The edge of pure land

Chapter 252 Walk the road you haven’t finished yet

The weather at sea was so bright, but the kitchen on the ship was filled with a chilling ominous atmosphere. Anyone who saw the scene of maggots turning into butterflies from rotten meat would feel terrified.

This seemed to be a warning to Lu Buer.

The danger he would face next.

But Medanzo had not come back yet.

He was silent for a moment, and finally realized that his experience seemed to overlap with his parents five hundred years ago. Next, he would flee with a huge secret, facing the pursuit of a terrifying god from ancient times, and wandering between life and death.

Fate was too coincidental, which gave him a strange feeling in his heart.

It was as if he was walking the path that his parents had not walked before.

It was as if he was doing what his parents had not done before.

Even though five hundred years had passed.

In fact, even a madman like him would be a little nervous when taking the bad woman away, because as long as he made a wrong step, the world would pay for his mistakes.

But fortunately, everyone he met along the way supported him.

It gave him confidence and courage.

When the Corrupted Death God appeared, it proved that everything he did was right. This was the only solution to this huge disaster.

But Lu Buer always had a demon in his heart. Since he learned the truth about his parents' death, he couldn't control himself from imagining the disaster. He didn't know what the couple had experienced before they died. Every time he tried to imagine, his heart was twitching.

But now he knew that the Corrupted Death God was about to come to his door.

He suddenly let it go.

Revenge when there is revenge, and complain when there is resentment.

Everyone depends on their ability.

Revenge is such a simple thing.

How powerful are the gods?

Lu Buer didn't know.

But his ending would never be the same as his parents'.

"God's threat?" He showed a sneer, turned around and said, "Okay, gentlemen, you are free from this moment on. There are lifeboats on the ship, enough for you to reach the nearby coast. This ship is no longer safe, run as far as you can." The host and the waiter looked at each other, not knowing what was wrong with the young man in front of them. It was such a strange and terrifying scene, but it made his eyes bloom with a strong spirit. Lu Buer turned and came to the captain's cabin. With basic military knowledge, he adjusted the route. Next, this luxurious cruise ship will move eastward until it hits a dense reef two hours later and slowly sinks to the bottom of the sea. Together with the gold. Then he released another lifeboat from the cabin. It's called a lifeboat, but after the technological upgrade, it's enough for them to reach their destination, but the road will not be so comfortable, but more exciting. Lu Buer prepared some weapons and food on the boat. The unconscious Mu Yan was also thrown on the boat. Then he turned around and knocked on the bad woman's door.

"Dear Miss Shaojun, it's time to go sightseeing. The power of the Corrupted Death has already eroded this cabin." Lu Buer said lightly.

In fact, Chen Jing didn't close the door at all. At this moment, she had already washed and dressed up, and even put on a little light makeup, staring at the sunny sea outside the porthole.

Like a lazy kitten watching the scenery by the window.

When she heard this, the brilliance in her eyes disappeared without a trace, and she returned to a very deep and quiet look again. She didn't doubt the truth, and said seriously: "Then you should leave. His target is me. The next road... I should go alone."

In fact, after learning that the mastermind behind the scenes was the Corrupted Death.

Even Chen Jing felt terrified.

Last night, he had a nightmare all night in a coma.

I thought that with Medanzo, even God would not be afraid.

But Medanzo hasn't come back yet.

But the Corrupted Death has arrived.

The situation has reached the worst point.

They must make other considerations.

Seeing her serious look, Lu Buer turned around and waved his hand, yawning and saying, "I'll pretend you didn't say that. I'll give you one minute to hurry up and follow me."

There was a thumping sound of footsteps behind him.

Chen Jing thought he didn't realize the seriousness of the problem, and said with a hint of reproach in her beautiful eyes, "Playing is playing, but now is a matter of life and death. A gentleman's revenge is never too late. Only if you are alive will you have a chance. We can't all die on this road."

Lu Buer jumped onto the speedboat and said without looking back, "For me, there is no option of living in disgrace in this life. Since the Corrupted Death God wants to kill you, I won't let him do what he wants. You say, if God's plan also fails, will he be so angry that he jumps up?"

"I'm almost so angry that I jump up!"

Chen Jing jumped off the cabin and grabbed his wrist.

