The edge of pure land

Chapter 291 Parents Meet Again

Before the ruins of time were shattered, Lu Buer walked into the deepest part of the darkness. The electromagnetic force that rotated again isolated the bullet-like gravel and saw the battlefield five hundred years ago.

In the deepest part of the windy sand was the burning wreckage of a helicopter. A vaguely bloody figure could be seen running away. It looked a little embarrassed but also ferocious like a beast. It was like a wolf that had escaped from a hunter and had to leave its companions behind. , but he kept the hatred in his heart.

Obviously, that was Professor Yin Hao back then, and he was the only person who escaped on this highway. Later, he crashed to the starting point in a fighter plane and became the watcher of mankind.

There was also a rollover sports car that crashed into the steel guardrail. The Pope with blood on his head rushed out from the driver's seat, struggling to rush into the deepest part of the wind and sand, looking miserable.

Lu Fuji's eyes narrowed slightly.

"This is the Pope back then. According to what he said, he was not the one who betrayed your parents' position. At the press conference just now, the Pope confessed a lot of secrets in order to delay time. Some of the words are true, and some of them are true. The words are false.”

Lianhua held his hand, her swaying hair slightly brushing against his cheek, and said softly: "Although I can recognize lies, at his level, I can't perceive them too clearly. But judging from his arrival at the scene, , He should not be the one who betrayed your parents, because he really wanted to get the seed of the gods, and once the corrupt god of death gets it, there will be nothing left."

Lu Buer snorted: "My parents left the seed of the gods in the eternal temple of the Holy Mountain and did not bring it out. And judging from the Pope's behavior over the years, the person who betrayed my parents was indeed not He. The Pope will also kill my parents, but he will never let the corrupt god take action. He will get nothing."

Lianhua glanced at him: "Are you nervous?"

Lu Fuji thought for a while: "A little bit."

Lianhua said nothing and held his arm.

Lu Fuji was slightly startled. This was the first time that this woman had taken the initiative to make such an intimate gesture to him. He only felt that his arm was immersed in warmth and softness.

Soft and waxy, it has a floating feeling like falling into the clouds.

After long-term contact, Lianhua believed in the talent of this big boy, especially after the coronation that shocked the world, she believed that one day he would be omnipotent.

Therefore, no matter how exaggerated Lu Fuji's achievements were, she took it for granted. At most, she felt very proud and gratified, and would occasionally show off to her mother.

Whether it's a level-up challenge, or a successful challenge to the split body of a god, or even if it's forcing one's way into the ruins of time to fight one against two, and personally killing the two most powerful henchmen of the Pope, this is just the road to invincibility. Appropriate embellishments and colors.

This is what a young monarch should do.

But at this moment, Lianhua did not treat him as a young monarch, for fear that those cruel scenes would affect him or even defeat him.

In the deepest part of the sandstorm, one could vaguely see a strange figure disappearing into the darkness. Behind him was an overwhelming sandstorm, which seemed to outline a terrifying and strange face.

That was the corrupt god of death who left after he succeeded.

Lu Fuji turned and looked into the wreckage of the helicopter. Through the blazing flames, he finally saw the couple hugging each other, but he froze on the spot.

It's not such a tragic scene.

There is no separation between life and death that touches people's hearts.

The middle-aged man with the Holy Glory flowing all over his body was stuck in the cockpit. He spent a long time lighting a cigarette for himself with the help of the flame, and complained: "Damn it, this corrupt god of death is too strong." . But let me tell you, my wife, this is the remaining system that has not been unlocked. Those talented people were born too late. As long as they have unlocked numerology and magic, they will not lose so miserably. The prophet is right, this is a problem of the times, not a crime of war.”

This man is obviously Lu Zhe.

His face was covered in dust, like an Equatorial Guinean.

He didn't forget to smoke until he died.

The woman wearing a combat helmet and combat uniform seemed to feel the life that was about to pass away in the cabin, and said softly: "Does that mean we are going to die?"

This is obviously Lu Fuji's mother.


