The edge of pure land

Chapter 269 Ai Yue and Yuan Qing

At the former site of the City Safety Committee, Old Secretary Zhou, as the supreme commander during the war, did not attend today's press conference, but sat in the office playing chess.

The yard was filled with sunshine, and the old man was blowing the early summer breeze and playing the chess in his hand: "It seems that the Holy Cult of Akasha has won over many people over the years. Now even the military has been partially infiltrated by them. . Last night, 274 officers actually proposed to transfer their jobs, and all of them were going to the Holy Cult of Akasha."

Peng Xianzhi pushed a white chess piece and said indifferently: "In this case, it will be difficult for us to get the child back? The current public opinion seems to be a bit unfavorable to him."

After the incident in the Beginning Place, Xiaolu basically took the blame alone. Whether it was blatant disobedience or cooperating with heretics to defect, he was responsible for any crime.

And there is a saying that Mu Xiu, Mu Lin, and the wind will destroy him. What he did before was too arrogant, so that now that he showed some flaws, he was bitten by others.

"Even so, I can still save him. But the problem is that now he doesn't want to come back. Compared to our old bones, the child seems to be more willing to be with Metanzo. From a human perspective It’s normal to say that, after all, similar people will always attract each other.”

Secretary Zhou said calmly: "I'm just afraid that it's not that he doesn't want to come back, but that he can't come back. If it's the former, I can turn a blind eye. But if it's the latter, it will be troublesome... We may not be able to keep it even if we want to.”

What's more, one must clearly distinguish between public and private matters, and some matters cannot be affected by personal feelings or personal inclinations unless they do not intend to continue sitting in this position.

But in that case, these old bones will be really useless.

In fact, if it weren't for personal feelings, once Lu Fuji got involved in the taboo power, they would have supported arresting him immediately and then act in accordance with the regulations.

The current operation against Lu Fuji is still in the search stage.

The situation did not escalate.

But once Lu Fuji really masters some forbidden power, then it will not only be as simple as a search, but a worldwide red notice.

He would be officially classified as a defector.

"I also have to remind you to pay attention to your position."

Zhou Zhou looked at the silent old man opposite: "Some things need to be cruel, and you can't be merciful just because he is your prospective son-in-law. This is his own choice. If he can't afford it, it's his own fault." This is a critical moment. There is the God of Origin before us, and there is the Corruption of Death and the Abyss Singer behind us. We are under great pressure."

Peng Xianzhi snorted coldly: "Are you willing to watch the church grow?"

Zhou Zhu smiled and said: "I have lived for so many years, and I know that the trend is irreversible. Our generation has grown old, and Yuan Rong has almost reached its limit. The three sages in the golden age were also such tragedies. . Long Ling is the reincarnation of the god. Long Que was trapped in the past and ruined himself. Zong Si died halfway. We can't change this situation. "

He paused: "Unless someone can change this situation in the next few years, but not now anyway. As for your prospective son-in-law, I just hope he hides it better."

Peng Xianzhi raised his eyes: "Are you so trusting of the church?"

Zhou Zhou rubbed the chess pieces without saying a word.

"Now the Holy Cult of Akasha is preparing the Omega Drive Barrier, nominally to fight against heretics, but actually to be wary of the Celestial Organization. But I feel that the Church has a deeper meaning, which is to check and balance all those who have divine power. Among them , including Li Nuo.”

Peng Xianzhi said solemnly: "The reason why Li Nuo became the Holy High Priest is because Li Xingpan needed her to be the corrector. This is the only Holy High Priest in history who has self-awareness to a certain extent, but the church does not We don’t want her to exist. Once something goes wrong with Li Nuo, we will completely lose control of the church in the era without the divine monarch.”

The current situation is easy to understand.

You are the emperor who ascended the throne in a time of crisis. There is an ambitious minister under you. He is very capable and you have to use him. Once the two sides start a war, everyone will be finished.

But the problem now is that the minister wants to sideline you.

what to do.

"I never trusted the church."