But it was at this moment.

She saw his expression.

An expression she had never had before.

Lu Buer raised his eyes and laughed with a hint of arrogance and madness: "You told me that the spirits who yearn for freedom will not be trapped in any forest. Similarly, the devils who yearn for revenge will never run away in the gutter with their tails between their legs. Let's go, I don't care who you are, whether you are a charming fairy or a demon that destroys the world."

He paused: "Even if it's the end of the world, I will take you there."



"Urgent notification, the 24th Assault Force of the Headquarters Military Region is out of danger, but 20 church members including Archbishop Li Ang have not yet been found. They are most likely dead! The Seoul Military Region has fully mobilized to conduct a blockade and investigation of the entire urban area. !”

"According to the detection of the Holy Intelligence Body, the target last appeared in the Jiangling Military Region. It is visually estimated that he is going to Yingzhou on a human-snake ship. The local military has sent troops to stop it!"

"Warning, the target has passed through the Land of the Past where Kagoshima is located! The Osaka Military District failed to stop it, but it has been breached! The Nagoya Military District failed to stop it, and it has been breached now!"

"Notice that the target has passed through the waters under the jurisdiction of the Shizuoka Military District and is about to arrive in Tokyo."

Throughout the night, the Human Watch Military Headquarters continued to receive notifications.

The overall strength of the military headquarters in South Korea and Yingzhou was relatively poor, and they could not stop the young Major Lu at all. Shaojun followed him and advanced all the way, unstoppable.

According to the analysis of the Sacred Intelligence Network, Lu Buer has now mastered the true meaning of the Immortal Body, a strange ghost technique, and is proficient in two conceptual changes at the same time. Coupled with the super strong dark matter body that leads the world, this strength has already It cannot be measured according to the ordinary fourth perfect world.

Undisputed monarch-level potential.

Unless a divine envoy of the sixth level of Mercy World is sent.

Or let the saint go there in person.

Otherwise it is impossible to pose a threat.

But the Human Watch Army is fighting the Tower of Babel at its most intense moment, and it is impossible to send a more powerful combat force to deal with its own people.

In particular, the military found a church survivor from a township outside Seoul and brought back a warning from the young master, which forced them to think about what happened.

It looks like Lu Fuji kidnapped Shaojun.

But if you think about it carefully, it seems that Shaojun eloped with him voluntarily.

Under the current circumstances, the senior officials had to suspect that if they continued to put pressure on the young and frivolous major, he might actually defect to the heretical organization.

This is a huge loss for them.

So, after discussions between Zhou Zhu and Peng Xianzhi, the senior officials held a meeting again to renegotiate specific countermeasures. To put it bluntly, they were trying to appease the church.

In terms of pursuit, the military department did not contribute much at all.

After all, it can be seen from the reaction of High Priest Lianhua.

Both boyfriends were abducted by witches.

She wasn't in a hurry at all.

Of course, it is impossible for the Federation to really give up the pursuit. At this moment, they have locked onto Tokyo through the Sacred Intelligence Network, that sunny city full of tourists.

At this moment, Lu Fuji and Chen Jing had broken through all the defense lines, landed in Tokyo Bay as stowaways, grabbed a supercar and drove for a full hour before arriving in Shibuya.

Tokyo is a good tourist city in May. The rainy season has not yet arrived. The sky is blue. The sun penetrates the clouds and leaves patches of mottled green shade on the roadside. Bustling tourists step on the moss on the roadside and shuttle through the streets and alleys. , traveling to and from shopping malls and street shops.

They passed many places.

For example, Odaiba and Fuji TV are classic scenes in the childhood memory work "Digimon". Another example is Suga Shrine, which is the long staircase where the hero and heroine in "Your Name" meet again. Although five hundred years have passed, it seems to be no different from the one in the movie.

Cherry blossoms and fallen leaves were flying in the wind, huge holographic projection advertisements echoed in the howling wind, and the noise on the street spread like a tide.

This is not the first time Chen Jing has come to Tokyo, but she has never found this city so fun. On the roadside, she can see posters of her favorite Kamen Rider, as well as Yu-Gi-Oh card shops and Pokémon peripherals. stalls, and there seemed to be concerts being held in the stadium we passed by.

