The edge of pure land

Chapter 287 Gong Yu's Raid


Lu Buer was penetrated by a line of holy light that fell from the sky. The scene was like a ray of setting sun shining on his chest, and it was like the light of a magic mirror illuminating a peerless demon.

At this moment, the darkness and light on the highway were swallowed up, and only the fierce holy light swept like a tide. The surviving clergy knelt down and worshiped, as if singing hymns, welcoming the coming of divine punishment: "My father is in heaven, may your name be victorious, and your country be visited..."

Sasha also whispered: "Your will is fulfilled."

The holy light washed away everything.

The monitoring equipment was also destroyed like a rotten wood.

She finally completed her father's mission. This battle will eventually end. The devilish young man will die in her arms and disappear in an instant.

It's better to die.

There is no one in this world who scares her anymore.

In fact, Sasha has always been very curious about that young man. She wants to know what kind of talent can be recognized by the whole world. If she has the chance, she would like to get to know him, but unfortunately, they have different positions and are destined to be enemies from the moment they were born. However, she suddenly realized that something was wrong. Because the Martial God she was holding tightly did not dissipate. Instead, it was like a red-hot iron. It heated up and became hot. With a loud bang, Sasha was thrown out like a rag bag. The majestic air wave shocked her and made her spurt blood. The tyrannical arm actually fell apart at this moment! It seemed to be burned by the fierce holy light! The Golden Martial God roared like the gods and demons depicted in the ancient murals. His body, which was clearly condensed by dark matter, was not annihilated by the holy light. Instead, it was like a translucent furnace that bound the majestic divine power and burst out with fragmented light. Just when his body was about to be torn apart, endless light particles burst out like a tide, drifting between the boundaries of light and darkness, and annihilated by the wind.

He absorbed the divine power of the Omega Sword.

But because his body could not bear it, he released it again.

The process was a bit tormenting.

It was also a bit dangerous.

However, it did not cause him any harm.

The Golden Martial God disintegrated.

Lu Buer walked out of the radiance of the mixture of dark matter and divine power. The clothes on his upper body had long been burned, and violent arcs of electricity were flashing on his naked chest.

The slim pants were also a bit torn, and the sneakers were also burnt.

But his spirit was still full.

With an indomitable arrogance.

"The Omega core is in your body."

Elder, who had been burned to charcoal, threw the sniper rifle aside helplessly. At this time, he had lost all his fighting spirit and his faith was collapsing: "This is impossible, this shouldn't be the case! If the Omega core was in your body before, why can't we recognize it?"

He said hoarsely: "When did you fuse that core?"

Lu Buer came to him expressionlessly, with no emotional fluctuations in his eyes, just raised a finger: "It has always been in my body."

He is different from the bad woman at that time.

Chen Jing's Omega core is easy to lock.

But after Lu Buer fused the Alpha and Omega cores, this thing seemed to have undergone some kind of qualitative change, and its nature was different from before, so it could not be locked.

Elder was stunned.

Suddenly realized that he was fooled.

Like a clown, he was calculated thoroughly.

Planning for a full five hundred years, sleeping in the hibernation chamber for a long time, he was waiting for this day to build the Watcher Lighthouse to fulfill his ambition of the year.

But now everything is over.

He laughed miserably and closed his eyes.


A flash of lightning pierced his brain.

Elder fell backwards.

Lu Buer didn't even look at him, but turned around to look.

Sasha staggered to his feet, and when he was about to pick up the broken knife on the ground, a black shadow flashed in front of him, and his head was pressed down tightly.

"You thought you were aiming at her, but it was actually me. The only chance you had to kill me in this life was just that one. It's a pity that she blocked it. I really hate you. After I let her go, I wanted to slowly forget her and never see her again in this life. But because of your shot, I can never forget her again."

Lu Buer pressed her head like a compassionate priest, as if he was confessing her sins for her: "You made me remember her forever, but you can't give her back to me."

He paused: "So you can only die."


Thunder rolled in the sky.

The mighty plasma was poured into Sasha's body. She just trembled slightly for a moment, without even a scream, and she was carbonized from the inside out into charcoal.

The charred flesh and blood fell off inch by inch.

It collapsed like a rotten branch.

Lu Buer watched the enemy die, and his inner thoughts finally became clear. In his eyes, this world was no longer so full of hostility.

Although he was not relieved.

But it was enough for him to vent.

The surviving priests and pastors watched this scene in horror, just like seeing the devil from hell slaughtering people in the world. They were so scared that they even knelt on the spot.