In the end, Zhou Zhou couldn't withstand the torture from his old friend: "I started preparing many years ago. Since the church can infiltrate the military, the military can also infiltrate the church. The church does like to poach people from the military, but so what? Help me send people to the church? Of course, this is not enough. Do you know that there is still a member of the Tianshen Civilization Research Team alive in the starting place?"

"What use do bones from five hundred years ago have today?"

Peng Xianzhi shook his head: "Unless he rebuilds it."

Zhou Zhou laughed dumbly: "He woke up more than a hundred years ago, and he has mastered numerology and spells. Soon, the soul blade and ghost skills will also be available. The Holy Cult of Akasha has nothing to do with this person. I was very afraid because he was a very rare spiritual person. I could have confirmed his location through his mental fluctuations, but I didn’t do that.”

Peng Xianzhi suddenly realized: "He can dig out the secrets of the church."

Zhou Zhou nodded proudly: "This is my layout. My position has not changed. I am just getting older and sometimes I am confused. In contrast, I think you should pay more attention to the Tianren Organization. It is said that the Tianren Organization The human organization has found their successor. This means that the weapon that is comparable to the seed of the gods should also be activated. "

Peng Xianzhi's eyes narrowed: "The church didn't respond?"


Zhou Zhou pushed the chess pieces and said calmly: "It's just that they just brought back this news. After they got the information, they took off from Edinburgh Airport and prepared to return to St. Petersburg. In order to cover up others' eyes, six Quinjets flew from Edinburgh Airport at the same time. took off from the airport. But unfortunately, they were discovered by the new heir, and six planes disintegrated in mid-air at the same time.”

He held up a finger: "Just a glance."

Peng Xianzhi was taken aback.

"And among those judges, there is also a saint."

Zhou Zhou said softly: "This talent is so terrifying."

Just as Peng Xianzhi was about to say something, he received a call. He stood up and looked at the block outside the boulevard, frowning slightly: "What did you say? The Hengxing Technology Building is out of power?"



The power outage was just Lu Buer's way of concealing his actions from others.

Make sure not to be caught on camera.

The passers-by who were screaming and exclaiming on the street suddenly froze in place, as if their memories had been washed away out of thin air. They could no longer remember the golden god of war who had just appeared. They were originally going to take refuge in the subway station, but at this moment they Went to work as if nothing had happened.

In the McDonald's on the street, Professor Yin Hao raised his hand to his temple and easily controlled their brains without leaving any brain damage.

The drones hovering in the sky fell like birds and exploded next to Lu Fuji, who was striding like a meteor. He had already built up his own electromagnetic field, and the golden beast was roaring in his body.

The neighborhood near the Stellar Technology Building had already been cordoned off by the army. The well-trained soldiers had obviously discovered the approaching target, but just as they were about to raise their rifles to take aim, their consciousness began to fade and they became drowsy. .

This is the dimensionality reduction strike.

As an evolver of the Ninth Crown Realm, Professor Yin Hao was also one of the strongest people in the world. Although his strength has plummeted due to injuries, he is still a treasure trove.

It still has the strength of the eighth wisdom world.

Especially this kind of mental ability, the scariest thing is that as long as you are stronger than your opponent, you can manipulate it at will, even playing like a monkey.

This is something that evolvers from other numerology factions can never do.

Although Lu Buer didn't like the old professor with a bad temper and a tough temper, he still respected and recognized him very much. After all, his temper was really unpleasant, and he would either scold or do something to him.

I saw Lu Fuji swaggering through the group of people, then walked straight onto the passenger seat of a military vehicle, turned around and looked at the driver: "Hello."

The soldier in the driver's seat was already snoring.

Lu Fuji quickly took off his military uniform and put it on himself, then lowered the brim of his military cap to cover his face, turned around and walked towards the main entrance of the Hengxing Technology Building.

"Do you need me to build a road map in your head?"

Yin Hao's voice rang in his ears: "This is no longer the Stellar Technology Building you are familiar with. It has been rebuilt in the past few months. Although I would like to see you rampaging through the building like a bull, for the sake of insurance For your own sake, let me give you a heads up."

Lu Buer said calmly: "Professor Yin, you are indeed a top assistant, but I don't know why, my parents' mentor is someone like you."

