The edge of pure land

Chapter 255 Survivors from Five Hundred Years Ago

Amidst the howling wind, Lu Fuji's hand while driving the car trembled slightly, because he had guessed a long time ago that the so-called five gods' stations were actually five prisons where they were imprisoned, but he didn't know exactly. Who has the power to trap these ancient gods.

But if it is the tree of life, then this does become reasonable.

"No wonder Aurora Technology wanted to awaken the Tree of Life."

A flash of realization flashed in Chen Jing's beautiful eyes, and she murmured to herself: "If Aurora Technology hadn't been convinced that the Tree of Life and the five gods were mortal enemies, it would have been impossible to risk doing this."

All of this is connected. The only problem is that no one knows what the so-called Tree of Life is. It seems to be inseparable from the civilization of the gods, but there is a huge difference.

The embodiment of the will of the Tree of Life is the Divine Intelligence.

Whether he has the ability to think independently.

Why did He choose to help mankind?

Why did He imprison the five gods?

Everything is a mystery.

Everyone in this world may be curious about what the Tree of Life is that once changed the world, and what secrets it contains.

But this question is rarely answered.

Just like many years ago when Lu Buer took a computer class to learn binary, the teacher would tell him that zeros and ones can represent computer language, but he would not tell him the specific principles.

Because the teacher thought that it was useless for him to know, as long as he could cope with the exam. Later, he checked it on the Internet and found out that the so-called zeros and ones represented the power-on signal, and thus formed a command through different arrangements. collection to convey information.

Similarly, in the field of evolvers, everyone will only tell you that the Tree of Life changed the world. As for what kind of existence it is, no one can explain it.

The top officials of the Supreme Federation must know this secret.

Yuan Rong, Zhou Zhu, Peng Xianzhi...

But they will never reveal it to anyone.

"I roughly understand that Constantine was able to find the coordinates after he became the Holy Monarch and gained the power of the Tree of Life. This can well explain why Constantine couldn't find the coordinates back then. But he successfully found it after he was crowned king."

Chen Jing was thoughtful, then turned to stare at the woman in the back seat and asked seriously: "Sister, you haven't told me yet why the Second Head of State hates the Supreme Federation."

Mu Cheng was a little defensive: "Do you think I am Baidu? I am just a divine envoy, only in the fifth majestic realm. How can I know this? But I heard the teacher inadvertently say that she believed that the previous two generations The holy monarchs are all saints. They knew they would bear the curse, but they resolutely crowned them. Even we heretics have great respect for those two monarchs. It seems that the reason why the teacher chose to defect was because she felt that hers. My brother had other possibilities, but in the end this possibility was wiped out."

Chen Jing thought deeply about it. The legendary sacred monarch was indeed a bit weird. On the surface, he seemed to have infinite glory and left a name in history. However, various problems always appeared in his later years. When they were approaching the end of their lives, they always had problems. Will choose to go to the North Pole and die quietly.

"It sounds a bit ominous in old age."

She turned around and said, "Are you still planning to crown the Holy Monarch?"

Lu Fuji shrugged: "It's a little early to ask this question now, isn't it? In fact, it doesn't sound like the crowning of a sacred monarch will lead to an unknown old age, but that as long as you become the strongest, your old age will be unknown. It sounds weird, but I don’t believe there is anything in this world that cannot be explained.”

After all, even the illness he suffered in his early years was finally confirmed to be caused by the core of the gods, which made him more determined that all phenomena in the world can be explained.

"If one day you really become a holy monarch, don't forget to have someone write an autobiography for you. Then my name will appear in your experience. Although I may not be able to see you crowned That day, people in this world will know that there is a bad woman named Chen Jing who liked you and was your lover." Chen Jing thought of this, and there seemed to be a hint of sweetness in the corner of his eyes and eyebrows. Really happy.

"What? Doesn't that mean I'm asking someone to dig up dirt on me?"

Lu Fuji stared: "What are you thinking about?"

"Don't you think it's romantic?"

"I don't think so, and your reputation is also affected."

"I don't think there is anything shameful about being a lover. After all, I just came a step too late... No, I came a lot too late and missed a lot of your life. If I had met you earlier, if we were born in the same A person of this era, I won’t let you suffer so much.”

