The edge of pure land

Chapter 250 I don’t want you to be in trouble

On the deck of the luxury cruise ship, Chen Jing had obviously just come out of the bath. Her long dark red hair was scattered, her fair and jade-like cheeks were flushed with a seductive blush, and her off-shoulder white long sweatshirt was very clever. The black shoulder straps and round shoulders are exposed, the hem is very short, just enough to cover the black shorts, and the long white and delicate legs are wearing a pair of sneakers.

This outfit was carefully prepared by her.

Originally, I wanted to give Lu Fuji a surprise.

Because Chen Jing knew that since learning the truth about the death of his parents, the boy didn't seem too excited, but in fact he was a little abnormal.

There was nothing she could do but comfort in her own way.

As soon as she changed her clothes, she felt the strong murderous intent on the sea. When she came out in a hurry, she saw speedboats floating on the sea and snipers on board.

Of course there is that arrogant woman.

The atmosphere was tense to the extreme. The woman's thunder arrow was about to be shot out in just one second, and the shadow of a god and demon suddenly appeared in the sky above her head.

That was Lu Fuji's dark matter body, ready to kill at any time.

Until I heard Chen Jing's call.

"Senior Sister Mu Cheng?"

Mu Teng's pupils shrank violently.

Because Babel Tower received a tip not long ago that Shaojun was most likely not kidnapped, but defected to the organization on his own initiative. The guards who were killed in Anshan Sanatorium are the best proof. Without exception, they all died due to metal numerology.

But only people from the Second Head of State's lineage refused to believe it, but in their eyes, how could Shaojun betray without any reason? It must be the result of being coerced.

Now when I see Chen Jing, I am even more convinced of their idea, because she has an eternal chain on her wrist, and it is obvious that she has been controlled.

"Yin Lei!"

Without hesitation, Mu Cheng unleashed his numerology with all his strength, and the burst of lightning gathered on the arrows like a tide, instantly illuminating the night between the sea and the sky.

At that moment, the anti-material sniper rifles in the hands of the killers exploded one after another. The unexpected explosion suddenly knocked them to the ground, and they were not sure whether they were alive or dead.

Even the soul blade in Mu Cheng's hand was affected. Before she could react, she was knocked over by a terrifying repulsive force falling from the sky. The bones in her chest suddenly collapsed and shattered, and the broken bones pierced her body. She couldn't stop coughing out blood from her mouth.

The person who took action turned out to be Chen Jing!

"Miss Shaojun, what do you mean?"

The speedboat almost disintegrated in the violent tremors. Mu Cheng was pinned to the ground and raised her head with difficulty, a look of disbelief on her face.

The person who took action was not Lu Buer at all.

But Chen Jing!

I saw Chen Jing's forehead hair swaying, half covering her charming eyes.

His eyes were filled with holy light.

Mu Cheng couldn't believe that her junior sister, who had always taken good care of her, would treat her so harshly one day, almost killing her!

"Boss, look up..."

A killer who was injured by a sniper rifle whispered a reminder.


Faint thunder.

The cool golden thunder disappeared fleetingly in the darkness.

Mu Ting then raised his head, and at some point, a ferocious god and demon appeared in the darkness above his head. In his hand was a dark wooden sword, with an electric arc wrapped around the blade.

He looked down at her like a giant god.

Especially the electric light on the blade was as fleeting as lightning when it cut through the night, and the violent oppression felt like a dormant beast in a dark forest.

Mu Teng was a federally certified divine envoy before her defection. Even today, her sacred coronation rights have not been revoked because the big shots also want to save face. Since this right has been issued, they will not be forcibly deprived of it through legal means. , it is necessary to send more powerful soldiers to defeat her head-on in order to take away all her glory.

Of course, that's not the case.

This also means that Mu Cheng is really strong. She masters the extremely rare celestial phenomena and thunder numerology. She is invincible in the fifth majestic world and has few opponents.

But just now she didn't know when the god and demon appeared.

If Chen Jing hadn't taken action in time, she might have died.

At this time, Lu Fuji turned and looked at the bad woman beside him. His eyes filled with lightning and thunder had no emotion at all, but the meaning expressed was very obvious.

what do you mean?

"This is the favorite disciple of the Second Head of State, and her talent is very good. Although she has only mastered the White Walker Technique not long ago, guess what level her White Walker Technique is?" Chen Jing walked to him quietly, and stood beside him. His breath sounded like orchid in his ears, as if he was whispering.

Of course, her tone was a little urgent.

As if explaining something.


Lu Fuji raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Truth level."

