The edge of pure land

Chapter 28 Corpse Food Cult

Lu Fuji silently stared at the electric solution in the bottle, his eyes revealing a trace of longing and longing, but he raised a soul torture: "What exactly is numerology?"

Lu Sixian explained without thinking: "To put it simply, the life energy of the evolver has hidden attributes. This attribute is the basis of numerology. As for how to condense numerology, it is to completely dig out the hidden properties in the body. This attribute forms the organizational structure.”

She tilted her head, her black hair pouring out like water: "Probably just like the human body's immune system or digestive system, your life energy will form a system after it undergoes qualitative changes."

This system is numerology.

Lu Fuji understood: "What is the astronomical system? Is it very rare?"

"Celestial phenomena, such as thunder, wind, rain, fog, fire, light... are basically natural phenomena that humans can observe. There is a theory that during the long process of evolution, humans have stored the memory of these natural phenomena. It’s in the genes and manifested through the power of the sacred tree.”

Lu Sixian explained: "In addition, there are creation systems, such as rocks, metals, flowers, plants, trees, etc., which are also relatively rare. Next, there are enhancement systems, such as strong, quick, solid, perception, etc. .This is also the most common.”

So, it seems that Lu Fuji's talent is quite good.

“So how do I try to condense numerology?”

he asked curiously.

Lu Sixian blinked his eyes: "During thunderstorms, while listening to thunder and seeing thunder, I try to practice the sacred rhythm, but the effect will not be very good. If possible, my brother can try to redeem the numerology chip that records the thunderstorm. Feel the power of thunder from a distance.”

"Is there a difference between memory chips and numerology chips?"

Speaking of chips, Lu Buer thought of something.

He dug out his trophies, two memory chips.

One of them was Luther's memory chip. When he touched it, a cold voice appeared in his mind: "Advanced chip, contains close combat skills!"

This thing is useless to Lu Fuji.

He was a little suspicious that this thing should be He Sai's.

Just throw it to him tomorrow.

The other one was Aoki's memory chip, and I felt a chill when I touched it.

"Is this a numerology chip?"

Lu Fujiu stopped his hand as if he was electrocuted: "It's a pity that it's not the thunder type."

That guy Aoki was a judge, and he might have been collecting things for his official duties. He might have planned to sell them, but he didn't expect to die in the warehouse today.

Including the stack of merit tickets, the total amount is two thousand two thousand.

At the current stage, Lu Fuji has temporarily solved the crisis of survival, but it is obvious that there is still a black hand behind the scenes, and he may be targeted again one day.

He must grow faster.

Whether it's through dark matter absorbing the genes of the White Walkers.

Or master the power of numerology as quickly as possible and advance to the second realm.

"How can I resell these things and exchange them for the resources I need?"

Lu Fuji felt like his head was getting bigger.

"Brother, if you have someone you can trust, you can go to the underground black market to trade. There is a no-no zone in Shengen City, where contraband is traded. Many church members and federal officials will hide some things when they go out. . Some are precious materials before the disaster, some are relics of evolvers who died in the ruins, and even materials from the White Walkers."

Lu Sixian thought for a while and came up with a plan: "Including many caravans, they will also send some untradable contraband to the black market when they go in and out of the city."

Lu Fuji was surprised: "You know all this?"

Lu Sixian said calmly: "My previous family was in the black market."

Lu Fuji was silent for a moment: "How many times have you changed families?"

Lu Sixian was honest: "Six times."

What a poor little girl.

Lu Fuji touched her head again: "Go to sleep."

His wounds have also been taken care of.

The advantage of ragdolls is that they are obedient and go to sleep when they are told.

She turned around obediently and crawled back to her bed. Her white nightgown highlighted her slim green curves, and her white ankles were exposed under the skirt, glowing with a porcelain white color.

Lu Fuji quietly looked away. He realized that it was too inconvenient for the brother and sister to be crowded in this small room all the time. After all, men and women were different and they should have some privacy.

Many things are inconvenient.

After Lu Sixian fell asleep, he took out the last trophy.

Aoki's arrest manual.

This seemed to be the arrest manual used by the Inquisitor of the Inquisition to carry out his tasks. It recorded the wanted criminals. The criminals had various charges, many of which he had never heard of.

Until he discovered that there was a list inside the manual.

The list is still stained with blood.

Lu Fuji opened the folded list and was horrified.

Most of the people on this list were marked with a scarlet cross, which obviously meant that they had been executed, but there was one person who looked very familiar to him.

He had seen it a few days ago.

Damn it!

The old priest among the pagans.

This guy can be said to be Lu Fuji's first fear five hundred years after his arrival.

This time, Lu Fuji learned his name.

"Name: John Moore."

"Gender: Male. Age: 79 years old. Race: White."

"Evolution level: the first level, the origin world."

"He once served as the awakening priest of Temple No. 7 in Dongcheng District. Because his life span reached the limit, he sought extreme ways to extend his life. He was the mastermind of the Dongcheng Human Sculpture Murder Case. His mental state was extremely crazy. Later, he was bewitched by the Corpse Eater Cult during his escape and implanted in his body. Dark matter, becoming a heretic.”