"Then treat me to a meal when I can't afford it?"

Lu Fuji was unmoved on the surface, but his heart moved slightly. It turned out that this bad woman really wanted to be born in the same era as him and use her own way to intervene in his life.

"What's the point of eating?"

Chen Jing came close to him, her dark red hair gradually blurred her eyes, and she exhaled warm breath from her delicate lips, teasing him intentionally or unintentionally: "Just look at me."

"What's the use of looking at you?"

Lu Fuji had a straight face.

"It's beautiful and delicious."

Chen Jing blinked her beautiful eyes.

Critical hit.

It can only be said to be a critical hit.

For Lu Fuji, the impact of such a beauty crit was too great.

Lu Fuji glanced at her uncontrollably from the corner of his eye, and happened to see her exposed round shoulders. The black shoulder straps stretched her fair and delicate skin and passed over her delicate collarbone.

What a genie.

The pink cherry blossoms outside the window are swaying like elves in the wind. At this time, it seems like passing by Yoyogi Park. There are countless cherry trees in the park, and cherry blossoms fall like rain wherever the wind passes.

This seems to be a scene that appeared in "Five Centimeters per Second". At the station where Akari and Guishu finally met, a train separated them, as if their fates were also separated.

"It's so beautiful."

Chen Jing said softly, in fact, she knew that there were many interesting places in this city. She wanted to go to Sensoji Temple to ask for a fortune sign, go to Akihabara to buy figurines, and also wanted to play in Disney until the sky was dark, holding hands with her favorites. People go to a decades-old restaurant to eat roasted birds late at night.

At least for this period of time, Lu Fuji belonged to her.

It's a pity that they are here to escape, not to travel.

Behind such a beautiful scenery, there is a world-destroying demon in hot pursuit.

What a sight.

"As long as you survive, I can take you to do it again."

Lu Fuji paused: "You pay the bill."

"Then if you don't survive, you have to come back and take a look. Because even if I die, my soul will still be with you." Chen Jing said with a smile.

"Is the relationship between human and ghost still unresolved? You are not Nie Xiaoqian, and I am not Ning Caichen. I don't want to have a female ghost following me around every day. It's so weird." Lu Buer still didn't understand the charm.

Mu Cheng, who was sitting in the back seat, was almost dumbfounded. In the rearview mirror, he could still see the weird man following the car. The couple were still flirting.

"You won't leave me behind, will you?"

She had an ominous premonition.

"of course not."

Chen Jing smiled slightly: "We still need you to go to the uninhabited island of the Second Head of State."

Mu Ting's eyes widened and he said angrily: "Don't be kidding, the Doman Islands are very heavily guarded, and you two remnants simply can't break in. Are you two exhausted now? It's not good in this state. The recovery of life energy will be very slow when the time comes. You will have to face an entire armed force!"

Lu Fuji sneered: "How can this defeat me?"

Chen Jing asked with a smile: "Do you have an idea?"

Lu Fuji raised his eyes and glanced at the strange man in the rearview mirror, and said with a sneer: "Since this guy wants to chase him, let him chase him as long as he can."



After the Tree of Life appeared five hundred years ago, the ecological environment on the earth changed. An island called the Doman Islands also appeared in the southeastern area of ​​Yingzhou Island.

The Tower of Babel acquired this uninhabited island many years ago. Since then, no one has been allowed to set foot on the island. They have set up a private base in the east of Tokyo and can fly to the island by helicopter. This can be regarded as the nest that this group of heretics prepared for themselves. After all, they are wanted wherever they go, and they always need a place to call home, although doing so is a bit like pirates.

Chen Jing didn't know where this private base was at first, but she found the place by prying open her senior sister's mouth. I can only say that this young gentleman was better off than he was.

When Lu Fuji complained about her, she retorted plausibly:

"I was forced to join halfway, okay? That group of people didn't trust me at all. Until now, they are still trying to create a new Shaojun to replace me."

It sounds pathetic.

But the smart bad woman already knew that there would be pursuers.

When the time comes, grab one and you'll know the route.

