The edge of pure land

Chapter 230 Let’s do something big again tonight!

On the rooftop across the street, Lu Fuji, who was hiding under an umbrella, narrowed his eyes. Unexpectedly, the enemy this time was quite clever and could even see through his hidden blood.

Most likely, he took real blood.

But even if he was exposed, it didn't matter. I saw him adjusting the collar of his suit, jumping down from the rooftop with a slight jump, and sighed: "What a pity. In fact, you could have lived for a while longer, so you have to be in such a hurry. Are you looking for death?"

Since he could no longer listen to the wall, he could only take other measures.

The sound of a thousand birds chirping suddenly filled the silence!

At the same time as his fortune-telling awakened, his raised eyes showed a arrogant expression, and he rushed into the convenience store with exploding arcs of electricity, and his raised right hand flashed with lightning.

"Deer Fuji!"

Holden lost his voice and spoke, but his expression was not too nervous.

The two disguised assassins of the Tower of Babel sensed the crisis and stepped forward to parry with astonishing reaction speed. One left and the other caught the boy's fallen right hand.

There was a snap.

Lu Fuji's right hand wrapped around the lightning paused.

It was about five centimeters away from Holden's throat.

The killer on the left holds Lu Fuji's right hand.

The killer on the right used a dagger to strike at Lu Fuji's abdomen, but it was held by his left hand.

The three parties were locked in a struggle.

The sunglasses Lu Fuji wore showed the information of the two killers.

The killer on the left is code-named Black Crocodile, and the killer on the right is code-named White Ghost. They are both fifth-level majestic realm evolvers who have mastered the virtual ghost technique. Their status is not low. They are often on the federal wanted list. , was also active in Southeast Asia before.

But in terms of talent, he is not as good as the original Bai Ge.

Shika Fuji's right hand tried to rush forward.

But the black crocodile's hands locked his right hand tightly, and cold ice crystals bloomed on his wrist inch by inch, and the biting cold seemed to penetrate into the bone marrow.

That kind of ice seemed to have a hint of death, making his life flow away rapidly.

The dagger that White Ghost stabbed into his lower abdomen actually flowed out dark green venom. This is also a very rare creation-type toxin numerology. Once stabbed, the body will be highly poisonous.

"You seem to be weaker than me."

Obviously, even the white ghost and the black crocodile cannot stop Lu Fuji.

The hand wrapped with electric light was getting closer and closer to Holden.

Just when Lu Fuji was about to release the golden beast.

Holden suddenly showed a weird smile: "Is that really the case?"

The black crocodile and the white ghost also showed a mysterious and profound smile, and said hoarsely: "Now that we have discovered you, you are the prey. It is you who are going to die now."

Lu Fuji tilted his head slightly, and suddenly felt that the time and space he was in was suddenly turbulent. His thinking was obviously stagnant, and his body seemed to become seriously sluggish, as if he had fallen into a quagmire-like silence. What? Can't feel it anymore.

"How is this going?"

He subconsciously raised his eyes, his eyes slightly confused.



At this moment, the Dawn Special Sequence fighting on the long street was also affected by the fluctuations of time and space. It was like falling into a high-pressure deep sea to fight. Both the mind and body became severely slow. This situation is quite fatal in battle. Yes, if you are not careful, you will be killed instantly with one blow.

The killers of the Tower of Babel were obviously not vegetarians. They even expected that they would be affected during the battle, so they seized this opportunity and launched a fierce attack!

It is conceivable that this group of people had planned this in advance.

The light of the dagger reversed in the night, illuminating the narrow pupils of the special sequences.

The blade pierced the body, and bright red blood splashed out.

A special sequence member broke the fire hydrant on the street with a groan.

Water spurted out wildly.

Another member of the special sequence was thrown heavily onto the front hood of a BMW. He saw a heavy punch coming towards him. He turned sideways and narrowly avoided it, but was hit by a sudden burst of air. The cannon flew out and hit the corner of the wall hard.

Originally they had an advantage, but now they are outnumbered.

We can only rely on the vehicles on the street as bunkers for passive defense.

However, there is still a Yuan Yin rampaging on the long street. This woman is rampaging like a balrog, and everywhere along the way is a torrent of flames, endless explosions.

Even though Ai Yue surrounded her with strong winds and launched tricky and ruthless attacks from time to time, he still failed to cause fatal injuries to her, even though she was dripping with blood at the moment.

Thick sand walls were broken through.

