The edge of pure land

Chapter 284 Aurora Technology, decrypted!

The Pope stared at the cold, lotus-like woman in front of him, holding on to the approaching wooden knife with both hands. He silently endured the crazy bombardment from his former students, and exhaled a breath from his chest: "Yes, that is from 2000. Things have happened. Since the end of World War II, various countries have divided up the legacy of the Third Reich. The most valuable ones are not aircraft and artillery, nor tanks or missiles, but those seemingly weird-looking aircraft.”

There was a trace of nostalgia in his eyes, and he said softly: "No one knew at that time where they got the inspiration and technology to create such an exaggerated thing. But if it was just an aircraft, forget it. What's more important is Those sleeping in the aircraft."

Those who could stay at the press conference were all smart people, and it didn't take much effort to know that those sleeping in those aircraft were all evolutionaries, or experimental subjects.

"After those people woke up, they were like out-of-control beasts, attacking everyone indiscriminately. The army at that time spent a lot of money to subdue them. It felt like a standing army met Captain America, as if They were shocked by dimensionality reduction. After many years of investigation, they found the secret documents left by the Third Reich. They thought they were about to discover the greatest secret of the Third Reich, but they did not expect that what they found in the end was a brilliant civilization. ”

People present seemed to be able to imagine how amazing people's discoveries were at that time, as if the door to another world had opened and all previous perceptions had been subverted.

Of course, behind the shocking discovery that subverts cognition is a huge crisis that can destroy the world. All mankind is at a critical moment of life and death.

The civilization of gods that had been buried for thousands of years finally surfaced.

The great flood that destroyed the world also followed.

However, while he was telling the story, his head cracked open while trembling, and blood flowed from the hideous blood stains, which looked like porcelain that was about to break.

Medanzo was about to break through his defense, so he continued to mock: "Many years later, Aurora Technology appeared. You were not the first scientific researcher to join, but after you joined the company in 2000, you showed your You are amazingly active. You learn very quickly, and you became a senior scholar in the field of Celestial Civilization in just a few years, establishing your position as a leader. But the reason why you joined Aurora Technology was not because you were interested in it. The desire to explore unknown civilizations, but you discovered that the ghost race in the Celestial Civilization has the ability to resurrect from the dead. This is determined by the immortality of the God of Origin, and you want to resurrect your daughter. "

Silently, a yellowed photo slipped from the air.

With Metanzo's speed, it was really easy to steal something from others. In fact, the moment he entered the press conference, he had already touched the photo.

The Pope looked at the yellowed old photo, and his eyes reflected a little girl wearing a pink princess dress. She didn't look very outstanding, but she was very sweet.

"This is your daughter. She died in a car accident in 1997. Her death had little impact on the world, but it made you obsessed with the study of resurrection from the dead. You have conducted countless experiments on this, Even the legendary creation ceremony cannot satisfy you."

Medanzo said calmly: "Because your daughter is not an evolved person, that thing is useless. So you put your mind on another thing, which is... an artificial god."

There was a boom.

There was faint thunder, and lightning tore through the dark clouds.

No one noticed that when Lianhua heard these words, huge astonishment appeared in her cold eyes, and even the right hand holding the wooden sword trembled for a moment.

"Artificial god?"

She spoke every word.

Lianhua has never been to the deepest part of the Arctic.

Naturally, there is no way to know these secrets.

What happened to Aurora Technology back then is still a mystery. Now that it has finally been decrypted by Metanzo, it will inevitably cause an uproar around the world.

This lunatic did it on purpose.

If you want to make one, make it big.

"That was what happened after Aurora Technology discovered the Tree of Life in the depths of the Arctic, including the secret history they traced back to the ancient times after coming into contact with the Celestial Organization, as well as the war between Alpha and Omega. . And when the teacher learned about the existence of artificial gods, he began to think about it... Evolutionaries in ancient times could create gods, so why can't modern evolvers? So a bold plan was born. "

Medanzo narrowed his eyes, with a faint holy light reflected in his pupils, as if he was telling this shocking secret in a story-telling tone: "You took away things from the North Pole that you shouldn't have taken away. Do you want to Transplant the core of the gods into human beings.”

The Pope remained silent, his face covered with blood was illuminated by the electric light, his trembling hands could no longer hold the wooden knife wrapped with electric arcs, and he watched helplessly as the blade sank into his heart.

Lianhua held the wooden knife with an expressionless expression.

Her eyes seemed to flash like a violent storm.

"But what you didn't expect is that Alpha and Omega exchanged cores in that world-destroying battle. Omega took away Alpha's core, and Alpha also left Omega's core. But this does not prevent Your plan, because you know the relationship between Omega and Alpha. My old friend called them twin flowers. They are supposed to be one."

