The edge of pure land

Chapter 240 The infinite realm is about to awaken!

The rebirth ritual begins!

Accompanied by Chen Jing's humming, she took out a dagger and lightly cut her white wrist. Blood flowed down her white wrist, and the wound healed instantly.

In the dark, the solemn music accompanying the ceremony echoed in the night, as if the pressure from ancient times came out of thin air, and a sad crack seemed to open in the darkness.

The door to the second dimension is open!

"An anti-life ritual has been detected. Do you have access permission?"

Lu Fuji once again felt that familiar feeling. The world was like a huge system. The client requested the server to transmit massive data. The sacrifices in the rebirth ritual matrix all opened their eyes. In the dormant warehouse There was a silent howl.

This time the rebirth ritual was subtly different.

That was when the pale vertical pupil emerged from the void.

I don’t know if it’s an illusion, but I’m actually quite anxious.

It's like a thirsty traveler seeing an oasis.

It's like a desperate beast that sees fresh blood.

It is conceivable how destitute Long Ling was. Every time she started to improve, she was inexplicably drained of her divine power. She had to take action personally to deal with the humans who she regarded as ants, and the Tower of Babel suddenly became... There were not many sacrifices that could be offered to Him.

After all, the Tower of Babel needs the Spell of Origin to ensure the absolute loyalty of its subordinates.

After thinking about this, Lu Fuji actually felt a little sympathy for her.

I know you are in a hurry, but please don't be anxious yet!

Because I’m going to do it!

With a rumble, the gods in Lu Buer's mind seemed to wake up.

The pale vertical pupil suddenly turned blood red, and the bloody magatama rotated crazily like a windmill. The curse of origin on the sacrifices was forcibly removed. It seemed as if a strong wind was blowing, and the mermaid oil appeared on the body. The candlelight was flickering.

Next is...pull!

The sacrifice that was supposed to be offered to the God of Origin was cut in half on the spot!

The majestic curse of origin was swallowed by Lu Fuji. He could feel his immortal body changing, as if he had gained a lot of experience after thousands of years of precipitation, and the violent beastly nature filled his mind. It almost drove him crazy.

Now he finally understands.

The principle of the Origin Curse is to copy the dark numerology of the sacrifice.

The most critical one is the degree of darkening of numerology!

It's like a bowl of poison, the more concentrated it is, the more poisonous it becomes.

The vast majority of evolved alien ghost techniques actually only completed the preliminary darkening and did not touch its essence, so their power was very weak.

The closer we want to get to the essence, the more we must continue to deepen and complete the darkening.

Only in this way can more abilities be unlocked.

However, there is no shortcut to darkening. Only by letting the beastly nature occupy one's consciousness and trying to imitate the power forms of the overlords, Aragami and even the gods can one gradually gain power.

If the God of Origin split himself for some reason in ancient times, then this means that he reset his own darkness to a certain extent, just like mixing it with the purest gold in the world. Mixed with other substances, the purity will be greatly reduced.

Now He wants to restore the deepest darkness again, but it takes too long. He must speed up the process, and the God Curse Binding System was born.

At this moment, Lu Fuji also enjoyed the convenience brought by the God's Curse Binding System, because his numerology was also accelerating its darkening, and the immortal body transformed amidst the huge roar, vaguely awakening an indescribable feeling in him. Instinct, understanding a very special concept.

The last time he absorbed the Origin Curse, he awakened to the Translimital Realm.

That's because Zhang Boheng is indeed a super strong man, at least in the top category in the Fifth Majesty Realm, mastering the virtual ghost technique at the virtual level.

Although he is a scumbag, he is also a top genius.

But later, the spell of origin that Lu Fuji absorbed was a bunch of crooked melons and cracked dates.

That group of stinky fish and rotten shrimps don't even have the lowest level of ghost skills.

They even used White Walkers outside the evolutionary chain to top up the numbers.

Isn't this funny?

Lu Fuji was really hungry later.

So much so that when I miss Zhang Boheng, I feel that that guy has a handsome face.

Now that I have finally accumulated enough experience bars, upgrading is just around the corner.

The ability awakened this time is the infinite realm!

It's a pity that this half of the Origin Curse still failed to allow him to truly master the infinite realm. At this moment, his feeling was still very hazy, and he was only a little bit short of reaching the threshold.

"No, the difference is not the quantity, but my own understanding. I think Long Que clearly described to me the use of the transfinite field. I have observed Long Ling's gesture of using the transfinite domain from a distance. And Infinity Domain, I know almost nothing about it. This means that the infinite domain has been engraved in my immortal body, but it will take some time to realize it." Lu Fuji felt the presence in his body. The realm of wandering on the edge of shaping is suddenly enlightened.

Transfinite fields act on active spells.

Infinite fields apply to passive spells.

Only by mastering these two special fields can Lu Fuji truly understand the art of ghosts and show the true power of the immortal body.

very good.

As long as Long Ling is willing to sacrifice, we all have a bright future!


The rebirth ceremony is over.

