The edge of pure land

Chapter 223 Teacher Lu’s teaching time

On the way to the military supply depot, Lu Fujian was so anxious that he repeatedly checked the messages on his phone. The character he had built so hard could not collapse at this critical moment.

Fortunately, five minutes later, Medanzo finally replied: "What are you doing? I'm on vacation in Strasbourg, which is known as the Holy Land of Bai Xue. If you have anything to say, say it quickly."

Lu Buer thought for a while, carefully considered his wording, and replied: "Speaking of which, Boss Mei should also master the ghost technique. You people have already read the ancient book that Longque left for me. Yes, you all have control over conceptual change and quality change.”

"if not?"

"I made fragments of that ancient book and handed it over to the Federation and the Church, but now there seems to be something wrong with those people's practice. They don't seem to be able to understand it."

I think that when Lu Fuji analyzed the ancient book, it was God's Seed who helped him translate it, which directly saved a lot of the deciphering process and transformed that kind of taboo knowledge into instinct.

As for other people, I don’t know how they understand it.

According to the original example of Long Ling and Long Que, they probably translated and understood it by studying a large number of ancient documents, but what they finally sorted out could not be words, but a feeling.

This is a process that is difficult to describe.

When normal people study ancient books, if they see a word they don't recognize, they must go through a lot of translation research and finally be able to decipher its specific meaning.

But forbidden knowledge is different. It has no specific literal meaning, only those weird and complex lines and ancient and obscure graphics. What you finally understand is a physical feeling, which can also be said to be an instinct from the subconscious.

It can also be said to be a biological instruction.

Similar to seeing a beautiful woman, hormones will start to secrete.

Forbidden knowledge is the equivalent of beautiful girls.

The purpose of its existence is to secrete hormones.

The example isn't quite right, but that's probably what it's about.

Therefore, the advancement of ghost magic has become something that can only be understood but cannot be expressed.

Metanzo replied: "It's normal to not be able to learn it. This thing also requires talent. You just made fragments of that ancient book, and you didn't make it up randomly. If they can't learn it, there is something wrong with their talent. Practicing ghost skills In fact, your talent is your animal nature. As the old saying goes, people have three natures: cruelty, savagery, primitiveness, and madness... so those who can reach the end of the journey of ghost magic are all. It’s lunatics like us. On the contrary, those who practice magic need divinity, just like your wife.”

Lu Buer thought that was the case.

"So those people can't solve this problem?"

"Not really. There is a way to assist them in mastering the advanced changes of the White Walker Technique. That is to listen to the breathing frequency of the gods. In fact, it was very troublesome for Gong Yu to master the White Walker Technique back then. In the end, he sneaked into Greenland In the nearby deep sea, listening to the breathing frequency of the abyss singer gradually awakened the animal nature in him. "

"The breath of the gods?"

"That's probably it, da da da..."

Medanzo sent a voice message, seeming to be tapping something with his fingers.

Lu Fujiu heard it right away.

Isn't this the sound he heard when he first listened to the sacred rhythm?

It's no wonder that he is different from others.

Lu Fuji has long been fused with a part of the god. In a sense, he is not a pure human being. Therefore, he cannot naturally evolve through the divine rhythm. He can only use the breathing frequency of the god to decompose those infinitely proliferating cells. Perhaps this This is God’s way of strengthening Himself!

This is indeed not a disease, but it is more difficult to treat than a disease.

If he hadn't evolved and controlled the seed of the gods.

He will definitely be played to death by God.

"I see."

Lu Buer put away his cell phone, confident.

"It's here, it's here!"

Yuan Qing finally saw the door of the military depot and looked very excited.

The Yuan family has always been a holy family that masters the art of ghosts, but they never treat their descendants lightly, so if you want to learn that thing, you can only go through formal channels.

After all, ghost magic was only recently opened to the public.

This military depot looks like a library, which collects various books about the civilization of gods. If you want to borrow them, you need to exchange them with merit.

The munitions depot is located underground in the library.

Su Shi verified the retina in front of the metal gate, took the two of them into a special underground passage, and took the elevator to the tenth floor below. This is already the deep seabed. Through the glass door, you can see there are still things in the seawater. The fish were swimming, but no mutated White Walkers appeared.