Chen Jing paused: "Senior Sister Mu's talent is not as good as ours. She paid a high price to be integrated into this strange ghost technique, and she barely survived after undergoing a creation ceremony. If we want to find that coordinate, perhaps it is indispensable. Her help. And I can also get some information about the Tower of Babel through Senior Sister Mu. I always feel that the military advisor knows something."

"I see."

Lu Fuji suddenly realized and asked: "In other words, this guy is my leek? But if she has no use value, I still have to kill her?"

Chen Jing was silent for a moment: "Can you let me do it?"

Lu Fuji was a little surprised. He thought she was thinking about her old relationship and wanted to persuade him to be merciful, but he didn't expect that it was not the case.

He frowned and asked, "Why?"

Chen Jing glanced at him faintly and snorted: "Instead of letting the second head of state hate you, it is better to let her hate me, a dying person."

This surprised Lu Fuji: "How does the second head of state treat you?"

Chen Jing didn't even think about it: "It's not bad. The second head of state originally wanted to accept me as her student. Although there are some profit factors involved, she is one of the few people in the organization who is willing to treat me well. Senior Sister Mu is also very kind to me and always treats me as a junior sister.”

Lu Fuji raised his eyes: "I thought you wanted to plead for her."

Chen Jing pursed her red lips and smiled: "Since I am going to be your little lover, of course I have to be considerate of you, right? Otherwise, how can I compare with the main palace?"

In fact, there are many things that she would not say based on her character. For example, since she chose to elope with him, it means that she has completely betrayed her former camp and put all her hopes on him alone. There is no way out.

In the whole world, the only person Chen Jing can trust is him.

No matter what Lu Fuji chooses, it will be good or bad for her.

She could only accept it.

But she won't tell him about it.

Because she didn't want to put pressure on him.

I don't want to impose any unwarranted sense of responsibility on him.

I don't want to embarrass him, don't want to make him feel guilty.

In a sense, Chen Jing is really a very traditional woman. Once she identifies a boy, she will put all her focus on him.

Prioritize his joys and sorrows.

As for your own feelings, it doesn't matter.

After all, Lu Fuji and Babel had a blood feud. The man was still sleeping in the coffin. How could she influence his will because of her own personal feelings.

"Sorry, senior sister."

Chen Jing pursed her red lips, raised her eyes, and said seriously: "I know that my choice is difficult for you to accept, and I also know that you came to save me out of good intentions. But all of this is my voluntary choice. , You may call me ungrateful or treacherous, but I am the kind of woman who will have no bottom line for something, so... I'm sorry."

Mu Teng actually knew the girl in front of him very well.

The guilt and apology in her eyes were real.

The murderous intention hidden deep in her heart is also real.

"Are you really going to do this?"

Mu Qing said in a deep voice: "For a man to become our enemy? Have you forgotten how the second head of state protected you back then? Those people have always wanted to create more Shaojun through you. If not Teacher, you have been sent to the laboratory a long time ago."

Chen Jing said expressionlessly: "I will find a way to repay the kindness of the Second Head of State to her. I know what she wants most. It's just that one code equals another. It is a fact that the Second Head of State is kind to me, but This is no reason for you to attack the boy I like."

She spoke these words calmly.

The soft yet firm voice echoed in the sea breeze.

Every word is a confession.

Lu Fuji remained silent and drank a glass of Coke silently.

Mu Cheng was so angry that she was bleeding from all her orifices. She felt that everything in front of her was ridiculous, and asked angrily: "Only the second head of state in this world can protect you. What can you get by following this man in front of you? Follow this man. He, you will die sooner or later!"

Chen Jing smiled sweetly: "I know."

Mu Teng held back a mouthful of old blood in his heart.

"This man is the enemy of the Tower of Babel!"

"I know."

"He won't let anyone in the Tower of Babel go!"

"I know."

"Including you!"

"I'll accept it if I die by his hands."

Between the questions and answers, Mu Cheng was furious and helpless.

"You are really crazy, I see you..."


The thunder drowned out his voice.

Lu Buer lost his patience and raised his hand to release a thunder!

The majestic thunder burst out, directly blasting the speedboat where Mu Cheng was, and the violent arc exploded, burning her whole body and sending her flying backwards.

He fell headlong into the sea.

As for the remaining killers, they only saw a fleeting flash of lightning and heard the roar of thunder in their ears, and then completely lost consciousness.

Their heads flew high and fell into the water like ripe melons.

In the howling wind, the God of War calmly sheathed his sword.

The blood on the blade was thrown into the waves.

"Since we are going to find the private island of the Second Head of State, this guy can indeed be used to lead the way. After using her to perform the resurrection ceremony, I will give her a chance to fight with me and let her have three moves. As for I don't care at all whether the Second Head of State will retaliate against me. When I advance to the eighth realm, I will give her three moves... This is for your sake."

