The edge of pure land

Chapter 237 Metanzo’s shocking secret

Near dawn, a red Ferrari was racing on an empty viaduct. It was obviously speeding. Patrol drones were hovering in the sky and issued continuous warnings.

Lu Buer drove the car tiredly, feeling a little dazed.

Currently, the federal war against the Tower of Babel has reached fever pitch. Fighting broke out in a total of five administrative districts in the city. Of course, both sides of the war were very restrained and did not make any big noise. This is determined by the characteristics of the evolver. The larger the large-scale group battle, the more life energy must be saved as much as possible, and everyone will adopt more efficient close combat.

However, this resulted in them having no way to determine where there was fighting.

Whenever they passed a battlefield, the two warring parties would stop. The heretics from the Tower of Babel would take the lead in launching a frantic attack, and the soldiers from the military headquarters would also stop them.

It’s just that everyone is shouting to be beaten.

The anger of the Tower of Babel is understandable. It is equivalent to the Demon Saint in a martial arts novel being kidnapped. The entire plan was disrupted at once, and a killing order was definitely issued.

And the order from the military department has obviously been issued. This is equivalent to the super genius of the righteous sect in the martial arts novels who openly defied his master's orders, left the Demon Sect Saint alive and eloped with her. Who the hell can stand this? , must order the person to be captured.

The difference is that Lu Fuji's identity is special. Not only does he have the talent to aspire to be the Holy Monarch, he also masters a brand new evolutionary system, and his background is extremely tough.

That's why I'm so tolerant.

But if he continues to disobey, his defection charge will be proven sooner or later.

Even if someone wanted to protect him, he couldn't.

If you don't clear up the relationship with him in time, your political opponents will take advantage of you.

"Guess, there won't be any ambushes along the way, right?"

Lu Fuji said with a dark face.

"Bah, don't have a crow's mouth."

Chen Jing saw that he was about to collapse, so she handed him the hot latte in her hand: "Cheer up, I'm really afraid that you will bump off the bridge later."

Lu Fuji was concentrating on driving, and he was also distracted by controlling the God of War hidden in the hidden blood to patrol around. When he saw a cup of coffee being handed over, he bit the straw and took a sip.

But that was what Chen Jing drank.

Chen Jing's eyes were slightly embarrassed, but she didn't say anything.

After all, he was too tired.

"Would you two restrain yourself? It smells sour of love."

Medanzo, a lonely old man, was lying on the back seat of the car. His white shirt was still stained with blood. His left shoulder was penetrated by a blackened blood hole, which has not healed yet.

The three heads of state couldn't hurt him together, but the God of Origin could.

Although he avoided most of the attacks, he was still penetrated by a thunderous move, so that he now looks like he is dying. Of course, the main reason may be that he ate leftovers from last night's supper, and there were... It was so sour that he almost broke his guard.

"I'm concentrating on driving!"

Lu Fuji complained: "We are innocent, don't talk nonsense."

"That's right."

Chen Jing added: "We are innocent!"

Medanzo waved his hand, not bothering to argue with the two young men, and said tiredly: "There may not be an ambush ahead, but there will definitely be someone chasing behind. Even if we use the hidden blood, they can also use the true blood. But the good news is that the three heads of state were severely injured by me yesterday and will not be able to come out in a short time. And most of the deacons are also unable to escape on the battlefield, so the ones who need to be careful are Yuan Yin and Origin. God."

These four words, God of Origin, are like thunder.

They almost split Lu Buer and Chen Jing into pieces and their minds exploded.

"Don't be too panicked. The God of Origin will not come to arrest you personally, because yesterday I also consumed a large part of her life energy. But as long as the God of Origin locks our position and strikes down with a thunder, everyone will We have to finish playing." Medanzo said calmly.

"How will the God of Origin target us?"

Lu Fuji frowned and said: "You won't rely on the red-eyed blood lizard, right? In that case, as long as we escape within a certain range, she won't be able to find us."

Chen Jing shook her head: "She is targeting the soul."

At this moment, they all turned to look at the white-haired young man in the rear seat.

You know, this guy is the strongest in the world.

Although he is currently in a state of residual health, he still has another name.

The top scholar of the 26th century.

Metanzo most likely knows the secret to all this.

"Don't look at me, I can't explain it clearly. Theoretically, only the holy high priests can possess divine power. But I can only say that those so-called holy high priests are actually a very simple and crude weapon. It can even be said to be a deformed product, a prop specially used to carry divine power. In other words, each holy high priest is not important in itself. After they sit in that position, they are just a walking ball of divine power."

When Metanzo said this, he suddenly noticed that something was wrong with the young man's expression, and smiled: "No offense, your wife is an exception. What she did was to forcefully ask for power from the sacred tree on the premise of maintaining herself. She can do it. She is the only one who has experienced such a thing in five hundred years."

