-level White Walkers. It is conceivable that You know what kind of treatment this is.

However, suddenly, Ai Yue shrewdly stepped in front of the young man.

The members of the Dawn Special Sequence spread out one after another, protecting the young man tightly.

"Colonel Ai Yue, what are you doing!"

Archbishop Li Ang obviously couldn't understand.

As a special dawn sequence, what they should do is kill the terrorists on the spot.

Why did he get protected instead?

The next moment, the special service troops have arrived. After all, the hostages are dead at this moment. According to the usual practice, they must charge towards the terrorists, no matter who is blocking the way in front.

On the helicopter entrenched in the sky, Su Shi suddenly stood up and activated the heavy machine gun in the cabin. He fired wildly at high altitude and plowed a series of bullet marks on the ground.

The SWAT charge came to an abrupt end.

The vice-pope looked at the super general and said nothing.

Secretary Zhou, who had the highest military rank and official position at the scene, also turned a blind eye to this.

Because they all felt that this neighborhood was enveloped by an extremely strong pressure, which was the vast divine power from the Kabbalah Tree of Life, boiling like lava at this moment.

Lianhua, who seemed silent, had already moved her fingers.

If anyone has murderous intentions towards that boy.

You will surely suffer divine punishment.

The old woman from the Li family looked at her daughter silently and sighed.

Li Can and others held their breath and were extremely nervous.

"Before you make your choice, I need to remind you."

Medanzo sat on the rooftop, holding a black umbrella and drinking coffee.

A pair of long legs swayed in the wind.

"The parents of this little guy are not simple. His father's surname is Lu, and his mother's surname is An. They come from the Tianshen Civilization Scientific Expedition Team five hundred years ago and were the chief researcher of Aurora. They are also extremely rare evolvers from before the era. Today, One of the founders of the New World.”

He paused and said, "Yes, they are the couple who died on the Holy Mountain. Does anyone remember them? Why not call our dear Mr. Pope over and ask him what he knows about this."

Everyone was silent.

Many people know it.

The current Mr. Pope was also a member of the Tianshen Civilization Scientific Expedition Team back then!

If they were the children of the sages of the old world, they might have secret information from prehistory in their hands. No wonder they could create such an amazing dark matter!

"If you want to kill him, actually I don't have any objection. Anyway, he is just my employer. After he dies, I won't owe him anything. The problem is that after he dies, there may be no one in this world. People can master that kind of dark matter."

Metanzo jumped from the top of the building and landed lightly.

He looked at the burly and majestic God of War at close range and expressed emotion: "This is the realm that Constantine dreamed of back then. If you say so, it's a bit handsome."

Medanzo showed an expression of envy and hatred, and then squatted down.

Like a child looking down at ants.

A closer look at Chamberlain's body.

Then he stretched out a slender finger and lightly scratched his forehead.

"Finally, I want to say, do you really want to kill a genius for this kind of thing?"

There was a click.

Chamberlain's skull fell off, and the wound was as smooth as if it had been cut by a laser, revealing the structure of his brain.

A horrifying scene appeared. This guy's brain turned out to be rotten, and the dark and sticky unknown substance was crawling crazily, as if trying to escape from the body.

At this moment, everyone's scalp was numb. It was obvious that this powerful young and promising archbishop had been parasitized by some strange thing at some point. Coupled with the personal corrections from the previous members of the Linhai City City Safety Committee, the evidence Already confirmed.

"Is it so difficult to admit that you are wrong? I have been trapped in the Holy Mountain for eighteen years. Why are you people who protect the order still a group of short-sighted idiots? Everyone wants to get the power of the God of Origin, including me. No exception."

Medanzo stood up and said calmly: "But the difference between me and you is that I won't be played around like monkeys... Eh? No, I was tricked by this group of people before, so wouldn't it be wrong for me too? Becoming a monkey being played with? Ah, that’s really unpleasant.”


The rain was broken.

There was a splash of water as high as one person.

Archbishop Li Ang's pupils shrank slightly.

"Come, shoot him to death."

Medanzo smiled in front of him and said, "Go quickly."

Archbishop Li Ang's body seemed to be filled with lead.

Couldn't move at all.

At this moment, the scene reached a deadlock. Yuan Lie and Xia Yan on the military vehicle were so nervous that their hearts were beating wildly. From time to time, they looked at the helicopter above their heads, silently counting the time.

On that military helicopter.

Secretary Zhou received a call.

A thunderous voice rang on the phone.

The Vice-Pope also received a call and listened silently to the content of the call.

A moment later.

They issued separate orders.

"Notify everyone, the arrest operation is cancelled!"

A cold mechanical voice echoed over the neighborhood: "Received orders from the federal and church headquarters, S-class confidential documents have been issued, the operation has been certified by the military, and has been specially approved by the Abnormal Supervision Administration. All actions of Major Shika Fuji. Temporarily legalized. However, due to excessive behavior, vandalizing public facilities, and openly insulting military ministers as a soldier, he will be given a serious demerit."