Lu Fuji looked up and drank Coke, then looked at the chefs and waiters who were shivering in the back kitchen, motioned them to continue working, and went to the bathroom without saying anything: "Next time you encounter this kind of thing, you don't have to worry about it. It doesn’t matter to me if I stand by and turn against them. I do have a grudge against them, but I don’t need you to be in the middle.”

Chen Jing looked at his back in surprise. She had already firmly established her position in her heart and was willing to betray everything for the boy in front of her.

But she had more or less extravagant hopes in her heart.

Yes, extravagant hope.

rather than hope.

Because she knew she didn't deserve it.

I also have the attitude to force him to do something.

But what if he really has a place for her in his heart?

Even if Lu Fuji only thinks about her a little bit.

She will also feel very happy.

But this is just wishful thinking.

She never thought it would actually happen.

However, Lu Fuji may really be the one destined to fulfill all her fantasies. When she feels desperate and helpless, he will fall from the sky with thunder.

When she felt guilty and guilty in the face of her former companions, although he did not violate his previous principles for her, he still took a step back because of her.

Although retreating is the same as not retreating.

The members of the Tower of Babel are still going to die.

But she felt much better in her heart.

Well, not only did she feel a lot better, it was like rich honey melting in her heart, as sweet as the first piece of wine-filled chocolate she ate as a child, and as sweet as the hot milk tea she drank in the depth of winter for the first time. Fragrant.

He was clearly restrained, but he seemed to be cared about.

"It's good to just sit back and watch."

Chen Jing sat on the bar with her chin in her hands, staring at the young man's back, and said with a smile: "But forget it and turn against him, even if you are willing to let him go, I won't let him go."

Lu Fuji didn't bother to pay attention to her.

Chen Jing waved her hands and lifted the unconscious senior sister up from the sea. A yandere-like expression appeared on her pretty face, and murmured to herself: "Senior Sister Mu, we are all guilty people. We will be guilty if we embark on this road. Don't expect a happy death, how about we die together? Don't worry, I will ask him to give you a happy death... Although I am not the official, I seem to have some weight in his heart. As for me, I will definitely die. It’s worse than you.”

After saying this, her face turned as pale as paper.

As if his soul had been taken away, he fell down with a plop.

Her long crimson hair spread out like roses.

Lu Fuji heard the voice behind him and saw the scene of her falling. At this moment, whether he wanted to admit it or not, his heart twitched hard.



Russia, St. Petersburg.

With the bells ringing at midnight, a lighthouse lights up at the port of Vasily Island. The bright light sweeps across the dark and turbulent sea. The brightly lit buildings on the shore are like sky lanterns twinkling in the darkness. The streets Occasionally a vehicle whizzes past.

The homeless man on the street is holding his big golden retriever and playing the guitar and singing songs that only the locals can understand. Young lovers are drunk and shouting on the road.

The white-haired young man walked through the streets indifferently, as if he was from another world.

After many years, Metanzo returned to this city again. This was the religious center of the Akashic Cult after the beginning of the new era, and millions of believers gathered here.

Hence the new name.

City of God.

After the North Pole God Ascension Plan ended that year, Constantine was buried at the pole of the world, buried in endless snowstorms, accompanied by the aurora all day long.

Soon after, Gong Yu also died of a serious illness and passed away in a church on Vasily Island. The church held a grand but not grand funeral for the holy official.

Bury it in a very low-key way.

After that, Metanzo was tired of everything and resigned from the post of Archbishop.

The era of the Three Golden Sages has officially come to an end.

It turned out that Medanzo had made a mistake.

The era of the Three Golden Sages is not over.

But at that moment, it had just begun.

Metanzo regretted not taking away the body of his best friend, but now it was too late to say anything. He followed the route in his memory and came to the old church at the edge of the city, under the mottled shade of trees. Found the cemetery.

As expected, a barrier has been set up in the cemetery, and the void seems to be filled with strange runes. Only evolved people can feel its existence.

But this was in vain for Medanzo.

He was like an illusory light, penetrating the barrier in the cemetery.

The lights in the cemetery were dim, illuminating the plowed soil.

The fresh earthy smell blows in the wind.

The golden coffin was in the pit, and the lid had already been opened.

The coffin was empty.

Seeing this scene, Metanzo was not surprised. He just felt a little tired, so he leaned against an old tree and fumbled for the cigarette case and lighter in his pocket.

His eyes were as deep as the night in front of him.

"Actually, have I ever said that the person I supported back then was you?"

There was a faint gust of wind whistling by, and a familiar voice suddenly sounded in the silence: "At the time when the competition between you two for the sacred monarch was most intense."

When Metanzo heard this voice, he paused slightly in lighting up his cigarette.

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