The edge of pure land

Chapter 235 An adventure to death

Lu Fuji pondered for a moment: "I probably understand, that is to say, after Constantine came out of the Holy Mountain, he actually already knew some things about my parents. Including later, the three sages of the Golden Age went to the North Pole together. They are all following the traces of the Tianshen Civilization Scientific Expedition Team, but Constantine seems to be hiding something."

"The mysterious coordinates you mentioned are the places my parents wanted to go but failed. Later, Constantine went to that place alone, hiding it from his friends."

He analyzed: "Even the descendants of the Brotherhood don't know about this place. Maybe the members of the Tower of Babel don't know about it, and even the two remaining sages don't know about it."

Chen Jing raised his eyes, with a hint of appreciation in the charming white corners of his eyes: "Although you are a reckless man, you are still quite smart. It was after Constantine came back from that place that he decided to create Shaojun. In fact, it was after he returned from that place that he decided to create Shaojun. Many experimental subjects have died before me."

"how do you know?"

"Ever since Arthur and the others were captured, I have privately investigated the information they left behind. In the past hundred years, the Creation Race has never stopped researching Shaojun. I still remember the underground ruins in the underground neighborhood. Is that where I was born? My mother died after giving birth to me, and my father tried many ways to free me over the years. "

"Is that why he went to investigate the Holy Mountain? Medanzo was his only hope, but what he didn't expect was that the Holy Mountain operation was a complete conspiracy."

"Well, he couldn't escape God's control, and he died later."

Chen Jing was very calm when she told about her life experience, and no deep-seated resentment could be heard.

But at this time, the impact of the sacred horn on her seemed less severe.

It was as if something helped her overcome the pain.

That thing might be hatred.

"So the Chen family has actually been struggling, using various methods to convey some information to the outside world, but only you did it. Because you have divine power in your body, you can block God's influence on you to a certain extent." After Lu Fuji confirmed this matter, he no longer rejected her in his heart. After all, the matter of the Holy Mountain had nothing to do with her.

She was already trying her best to stop it.

"But guilty people are guilty. I have done bad things for the sake of freedom. These disasters in Linhai are also related to me. There is no need to sympathize with me, I know what I am. Once the Tower of Babel successfully exploits If I awaken the four gods, it will be a catastrophe for the entire world, so I really deserve to die."

Chen Jing forced herself to get up from his arms and lifted a strand of hair from her forehead. The pain in her beautiful eyes disappeared and was replaced by a look of excitement: "But not now."

Lu Fuji never expected that this woman was actually prepared to die.

"Even if I commit suicide now, there is a soul in my body, a real soul."

Chen Jing raised his green-white index finger and drew a circle on his heart: "The soul will not dissipate with the death of the body. The God of Origin can completely recycle this soul and create a new young master. Maybe it needs to be It takes a little time, but it’s not impossible.”

She stood up and looked out the window at the night, calmly talking about her death: "At least you have to find a way to annihilate this soul before you can truly kill me."

It didn't sound like he was lying.

Lu Fuji can tell whether a person is ready to die or not.

Because he also came from that period.

In the depressing silence, Lu Buer never said anything else, because he didn't know what to do specifically, and he didn't want to give her unwarranted promises or hopes.

Chen Jing seemed to not want the topic to be too heavy, so she turned around and raised her hands bound by eternal chains, tilted her head and smiled: "I know, you want to win this war, in the Tower of Babel They are all your enemies, but their real purpose is not to defend blindly, but to create the ultimate life disaster when the four gods wake up at the same time. So... do you want to lead me to find that mysterious coordinates? "

Here we go again, this damn monster.

Lu Fuji's heart beat inexplicably faster: "You won't lie to me again this time, right?"

Chen Jing raised the corners of her eyes, revealing the charm of a little fox at the corners of her eyes and eyebrows: "Bad women are good at lying, but now there is an eternal lock, and we can lock it."

She suddenly thought of something and emphasized: "Well, it's an equal relationship. In this way, none of us will betray each other. Do you want to think about it?"

