The edge of pure land

Chapter 258 The caged bird will eventually fly to her sea

The clouds cleared and the fog dispersed, and the island appeared. There was a huge strange plant growing on the island. It looked like a golden datura flower. The bright petals reflected the twilight. The wind blew away the crystal pollen, as if a god had sprinkled it on the island. The light fragments of the world are floating between the sea and the sky at dusk.

In addition to the huge mandala flower, there are golden flowers in bud that are growing all over the island. They grow among the ruined bronze buildings, but they seem to grow in silent tombs, as if for this The ancient ruins are in mourning.

Clearly, they were in the right place.

These ancient bronze buildings come from the ancient civilization of gods!

They are exactly the same as those bronze palaces in the Holy Mountain!

The sea is reflected in the twilight into a sparkling golden color, and the setting sun sinks into the horizon. The world between the sea and the sky is as silent as if the heaven and earth had just opened, and it is so beautiful that it makes you cry.

This shocking feeling is like when Lu Fuji first cleared the land of the dead and saw the golden ancient tree standing in the silent city, as if he had traveled from modern times to ancient times.


Chen Jing raised her head, her charming face illuminated by the twilight. This scene was as beautiful as the end of the world. Even if she died here immediately, she would still be willing to do so.

This is the mysterious coordinate they want to find.

A place where Lu Fuji's parents had never arrived five hundred years ago.

Here, you may know the truth about everything.


Before Lu Fuji broke out of his cocoon, he never thought that he would see such a scenery one day. At this moment, the god in the back of his mind suddenly opened his eyes, and endless anger and familiar pain seemed to be reflected in his eyes. It strikes again, and it’s a hundred times stronger than before!

It felt like someone's head had been smashed directly. Lu Fujiu fell headlong onto the soft beach with the bad woman in his arms, and the armor of the angels suddenly disintegrated.

He rolled on the beach, his whole body trembling and convulsing. He couldn't help but cover his forehead with his hands, feeling that he was about to break, and there was a muffled groan in his throat.

Chen Jing raised her head from the beach. She had never seen him look like this before. He was like a beast driven to the end of the road. Even if he couldn't empathize with him, he still felt faintly worried.

When Lu Fuji collapsed in pain, he suddenly felt someone pressing his forehead, and the gentle divine power flowed through his brain like a hot spring, calming the irritable gods in his mind.

The pain gradually subsided, like a drowned person being pulled out of the water.

When he raised his head again, he saw a bad woman who was somewhere between an angel and a devil. Her eyes were so gentle in the twilight, and her long crimson hair was hanging down.

And the fingers she stretched out shone with a soft holy light.

The sound of the tide on the beach echoed in the evening breeze, and the girl's eyes were half covered by her strands of hair. She said with a smile: "Okay, it's over. Does it still hurt?"

Lu Fuji panted slightly, still in shock.

"Don't mind your own business next time."

He knew that he could no longer look at this woman. When he tried to stand up, he stumbled due to excessive physical exertion and almost fell down.

Chen Jing helped him in time: "I really like to show off my strength."

With the intelligence of a bad woman, she can certainly see that he has a tough appearance but a soft heart. He just doesn't want her to use her divine power anymore, so that's why he said this.

This is precisely what fascinates her the most.

"You said before that you were sick. Is this the disease?"

"Why haven't you been cured even after becoming an evolved person?"

"If it still hurts, come to my sister's arms."

Chen Jing walked around the boy and teased.

I don’t know why, but the bad woman has always been weak along the way, until she came to the island and seemed to suddenly become a little more energetic.

On the contrary, Lu Fuji has reached his limit.

"I'm more than five hundred years older than you."

Lu Fuji got rid of her and said expressionlessly.

"Why didn't you say that your girlfriend is more than two hundred years older than you?"

Chen Jing glared at him and grabbed his hand unreasonably.

Fingers intertwined.

Lu Fujiu tried to break free, but failed.

Chen Jing was a little proud and hummed: "What we have arrived now may be the place where the God of Origin decomposed himself. Why did he decompose himself? Why was he betrayed and deceived? Perhaps we can all find the answer here. This place is older than the Holy Mountain. God knows if there is any danger hidden there. Now it’s my turn to protect you.”