How could people not be awed by the people who could not be killed by the sacred tree?

But Lu Buer did not show mercy. He casually waved his hand and summoned the thunder of ten thousand jun, which smashed these weak evolvers into ashes, leaving no corpses.

After doing all this, he looked up at the Watcher Lighthouse.

The golden module had gone out, and it was obviously overloaded and smoke was coming out. Its system was not completely built, but it was forcibly awakened before summoning two Omega Swords.

At this moment, Lu Buer was already very tired, but he still forced himself to climb the steps, step by step to the top of the lighthouse, and came to the huge main control room.

At this time.

A voice sounded in the main control room.

"You are here?"

It was a white back.

The man wrapped in a shroud sat on a chair, wearing a colorful shroud, and black butterflies lingered around him. The picture was weird and evil.

Lu Buer stopped.

Because he had seen the man in front of him before.

He had also fought with him.

This man was Gong Yu.

Or... Corrupted Death!

A god!

Gong Yu turned his back to him defenselessly, and seemed to be operating something on the main console. As the computer screen went out, he turned around and smiled slightly.

His face was rotten.

Only half of it was intact.

It looked as strange as an evil ghost.

Lu Buer felt cold all over.

The last time they fought, it was just the dark matter that the opponent split out.

But he didn't expect that this time, he would see the real body.

"I really didn't expect that my old friend could do such a thing, splitting the core of Omega in two, and each of you got half. It can be seen that he really values ​​you, maybe he wants to train you to be his successor?" Gong Yu held a cup of coffee in his hand, and the maggots slowly crawled on his face, breaking out of the cocoon and becoming a butterfly in an instant.

At this moment, Lu Buer's eyes flashed with a storm.

Why did Gong Yu say that there were two cores of Omega?

You must know that after Lu Buer merged with the core of Omega, that thing had been completely integrated into his body, and no one had time to do anything.


Unless Medanzo got something else in the Arctic, which made him look a little special, so that the whole world would think that the core of Omega was taken away by him.

Before, Lu Buer had always thought that this was a simple matter.

But now it seems that this is not the case.

Medanzo is indeed the best liar in the world, but the reason why he can deceive the whole world is probably because he really has something special!

"Do you know what the core of Alpha or Omega is? It looks like a soul, but it is actually a kind of authority, a very powerful authority." Gong Yu raised his right hand wrapped in the shroud and wanted to touch the boy's face: "The core of Alpha can control the God Curse System through the God Seed. The essence of the Watcher Lighthouse is a bit like the God Seed. It's just that He has become huge with the blessing of alchemy technology. Just like a mobile phone, it was only used to make calls at first, but later it can be used to watch videos or play games, and its functions are becoming more and more bloated. But I can also dismantle and simplify it, turning it into a portable weapon to deal with those usurpers." He paused: "It's just that I can't fuse the core of Omega, but you can. I must admit that it was my mistake to want to kill you before. Lu Zhe and An Xian really gave birth to a good son, and I regret killing them a little. Although the God Order System is not as good as the God Curse System that can grow infinitely, it is worth it." These words revealed a lot of information, the most important of which is to confirm the difference in status between Alpha and Omega, the former is higher than the latter. One is a natural god.

The other is a man-made god.

In comparison, the former is greater than the latter.

Of course, there is one more point.

Even a god cannot know where the core of Alpha is.

But the fact that Lu Buer has the Omega core has been exposed.

However, at this moment, he suddenly felt extremely uncomfortable in his body, his consciousness seemed to be stuck in a quagmire, and he felt that he was about to become a cold corpse.

Gong Yu naturally understood that villains die because of talking too much.

What he said just now was just to buy time.

Gong Yu didn't want to hurt this excellent individual in front of him.

He wanted to take him away in the most gentle way.

Make him his own puppet.

One day to deal with his former best friend.

Medanzo did create a successor who matched him in all aspects.

And Gong Yu could make this successor a rival who matched him.

"You want me to deal with Medanzo?" Lu Buer said softly, "It seems that you were beaten badly by him." Gong Yu did not deny it: "If it was my real body, I could probably fight him. Although the human body is free, it is really lacking in combat power." The hand wrapped in the shroud reached out. Just when it was about to fall on the boy's forehead. Snap. Someone grabbed the hand. Gong Yu was a little surprised and turned his head in astonishment. "Deputy Pope?" His voice was still soft and elegant. As if playing the piano calmly. "Stay away from this child." The old man, like a lion and tiger, spoke word by word.

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