The edge of pure land

Chapter 233 The dead dragon bird scares away the living Yuan Yin

When Lu Fuji felt the sense of oppression, his first reaction was that something was wrong with his comrades in the Dawn Special Sequence, but before he left, he clearly informed everyone through the communication channel how to crack the space-time field, and he did so all at once. Led away three fifth-level ones.

With the strength of the Dawn Special Sequence, it shouldn't be solved so quickly.

But he soon felt relieved, because in the block opposite, the hot storm howled in the darkness, like a huge cage, very eye-catching.

In the hot storm are turbulent sandstorms, strangled together.

That was obviously Zong Si and Ai Yue's technique.

"There is something wrong with Yuan Yin's numerology. She should have taken some kind of medicine, most likely Sun Tequila. This medicine can temporarily increase her strength, but the price is that she will become older. The reason why she accepted it before The creation ceremony is to alleviate the side effects of the medicine.”

Chen Jing stepped back step by step. It was clearly the season of late spring, but the temperature was getting hotter. Her snow-white cheeks also had a hint of drunken blush: "Yuan Yin seems to have spent a lot of money, because of the creation ceremony. It’s not unlimited.”

Lu Fuji also followed her backwards and said in surprise: "Isn't the Creation Ceremony unlimited use? Does this thing have other side effects besides turning into a servant of God?"

Chen Jing glanced at him, with a hint of cunning and charm in the corners of his eyes and eyebrows, as if he was showing off his knowledge: "It's not a side effect, but the potential for evolution. If a person has the ability of Constantine or Medanzo Evolution potential, then the number of creation rituals he can endure is almost unlimited, but the premise is that he cannot die completely, and at least some of his cells must survive. But for someone like Yuan Yin, one or two times is already the limit. ”

Lu Buer was surprised: "Then she still dares to use medicine?"

Chen Jing snorted coldly: "Yuan Yin's duty is to monitor me. In other words, she is my cage. If I lose her, then she has no need to exist. The military counselor of the Tower of Babel is a very scary person. , once his mission is not completed, death will be a relief."

"How does she know your location, dog nose?"

"Have you heard of the red-eyed blood lizard?"

"I remember, Longque used this thing to find people at that time."

The heavy footsteps were getting closer.

It was as if a fire-breathing Godzilla was running through the streets. The heavy footsteps were like a dense drumbeat, and the frequency could be said to be astonishingly fast.

Heck, they say the original family is a heavy fort with little mobility.

But the drugged Yuan Yin seemed to have amazing speed.

Lu Fuji and Chen Jing looked at each other, turned around and ran wildly along the street next to the stadium. They ran very fast, but the problem was that they couldn't run faster than the enemy behind them.

Fortunately, when passing by Yuanhua Road, a nightclub was in chaos due to a power outage. A drunken second-generation rich man took advantage of his power and bullied others. He slapped a passerby several times, sat on his Ferrari and showed off his power, and talked shamelessly about himself. Be an evolver.

Lu Fuji's eyes lit up, and he rushed over like a bolt of lightning. He grabbed the guy by the back collar and threw him out. Then he bent down and got into the car and started the engine.

He shifted gears and reversed, and the right door suddenly opened.

Chen Jing came in panting, her red hair swaying in the wind.

The Ferrari's tires spun crazily, roared like a wild beast, and galloped away.

The top speed of a supercar with the blessing of modern technology is more than double that of the old world. Of course, it is still not very fast in the eyes of a super-evolver, but it is better than stability.

As long as there is enough fuel, it can keep running at top speed.

This is what evolvers cannot do.

"It is said that men are most attractive when they are driving."

Unexpectedly, Chen Jing was still in the mood to joke at this time, with a charming smile: "I didn't believe it at first, but today I saw it was true."

Paired with the sweaty side face, it adds a charming charm.

"It seems that you have fully realized your lover's consciousness, and you can even seduce people. But now please be more serious... no, be more panicked. You are being kidnapped now, don't be fooled by that dead old man. I found out that you were kidnapped and you were so happy!" Lu Fujian was driving the car intently, staring at the rearview mirror, but he couldn't help but glance at her from the corner of his eye.

