The edge of pure land

Chapter 296 The Secret of Lotus

Late at night, Lianhua handwrote a letter.

"This is roughly what happened. The Pope did lie, but he was a very shrewd liar. The process was true, but the result was false. Combining the information summarized so far, I roughly analyzed the story of the matter. Probably passed by.”

"As early as tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years ago in the ancient times, the arrival of the gods created a super-developed civilization, a civilization where humans and gods coexisted. At that time, Alpha may not have the desire to devour the world, but chose himself. Break down to contain your own power.”

"The witch in the Department of Rebirth is exactly the vessel chosen by the gods. The witch has a unique body structure and can create dark matter through normal energy intake. According to my research, this seems to be a body created by the gods to adapt to the earth's environment. . Although the cost of doing this is that most of the authority will be sealed, it can gain the qualifications to be a human being."

"We usually think that the witch is the container chosen by the God of Origin for himself. But this is not the case, because the God of Origin already has a human body, which is the dragon feather. The so-called witch is actually a container prepared for the artificial god. . We have always ignored this. Dark matter and divine power can transform into each other. Since the witch's body structure can create dark matter, it can also create divine power. The transformation between divine power and dark matter can be done. arrive."

"Why Alpha helped humans create Omega, we still don't know. But after the battle called deception and betrayal, all the five gods, including the God of Origin, were sealed. The Tree of Life took root in The North Pole fell into a deep sleep.”

"The first generation of Celestial beings obviously cooperated with the artificial gods, but they broke their promise. The Celestial Being organization built the place of death in the North Pole into the sixth prison, sealing the power of the Tree of Life. Nothing. There must be a special reason for the Heavenly Man Organization to do this, and this special reason was also taken into consideration by the first and second generation sacred monarchs.”

"The first generation and the second generation have been wary of the Tree of Life giving birth to self-awareness, but our research over the years has never found any sign that it has given birth to self-consciousness. Facts have proved that the first and second generations are not unfounded, and their worries are correct. of."

"As early as five hundred years ago, the consciousness of the Tree of Life was born. After the Pope's daughter Qi Sisi was transformed, she became an artificial witch. Omega introduced his consciousness into the body of the artificial witch and quietly The person who escaped from the prison was Omega who betrayed Lu Zhe and An Xian. Only Omega had the ability to open the prison door and release the imprisoned god. In order to maintain world order and peace, we are actually looking for a new container for ourselves.”

"The Pope said that he has been suppressing Omega's self-will all these years. In a sense, he did not lie. Obviously, the Pope is not a fool. He knows that his daughter has become the carrier of Omega after being resurrected. But He did not announce it to the outside world, but imprisoned Omega. Omega must have been in an extremely weak state after escaping from the Tree of Life, and he has been doing things for him. "

"Perhaps the ultimate goal of the Pope is to resurrect his daughter. Perhaps Omega promised him something. As long as he implements the plan of the Holy High Priest and creates a more excellent and perfect witch, he will leave the existing body. Through Other ways to resurrect his daughter."

"The witch and the holy high priest are almost the same kind of beings. The only difference is that the holy high priest is restricted by the tree of life and must obey the rules of nature."

"The reason why Omega's independent consciousness does this is because he himself cannot get rid of his own limitations. If he wants to have an independent will, he will not be able to control huge power. If he wants to have huge power, he will lose it. independent will.”

"In other words, there is no problem with the Tree of Life. When it was created, it was the old enemy of the five gods and the ultimate weapon of mankind. The power of the Tree of Life is safe, but its independent consciousness is not. Therefore. We must beware of Omega’s independent consciousness and prevent him from leveraging the power of the Tree of Life while retaining his independent will.”

"Brother back then..."

When she wrote this, she stopped writing.

With one stroke of his green-white finger, he erased the last line of writing.

"Mother, I leave it to you to protect the Tree of Life. Now that I have gained my freedom, I can make more attempts. I hope that what I do can give the Li family hope. I will strive to survive in the worst possible situation. Before the situation falls, cultivate the next generation of sacred monarchs.”

"A divine monarch who can end all things."

After writing this sentence, she burned the letter.

The ashes are swaying in the darkness, as if they are involved in the turbulence of time and space, and will condense again in the hands of the recipient soon. This is the wonder of divine magic.

After doing all this, she sat on the chair and was silent for a moment, then stood up and opened the window. The evening breeze of the summer night roared in, as if there was a hint of the sea tide.

The study was quiet, with no lights on.

The beautiful woman looked down at the street scene with a sad look in her eyes.

The truth in that letter was actually incomplete.

A very crucial part is omitted.

That is, the Omega consciousness created the Holy High Priest, not simply to find a more suitable container, but to get rid of the restrictions imposed on Him by the rules.

Are natural rules really unsolvable?

Not unsolvable.

Just like the replication of genes can go wrong.

Natural rules can also have loopholes.

Lu Buer found the loophole and broke this restriction.

"According to Omega's plan, first create a host that can resist the rules to a certain extent, and then use this host to integrate Omega's core. In the end, as long as you master the Creator's instructions, you can completely circumvent the restrictions of natural laws."

Lianhua stared at the night outside the window and whispered softly: "Omega's human body can ask for power from the Tree of Life in the Arctic wherever it walks. The premise is that this host still needs time to grow until it becomes infinitely perfect."