"If you die, just die. I didn't expect to survive anyway, and my son's affairs are also well prepared. If the boy can break out of the cocoon as scheduled, then the God of Origin will not wake up at all. No matter how many of those guys have The plan can only be in vain. I'm afraid, this kid woke up after five hundred years, and I feel that this matter is very close. "

Lu Zhe complained: "I'm just wondering, who released this corrupt god of death? It can't really be him, right? This is too unlucky, how could this happen?"

An Xian said angrily: "It's not all your fault! If you had followed my plan earlier, maybe you could have made a comeback. It's useless!"

Lu Zhe was unhappy and retorted: "You can pull me down, silly old ladies, what do you know? According to your plan, our group was wiped out when we were in the North Pole, and we are still alive now? What role do you play in the team? Except for resetting the God’s Seed.”

An Xian was very unconvinced and sneered: "I reset the God's seed and it's useless? Why did I marry such a useless thing like you in this life?"

Lu Zhe chuckled: "After our son dies, we can go to the underworld to judge and let him decide for himself whether it is his father or his mother who is useful."

"Okay, the useless one will be fired from the family tree!"

"Don't worry, if I'm useless, I don't even want the paper money from future generations! By the way, that child will go dormant in ten years, won't there be no one to burn paper money for us?"

"Damn it, can you think of a solution?"

"I'm thinking nonsense."

Lu Fuji was silent for a long time and covered his face hard.

Lianhua turned her head and glanced at him, with a slightly weird expression on her face, and asked coldly: "Have your parents... been like this all the time?"

Lu Fuji said quietly: "It was like this back then. They would get into arguments if they disagreed with each other for a few words, but their relationship was actually quite good and they were very serious and reliable people."

Just as he finished speaking, Lu Zhe was seen smoking a cigarette and suddenly said: "At worst, I will be poor in the underworld for a while. It can be as short as one year or as long as five hundred years. I'm afraid that this heartless little beast won't give it to us." Burn paper. If this is the case, I can only count on my unborn grandson."

"Don't worry, my son will definitely be liked by a girl."

An Xian suddenly started gossiping: "By the way, do you still remember the selection list for issue 539? There is a girl, she is really beautiful. I liked her at first sight. It is said that she is from the Li family, her name seems to be Li Nuo?" If you ask me, if you want to do it, you have to do it like this."

Lu Zhe thought for a while, blew out a smoke ring, nodded slightly and said, "Now that I think about it, she is indeed very beautiful, and she looks very well-educated at first glance. But that girl is a bit strange, no one is sure whether she has Evolutionary talent. I still remember that the company wanted to study this, but the old lady of the Li family stopped it. But if the child was really forced to sleep for five hundred years, he would probably have no chance with that girl. , It doesn’t matter, there may be a similar beautiful girl in five hundred years, have you forgotten the old prophet’s prediction?”

Lu Fuji was stunned when he was slapped in the face.

Lianhua also fell into silence, her long and curled eyelashes trembled slightly, and there was a rare trace of shame and embarrassment in her cold eyes. It can only be said that fate is so fickle.

Lu Fuji indeed slept for five hundred years.

But he didn't miss her because of it.

But the most shocking thing is that Lu Fuji's parents started to miss her as early as five hundred years ago. At that time, she was just an ordinary student.

After a long time, Lu Fuji suddenly smiled.

Lianhua turned to glare at him, and finally smiled at him.

"What were you doing when the sacred tree appeared five hundred years ago?"

Lu Buer explained: "Don't worry about my parents, they are probably just talking nonsense before they die. I was scared to death during several surgeries back then, and I was just talking nonsense to others."

Lianhua pursed her red lips slightly and said softly: "At that time, I was studying in the library at home. I knew in advance that there would be changes, so I was prepared for it."

After breaking out of the cocoon, he was active for a while and then fell asleep in the dormant chamber. It was not until he became the Holy High Priest that he began a new life.

At this moment, a strange scene happened.