Thousands of tourists passed by her eyes.

There was also a trace of yearning in her eyes.

If you are not in a hurry.

Unless your body doesn't allow it.

She really wanted to have fun in this city for a while, and she didn't have any specific goals. She just wanted to follow the person next to her wherever she went.

"If you like it, then try to survive. If there is a chance, we can do it again, and then you can play however you want."

Under normal circumstances, Lu Fuji would not give such a vague promise, but he always felt that the woman around him was dying, so he gave her some hope.

Chen Jing's red hair was swaying in the wind, and her deep and quiet eyes were getting darker and darker. Golden blood vessels vaguely appeared under her fair and delicate skin, like broken porcelain.

It seemed like it would break if touched.

The sports car is therefore always moving at full speed.

As for traffic rules, I have long ignored them.

The traffic police who caught up were also stopped by the God of War.

Accompanied by the screeching sound of brakes.

The sports car stopped in a retro courtyard.

This is the base area of ​​Shibuya-ku Hirano-gumi, a well-known local gangster organization. Although it is not defined as a heresy, most of its members have illegal records. However, the culture of this country is so bird-like, so They have been wandering in the gray area for many years, making a living through the flesh business and trading illegal contraband. They usually bribe some local officials, but they have not been eradicated for so many years.

It is worth mentioning that Takagi Reki and his son were also born in the Hirano group in their early years.

But today, the organization was wiped out.

Lu Fuji pulled off his seat belt and jumped out of the driver's seat.

A group of medical staff immediately rushed out of the courtyard. They rushed to the passenger seat with a stretcher and surrounded the bad woman with a confused look on her face.

Lu Buer carried her to the stretcher: "We are one family, don't be afraid. After the operation, we will go directly to the private island of the second head of state, and then we can find the mysterious coordinates. Of course, the premise of all this is that you have to survive."

After many days, Chu He saw this boy again. He was about to say hello but got stuck, because with his knowledge reserve, he had no idea what the teacher's boyfriend should be called. Of course, this was not important to him at all, because he had only one thought in his mind.

The way to remove the dark matter!

"Help me save this woman."

Lu Buer is now proficient in dealing with the psychopath in the sacrificial hall: "As long as she can survive, I will tell you my ancestral secret recipe."

Chu He twitched as if he was electrocuted when he heard this. His crazy state made people feel that his way of saving people was to rush into hell and beat up the King of Hell to snatch people back.

But when he saw the bad woman's condition, he immediately became serious and deep, as if he realized the seriousness of the problem, and immediately commanded his medical team: "The patient's condition is very bad, start the life support cabin immediately. Group one prepares cell energy fission surgery, group two prepares ten times the amount of sacred tree marrow fluid, and group three immediately replenishes life energy and prepares for emergency surgery!"

In an instant, he turned from an unreliable lunatic into a trustworthy doctor.

Chu He roared: "Hurry up and get my junior sister ready!"

Chen Jing was sent to the courtyard on a stretcher, just like a little girl who was about to be sent to the operating room and looked back at her boyfriend reluctantly.

Lu Buer nodded to indicate that she was relieved.

Chen Jing had never thought about it in her life.

One day she would actually accept treatment from the chief priests of the sacrificial hall.

Normally, it's good for the queen not to beat up her lover in the street.

But in Lu Buer's case, the queen actually sent a team to save her lover.

These days, everything happens.

This courtyard had long been transformed into an operating room. The moment Chen Jing was sent in, fatigue from the depths of her soul engulfed her. She could no longer hold on to herself, and her consciousness gradually faded. At this moment, she saw a girl eating ice cream in the corner.

Chen Jing knew that this little girl was his sister.

In other words...sister-in-law?


Chen Jing smiled, and the smile was very kind.

There was no trace of the usual charm and coldness.

It was like the big sister next door greeting the little sister.

This smile almost exhausted her remaining strength.

Lu Sixian's icy face had no expression, but she looked at this woman curiously. With her ability to read minds, she could know the other person's mind in an instant.

This woman also has feelings for her brother.

"Second sister-in-law?"

This thought came to Lu Sixian's mind.

This was the first time the young master and the witch met. When they looked at each other, they both felt an inexplicable connection, as if they were tightly bound together by fate.