Many sea areas on the earth today have become places of death, but those ghosts living in the sea are less likely to follow the ocean currents because they prefer to eat evolved creatures.

Once you leave the place of death, you will starve to death.

In addition, there are artificially built islands all over the world, and the islands are military bases.

Make sure nothing goes wrong.

Soldiers armed with live ammunition guarded the long and narrow corridor. Everyone's life fluctuation was at least above the fourth level. When passing by, they were repeatedly checked and frisked, and then they had to pass through 120 laser beams under their leadership. network, and six infrared scanning channels.

In comparison, Linhai City's security is already rudimentary.

Ten minutes later, Su Shi led them to a dusty icehouse.

Specialized staff took out two metal boxes from the freezer.

What is stored in the metal box is their ghost remains.

"Miss Yuan."

The staff made a respectful gesture of invitation: "The laboratory integrating White Walkers has been prepared for you, and all the materials are ready. Before that, I need to confirm that you have understood the adapted book of truth. Already?"

Yuan Qing raised her charming eyes with clear eyes: "Of course!"

"Okay, then please follow me."

Surrounded by the staff, Yuan Qing left just like that.

Before leaving, she turned back and winked: "Remember to wait for me."

Lu Buer waved his hand: "Good luck."

After all, she is the eldest lady of the original family, so naturally he doesn't need to worry too much. All preparations must be done steadily, but he doesn't know what level of ghost magic she can finally integrate.

"The strange ghost technique that Yuan Qing fused also comes from the evolutionary chain of the Dragon of Candlelight. The Burning Sky Bone has been controlled by the Yuan family for so many years. That thing is too overbearing, except for the Yuan family. In addition, everyone who tries to master it basically burns themselves, with the exception of Longque."

Su Shi looked at the female officer's leaving figure and explained: "The Yuan family was also very surprised back then. Besides them, there were actually people who possessed the Burning Sky Bone."

"I see."

Lu Buer suddenly asked: "Uncle Su, don't you plan to integrate the ghost technique?"

Su Shi shook his head: "I'm still thinking about which evolutionary chain of White Walkers is suitable for me. Currently, there are two evolutionary chains: Abyss Singer and Hundred-Armed Giant. The God of Origin is also a good choice... you know Yes, I have a bit of trouble choosing.”

"I see."

Lu Fuji opened the metal box in his hand in front of him.

Cold ice mist was released from the box, and a dark substance could be vaguely seen surging in the mist. It looked like angular ink bursting out from time to time.

"Ghost skeleton detected, absorb it?"

The voice of God's Seed sounded in his mind.

Lu Fuji was startled and immediately closed the metal box.

"I have already absorbed the ghost skeleton, how can I absorb it again?"

This huge discovery made his heart beat violently.

At this moment, Lu Fuji suddenly thought that there was a blood-red vertical pupil on the forehead of the God of Origin. Five magatama were flowing in the pupil, and now one of them was lit up.

The one that symbolizes immortal power.

Is it possible that he can master more than one kind of ghost technique?

After all, the God of Origin is superior to the four gods!

Of course, this was just an unconfirmed guess, and he didn't know whether it would work or not, but at the same time, he made another discovery.

When the God's Seed detects a ghost skeleton, there is no additional prompt.

This means that it is very possible that this ghost skeleton has not been processed at all!

Thinking about it, since the senior officials already knew about the existence of the God's Curse Binding System, and what they wanted to do was to usurp this achievement, it would be impossible to harmlessly treat the ghost corpses, otherwise it would be meaningless.

In fact, they have no way to render the ghost corpses harmless!

"Uncle Su."

Lu Fuji suddenly asked: "Who is responsible for the harmless treatment of ghost corpses?"

Su Shi was surprised that he would ask this question. After thinking for a moment, he replied: "Of course it is the Akashic Church. Within the system of the Supreme Federation, the church and the military have always been in a cooperative relationship. Many technologies are in the hands of the church. , not directly through the military.”

Lu Buer pondered for a moment: "So Uncle Su, you were also a member of Aurora Technology back then. Why didn't you join the top leadership of the church and instead served in the military?"