Lu Zhe sighed and closed his eyes gently. The burned out cigarette between his fingers collapsed into ashes, and his body withered into crystal light fragments and was submerged in the wind.

"Old man, you're walking so fast."

An Xian muttered something and turned his head as if to investigate.

At this moment, Lu Fuji was stunned.

Lianhua was also surprised, because when the woman turned her head and looked over, it was as if she had discovered something, and her eyes happened to fall on the young man's face!

"Son, can you hear me?"

An Xian's eyes lit up with endless holy light, and his voice became tired: "The Corruption of Death is gone, and I can finally say something to you. I'm sorry that we couldn't escape from the hands of the god. . What should be said, your father told you in the Holy Mountain. He said it so sensationally, I just said he has Alzheimer's disease, I am not as nagging as him."

She paused, and a smile appeared on her beautiful face: "You have to be careful, the corrupt god of death will target you sooner or later. But your father and mother have found a very powerful person for you to protect you. That guy looks unreliable and likes to lie, but he is actually a very arrogant and lonely person. When he comes, you should spend more time with him and don't leave him alone all the time. Over time, that guy will change."

Shika Fuji's eyes narrowed: "Medanzuo?"

Lianhua glanced at him and shook her head to express that she was not sure either.

This description looks like Metanzo.

But Medanzo emerged relatively late.

Probably more than a hundred years earlier than Lu Fuji.

Considered an old player.

But certainly not the original group of players.

Not even the group of people who established the world order.

How did Lu Fuji's parents learn of his existence?

It's just that this world is already so absurd, and obviously nothing is absolutely impossible. For example, at this moment, this mother seems to have seen all the time and saw the existence of her son.

"According to our calculations, if you can come to this place, it must be five hundred years later. Things have reached the worst point, but it is not without fun. Those gods are plotting, but no one is Guess we made a bug."

An Xian looked old, but when he smiled he looked like a cunning fox: "This world is a huge system, and the bug is you. If you can fuse the core of Alpha, then you can accommodate Omega." The core. The only problem is that the fusion of these two powers is very difficult, and you need to overcome the conflict of the two ultimate powers.”

These words spoke to Lu Fuji's heart. He was really fed up with the pain of the two forces colliding in his body: "Mom, just tell me how to deal with it!"

Lianhua determined that this guy's hometown should be Nagada in the northeast.

"The Celestial Organization, the origin of everything is there. The legendary Holy Word is controlled by them. There is a way for you to completely balance the authority in the body."

An Xian didn't know whether he really saw his son from far away in time and space, or whether he predicted that he would ask this question. His expression was a little awkward: "We were once the leaders of the Celestial Being Organization. Logically speaking, you should be the crown prince of the organization." , the Holy Word is not worth anything to you. But for some reason, we took the lead in defecting... and we offended those crazy people to death. So, after five hundred years, you have to avoid them. Son, don’t let them discover your identity. As for how to get the Holy Word from the Heavenly Man Organization, you can figure it out yourself.”

Lu Fuji held a mouthful of old blood in his heart: "Okay, just now I felt guilty because I forgot to burn paper for you two, but now I don't think so. You two can continue to be poor down there, anyway, you are both five hundred poor. Years have passed, it won’t take long... When I get the Holy Word, I will burn paper for you two. Who makes me a little beast, right? "

Lian Hua said expressionlessly: "I am so filial to you."

As soon as she finished speaking, a hint of surprise appeared in her eyes.

Because the woman in the helicopter wreckage raised her head at this moment, and there was a trace of anger in her eyes. Although it was fleeting, she still caught it.

"Finally, remember to find out who betrayed us."

An Xian paused: "I think you'll know it soon."

Lu Fuji was startled for a moment, and then he saw that his mother, whom he had not seen for a long time, disappeared like scattered flakes of light, leaving only a look that seemed gentle, but it did not fall on him.

Lianhua raised her head and met the gentle gaze in the light.

"It's so beautiful."

The sound of An Xian gradually dissipated into the darkness.

The ruins of time collapsed.

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