This sentence seems to have little information.

But it actually hints at one thing.

That is, the power of the Kabbalah Tree of Life was not originally used by the Holy High Priest. It was only to maintain the order of the world that such a weapon was forcibly created.

So what is the power of the sacred tree originally used for?

"On the other hand, the witch has a lot of dark matter flowing in her body, but she can also perform magical and dark magic. The existence of the witch is much more natural than that of the holy high priest. Although the witch was used as a The experiment resulted in severe brain damage, but after she was cured, she was on the road to light. The only drawback was that there was no dark version of the sacred tree to recharge her."

Medanzo said lazily: "I think you also know that the God of Origin is the source of dark matter, and the Kabbalah Tree of Life is the source of divine power. However, dark matter and divine power, two completely opposite energies, are in some cases The situation reveals surprising commonalities.”

Chen Jing narrowed her beautiful eyes, thoughtfully: "This also means that the God of Origin and the Tree of Life may be inextricably linked. After the Tianshen Civilization scientific expedition team had an accident on the Holy Mountain, strange phenomena appeared in the Arctic. Change until the sacred tree comes to the world and a new era begins.”

Lu Fuji curled his lips: "So we still have to find the coordinates?"

Want to make sense of it all.

Want to solve the current situation.

The only way is to figure out the relationship between the God of Origin and the Tree of Life.

And what exactly his parents found back then.


Lu Fuji suddenly realized something.

Is it possible that everything his parents left behind was prepared for him.

"Pure Land" is not a game, but a preview of the opening of a new world, and his parents, as the founders of all this, prepared many things for him to survive.

Seed of the Gods is just one of them.

But I didn't expect that a Constantine would come out in these five hundred years, cut off what should have been his, but also unfortunately helped him step into all the pitfalls.

Just imagine, what would happen if Lu Fuji woke up early?

There is a high probability that he will become another Constantine!

The only difference between Lu Fuji and this monarch is.

He has a god core in his brain.

But their growth paths will probably be surprisingly consistent.

If the person who ascended to the gods in the North Pole was Lu Fuji, then the ritual would most likely be successful. By then, he could become the new God of Origin, and even be able to swallow up part of the power of the gods in the Holy Mountain. , becoming the peak state.

But reality is impossible.

Because Constantine's ceremony was destroyed.

From this point of view, this simply saved Lu Fuji's life.

"Turn left ahead."

Chen Jing said suddenly.

"Turn left?"

Lu Buer turned around and asked, "Aren't you going to the military base to grab a helicopter?"

Chen Jing smiled and played with her hanging hair with a green finger, "Seeing that you are working so hard, I will take you to have some dessert. Just listen to me and turn left ahead."

Lu Fuji seemed to understand what she meant: "Dessert?"

Chen Jing shook the eternal chain on his wrist: "We are all stupid people, so I have to give you some benefits, right? The Tower of Babel has expanded in recent years and recruited many old and powerful people. Now those old bones are here Staying in the dormant chamber and undergoing the Creation Ceremony while sleeping is a secret weapon prepared by the Tower of Babel, so I know where they are."

She smiled slightly: "Just think of it as an upgrade for you."

Lu Fuji was stunned and his throat rolled.

Why are you so sleepy? Go ahead and kill him!

His eyes brightened slightly, and he pretended to be serious and said: "Very good, my lovely Miss Shaojun, it seems that you are already aware of being a member of our Laolu family. It's a pity that my parents are dead, otherwise I would ask Ask them if our family has a tradition of letting the mistress enter the ancestral hall!”

Medanzo sat up in shock while he was dying, and said seriously: "It doesn't matter, I have no plans to sleep in the dormant chamber, I will definitely die before you. After I die, I will ask your parents. Then you give me Put the incense on it, if there is smoke on my tomb, then it must be okay! If that doesn’t work, go ahead and create someone and take your son with you to protect your ancestors!”

Chen Jing had a dark face, and these two crazy people started to act again.

The Ferrari made an elegant turn and rushed down the viaduct.

Just at this moment, a terrifying scene occurred.

The sky was cloudless just a moment ago, but at this moment, billowing dark clouds gathered, brewing fierce lightning like a mother's nest pregnant with trouble, and the sound of thunder began to roll.

It's like the roar of a unicorn, shaking the whole world!

The huge pressure seemed to come from the vast ancient times, shaking the heaven and the earth.

"Damn it, are you really here?"

Lu Fuji's face was livid: "I read an online novel back then. There was a male protagonist in the novel named Lord Qilin who was very handsome. This is probably how he felt when he was playing thunder."