The soft sand was burned by the fire and glowed with a crystal color.

Just as Ai Yue dodged and slashed the wind blade, she suddenly felt that her thoughts and movements had become much slower, and she was caught off guard and was blown away by a violent explosion!

The hot fire lifted Ai Yue's white hair.

The sound of the wind became sluggish.

The screams of the dead souls were also lengthened.

She rested her hands on the ground to remove the inertia from her body, and suddenly raised her head to look at the sky.

Her beautiful eyes narrowed slightly.


"Brigadier General Zongsi."

Yuan Yin's skull laughed maniacally, spitting out blue flames: "If you are lucky enough to save a life, you should change your career and retire honestly. The battlefield is no longer suitable for you!"

She raised her fist, gathering blazing flames: "Die!"

Zong Si sat cross-legged in mid-air, controlling the roaring sandstorm to surround him. Thick streams of sand rose up. But at this moment, he also realized that something was wrong, because the originally light sand was now as heavy and sticky as mud. , becomes extremely difficult to manipulate.

No, that's not right.

It's not that his sand has changed.

But the time and space here have changed.

Zong Si raised his head, looked at the deep night sky, and frowned slightly.

It was obvious that the space-time anomaly in this city had become more serious. They had been aware of this problem before and sent the news back to the base, but they had not yet received the result.

However, in such an urgent war situation, the mission cannot be terminated.

"Really annoying."

The sickly young man muttered: "It would be great if you were still alive, leaving such a mess to me. Ahem, now I can only resign myself to fate."

At the critical moment, he slowly raised his hand.


The whole street suddenly turned into desert!



The red light flashed in the general command room of the sea fortress, and the sirens kept ringing.

Peng Xianzhi put down his mobile phone and said with a heavy face: "It has been confirmed that it was indeed the God of Origin who took action himself. Not only did he release a move of Qilin, but he also used its authority to display an alternative eternal realm. It was not to prevent We landed and changed the space-time flow rate of the entire city, which is only effective for evolvers."

She paused: "If I guess correctly, the heretics in the Tower of Babel should have a way to circumvent the flow of time and space. Once our soldiers encounter them in the city, they will be in a very unfavorable situation... Dawn special sequence, dangerous.”

Secretary Zhou pushed open the door to the rooftop and looked up at the sky.

In the pitch-black night, a pale vertical pupil could be vaguely seen overlooking the earth. There was no emotion in the strange pupil, as if it was staring at an ant.

But I can feel great pressure.

At this moment, all military operations in the sea fortress were terminated, the fighter jets about to take off were forcibly stopped, and the speedboats on the port were also temporarily on standby. Thousands of soldiers were waiting for the next instructions.

"This is God's method. You must be very careful when fighting with God. For a while, we won't be able to find a way to remove this realm."

Secretary Zhou sighed: "Should we call Yuan Rong over?"

Peng Xianzhi walked to him on crutches and said calmly: "Is Yuan Rong's body almost reaching its limit? Now in the entire federation, there is only one Tenth Kingdom evolver. Once something goes wrong with him, it will be equivalent to The sky is falling."

what a pity.

If nothing happened to Longque back then, why would it be like this?

Once this war failed, the Tower of Babel awakened the four gods.

That can be said to be a disaster for the human world.

The war they planned could be declared a failure before it even started.

In the howling sea breeze, Lianhua's voice echoed faintly.

"I can try to break through the field if necessary."

At this moment, the three holy high priests are all recuperating underground in the sea fortress. Every time they need to consume their divine power on a large scale, professional medical staff must take care of their bodies. After all, it is difficult for a human body to carry divine power. Very dangerous thing.

After the exchange of blows just now, the two holy high priests fell asleep temporarily.

Only Lianhua still maintains consciousness and can still control divine magic.

But her voice was also slightly weak at the moment.

This is why the Holy Cult of Akasha wants her to receive an initiation that increases her divine power by ten times. The purpose is to deal with the threat of the God of Origin and completely turn her into a humanoid weapon.

If Lianhua was in ten times the state now, this situation would never happen.

Usually, it takes time for the holy high priests to increase their divine power, which puts the least burden on their bodies and prevents their minds from collapsing. Over time, they will become stronger and stronger, creating more divine powers that ordinary people cannot imagine.

The previous approach of the Akashic Holy Cult was to encourage growth.

Forcibly increasing a high priest's divine power in a way that burns all her potential.

This method completely uses people as tools.