Lu Fuji thought for a moment: "No, I want to dominate."

Chen Jing was like a vigilant little fox: "What do you want to do?"

Lu Buer said seriously: "Since we have agreed that no one will betray anyone, does it matter who is dominant? Or do you have evil intentions?"

"I didn't. I'll tell you clearly!"

"Then what are you guilty of?"

"I'm afraid you're going to do something wrong with me."

"It's a joke. Even if you are planning something evil, you are planning something evil against my wife."

When Chen Jing heard what he said, an indescribable meaning flashed in her beautiful eyes, and it disappeared in an instant. She said quietly: "Then come if you have the ability."

Lu Fuji hesitated for a moment: "How to use this thing?"

Chen Jing snorted lightly and stepped back step by step without telling him.

Lu Buer stood up and pressed forward, and she fell onto the golden coffin.

"If I don't tell you how to use it, what can you do?"

Chen Jing raised his hands in demonstration, and the chains rattled.

Lu Fuji grabbed her hands and raised them above her head, carefully studied the eternal chain on her wrist, and said seriously: "Be honest, or I will discharge my electricity."

"No discharge allowed...yeah~"

"Speak quickly!"

"I won't say anything, just let go!"

"Very good, then I'll continue to use electricity."

"You bastard!"

The way these two get along seems to be so noisy all the time, but they seem to have forgotten that they are currently lying on the coffin lid of a golden coffin.

The sleeping dragon bird: "..."

Until there was a knock on the door, Qiangwei looked at them expressionlessly.

"time to eat!"

After saying that, she snorted coldly, turned around and left.

Lu Fuji froze in embarrassment, and the weak current was annihilated.

The girl panted slightly under him, and her warm breath touched his face.

"Looking at the good things you did, you were misunderstood, right?"

Chen Jing's pretty face turned red because of his shock. She glared at him angrily, then pushed him away from her, lowered her head to straighten her collar and skirt, and looked left and right.

Seeing that the other party was not going to give in, Lu Fuji could not continue to use force. Just when he was about to eat, he suddenly heard the sound of chains colliding.

Chen Jing raised her hands that were bound by chains, raised her chin proudly, and her snow-white neck raised a graceful arc like a swan: "I was raised by my mother-in-law. My mother-in-law has always told me that men are You are a creature that cannot be trusted. But I am not a good girl, so how can I gain the trust of others? Apart from my mother-in-law, you are already the best person in the world."

She paused and hummed: "Come on, hold the other end of the chain and inject life energy. If this can gain your trust, I don't mind."

Who am I to be the best person to you?

Lu Fuji couldn't help but take another look at her beautiful face, and couldn't help but mutter in his heart: "Stop making trouble, I'm just greedy for your Origin Spell..."



In the end, Lu Fuji signed the contract with the Eternal Lock.

Well, he dominated.

In fact, even in this case, there is no sense of security, because the nature of a bad woman is to deceive, and who knows if this is another conspiracy of hers.

But as of now, there is no better way. Anyone with Shaojun's authority can't threaten him anyway. As long as he can't kill him, he will be safe.

Then he went to the restaurant to eat.

Chen Jing followed him obediently.

In fact, the eternal chain has little impact on the dominant party.

But it's different for the dominated party.

After Chen Jing was controlled by him, she felt like she was bound all the time. This was actually a very bad experience for her who was born to yearn for freedom.

But she didn't reject this feeling at all.

Maybe it's because Chen Jing has such a good impression of this young man. At this moment, all he can think about is his strong oppression during these encounters and the scene when he came down from the sky to save the scene. So at this moment, he is clearly under control, but always He couldn't help but raise the corners of his lips.

A little happy.

Tonight's supper was basically made by Damon, and I have to say that his craftsmanship is not bad. It is said that he was a chef before breaking out of his cocoon, but it was only at the level of a home-cooked restaurant.

Qiangwei helped make the few dishes.

If you put too much vinegar, it will smell sour.

Hot and sour potato shreds, sour rice noodles, sweet and sour pork ribs, and vinegar braised pork.

