The edge of pure land

Chapter 243 Give me some face

In Dongdaemun District, Seoul, there is a hidden barbecue restaurant on the corner of Gyeonghee Avenue, emitting thick smoke. Even though it is close to 2 p.m., it is still doing good business.

"I didn't expect that this small shop would still be open after 18 years. I think my ex-girlfriend brought me here back then. She was still a young international student at the time. She must be almost forty years old now. , maybe even have children.”

Medanzo went to pick up a glass of iced Coke and put it on the table, and tasted it happily: "This store has a very good matured pork chop. You can try it."

This guy always looks well-informed wherever he goes.

After all, his age is here.

But every time he said something, it was shocking.

For example, the most powerful person in the world, who is nearly a hundred years old, actually found a 20-year-old female college student to fall in love with. At first glance, it is not something that a serious person can do.

Lu Fuji, who was panting from exhaustion, could finally sit down and rest for a while, and said angrily: "After all, I am also a major in the military department, but I have to use a parachute to swing over to such a small country. I almost got my pants ripped off." The branches were scratched... It looked like a group of stowaways."

Chen Jing poured him a glass of water and said with a smile: "To be precise, we are stowaways. I am now an international criminal without federal status, and you are a defected soldier who has not been convicted, His Majesty Medanzo He is a gangster and his identity has been revoked for eighteen years."

In fact, after escaping to South Korea, the pursuers were not so eager. Although the local military received the wanted order, they were in a hurry and did not have time to deploy.

After they parachuted to the ground, they rented a car and drove all the way from Incheon to Seoul. They didn't encounter any pursuers along the way, but they still had to be careful.

Therefore, Lu Fuji released the Martial God Queen.

I was always vigilant, so exhausted that I just couldn't bear it anymore.

As a result, I just took a sip of water, and it was ice cold.

It is said that this is the case when you go to Korea or Yingzhou.

It's basically ice water, no hot water.

However, the taste of this barbecue restaurant is indeed good. The marinated pork chops are soft and delicious. It is quite enjoyable to eat with lettuce and garlic, but that's all.

After all, this place doesn’t have much food and cultural heritage.

It is worth mentioning that five hundred years later, the population of this place will be extremely aging. Both shopkeepers and waiters are basically old people over sixty years old. Although there are still many young people on the street, most of them are here for tourism. Tourists, the prosperous street scene reveals depression.

Lu Fuji had heard about the population problem in this place before breaking out of the cocoon. In fact, if the arrival of the new era had not had a huge impact on the world, the situation would probably be worse than it is now.

At this time, they suddenly saw the news broadcast on TV: "Dear viewers, hello, this is the Global Strange News Channel. According to the observations of the Halon Observatory, at 10:54 UTC today, A strange blood mist phenomenon occurred in Linhai City at the Fifth Heavenly God site. Currently, the Supreme Federation has not given a reasonable explanation, but according to reliable sources, General Yuan Rong from the Human Watch Army left forty-five minutes ago. Yanjing, taking a special plane to Linhai City, does this mean that the highest level of life disaster is about to come? "

The camera on the TV switched, and the sky was really filled with blood-red mist, as if blood-colored auroras were circulating in the sky. Many pedestrians on the street were taking pictures of the sky, and the military was conducting real-time control next to them. It seemed that I want to suppress the spread of the news.

"Next, we interviewed residents from the coast of Iceland. They claimed to have heard whale songs from deep under the sea not long ago, and some people also saw huge whales passing through the clouds in the air. The current mental state of the witnesses is extremely unstable. , seems to be affected by dark matter.”

The camera showed the fisherman talking nonsense in the hospital. He looked extremely excited. Even after being injected with a sedative, he was still crazy, as if he had met a fanatic believer in the true God.

"I am a resident from Argos. I can feel the vibration of this island. It is the roar from hell. The legendary hundred-armed giant is calling us!"

An old preacher appeared as the camera switched.

"Next, we interviewed the original survivors in Cairo, Egypt. They have been living in the Valley of the Kings for many years, which has been reduced to a place of death. They are far away from the protection of modern civilization, and they are accompanied by sand and dust every day. They are extremely xenophobic... But just now Today, this primitive remnant walked out of the desert and asked the local military for help. They claimed that they heard the whispers of the dead. "

"According to reports from the Yingzhou Dou Natural Observation Bureau, the Great Tamu volcano, located about 1,600 kilometers east of Tokyo, is showing signs of awakening again. This is one of the largest volcanoes in the solar system so far, and the legendary great god Tsukuhiro no. Dragon. A scientific expedition team conducted a sampling investigation on the vibrations of the submarine volcano, but the restored vibrations were very much like the roar of a dragon..."