Su Shi thought of this, smiled bitterly and shook his head: "Because after the car accident that year, I lost a lot of memory, so it is inconvenient to participate in some affairs of the church. Another very important reason is that the minister...well, it should be now Call him Pope."

He paused: "I don't have a good relationship with him."

Lu Fuji's eyes flickered for a moment.

"I know what you are thinking. He did not harm your parents."

Sushi shook his head: "He's not worthy yet."

Lu Fuji understood what he meant.

It sounds like his parents are both very strong evolvers.

At that time, the Pope was still an ordinary person.

"Follow me and I'll take you somewhere."

Su Shi patted him on the shoulder: "Now you are all candidates for the Dawn Special Sequence. This operation requires the cooperation of all evolvers who have mastered the White Walker Technique. There are about eight hours left before the mission starts. You must also cooperate with the mission this time.”

Lu Fujiu hummed: "I understand."

Currently, according to the federal military's charter, only soldiers who have mastered the art of the White Walkers are qualified to become a special sequence. They are also the backbone of the fight against heretical organizations.

"But not before that."

Su Shi suddenly took out a dark seal from his pocket.

"What's this?"

Lu Fuji was stunned.

"Since the establishment of the Human Watch Army, there has been no lack of infiltration of White Walker forces, and there have been too many moles in the past five hundred years. This is also the significance of the existence of the Anomaly Supervision Bureau and the Special Operations Department. Especially after the Chamberlain incident, the original General Rong will pay special attention to this, and in view of your special background and the energy behind you, the military has decided to grant you special privileges.”

Su Shi stared into his eyes: "If you find a traitor or spy, you have the right to kill him on the spot, but you must have solid evidence or emergency avoidance. But it would be best if you could capture him alive and bring him back to the military for interrogation."

Lu Buer's eyes lit up: "The imperial sword, kill first and report later?"

"Almost. If the military finds out the existence of traitors and spies, they may also ask you to eliminate the target. Only when you get this badge can you be recognized as a key training target by the military."

Su Shi reminded: "This is what the former general and Secretary Xia fought for you."

Lu Buer suddenly realized that this is the charm of old men.

"Put this thing away, don't let outsiders see it if nothing happens."

"Got it."

Lu Buer followed him out of the arsenal, returned to the surface of the sea fortress, and arrived at a stadium-like martial arts field, where the special sequence practiced the alien magic.

A tall and burly officer had been waiting at the entrance of the martial arts arena for a long time. He immediately saluted with his fist against his chest and said in a deep voice: "Hello, sir."

Su Shi introduced: "Colonel Horton, the staff officer of the Dawn Special Forces."

Lu Buer smiled slightly: "Hello, sir."

No wonder, this Horton is the staff officer of the Dawn Special Forces.

No wonder Qingye rebelled at the beginning.

"Is this Major Lu Buer?"

Horton's attitude towards him was quite friendly. He smiled friendly and said: "I have heard of your name for a long time. Please follow me next. I still need your guidance in the training of the special forces."

Lu Buer also smiled and said: "I don't dare to take it. I have only a little experience."

Horton's smile looked very bright, but the smile in the corner of his eyes disappeared in the moment he turned around, replaced by a fleeting indifference.

Lu Buer looked at him as if he was looking at a dead person.

A huge roar echoed in the martial arts arena. As soon as I entered, I felt the roar of the fierce hurricane. The sharp wind blades swirled up into the sky, screaming like ghosts.

I saw an ancient tree with lush branches and leaves being engulfed by the hurricane. The trunk and branches were cut into pieces by the wind blades in an instant, and countless fine powders burst out, like snow powder.

In an instant, the ancient tree was reborn at a speed visible to the naked eye. The thick trunk came out again, the fibers were woven together, the branches forked and spread, and the leaves bloomed.

Ai Yue was panting, and sweat oozed from her forehead.

She tied a refreshing high ponytail today, and her fair and sharp side face was slightly red after exercise, and a line of scarlet blood flowed from the corner of her eye.

"Still can't control withering..."

She suddenly caught a glimpse of someone coming in from the corner of her eye.

"Brother Xiaolu?"

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