Chen Jing's pretty face was as pale as paper, because the anger and confusion of the God of Origin were transmitted to the depths of her heart as if telepathically. At least half of the Origin Curse of the sacrifice was taken away out of thin air, but she didn't know where it went. Where, extremely weird.

Completely unaware that it was Lu Fuji who swallowed half of the Origin Curse.

Because in Shaojun's perception, there was no problem with the rebirth ritual.

All spells of origin have been swallowed by the gods.

The curse of origin has not passed.

Because Long Ling is the god of origin, Lu Fuji is also the god of origin.

There is essentially no difference between the host machine and the slave machine.

In Shaojun's mind, no distinction can be made.

The reason why Chen Jing discovered that there was something wrong with the rebirth ritual was because he sensed it from the gods' emotions, because the God of Origin and Shaojun were bound together to some extent.

The only possibility is that Lu Buer is causing trouble.

"Could it be that the God of Origin really split into a human part and a divine part, and that part of the Origin Curse did not disappear, but was absorbed by the other half of his personality?" Chen Jing was puzzled. Only this absurdity The conjecture still has a trace of logic.

In fact, she is already very smart.

Her guess was very close to the truth.

The only difference is.

The God of Origin is not schizophrenic.

Instead, His authority was divided.

Lu Fuji vaguely felt her suspicion, but it didn't matter.

As long as he doesn't say it himself, no one will know that the core of the God is in him.

Then no one will ever guess the truth of the matter.

Of course, he didn't just care about himself: "Quick, creation ceremony!"

Chen Jing's pretty face changed slightly and she formed a seal with her hands.

Along with the trembling of the blood-red vertical pupil in the void, the entire basement was shaking violently, as if it could not withstand the majestic power that was about to come!

"Creation Ceremony, Start!"

For a moment, Lu Fuji felt the initiation of the creation ceremony, and also noticed the majestic power coming from the God of Origin. While the God was still identifying the target individual for blessing, he forcibly connected to the God. The authority of the cursed system is equivalent to the secondary machine hacking into the main machine.


The door to the second dimension collapsed.

The majestic power of creation has arrived in the first dimension.

It was as if an invisible light of salvation fell on Metanzo's face!

Medanzo spread his hands like a redeemed sinner, feeling the majestic power of creation pouring into his body. The curse of origin that appeared on his body disappeared without a trace like a screaming soul. He left every trace of servility on his body.

Take all the benefits without missing a beat.

The price is not paying at all.

Metanzo's injuries were healed instantly.

The fluctuations of life energy are also rising.

The void shook violently.

The door of the second dimension trembled wildly, as if echoing an angry and unwilling roar!

Originally, the wrath of the gods was something as terrible as divine punishment.

But whether it’s Shika Fuji or Metanzo, they’ve gotten used to it after doing too many bad things.

He robbed people all day long.

Of course they were angry.

Even Chen Jing is not afraid anymore.

I even feel that the God of Origin does not seem to have any good way to counterattack. In this case, it is better to take advantage of the time when He is only incompetent and furious to come a few more times to severely weaken Him.

There is an old saying that goes, courage comes from practice.

Only if you are familiar with it!

At this moment, the elevator door dinged, and a scalding heat wave swept across like a storm, accompanied by the old woman's crazy roar, like a giant beast coming!

It just so happens that the rites of reincarnation and creation have ended.

The moment the heat wave hit, Lu Fuji woke up from his enlightenment state, grabbed the bad woman next to him, and threw her to the ground.

The raging flames roared past and burned the operating table to ashes.

"I want to see where you can run this time!"

Yuan Yin roared angrily: "I will tear you alive!"

Her head was burning with blue flames, as withered as a skeleton.

After a night of reflection, she also realized that she had made a mistake.

If Longque was really still alive, she would have been a dead person long ago.

With Long Que's violent temper, there was no way he could let her leave alive.

It must have been a shot that destroyed her head.

Furthermore, Dragon Bird was killed by the God of Origin himself, and there is absolutely no possibility of resurrection.


Absolutely impossible!

Therefore, Yuan Yin used his own brain and concluded that the brat named Lu had used some method to imitate the man's numerology fluctuations and used an empty city strategy.

Yuan Yin was so angry that he rolled and roared repeatedly on the street.

The dead dragon bird scares away the living Yuan Yin.

This matter may be spread for hundreds of years!

Therefore, after Yuan Yin received a call from the military advisor, he relied on the red-eyed blood lizard's super sense of smell to pursue him. He was bound to take Shaojun back and kill the brat named Lu.

However, at that moment Yuan Yin roared angrily.

The black uncles who were supposed to be sleeping collectively woke up from the hibernation warehouse. The severe pain of being stripped of the Origin Curse made them roar. They endured the severe pain and unplugged the cables from their bodies. They emerged from the dormitory like zombies. He stood up from the thick nutrient solution and shattered the bulkhead.

After a long slumber, they should have been in a trance, as if they were in another world, but the severe pain of the Origin Spell being stripped away directly woke them up and became extremely angry.

And the moment these angry black uncles opened their eyes.

What I saw was Yuan Yin's roar.

As the saying goes, enemies are extremely jealous when they meet.

At that moment, the black uncles also roared in anger.

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