"Remarks: The Corpse Eater Cult advocates the pursuit of eternal life and regards the deformed appearance of the evolutionary fallacy as beauty. It is unable to communicate and is extremely dangerous. Anyone who sees it will be killed!"

After reading this part of the information, Lu Fuji fell into deep thought.

"It turns out that the church these people believe in is called the Corpse Eater Cult. They implanted dark matter in their bodies and became heretics? So that's the case, no wonder those people's faces are rotten. Wait, I also have dark matter in my body, why do I Didn’t it become that deformed look?”

"This is probably something Aoki deliberately left behind. If he dies, it can also leave some clues to others. Can it be regarded as a small revenge on the mastermind behind the scenes for abandoning him?"

It's a pity there is no more information.

What is known so far is that there is a shadow church inside and outside Shengen City.

The name of this church is Corpse Food Cult.

The reason why Aoki appeared in the Land of the Past was most likely to hunt down these heretics, but he just happened to find a group of cocoon breakers and saved them.

But most importantly, Aoki had people erase their memories.

"This means that the mastermind behind Qingmu doesn't want the affairs of the Corpse Food Cult to escalate? However, the mastermind behind the scenes wants to hunt down these Corpse Food Cultists? What a contradiction."

Lu Fuji rubbed his eyebrows, this matter seemed not as simple as imagined.

Including the heart mark in his hand, it was definitely not a mortal thing before it was integrated into his body.

It is impossible for an old and weak chicken in the first realm like Lao Deng to master something of this level.

Really annoying.

If the existence of the Corpse Cult threatens the security of the city, then of course they, as frontline soldiers, will be the first to be affected. Because of this, it is best to leave this matter to the Inquisition to avoid life disasters at the city gate as much as possible.

Lu Fuji holds the clue in his hands, and the progress of this matter depends on him.

But he also had to be careful not to let people behind the scenes notice.

Wanting to resolve this matter safely, Lu Buer had the most suitable candidate in mind.

Dragon bird.

Lu Fuji took out paper and pen and wrote down all the information about the Corpse Food Cult. It was not until one o'clock in the morning that the severe cancer pain hit his mind again. He covered his forehead and tried his best to stay awake. His breathing and heartbeat were strange. The rhythm starts again and enters a state of deep meditation.



Inquisition, in the corridor of the morgue on the ground floor.

Longque sat tiredly in a wheelchair and smoked all night. His eyes were so dark that people couldn't understand: "Deformed pagans, the belief that deformity is beauty, the sacrifice that can pollute the cocoon of time, the attempt to pollute the world of life." Tree, I think the wave of ghosts coming outside the city must be related to them."

He said softly: "I have an ominous premonition."

Damon had been with this man for many years and knew his character very well.

Only when he is worried and stressed will he smoke non-stop.

Until the cigarette butts fill the entire ashtray.

Qiangwei walked out of the morgue and wiped the sweat from her forehead: "Sir, we have found out that the deceased are indeed Aoki and Luther. Luther was killed by Aoki, and Aoki was killed by a mysterious man. , a very classic mantis stalking the cicada and the oriole behind. However, judging from the autopsy information, Aoki also struggled for a period of time before he died."

Damon was stunned and suddenly realized: "This means that the mysterious man is not very strong and is in line with the characteristics of a real whistleblower."

The reason why the mysterious person reported the matter by framing the case was because he definitely had no ability to protect himself.

Otherwise it would be impossible to be so cautious.

"If I guess correctly, this mysterious man will have a showdown with me soon."

Long Que raised his eyes: "Are there any other clues?"

Qiangwei hesitated for a moment and took out a photo: "On Aoki's body."

Damon took it and took a look and confirmed: "These are the scratches of the White Walkers."

Longque's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Sir, this person is most likely in the Third City Guard Corps. Do you want to find him?"

After a long silence.

Longque shook his head: "It's not necessary. We don't want to get involved in the matter of this mysterious man. You guys immediately go to the Third Temple, find the old priest who enlightened the cocoon-breakers at that time, and collect the information about the people who entered and left the temple that day. Record the report and find out the mastermind as soon as possible."

Currently, the mysterious man is working very well with him.

When the time is right, the other party will show up on his own.

A rash search will only attract the attention of other forces.

As for Longque himself, his popularity in this city is not very good.

So it's better to follow this mysterious man's ideas.

Anyway, Longque has locked the range, there must be a way to get him out.

At this time, he suddenly remembered something: "Regarding the autopsy report, you should also do something about it. Apart from the scratches on the White Walkers, don't leave other clues to others."

Qiangwei and Damon were stunned. The officer was trying to cover up the mysterious man.

"If we don't investigate, the Third City Guards will. Especially the Yuan family. People in their family always like to be more serious, especially when something like this happened in their own camp..."

Longque waved his hand and put out the cigarette butt in his hand: "With the brains of the Yuan family, it's okay to charge into the battle, but investigate the case... forget it. You will send the revised report tonight, I would like to take a look. , with that little girl Yuan Qing’s brain, what can be found out.”



That night, the autopsy report from the Inquisition was sent to the Legion Headquarters of the Third City Guard.

Major Yuan Qing attached great importance to it. She combined the clues in the warehouse with the newly obtained autopsy report and came up with a conclusion that shocked the entire Shengen City:

——There is a strange ghost hidden in the third city guard station!

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