But the military is a more humane department compared to the church. They are not willing to sacrifice the high priest in exchange for victory, because after all, it is just drinking poison to quench thirst.

It would be difficult to have another sacred high priest like Lianhua in the next few hundred years.

As the saying goes, smart people follow the path of sustainable development.

Peng Xianzhi tapped his crutch: "What a nonsense, you can rest in peace!"

Secretary Zhou raised his eyebrows: "Li Nuo is worried about the special dawn sequence, right?"

Peng Xianzhi hummed: "What else?"

Secretary Zhou said calmly: "Don't worry, I didn't expect this situation. I have made arrangements in advance. Sometimes, we have to trust our young people."



Trapped in a quagmire of time and space, Lu Fuji's thinking and movements became extremely slow.

Black Crocodile took this perfect opportunity to let go of his right hand, and with a touch of his hands, he condensed a rough ice sword filled with cold air. The blade drew a cold arc, trying to decapitate him with one strike!

The white ghost also suddenly stretched out his left hand, and his palm was filled with strong venom, and he pressed it against the young man's abdomen.

Use a two-pronged approach to kill in one hit.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, Holden felt a chill.

Because the corners of Lu Fuji's lips were slowly rising.

"Quick, get away from him!"

Holden roared, but it was already too late.

Just when the Black Crocodile and the White Ghost thought they were about to succeed, a violent roar seemed to sound from outside the sky, making their brains go blank and they seemed to be out of their minds.

A golden god of war appeared out of thin air from behind them, looking down at them with eyes full of lightning and thunder, like a god staring at ants, solemn and indifferent.

This is the fourth level overlord angel, but he has perfect numerology close to electromagnetic force. The control of lightning energy has reached the extreme at the current stage. He does not need any extra actions at all and can create a thunder and lightning with just his thoughts. giant hand.

With a click, Black Crocodile and White Ghost were caught.

The electric light suddenly exploded.

In the terrifying loud noise, the giant hand of thunder and lightning exploded. The two fifth-level majestic realms let out a scream and were almost burned to coke by the burst of lightning.

"Sure enough, this kind of space-time realm is ineffective against White Walkers."

Lu Fuji moved his cervical vertebrae, and the noble and ferocious God of War walked behind him.

Accompanied by the fragmented electric light, it merged with him.

With a bang, Bai Gui's lower abdomen was severely stepped on, and he spat out a mouthful of blood.

This kick crushed his sternum, and the broken bones penetrated into his organs.

But he couldn't even scream.

Lu Buer picked the soft persimmon first, because this kind of numerology basically specializes in assassination, and the ability to fight head-on is basically the weakest at the same level, so it can be easily handled.

Black Crocodile stood up unsteadily and saw this horrifying scene. Having received the information in advance, he knew that this was the legendary new system of evolvers, the brand new dark matter body.

But I didn't expect that this thing would be so strong.

In desperation, he turned around and jumped out of the window to escape.

Holden was so frightened that his face turned green when he saw this scene. Suddenly he had an idea and shouted: "Yes, he can only last in that state for one minute! White ghost, you stay here to hold him back, we Complete the mission first! Your sacrifice will not be in vain, we will remember you!”

After saying that, the blood all over his body began to boil, and he jumped out of the window with a tiger pounce.

Only the white ghost was left trampled on the ground, wailing in despair: "No!"

The wailing stopped suddenly.

Because Lu Fuji stepped on his head directly.

He bent down and picked up a bloody pendant from his headless body.

The pendant looks simple and exquisite, shaped like an empty vertical pupil.

Lu Fuji was silent for a second and released the fusion state of the dark matter body.

He closed his eyes and felt it, and sure enough, he was no longer affected by time and space.

"As expected, this was prepared by the Tower of Babel to deal with the military, and did these rotten slaves also take advantage of this? This group of people brought the so-called sacred horns from the church to suppress the sacred tree. Power, you didn’t expect it to be aimed at Chen Jing?”

Lu Buer said to himself: "No wonder that bad woman asked me to kill Holden. She realized that she might be intercepted and killed. No, it's not just that. A bad woman is a young king, and the Tower of Babel will definitely treat her Protect her tightly. This woman probably escaped the guard of the deacons and wanted to join the Second Head of State for some reason... Isn't the Second Head of State also from the Tower of Babel? "

Wait a minute!

Lu Fuji suddenly realized something.

At this time, Chen Jing is likely to have no guards.