Next, Chen Jing was sent to the life support cabin. The treatment machine was already in operation. With her vision, she could tell at a glance how advanced the equipment used for this operation was. It was basically the specifications that only the Holy High Priests were qualified to use. These were the core technologies of the Holy Akasha Church.

You can't buy it no matter how much money you spend.

It was a gift from the Holy Right.

Constantine's experiment on her was very crude.

It was equivalent to forcibly integrating the soul of the sacred tree into her body.

And when she was controlled by the Corrupted Death God over the years, she often had to endure the backlash of the divine power, and she never got good medical equipment to heal her body.

But now under Lu Buer's operation, she can enjoy the same treatment as those great Holy High Priests and receive the best treatment in the world.

Lu Sixian didn't like to talk to people, but since the other party called her sister-in-law in her heart, it would be a bit unreasonable to be impolite. She said expressionlessly: "My name is Lu Sixian, you can call me Xiaoxian... You seem to like my brother very much." Chen Jing always felt that this little girl was a bit naive, and he didn't avoid this question. He smiled and nodded and said: "I liked her a little yesterday, and I like her very much today. If I can live to tomorrow, I should like her very much." Lu Sixian asked seriously: "Aren't you afraid of my sister-in-law?" Chen Jing thought for a while: "No." Lu Sixian was not familiar with this woman, but she could feel the most real emotion in her heart, which was the boiling love as hot as a volcano, supporting her broken body. Therefore, Lu Sixian thought this sister was not bad. The little girl raised her hand and squeezed out a drop of blood from her fingertips. Before Chen Jing could react, the drop of blood dripped between her lips, spreading in a myriad of ways, flowing into her body like a living thing. An incredible scene appeared. A great vitality surged into her body, repairing her body that was about to break, and almost reduced the backlash of the soul against her by a thousand times.

Chen Jing's beautiful eyes flashed with disbelief. She knew very well what this heaven-defying ability meant. Once it was made public, it would probably cause turmoil in the world.

Those dying high-level evolutionists would hunt her down at all costs.

Lu Buer should have protected her.

Don't reveal this secret to anyone.

But now, Lu Buer asked this little girl to save her.

Does this mean he approves of her?

Chen Jing doesn't know.

It's really hard to imagine what kind of magic power that young man has, and how he can gather so many incredible people around him, whether it's Longque, Lianhua, or Xiaoxian.

Even she herself was unconsciously fascinated by him.

"The patient's vital signs are recovering!"

"The life balance value is 30%, which has reached the standard value for surgery!"

"Prepare for surgery immediately!"

Lu Buer leaned against the gate of the courtyard and let out a long sigh, looking up at the blue sky. He didn't know why he felt faintly relieved when he saw that the bad woman's condition had stabilized, but just at this moment Suddenly he had a bad feeling.

For a moment, Lu Sixian's eyes became strangely pale, as if she had foreseen something extremely terrible. She turned around and walked out of the operating room, uttering a sleepy voice: "Brother, something happened. I seem to have seen... …one person?"

Her tone was a little hesitant.

Because she didn't know if what she saw was a human being.

There was a hint of fear in her calm voice.

He was obviously frightened by that thing.

Lu Fuji frowned, and suddenly heard a powerful horn sound.

The instruments in the operating room immediately sounded the alarm!

"what happened?"

Chu He's roar rang out in the operating room: "Why did the value of life suddenly plummet? Quickly prepare twenty times the amount of sacred tree marrow for me! This damn person is going to die and you're telling me that the patient can't bear it. ? She has an immortal body and must hold on!"

Lu Fuji's heart twitched hard.

Holy horn!

A gust of wind suddenly blew on this relatively secluded street. The trash cans on the street were shaking with the wind. Broken plastic bags were swept up into the sky. The weather suddenly became hazy.

Flying sand and flying rocks.

Lu Sixian's pale pupils suddenly shed blood.

Covering his ears in pain.

Lu Fuji hurriedly hugged her: "What's going on?"

"He's smiling at me, He's talking to me."

Lu Sixian raised her blood-stained eyes, and there was a hint of fear in her voice: "He said he wants you to hand over the soul of the sacred tree to Him."

In the howling wind, Lu Fuji's eyes became sharp.

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