It seemed that no one had been to this island for many years, and it was full of natural atmosphere. However, when they walked into the abandoned bronze palaces, they stopped in their tracks.

They were all frightened.

Countless datura flowers grow in these collapsed and abandoned bronze ruins. Through the transparent petals, you can see the human figures sleeping in the stamens. They are like larvae in the embryo, dormant and look like they are dead. The same, but with strong fetal movement.

This is undoubtedly a White Walker.

An evolutionary chain from the God of Origin.

The key is quantity.

Endless quantities.

Even if these new white ghosts are not of high rank after their resurrection, the sheer number alone can drown the two of them alive, leaving no possibility of survival.

"This thing won't wake up, will it?"

Chen Jing asked softly.

"With such a large amount, what can you do even if you wake up? I can use the God of War to resist for a while at most, and then you can still do what you wanted to do before you died."

Lu Fuji curled his lips: "Then close your eyes and wait for death."

"What do you want to do before you die?"

Chen Jing tilted her head and stared at his side face, with a hint of fox-like charm in the corners of her eyes and eyebrows, and her delicate red lips curled up slightly: "That's something you can do to make love."


Lu Fuji didn't understand.

"Making love is something you do."

Chen Jing smiled and said, "You haven't done it, have you?"

Lu Fuji suddenly understood and stopped talking with a dark face.


Chen Jing covered her lips and kept snickering, very proud.

At first they explored cautiously, but later they became bold and went deep into the center of the island after discovering that the ghosts in the petals would not wake up.

It's just that this island is too desolate, there is nothing.

Except for those bronze ruins, all traces of civilization have been buried.

Until they came to the center of the island.

There is actually a crashed fighter plane here, but it has been corroded by time and only a jagged skeleton is left. Now it is used as a tool for hanging gill nets.

Apparently there were people living here, fishing with gillnets.

Next to the fighter plane is a simple wooden house. In the house there are only some living tools that look like savages would use them. The most eye-catching thing is a special sleep cabin. It looks a little old, but it is basically intact. Obviously It is created by alchemical technology.

Lu Fuji and the bad woman looked at each other.

Obviously, there are people living on this island.

Soon they found the man they were looking for.

Under the dim sunset, the old savage walked through the frightening sea of ​​flowers. His hair was gray, his almost naked body was tanned by the sun, and his lower body was scrawled with a few banana leaves. , carrying a homemade fish basket in his hand.

There are several sea fish in the fish basket.

This scene explains everything that happened on the island very well. Five hundred years ago, a member of the Tianshen Civilization scientific expedition team landed on the island in a fighter plane. He slept in the dormant cabin for a long time until this It took a century to wake up, and then lived like Robinson Crusoe.

That's probably it.

"Be careful."

Chen Jing protected the young man behind his back, the stone beads on his wrists trembled slightly, and the magnetic field was ready to go: "This guy may regard us as intruders."

Lu Fuji nodded slightly and compared it with the wise old professor in the information. The savage in front of him seemed to have been changed by the explosion, and there was no trace of the past.

Yin Hao, this is his name.

A senior professor of the Tianshen Civilization Scientific Expedition Team.

Once his parents' mentor.

What is surprising is that Yin Hao did not go crazy because he was living a primitive life here. There was no emotion in his raised eyes. He was not surprised when he saw the two of them. He just raised his fingers. To the huge golden mandala: "This is the place of origin, and that is the flower of origin. As long as you walk in, you can separate Omega's soul. At that time, when the host dies, Omega's soul will also follow. If it dissipates, the disaster will be resolved.”

As if he already knew the other party's intention, he briefly explained the situation, then set up a bonfire for himself and started preparing dinner.

Chen Jing was slightly startled.

Lu Fuji frowned: "Did you know we would come?"

Yin Hao lowered his head and took out the bone knife to handle the sea fish. He said without raising his head: "I used to be a spiritual evolver in the ninth world. My spells can cover the entire world and collect information from all over the world. I have always been there. Observe you, so I can also know your purpose."