Chen Jing felt the vast pressure, and her pretty face was as pale as paper. She subconsciously grabbed his arm and murmured: "Then let Lord Qilin think of a way."

The corners of Lu Fuji's eyes twitched: "If I had that ability, I would have captured Long Ling a long time ago."

Medanzuo put his hand on his forehead, and his pale face was illuminated by the strong electric light: "You still have time to joke at this time? Forget it, I will take action myself, but I can't protect your life or death."

"Don't worry, I'll try to call my wife over!"

Lu Fujian gritted his teeth: "Fight her!"

Chen Jing suddenly glanced at him: "Holy High Priest?"

Medanzuo frowned and said: "Lianhua should be in a state of inhumanity with abundant divine power now. It would be good if I don't come to arrest you personally. She may not care about you."

It was at this moment that the heaven and earth lit up with a sacred light, accompanied by a cold and ethereal voice echoing: "My father is in heaven. May your name be holy, your kingdom be present, and your wishes be fulfilled."


A shining sword symbolizing sanctity soared into the sky, forcibly cutting through the dark clouds entrenched in the mid-air, as if splitting the crisscrossing lightning deep in the clouds, and the thunder collapsed!

This scene fell into Chen Jing's eyes, making her frown slightly.

As for Medanzo, who was slapped in the face, he just stopped talking.

"Oh haha."

Lu Buer was driving the car. In fact, he was not sure whether his wife would take action just now. At this moment, a long-lost touch appeared in his heart again, and he smiled silently: "See, this is called the Royal Wife." She has skills, even if she loses her humanity, she will still stand by me.”

The glorious sword collapsed over the city, disintegrating into crystal light fragments that filled the sky.

It was like a heavy rain falling.

Finally, it enveloped the galloping Ferrari.

A cold, noble and beautiful face appeared in the heavy rain, like a god looking down at the earth, with the tiny Ferrari reflected in his cold eyes.

Lu Buer, who was skilled in controlling his wife, immediately stopped talking.

This was also the first time that Chen Jing saw the most powerful high priest in the legend. The proud Miss Shaojun did not have the slightest sense of awe, nor did she feel guilty about being caught eloping. Instead, she raised her head upright. head, just staring into her eyes.

Time seemed to become silent at this moment.

As if trapped in a quagmire of silence.

Only Metanzo knew what was going on, because the time and space at this moment was shrouded in a huge magical barrier, and he was the only one who could maintain his thoughts and actions.


Lianhua's eyes were filled with murderous intent.

She is indeed here to ask questions.

The target is not Lu Buer or Chen Jing.

But Metanzo.

"Hey, long time no see."

Medanzo smiled and waved.

"What exactly do you want to do?"

Lianhua asked in a cold voice: "Why would you induce him to do such a thing?"

Many people have warned Lu Fuji to be careful with Metanzo.

Because Metanzo is a devil.

Only those who know him well enough will see through all this.

What Lu Fuji did seemed to be of his own personal will, but in fact at some extremely secret nodes, he had been induced by the devil.

"You are indeed the most powerful high priest. Even when you are so full of divine power, you can still maintain a certain degree of self. I just didn't expect that you would really care about someone so much?"

Medanzo leaned on the back seat and said lazily: "As for induction, that's a bit too much. Haven't you noticed that he is the same type of person as me? Looking at the whole world, I am the only one in the world. Qualified to guide his path.”

He raised a finger: "Neither Longque nor you are qualified."

Lianhua did not deny this, but she said something.

"But you're lying to him."

After finishing her words, she raised a finger.

The extremely bright holy light condensed on her fingertips and pointed out with one finger.

Endless holy light penetrated the windshield.

passed over the faces of boys and girls.

Just when it was about to penetrate Metanzo's heart, he paused.

Because Medanzo also raised a finger.

Endless holy light lit up at the fingertips, and he handed it out gently.

It's like two supernovae colliding together.

The Holy Glory was torn apart.

The light exploded.

In an instant, it was annihilated without a trace.

With a sigh, Medanzo scratched his head in distress and said helplessly: "I didn't expect that after hiding it for so many years, you still saw through it. When did you find out?"

Lian Hua replied coldly: "Actually, when you completed the White Walker technique, I already had suspicions, but there has been no good opportunity to take action against you."

Medanzo retracted his finger, yawned and said: "Well, you are indeed the most powerful holy high priest. You are fundamentally different from those deformed weapons. Over the years, you are the only one who can serve as a high priest. "

Over the years, the Supreme Federation has had an unsolved mystery.

That's what Metazord's White Walkers actually are.

Everyone knows he completed the White Walkers.

But no one knows which evolutionary chain.

For many years, no matter how critical the situation was, he had never used ghost magic.

Now the secret is finally revealed.

Metanzo actually gained the power of Kabbalah’s Tree of Life!

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