This is not an official news channel, but it is the most famous extraordinary media in the world. They have various channels to get news from the federation and the church.

In order to create publicity and publicity, their reports will not be 100% accurate.

But it can also explain some things.

Lu Fuji wiped his mouth and stood up: "Sure enough, it has already started."

It was obvious that this was the fault of the God of Origin. Fortunately, they abducted Shaojun, otherwise the situation would definitely be much worse than now, and it would most likely be the end of the world.

But just running away is useless.

As long as Shaojun still exists, the crisis will not be resolved.

The good thing is that they are currently far away from the center of the battlefield.

There is enough time to investigate and deal with all this.

Address the root cause of the problem.

"The power of the gods is essentially to interfere with the ecological environment of the entire planet. In other words... she can create the laws of nature. Now the natural laws of the entire world are changing, trying to awaken the four sleeping gods. This is irreversible The process is like the sea that was separated by Moses in the Bible. Sooner or later, it will be reunited.”

Medanzo didn't seem worried about the coming of the end of the world. He ate kimchi slowly and said, "Because the God of Origin and the four gods are one body, nothing can prevent them from merging again. However, there are exceptions to everything. If you cut off your right hand and send it to the hospital in a short time, it can be reattached. But if too much time passes, your right hand will have nothing to do with you, and you will not feel pain whether it is burned or frozen. "

He cut four pieces of barbecue on the table and said seriously: "At first, what the God of Origin peeled off might just be the dark matter on Him, which was divided into four parts. But as time passed, these four parts Each part of the dark matter has completed its self-evolution and developed consciousness. At this time, it is extremely difficult for the God of Origin to recover the power. Therefore, the God of Origin must use other methods to forcibly recover the four gods. ”

Chen Jing was so smart that he understood what he was talking about in an instant: "This means that the existence of Shaojun is not only a medium for him to complete the curse binding system of the gods, but also a medium for him to awaken the four major elements. The tools of the gods. Whether it is Constantine or the masters of the rotten brains, all their creations are based on the legacy of the gods."

This sentence is a bit obscure, but the general meaning is that whether it is Constantine or those rotten brains, the things they are playing with now are the leftovers of gods.

Lu Fuji also understood and said thoughtfully: "This means that the God of Origin relied on other powers to recover the four gods."

Therefore, the key to the problem is the power of the sacred tree!

"So, what exactly is the Sacred Tree?"

Lu Fuji couldn't help but ask.

"I was curious too."

Chen Jing was silent for a moment and shook his head: "Ever since I learned that I have the power of the sacred tree in my body, I have been investigating this matter. But over the years, there has been no answer... I only know that the power of the sacred tree , can react with the power of the God of Origin.”

"Can these two forces react?"

Lu Fuji was stunned: "Is there such a thing?"

Chen Jing hummed and said seriously: "Yes, but I can't do it yet. Legend has it that Constantine did it when he became a god in his later years, but it's a pity that he didn't show that great power. In an instant, he died because of the failure of the ritual."

Lu Fuji was surprised. In fact, he knew that divine power and dark matter could be integrated with each other. After all, his wife and sister could do similar things.

But the problem is that this is the first time he knows that the power of the Tree of Life of the God of Origin can also be integrated, which means that there is still room for improvement in the power he currently possesses!

It's impossible not to be moved.

But when it comes to this level, there are too many tricks.

Constantine played himself to death.

He also has to weigh things up a bit.

When mentioning his best friend, Metanzo showed no expression.

Until the two young men turned to look at him.

He curled his lips and said: "Don't look at me, I don't know either. That is a secret that only the Holy Monarch can pry into. I refused at the time, so I am not qualified. But according to the current intelligence, the Tree of Life and The God of Origin should be inextricably linked.”

"What nonsense, let's go check out."

Lu Fuji rolled his eyes, pulled the bad woman beside him to stand up, and when they walked to the counter together, he whispered: "Hey, you should pay attention to yourself. There is no truth in that guy Medanzo's mouth, I always It feels like he is hiding something, and he seems to have other purposes... From a personal standpoint, I don’t really want you to die, so be careful.”

Chen Jing blinked her beautiful eyes in surprise, looked down at his right hand holding her wrist, and the corners of her lips curved sweetly again: "Are you worried about me? You don't want me to die?"

"If you die, I won't have to worry about it."

Lu Fuji waved his hands impatiently, turned around and went downstairs.

Chen Jing was beaten hard, but the smile in her beautiful eyes grew stronger, and she quickly responded: "Okay, okay, I'll go check out right now. Just wait for me, you didn't wipe the corners of your mouth clean..."