Medanzo shrugged: "Back then, Aurora technology was divided into two factions. The faction headed by you hoped that the new world would be dominated by evolvers, so you were more eager to have your own gods as weapons. But at that time, they did not No experimental body was found that could accommodate the core of the god. At this time, you stepped forward and offered a corpse. "

He paused: "That corpse is your daughter. You are an excellent forensic doctor and know how to preserve corpses. For many years, you have studied her and tried to make her body have ghost-like activity. You injected a lot of dark matter into her body, but she is still just a walking corpse, but she can adapt to the core of the god. "

Hearing this, the Pope groaned, and a trace of blood showed on his lips: "Then let me add something more, in fact, it is not just like that. In fact, my experiment was derived from the scientific research team of Tianshen Civilization. Observation of the fifth site. Because the location of the Holy Mountain changes over time, there are traces of it all over the world.”

He corrected: "Based on those clues, we found the Purana Department passed down from ancient times. The best individuals in the Purana Department, on the premise of possessing human bodies, contain a large amount of dark matter in their bodies. In ancient times, they were called It is a witch. So far, we don’t know what the purpose of the witch’s existence is. It is not just to resurrect the God of Origin. According to my guess, the existence of the witch may be a container, or it may not have evolved to its final form. Because dark matter cannot be transformed into divine power, but since dark matter and divine power are of the same origin, there won’t be much difference, so it’s barely enough.”

This sentence was like thunder exploding in Lianhua's mind. She asked in a cold voice: "You mean, as an artificial god, Omega has certain special characteristics. Therefore, his human body will also be very special." Special. You created a witch yourself based on your research on the Department of Rebirth?"

The Pope smiled to himself.

"But he didn't succeed."

Medanzo gloated and said: "Because someone stopped their plan. As I said just now, Aurora Technology was divided into two factions. At that time, Lu Zhe and An Xian, who had already contacted the Tianren Organization, stopped that plan. Crazy experiment. You all call me a madman, but I think the teacher is the real madman. Who knows what will happen after you implant the god core into the child's body? Your father?"

A flash of surprise flashed in Lianhua's beautiful eyes, and she stared coldly at the old man bleeding from all the orifices in front of her, and said indifferently: "This is the reason why Aurora Technology split. Your years of plans were ruined, and your junior brothers and sisters were killed. That thing is dead, right?"

The Pope closed his eyes.

"Only one step away."

He said softly: "I watched her open her eyes with my own eyes, I watched her sit up from the hospital bed, and I saw the vitality glowing in her body. I don't know whether it was an angel or an evil ghost who woke up. But at that moment I felt that everything I did was worth it.”

Lianhua could already guess the next story.

After the split of Aurora Technology, Lu Zhe and An Xian probably had an accident after taking away the core of the God, causing that thing to be inadvertently integrated into their children.

At first the couple thought their child had cancer.

However, the child's cancer recurred less than a year after the operation. This made them realize that the problem was not simple, and they may have adopted other means to detect and treat it.

It was at that time that the couple had a glimpse of the god in his mind. Even they didn't know what was going on, and then they came up with a series of subsequent plans.

About the seed of the gods.

About the Holy Mountain.

Perhaps from that time on, the couple and their team had betrayed Aurora Technology, so they hid in hiding and remained anonymous.

So in the end, I was unable to leave much inheritance to my children.

After being silent for a long time, Secretary Zhou sighed and said lightly: "What a regrettable story. I said it many years ago when I was teaching that human desire is the cornerstone of civilization, but it can also lead to... The cause of destruction.”

Peng Xianzhi also said expressionlessly: "The existence of the Tree of Life is already part of the laws of nature, and it should not be controlled by any will."

Hearing this, the Pope smiled.

Not a self-deprecating laugh.

Instead, he looked up to the sky and laughed, mocking wantonly.

"Is that really true?"

The Pope dropped a shocking bomb while laughing wildly, which exploded in everyone's ears: "But what I want to tell you is that I am just a mediocre person. My talents are not as good as Lu Zhe and An Xian. My talent is not comparable to that of Constantine and Metanzo. My faith is not comparable to Gong Yu’s. Even my willpower is not comparable to that of my junior brother and sister.”

He raised his bloodshot eyes, and his suppressed emotions finally burst out, roaring at the top of his lungs like a demon: "I'm just an ordinary person. I just want to see my daughter again. I What's wrong? How do you think I got here? Because I sold my soul to God!"


Medanzo blasted his brain without mercy.

The white-haired man's eyes were dull and cold.

It was like exploding a watermelon with your bare hands.

But the strange thing is that the Pope is not dead. Most of his head has been exploded, leaving only a mouth, but he can still make a sound: "Without the divine intelligence to guide me, I would not be able to get to where I am today." Celestial Being Organization The restrictions set back then did not completely obliterate Him. The God you thought was self-aware from the beginning."

He paused: "I also guessed that the person who broke into the Ruins of Time was the child of Lu Zhe and An Xian, right? In fact, I like him very much. His paranoia and madness are very similar to mine. But why is my daughter He is dead, but he can survive? They took away what was mine, and I will take what is theirs. Sasha should have arrived at the scene by now, and the child has no idea what he is facing... everything. it's over."

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