Lu Fuji had to admire that this bad woman always had a way. Whenever you thought you had seen through her, she would change her tricks and play you a new trump card.

In fact, Lu Fuji was doubtful.

So far, Chen Jing still has some secrets hidden in her heart.

But those secrets are not a bad thing.

But I wanted to give him some surprises.

The helicopter equipped with anti-reconnaissance technology roared eastward from Nerima District, and it only took about forty-five minutes to reach the Doman Islands.

Along the way, Lu Fuji and Chen Jing were both thinking about a question.

How on earth would that shroud monster follow?

Facts have proved that they still underestimated the gods.

I saw pitch-black Yin Qi surging in the air, as if countless evil spirits had gathered together to struggle and roar, chasing after them like a huge black cloud.

The roar echoed between sea and sky.

If you chase, just chase!

In the cockpit of the helicopter, Lu Fuji's expression became increasingly ferocious. Seeing the islands on the sea becoming more and more clear, a cold call sounded on the communication channel.

"Please report your password."

Chen Jing didn't know what the password was, so she turned her head silently.

Mu Teng's face was ashen: "The password is not static. I didn't get the order to return to the Doman Islands, so I can't know the password."

After not receiving the command for ten seconds, the heretics on the island had already judged them as intruders, the regular killer troops had been dispatched, and the laser cannons were ready to go.

"I'm afraid of a hammer, so prepare to jump off the plane!"

Lu Fuji directly set the helicopter to self-destruct.

Mu Cheng's eyes changed slightly, thinking that this was the best time for her to ask for help, but before she could do anything, she was kicked from the cabin.

Lu Buer picked up the weak bad woman, and the shadow of the Golden God of War appeared behind him. He jumped down in the face of the strong wind, and the helicopter exploded with a bang.

The heretics of the Tower of Babel on the island were stunned. They never expected that the invaders would parachute directly. Just when they were about to order fire coverage, they saw endless black mist emerging from the smoke of the explosion, and the surging waves. The air of death was like a door to hell opening.

The evil spirit's roar shook the entire island!

The pupils of the heretics exploded on the spot, because countless evil spirits emerged from the endless death energy, swooped down from the air with their teeth and claws, and got into their bodies.

The screams were endless.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect that."

Lu Fuji held the bad woman in his arms and fell into the jungle against the wind. Hearing the terrifying roar echoing on the island, he couldn't help but laugh loudly: "I have brought you a big baby!"

Chen Jing put her hands around his neck, enjoying the feeling of being protected by him, but she still couldn't help but complain: "You are so wilted..."

Whoever provokes this guy will really suffer.

With a plop, Mu Cheng fell hard into the grass. Before he could curse, the Golden Martial God put a knife on his neck: "Where is the residence of the second head of state? Hurry and lead the way!"

People have to bow their heads under the eaves.

Mu Teng originally didn't want to give in, but the Corruption of Death was so terrifying that even a lunatic like her felt terrified, fearing that this pair of bitches would sacrifice her to the gods.

Therefore, we can only lead the way honestly.

The Doman Islands seem to be heavily guarded, but in fact they are really a place for the heads of state and deacons to live. The most stored here are not even weapons, but the properties they have managed over the years, and of course the families of the heretics. Live here.

There is literally nothing of value.

The residence of the second head of state is also lackluster. It is a villa built by a designer among the trees, with a wooden plank road splicing the entrance and exit.

But according to what Mu Cheng said, the second head of state did put some personal collections in her residence. Without exception, they were all legacies left by the third generation of the holy monarch.

Facts have proved that Chen Jing does have some secrets. Before entering the villa, she said directly: "Don't waste time, let's go directly to the study to find a piece of information, information from the Tianshen Civilization Scientific Expedition Team. If it doesn't come out If it’s unexpected, there should be one person alive in the Tianshen Civilization Scientific Expedition Team, hiding in that mysterious coordinate.”

As soon as he said this, Lu Buer paused slightly when he opened the door. The Tianshen Civilization Scientific Expedition Team had existed five hundred years ago, and there are still people alive so far.

Wouldn't that be his parents' colleagues?

And it’s different from Uncle Su.

This is a person who may have touched the truth!

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