In a jaw-dropping announcement.

Everyone just felt that their worldview was collapsing.

For such a big thing, it was just a serious demerit!

This means that it will be difficult for Lu Buer to be promoted to military rank in the future.

The merits and honors that belonged to him were also cancelled.

You may be imprisoned.

You may also be demoted.

But compared to what he did, it was just drizzle.

And, something even more shocking happened.

Solemn music sounded in the rain curtain.

The clergy who had received the temporary order played solemn music. The believers in white walked over holding a stone crown, and the special service troops made way for them.

Finally, Archbishop Li Ang turned around stiffly.

He took the stone crown handed over by the believers.

This is the crown that symbolizes the sacred path.

Apostle's crown.

But this crown looks different, because it is not only made of simple stone, but is even imprinted with green-gold lace, symbolizing a more profound meaning.

This means that the person who accepts this crown is the strongest among the apostles, and has created a unique system that is ahead of the evolution of the world. Even if the current rank is still very low, it is the best in human history. A future pioneer full of glory.

He had the right to reject all challenges from other apostles.

He has the right to ignore all federal and church laws and dogmas.

He even has the right to participate in all major decisions in this world.

This crown symbolizes invincibility.

A supreme, invincible road!

If you reach the top, you will achieve the highest level!

Looking at the history of 500 years, only three people have ever had such great glory.

The first generation of sacred monarch Yuan Xi.

The second generation of holy monarch Le Xingpan.

The third generation of holy monarch, Constantine.

The moment they saw the crown, all media outlets seemed to be sharks smelling blood. They jumped out of the car and ran away with the camera in hand. Ignoring the soldiers' obstruction, they frantically pressed the camera and turned on countless flashlights. , accompanied by a clicking sound.

"Fuck, fuck!"

He Sai jumped up excitedly: "Brother Lu is about to be crowned! Major Yuan, why weren't you so grand when you were crowned?"

Yuan Qing drunkenly glared at this guy: "I..."

I want to save my respect, but I can't think of any good reason.

Well, just look at him like this, a hint of joy and happiness appeared in the corners of those charming eyes, with a trace of satisfaction that belongs only to a girl.

Lu Sixian was lying in front of the hotel window, looking at her brother seriously. After hesitating for a moment, she took out her mobile phone and started recording. The heads of her senior brothers were huddled next to her.

As for the young people of the Russell family headed by Lyman, they fell silent.

"Tell me, does he really have a chance to become a divine monarch in the future?"

"Look at this strength and background, it's hard to say..."

"Isn't this too exaggerated?"

Yuan Lie and Xia Yan looked at each other, relieved.

They all smiled happily.

In front of the higher-ups of the church, he personally beheaded an archbishop.

Afterwards, not only was he not punished as he should have been.

The church even had to come in person to crown him.

Is there anything more arrogant than this in the world?

Facts have proved that there is.

When Archbishop Li Ang came over holding the crown, his hands trembled slightly, and every step he took seemed as heavy as lead. He had never suffered such humiliation since he became a high-level member of the church. He was slapped in the face and had to do it with his own hands. Crown it.

Ai Yue's forehead hair was swaying in the wind, and there was a hint of wonder and joy in her sharp eyes. She put away her soul blade, led her teammates to get out of the way, and retreated to both sides.

At this moment, they silently gave a thumbs up.

This is respect for the deer.

All because of that martyr named Lu Ming.

Medanzo shrugged and looked at this scene with amusement.

“Only by bowing your head can you receive the crown.”

Archbishop Li Ang took a deep breath and handed over the crown in his hand.

Lu Fuji put his hands in his pockets and stared at him silently.

After a moment of confrontation, the young man had no intention of bowing his head.

He just took out his right hand and handed it out.

Very disrespectful.

The clergy present showed extremely angry expressions.

Except Lotus.

She seemed to realize something and raised her cold eyes.

He shook his head slightly.

As if to signal the young man not to mess around.

Lu Fuji also saw her cold, watery eyes and smiled slightly.

After a moment of stalemate, Archbishop Li Ang still planned to compromise. He took a deep breath to calm down and gently placed the crown that symbolized the strongest apostle in the young man's hand.

Just didn't expect it.

that moment.

That second.

Lu Fuji's hand suddenly turned over and let the crown fall to the ground.

There was a snap.

He followed up with a kick and crushed it to pieces.

Archbishop Li Ang was stunned.

Everyone was stunned.

This foot seemed to crush the dignity of the Holy Religion of Akasha.

What was crushed under this foot was also the values ​​of the New World for five hundred years.

The crown that symbolizes the supreme road has been trampled on!

"Since I want to take an invincible path, how dare you ask me to bow my head? Since what I want to achieve is supreme, supreme, powerful and violent, then why do you need your approval?"

Facing countless flashing cameras, Lu Fuji glanced at this sentence coldly, but his eyes fell on the cold figure in the wind and rain.


I am not a divine monarch.

But what the Holy Sovereign can do, I have also done.

At that moment, the bomb of public opinion detonated the whole world.

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