He paused: "I don't want to talk nonsense, but you will definitely ask. In order to save time, I can only answer in advance. You are the second group of people I have met in more than a hundred years. The last one broke through The name of the person who entered here is Constantine. He got the seed of the god prepared by my student and prepared to usurp the power of the God of Origin. It was the person named Constantine who woke me up from the dormant warehouse and snatched me away. The Omega who should have been sleeping in the Flower of Beginning.”


Lu Fuji frowned when he heard the name.

This is obviously talking about the power of the sacred tree in the bad woman's body.

What about omegas?

Chen Jing stared at the other party curiously, waiting for a reply.

"Don't ask me, I don't know the name either. It was named by my students. The God of Origin is called Alpha by them. The Tree of Life is called Omega by them."

Yin Hao said lightly: "The specific truth has been answered by the paintings left by Constantine. There was indeed a huge holy war in ancient times, a war between the civilizations of gods. Humanity was divided by the God of Origin. During the gap, a war was launched. The evolvers in ancient times were called heavenly beings, and the courage of the heavenly beings to challenge the gods came from the tree of life, Omega. So far, I don’t know about it. What it is, I only know that it comes from an extremely terrifying attempt in ancient times.”

He put the prepared fish on the bonfire and grilled it, and said calmly: "It was from that attempt that Omega was born. Later generations called it the Artificial God Project."

Artificial God!

Lu Fuji was shocked by this word. He raised his head and looked at the dusky sky and the huge mandala flower in the sky. He finally realized that there are endless mysteries hidden in this world. In the face of the vast truth and secrets , he is so small.

"How can man create a god?"

Chen Jing frowned and asked.

"It is indeed impossible for humans to create gods, but if they have the help of another god, maybe they can. The Celestial Beings concealed that history, but they were able to successfully seal the five gods, actually through deception and betrayal. The original The God of Origin does not want to destroy this world, otherwise he would not split himself and even cut off the most important core.”

Yin Hao explained: "My students suspect that Omega was created precisely through that core. The evidence is that divine power and dark matter may seem incompatible, but they are actually the same source of power. Of course, this is not the only evidence that Omega was created, because Omega is also incomplete, but it is not because he gave up his core, but because his core was not completely created at that time."

After he grilled the fish, he ate it with his hands. The appearance of eating it was quite ugly, like a savage drinking blood from his hair: "No, it's not that he was not created, but that he was not handed over to Him by the God of Origin in time. Because Omega's The core was the soul inside the girl. This core remained here for so many years until Constantine took it away."

Lu Fuji's pupils suddenly shrank.

Faced with this answer, Chen Jing seemed to have expected it. She raised a strand of hair by her ear and asked calmly: "Why is it still with me when Constantine took it away?"

This was the answer she most wanted to know.

Why her.

Yin Hao glanced at her: "Because Constantine actually just inherited the revenge plan of the God of Origin. Since the core was lost, the God of Origin created the God Curse System. Shaojun didn't There can be many Shaojuns, and even the Tower of Babel can create something similar."

He said calmly: "But you are special, because you are the only one among countless young masters who can carry the core of Omega. It is a miracle that you can survive to this day. The God of Origin can get Omega as long as he devours you. With the power of Ga, complete the ultimate evolution.”

Back then, Constantine had mastered that more ultimate power.

His statement in Ruins of Time also confirmed this.

It turns out that everything was arranged.

Everything is for completion, or evolution.

Chen Jing smiled slightly when she heard this. Her smile was as touching as a delicate flower shining in the water, but now she looked a little sad: "So I won the lottery?"

"Absolutely. We foresaw this situation at the beginning, and modified the Flower of Beginning based on the technology recorded in ancient books. Now, as long as you enter the matrix of Flower of Beginning, Omega's self-protection mechanism will fail ”

Yin Hao finished eating the grilled fish, stood up and returned to the cabin: "As long as you die, the core of Omega will be destroyed, and no one can get this thing. This is why they will prevent you from coming here. So for this World, go and die quickly. As long as you die, my mission will be completed, and I can leave here and take a good look at the world."

The end of the world was an understatement.

Like what's for dinner tonight.

The secrets about this world were just said casually.

It’s like the gossip of a neighbor’s house.