She is indeed a witch!

Chen Jing said suspiciously: "Why is this?"

Lu Fuji curled his lips: "In the worst case scenario, if I fail to take you out and I am killed on the way, you can still return to the Tower of Babel. At least you can return to the Second Head of State, because I It was you who kidnapped you, not you who betrayed her on your own initiative."

It's not that he cares about the other person.

It's because of his nature that he will never trick anyone unless he is completely sure.

Chen Jing's eyes were slightly startled under her forehead. At this moment, the street lights on the street had been turned on again, and the dim light reflected on the young man's face, making it seem hazy between light and dark.

It was only a second, but it seemed like a century.

She pursed her red lips and suddenly smiled with a playful smile.

She took out the silver chain from her pocket, her eyes became moist and charming, she raised her white chin, and said in a soft voice, "Then tie me up."

Lu Fuji was a little frightened by her teasing: "Have you awakened any fetish?"

"What do you know?"

Chen Jing played with the eternal chain in her hand. The wind coming in from the car window drowned out her soft voice: "Because I feel safe when I am tied up by you."

Just as the atmosphere in Ferrari became increasingly ambiguous, the gray-haired old woman was finally reflected in the rearview mirror. She was running wildly on all fours on the street like a beast, leaving behind traces of everything she passed along the way. Burning palm prints and footprints.

Her eyes were burning with fire, and her face looked like a shriveled skeleton.

She jumped up and grabbed the Ferrari's bumper!

Ferrari's Lu Fuji and Chen Jing were both surprised. They felt a scorching heat wave hit their faces, and their clothes were soaked with sweat in an instant.

This supercar is like a bull stuck in the mud.

He struggled in vain, but was pulled back inch by inch.

The tires were sparking on the ground.

Yuan Yin, who had taken the drug, was like a crazy beast. She grabbed the bumper of the Ferrari with one hand and was about to lift it up. At the critical moment, an angry roar sounded from behind her.

The Golden God of War appeared out of thin air, breaking through the strong wind and rushing to her back. As soon as she raised her right hand, bursting lightning condensed in the palm of her hand, and it instantly condensed into a thunder spear.

The thunder spear pierced the strong wind and stabbed the old woman in the back of the heart.

However, Yuan Yin was so keen that he only used a dodge to avoid the thrust of the thunder spear. He grabbed the gun body with his flaming right hand, and suddenly used his palm to crush it and explode it!

When the lightning exploded, Yuan Yin stretched out his withered right hand and locked the Martial God's throat!

However, the God of War is an energy body and can transform between the virtual body and the entity at will, so he let the withered right hand penetrate his body.

Electricity shot through Yuan Yin's arm, causing her to twitch slightly.

Taking advantage of this perfect opportunity, Chen Jing ripped off the bumper of the sports car in the air, then manipulated the metal rod to split it in two, and plunged it into the old woman's ribs!

While Yuan Yin screamed in pain, the guardrail beside the street suddenly broke, and sharp metal pieces pierced into her body with a shrill sound of breaking through the air, and blood spurted out.

The Ferrari took the opportunity and sped off, its engine roaring deafeningly.

Yuan Yin roared, turned around and ran wildly. His whole body was steaming with blood-red heat, which actually melted the metals that had penetrated his body. This scene was shocking.

At her speed, it would only take a few seconds to catch up.

However, the God of War raised the index finger of his right hand behind his back, thundering and releasing infinitely!

The thunder roared incessantly, and the bombardment of heavy artillery made her stagger.

But it didn't cause any substantial harm.

The Ferrari's rearview mirror reflected the guy's violent attitude.

The red heat seemed to be about to be overloaded, and it rushed over again.

Lu Fuji frowned for a while.

"Yuan Yin's celestial flames essentially have no defensive power, but the high temperature can melt everything in the world, and her ghost skills come from the evolutionary chain of the Dragon of Candlelight, and the virtual-level Burning Bones , everything close to it will be burned."