Lu Fuji was actually a little worried that bad women wouldn't be able to get used to this kind of food.

After all, she is a pampered young lady.

Unexpectedly, Chen Jing was very polite. She first said thank you to the two busy people before using her chopsticks. She ate slowly and tasted every dish carefully. Her appetite was very small and she would praise her after eating. , and will also help carry the dishes to the kitchen.

In short, it is very respectful to the deer.

Damon had a very good impression of her, and even Rose couldn't find fault with her.

After all, Chen Jing was too beautiful and dangerous, and her status was so noble that she could not even look at them.

But at this moment, enough respect was expressed.

After eating supper, Chen Jing sat on the sofa and played with her mobile phone.

He tapped the screen as if he was sending a message to someone.

Lu Fuji glanced at her, and she hurriedly put her phone away.

But she can't be seen as her phone wallpaper is a picture of the God of War.

"Why do I feel like you are very happy?"

Lu Fuji stared at her: "You're not really shaking, are you?"

Chen Jing rolled her eyes charmingly: "What do you think?"

Lu Fujian stopped arguing with her. Seeing that the time was almost up, he asked, "Since we are going to that mysterious coordinate, do you know where it is?"

Chen Jing shook his head: "I don't know."

Lu Buer was stunned and raised his voice: "But the second head of state knows."

Chen Jing said seriously: "But there should be clues from the second head of state."

Lu Fuji almost spit out a mouthful of old blood.

No wonder this woman wants to defect to the Second Head of State.

"The Tower of Babel purchased many uninhabited islands in the western Pacific. After all, they have no legal status and generally do not operate in countries under federal jurisdiction. Among those islands, there is the residence of the second head of state. If there is any information, it should be there There."

Seeing his blood pressure rising, Chen Jing quickly comforted him: "But the premise is that we want to leave Linhai alive and find suitable transportation."

Lu Buer touched his chin: "This matter would have been easily solved an hour ago, but now what I do will soon be reported to the military... But it's not a big problem. I'll ask my elders for advice. , see if they can help give the green light.”

I hope he won't be scolded. Although he has a privileged badge specially approved by the military and a specially certified sacred coronation right, his behavior this time does involve crimes against humanity.

As soon as he finished speaking, his cell phone rang.

Medanzo's breathless voice rang on the phone: "It has been solved for the time being, but there was a little accident. The God of Origin took action himself. It seems that the hatred was a little too big. Hurry and pick me up downstairs, and take me with you. After midnight snack, I won’t be able to survive…”

Lu Fuji was startled: "What? Are you sure you can survive? I'll go downstairs right now. What do you want to eat? We happen to have some leftovers here."

Medanzo's blood pressure soared on the phone: "What? I worked so hard to help hold down three heads of state, plus a God of Origin, and you just let me eat the leftovers?"

Lu Fuji said: "It's good to have leftovers to eat. We may have to flee. Don't worry, injuries are nothing. Anyway, this city is full of people from the Tower of Babel. Aren't they all moving blood bags? I've heard that you can survive countless creation rituals, and I can resurrect you."

He said solemnly: "In the worst case, I'll just build you a coffin... Tell me, do you want silver or gold? Diamonds are fine too."

Medanzo sneered: "Then I want the golden nanmu."

Lu Buer was not happy: "What kind of family is this? It's just golden nanmu. I don't have any money!"

Medanzo said fiercely: "Your little lover is rich, let her come!"

Chen Jing listened silently to the noise of these two lunatics. A faint evening breeze flowed into the living room outside the window. The wind was filled with the fresh fragrance of osmanthus, which seemed to be the smell of freedom.

The girl's red hair was swaying in the wind, and a smile gradually appeared on her lips. She felt like she was back to the time when she was kidnapped half a month ago. At that time, she was driving on the streets at night, in the huge city. They can run freely in the world, and all the troubles in the world cannot catch up with them.

The brightly lit night scene was reflected in his extremely deep and quiet eyes.

This was originally an adventure to face death, but she was not afraid at all.

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