But it completely judged the fate of a girl.


The old man paused.

Because Lu Fuji stood in front of him.

"I don't like your tone just now. If you weren't my parents' mentor, I would definitely beat you up. I finally got here, and now you can only tell me this? The only solution is to ask that woman Are you going to die?" Lu Buer asked expressionlessly.

"Child of Lu Zhe and An Xian, you are really nothing like your parents. I have been observing you for many years and determined that you are not the material, so I gave up on you. You are just an ordinary person and you are not good enough to save the world. Instead of being responsible, you are full of selfishness. You want to gain the power of Alpha and Omega, and you want to change the world based on your own selfish desires."

Yin Hao seemed to see through him at a glance: "You are attracted to that girl, you don't want her to die here, and that ending is unacceptable to you. You think it's all ridiculous, but the reality is like this. It's really strange, You are obviously someone who has climbed out of the abyss of death, but you can face your own death calmly, but you are unwilling to accept the death of others, just like when the man named Longque died in front of you, you could do it at all costs. Go save him."

For a moment, the ferocity in Lu Fuji's eyes jumped out like a wild beast, and there was a faint thunder in the sky. One can imagine his anger.

At that moment, Chen Jing suddenly covered her red lips in surprise, her beautiful eyes under the twilight were tender and tender, just like the afterglow in the dusk.

She is well aware of her charm.

But she always had little confidence in front of the person she liked.

Because Lu Fuji looks like an invulnerable steel man, no one knows how the legendary high priest tamed this lawless maniac, and she was just a third party who appeared halfway, or was it? An internationally wanted heretic.

The bad woman everyone calls her.

Chen Jing always seemed to be mischievous in front of him, but she was cautious from beginning to end, and even had a faint sense of inferiority, for fear that he would be disliked at some point.

However, now she actually learned that he had been attracted to her for a long time.

That huge surprise hit her face like a tsunami, destroying all the restraint and humility in her heart. The already desolate heart sprouted green buds like nectar for a long time, and flowers bloomed all over the mountains and fields in an instant. , the name of every flower is called love.

There is nothing in the world that is more surprising than running in both directions, it is sweeter than the first piece of birthday cake she has eaten since she can remember, she is more joyful than when she received the first little dress in her life as a gift, and she is more happy than when she received the first little dress in her life as a gift. She was even luckier when she came across her first kitten on a street corner.

Yin Hao said something unintentionally.

It was of great significance to her.

It gave this girl peace of mind and satisfaction she had never had before.

Apart from her mother-in-law, there were people in this world who really cared about her life and death, which made her feel loved like never before.

"But this time, you have no choice."

Yin Hao said coldly: "Either she dies, or the world ends. You have to choose. No, you have no choice. After all, if you don't kill her, others will kill her. When those people arrive, she You will still die. Your anger is meaningless."

After saying that, he walked into the cabin and prepared to sleep.

Lu Fuji stared at him: "You are just like an NPC."

Yin Hao laughed at himself and said: "I have been sleeping here for more than four hundred years and have been a savage for more than a hundred years, just to give you guidance. I am originally an NPC."

There was a snap.

Wooden door closed.

Yin Hao's last voice came out.

"You have the last four hours to think about it."

Lu Fuji knew that he was incompetent and furious, but he still had the urge to blow up this guy's cabin. Who knew that his parents' mentor turned out to be such a smelly and hard rock.

But he knew it in his heart.

After going through those things, it is impossible for Yin Hao to still be a normal person.

There was more or less respect and shame in his heart.

But just very angry.

Incompetent rage.


Suddenly, someone held his hand again.

The bad woman walked backwards in front of him, her crimson forehead reflecting the dim sky, as if also reflecting the brilliant stars in the universe: "I still have the last four hours, this is enough for me." I’m very satisfied. I already know my destiny, and I’m here where I can end it, and my favorite boy is with me, what’s wrong?”

It's like accepting your own death.

"The story is always like this, the caged bird will eventually fly to her sea, but before that she will still stay by the side of her favorite master."

She raised her head and smiled: "While I can still be by your side, is there anything you want to do? Or, if there is anything you want to do to me, that's fine."

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