Beside the steaming charcoal fire, Medanzo hiccupped and looked at the backs of the young people. An unpredictable smile appeared in his deep eyes. He took out his mobile phone from his pocket and dialed a number. Phone: "I haven't contacted you for a long time. I have brought you Mr. Young as promised... It's just that a little situation has arisen. Someone you may not want to see has also come over, so the development of things may be different." Beyond your expectations.”

The person on the other side of the phone didn't know what to say. His smile became more and more playful: "That's not okay. I just have a cooperative relationship with you, and he is my boss now. That kid has the authority over the God's Curse Binding System. I will Who did he kill to help me regain my strength?"

Ignoring the other party's advice, Medanzo drank soju and responded drunkenly: "Although this boy is not destined to be yours, his parents were your former leaders. You know, although I have not been with that couple It’s not a real meeting, but I promised them to help them take care of their unlucky son.”

After hanging up the phone, the smile on his lips gradually disappeared. He bent down and pulled a trash can over, spitting out a mouthful of bright red blood and coughing violently.

As if sensing the terrifying pressure that was about to come, he curled his lips and said: "Damn, luckily I was prepared. The God of Origin has indeed locked the soul of the sacred tree. If this pressure falls on that little girl, she will be She will be brain dead in less than a second."

Metanzo's eyes were filled with a divine glow, and his exposed skin was lit up with golden lines that looked like cracking tree bark, looming, sacred and solemn.

"But you would never have thought that I also have the power of the sacred tree. As long as I cover her with the fluctuations of her divine power, I will be the only target left in your perception."

He licked the blood on his lips: "God is nothing more than that."



As the sun was approaching sunset, Lu Fuji came to the countryside on the outskirts, and across a golden rapeseed field, he saw the village located by the lake.

Chen Jing placed her mother-in-law in the countryside. This was not because she was not filial to her elders, but because the elders were not used to living a life that was too luxurious. She was not interested in luxury houses, luxury cars or anything else. On the contrary, she was more Like the pastoral environment.

In fact, many elderly people have no concept of material things at all, and they are not greedy for so-called enjoyment at all. If you point to a villa and tell her that the house is worth 80 million, you may be able to scare her so much that she just pick up her luggage and leave. , I have to carefully consider whether you have done anything illegal when I get home, and then I take out my coffin book from under the bed and prepare to let you run away.

What the elderly need more than money is companionship.

A house full of children is not as valuable as a mountain of gold and silver.

The biggest regret is that some young people who work hard outside often ignore this point. When they really succeed and return home in glory, they find that the old man is no longer there.

Because he was going to meet the old man, Lu Buer also bought some meeting gifts on the way. They were nothing too expensive, just some meat, eggs, milk and the like, which were a little token of appreciation.

Chen Jing was surprised that he would do such a thing, so she happily helped him carry his things, and even rushed to pay the bill before him, with a smile on his eyes and eyebrows.

Medanzo drove patiently, wearing sunglasses and listening to the song.

Watching them pick and choose in a small shabby supermarket.

Those who didn’t know better thought they were shopping for luxury goods.

"You, there will be a lot of money to spend in the future, so save as much as you can. Speaking of which, if you marry me, then all my property will be yours." Chen Jing helped carry the eggs and milk, skipping and hopping on the country road.

"Put me down, you are an international criminal. Do I still need to inherit your property through legal channels? As my little lover, you should voluntarily give up your inheritance!" Although it is a bit animalistic to say this, Lu Fuji is indeed a little concerned. With this woman's property.

"Stupid, can't you hear that I'm joking with you? That's a huge sum of money, and it can't be transferred to you smoothly no matter what channel you use. Besides, your girlfriend's family is the Holy Family. You’re not short of money, okay? Do you know how expensive the equipment you use for your promotion is?”

Chen Jing hummed and said: "Actually, I have already prepared it. If I die, all my property will be donated. It will be used as a security fund to maintain world peace and to subsidize those who have been killed because of the evolution war." Ordinary people affected.”

Lu Fuji was slightly startled, that was good.

Passing through the golden rapeseed field, under the dim sunset is an old short bungalow. There is a deck chair at the door of the small courtyard filled with firewood. The old man sits on the chair and looks at the lake. From time to time, he opens his eyes and picks up his mobile phone to check the time. , seems to be waiting for something.

The wind blew Chen Jing's red hair, and she ran quickly across the bumpy dirt road, carrying large and small bags and rushing over: "Mother-in-law, I brought my boyfriend back!"

Lu Buer was stunned: "What kind of boyfriend is Shen?"

In the gentle dusk, Chen Jing turned her head in the wind, and a look of pleading appeared on her charming face: "Give me some face, just pretend, okay?"

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