In just a short moment, the structure of the Stellar Technology Building has been modeled in his brain. This is the power of the spiritual system, which can be called the top auxiliary on the battlefield.

Because of the electromagnetic pulse, the reporters blocked at the entrance of the building were urgently repairing their cameras, and the church's vehicles had also driven into the underground parking lot.

Lianhua was escorted by Yuan Lie and Xia Yan.

We went to the underground parking lot together.

Lu Fuji possessed secret blood, so he reduced his presence to the minimum, walked in through the door openly, and went straight to the stairs instead of the elevator.

As expected, two faculty members were guarding the stairs. They spotted this strange soldier at first sight and immediately said, "Take out your ID."

Lu Fuji narrowed his eyes. You must know that he had taken the secret blood at this moment. No matter what, he would not be seen through at a glance unless his secret was seen through.

Then there is one possibility.

The other party took real blood!

The two faculty members only felt a flash of lightning in front of their eyes, and severe pain struck from the back of their necks. They fell to the ground without warning, and fell into the mud.

"Professor Yin, can you search their memories?"

Lu Fuji asked in his heart.

"I can only try hypnotic induction."

Yin Hao said angrily: "How can you hypnotize me if you knock me out?"

Lu Fuji shook his head: "Then I will do it myself."

He crouched down and the dark matter invaded the brains of the two faculty members.

Drill into the hippocampus and recycle again.

Confusing memories flooded into his brain.


Lu Fuji was surprised. He had never encountered such a situation before. The memories of these two faculty members seemed to have been modified and nothing could be gained.

"The Holy Cult of Akasha also has spiritual evolvers. Most of them have protected their memories to ensure that they will not leak secrets." Yin Hao said calmly.

"There is indeed a problem."

Lu Fuji asked: "Where should I go next?"

"Turn right on the 32nd floor. In the office at the end of the corridor, there is a design drawing of the Watcher's Lighthouse. But you have to be careful, that place is a bit weird. I can't scan the specific situation there. Something may have happened." Yin Hazepo reminded meaningfully.


Lu Fuji rushed all the way up. It would not have taken him long to climb to the thirty-second floor with his physical strength, but at this moment he suddenly felt a huge roar.

Holy horn!

This was originally meant for bad women, but now it was used on him. When the horn sounded, it roared like an ancient bell, shaking his soul.

He squatted down in pain, and the holy light of broken skin appeared.

excruciating pain.

"Elder is here."

Yin Hao whispered: "This guy's reaction is very sharp. He probably recognized that you used magic. After the sacred horn sounds, the sacred high priest will also enter a wartime state. Even if Lianhua can retain his emotions for you, the remaining The next two high priests will also attack you!"

He paused: "If you can't hold on, just retreat."

Lu Buer gritted his teeth, endured the pain and ran upstairs.

At the same time, Yin Hao sent the picture to him simultaneously.

I saw a black Mercedes-Benz parked at the entrance of the Hengxing Technology Building. Su Shi got off the driver's seat, looked around solemnly, and finally locked onto the Hengxing Technology Building.

Elder jumped out of the co-pilot with the sacred horn in his hands. This guy looked no more than thirty years old, with a kind and friendly face like a fox. He smiled and said: "Admiral Su, I just felt the divine feeling." Technological fluctuations. For the sake of safety, it is better to blockade the building. It is best not to have any accidents during the construction stage of the Watcher Lighthouse."

Su Shi nodded expressionlessly, but his eyes wandered away from the troops blocking the block. He was thinking about a very critical question, where his daughter had gone.

Today the special sequence at dawn is hiding in secret and on guard.

But he knew the specific deployment location.

Only she doesn’t have her own daughter.

At this moment, Lu Buer had already opened the door to the 32nd floor. Everyone likes to take the elevator these days, and no one likes to climb stairs when they are free, so he did not encounter any obstacles.

But the moment he rushed out of the safe passage, he realized something was wrong, because there was a howling wind on this floor, and there was a burning smell in the wind.


There is also a smell of Erguotou!

Lu Fuji turned dark without hesitation, strengthened his senses, and immediately smelled two familiar and alluring body fragrances: "Jun-chan? Hara Haru? Why are they two here?"

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