Chen Jing explained softly: "So when our attack falls on her, she is actually weakened many times. If it is the Burning Sky Bone, then even the conceptual things will be burned to ashes. Whether it is Mr. Long Que or Mr. Yuan Rong, all abilities in their field will be invalid."

Lu Buer complained viciously: "What a pervert."

Facing a seventh rational world, they were still too reluctant.

It seemed that even with the speed of the Ferrari, he couldn't get rid of that crazy old woman.

Lu Fuji was silent for a moment, then suddenly picked up his cell phone.

"What do you want to do?"

Chen Jing said suspiciously: "Should we call the police?"

"Find foreign aid."

Lu Buer dialed the number: "Hello, Xiaoxian?"

Lu Sixian on the phone seemed to be getting ready to go to bed. She was a little confused when she received the call from her brother. She asked confusedly: "I was just getting ready to go to bed. Is there anything wrong with my brother?"

No news is the best news.

Once Lu Sixian is needed, it means a big deal.

Lu Buer was silent for a moment, briefly summarized the current situation, glanced at the crazy old woman in the rearview mirror, and asked: "I am now being hunted by a very powerful seventh rational world, not a parallel importer." "I feel like I'm going to die in a few minutes."

He paused: "If you don't want to become an orphan, just think of a way for me."

Chen Jing thought for a moment.

If she is the lover, then the girl on the phone is the sister-in-law.

No, what is she thinking!

Who wants to be a lover?

Lu Sixian stopped talking and was obviously in a sleepy state.

Even through the screen, you can imagine her eyes turning white.

There was smoke coming from the head.

She unlocked her precognitive abilities.

Ten seconds later, Lu Sixian said at the fastest speed: "Brother, I have seen one hundred and seventy-two futures, and there is only one way for you to get rid of your opponent."

Lu Fuji said in surprise: "Say it quickly!"

Lu Sixian said word by word: "Go to China Resources Coast immediately. I will notify Sister Qiangwei and Uncle Damon to pick you up. Brother, you don't have to do anything, as long as you live."

China Resources Coast.

That was the residence of Long Que and Long Ling.

Chen Jing listened to the phone and didn't understand what it meant.

Lu Buer didn't hesitate at all, and immediately turned the corner and headed towards the old community.

No need to know why.

Just listen to Lu Sixian.

"Quick, quick! Help me look at the navigation, I don't know the way!"

"Wait a minute, my phone is out of battery!"

"Use mine!"

"Why is your phone so stuck?"

"Damn, I have a charging cable in my pocket, hurry up!"

"I know, don't rush me!"

"It's in my pocket, why are you pulling on my belt?"

"Gah, you're so annoying!"

Seeing Yuan Yin pounce like a wild beast again, Wushen came to the rescue at the critical moment.


The golden beast was released and exploded.

The terrifying electromagnetic field exploded, blasting Yuan Yin into the park on the street. The deacon of the Tower of Babel was furious at this moment. A mere junior was so rampant in front of her. Not only did he survive her pursuit , and frustrated her again and again.

But that's all.

The obstructive dark matter has self-destructed.

For a while, the opponent will be unable to condense new dark matter.

Yuan Yin roared angrily and rushed out on all fours.

The next moment, Ferrari finally arrived at the old neighborhood.

With a sharp drift, the Ferrari braked suddenly at the entrance of the community, leaving a black tire scratch and the roar of the engine was deafening.

However, the entrance of the community was silent and dark.

"Where are the people?"

Lu Buer thought something was wrong, and his heart grew cold.

But suddenly, he froze.

Chen Jing also saw a simple and noble gold coffin at the gate of the community.

The golden coffin was erected, the lid of the coffin was opened, and the rich fragrance spread out like a sea wave, like spices coming from the kingdom of heaven.

A raging wave of flames rushed towards his face. Yuan Yin rushed towards the Ferrari like a wild beast, but at the critical moment he braked hard and forcibly stopped.

At that moment, huge fear exploded in her heart.

Because there is a golden coffin standing in the darkness.

The coffin lid was slightly open.

In the misty fragrance, there was strong breathing and heartbeat.

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