Including Long Ling, the God of Origin, at this time, he would also devote all his thoughts to dealing with the military, and Miss Shaojun probably used this opportunity to temporarily escape from her control.

What a good guy, he is indeed a bad woman, so smart.

However, isn't this the opportunity that Lu Fuji has been waiting for a long time?

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and all the secrets of that woman seem to be within easy reach!

Including the curse of origin on her body.

And the source of the power of the sacred tree.

The most important thing is that the God of Origin currently controls Shaojun and recovers the darkened numerology through the God's Curse Binding System.

This resulted in Lu Fuji being able to steal like an oil thief.

Sometimes there were burglaries.

If it were Lu Buer who controlled Shaojun and directly sacrificed the Origin Curse to himself, then he would have a smooth path in the practice of ghost magic, and he could upgrade as he pleased.

At that time, the God of Origin will become an oil thief.

Go against Tiangang!

Whether it is to keep Shaojun by his side, or to take away her authority.

It's all a huge temptation.

The former is easier to achieve.

The latter is more difficult because Babel also tried but couldn't do it.

Lu Fuji held the miniature microphone on his collar and told his teammates about the vertical pupil pendant.

Then he took off the microphone and earphones and threw them away, then crushed them with his feet.

Then he made a phone call.

"Hey, why are you calling me so late?"

A lazy voice came from the phone.

"Get up quickly and have sex with me again."

Lu Buer smashed the wall of the convenience store with one kick, exposing the empty backstreet, and walked out from the floating ashes: "How about we kidnap Shaojun?"



Tonight, the Tower of Babel is a mess. The streets at night are full of vehicles whizzing by. The killers are quickly reporting the situation on the communication channel and looking around the streets and alleys.

Because the most distinguished Miss Shaojun in the organization has disappeared.

Disappeared without warning.

As Miss Shaojun's personal bodyguard, Deacon Yuan Yin is naturally to blame. That's why she led a team to drive out to search for them at night, and even deliberately brought a stand-in out with her in order to confuse the major forces who placed them under their control. Eyeliner around you.

Prevent Shaojun's missing information from being discovered by spies.

And Holden's target was actually the stand-in.

At this moment, Chen Jing is at the door of Lingnan subway station. She wears a black peaked cap and a black mask. She wears a black sun protection jacket and a pure black short skirt. Under the skirt is a pair of slender white legs and a pair of high heels. boots.

She was carrying a small satchel and a suitcase.

It looked like I was going on a long journey.

If you ignore the wreckage at her feet.

The entrance to the subway station was littered with broken corpses. Some of them were impaled by metal into hedgehogs, while others were crushed into meat patties by gravity, with blood splattered everywhere.


Chen Jing was panting while holding on to her suitcase. She had spent a lot of energy on getting rid of the sight of the deacons and killers in the organization tonight, but she didn't expect to be attacked halfway.

From slaves controlled by rotten brainflowers.

Endless attacks and killings.

"Miss Chen Jing, you have been outside for a long time."

In the mist of night, a man in black robes walked out of the subway entrance. His men were wandering in the darkness like ghosts, and the daggers in their sleeves shone with a sinister luster.

"Come back with us..."


Chen Jing raised his hand and waved, and the terrifying repulsion pushed the group of black-robed men against the wall inside the subway entrance. The hard marble wall suddenly shattered, with spiderweb-like cracks shooting out.

The terrifying repulsive force burst out like a tide, crushing them into bloody foam in an instant!

Such a brutal scene would make even the elites of the Dawn Combat Sequence tremble with fear when they see it, because this is no longer something that the Fifth Majesty Realm can do.

Chen Jing raised his head, his red hair swaying under his peaked cap.

The eyes that used to be very deep and calm were shining with a cool golden color, which seemed to be crazy.

The violent and majestic divine power surged in her body. At this moment, she was like a holy high priest, but her condition was extremely unstable, her breathing was rapid and disordered: "This power can last for ten minutes at most... I hope Holden has been Kill him. As long as there is no sacred horn, he can continue to attack for two more times. After I am gone, with the clues on Holden, he can get early warning to protect himself and continue the investigation. "

There will be endless attacks and killings next. Chen Jing must seize the time. She grabbed her suitcase and strode down the elevator. At this time, the sound of horns echoed in the night.

Her beautiful eyes widened slightly, and the cool golden color flashed.

Holy horn!

Holden delivered the same thing.

This means that he...failed?

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