The energy of the Tree of Life is almost unlimited.


But this does not mean invincibility.

After all, the output of the host is also the key.

It's like you have a deposit of 10 trillion. In the absence of mobile payment, you can only withdraw a few million at a time, and the one-time consumption power is just like that.

"Madam, what are you doing?"

Lu Buer knocked on the door: "Want some crayfish?"

Hearing the knock from her lover, the sadness in Lianhua's beautiful eyes turned into a touch of tenderness, and her voice was still clear and cold: "I want spicy food, I'll be out right away."

"Got it."

Lu Buer's response came from outside the door.

There was a reason why Lianhua concealed her mother's secret.

Because of the abnormality of the second-generation holy monarch in his later years, it is very likely that he discovered the existence of Omega and then locked on the corrupt death god who worked for him.

There is a certain relationship between Omega and the corrupt death god.

Then the second-generation holy monarch went to the North Pole.

Never came back.

Until the deputy pope found the Creator's instructions based on his traces.

That was what the second-generation holy monarch wanted to find for Lianhua.

"It turns out that my brother has always known..."

Lianhua closed her eyes and recalled the dream when she was still sleeping in the cocoon many years ago. In the dream, there was always a girl looking down at her from beginning to end.

Until Lianhua broke out of the cocoon, she never saw that face again.

Even though she had tried every possible way to find it for many years.

Now she finally figured out everything that happened to her.

No wonder she had no talent for evolution, no wonder she was clearly an ordinary person but perfectly adapted to the qualifications of the Holy High Priest, no wonder she could counter the power of natural laws to a certain extent.

There has never been any chosen one in this world.

Everything has a reason.

That was Omega's doing something to her.

The deaths of Lu Zhe and An Xian were also led by Omega.

The deaths of the first and second generations were also related to Omega.

This means that the construction of the Watcher Lighthouse system has another deeper meaning, not only to take back the core of Omega, but also to suppress Lianhua, the Holy High Priest.

If this plan succeeds, then Lianhua will become Omega's host, and after implanting Omega's core, the Creator's instructions will be used to isolate the recognition of the Tree of Life.

Omega will gain true freedom.

If this plan fails, Omega will summon the Corrupted Death to take Him away, thus getting rid of the control of the Akasha Holy Church and returning to the world of the gods.

She will not lose no matter what.

"Omega, what a good plan."

The stunning woman closed her eyes.


A crisp snap of fingers.

A hazy holy light emerged in the dark study, condensing into a three-dimensional chessboard and countless chess pieces, which looked extremely complex and beyond human calculation.

More than 500 years ago, humans lost to artificial intelligence in a Go game, which seemed to prove that carbon-based creatures would never be able to compare with silicon-based life in terms of computing power.

"This time, I want to experience your calculation ability..."



Lu Buer sat on the sofa and ordered takeout. He turned his head and asked, "Xiaoxian, your sister-in-law seems to be worried. Can you see through her mind?"

Lu Sixian shook her head and said expressionlessly, "Sister-in-law has sealed her heart with magic, and I can't see it. But if I grow up a little bit, I can try to see her heart. But brother, you don't have to give her magic power."

She said seriously, "As long as you don't feed her, she is an ordinary person."

Lu Buer muttered, "I feed her, why does this sound so strange? You are still young and don't understand. If I really use that method to peek into her mind, she may never want to pay attention to me in this life. But even if she doesn't say it, I can probably guess it."

While eating hot pot, he saw Yin Ma and Mei Danzo's little movements clearly. The latter was responsible for leading him out, and the former stayed to secretly pass on information.

The lady seemed to be enjoying the meal, but she never looked relaxed. It was obvious that it had something to do with the Pope.

Which of his words did the Pope lie about?

In fact, Lu Buer had already guessed it.

It didn't matter which of his words the Pope lied about. His only purpose was to protect the person who could unlock the seal of the Land of Rebirth and release the gods.

Perhaps the Pope is right. He has been trying to suppress Omega's will for these years, but he didn't know that a terrifying god had already been released and played him around.

The reason why the Corrupted Death God was released early was to do things for that mysterious existence, and there was only one person in the history who had such qualifications.

Well, that's not a human.

That's all.

Lu Buer's lips showed a hint of mockery.

"It's really interesting."

He smiled and said, "There's still a lot to settle."

Lu Sixian tilted her head with a puzzled expression.

Lu Buer touched her head and sighed softly: "Those guys are hiding something from me, but my sweet little cotton jacket is loyal to me and knows how to feel sorry for my brother. We're going to Egypt in a few days. Help me predict it. Is there any useful information?"

After so many things, only Lu Sixian is still the innocent and innocent. She tilted her head and thought for a moment, and her pupils became weird and pale again.

With her foresight, smoke came out of that little head again.

"A hoax, a trap."

"The purpose is to attract all mankind."

She whispered softly.

Now that Lu Sixian's predicted events are becoming more and more advanced, she can no longer present a complete picture like before, and can only give certain guidance like divination.

"A hoax, a trap?"

Lu Buer thought for a while.

This is very likely related to the opening of the third site in Egypt.

The purpose is to attract all mankind.

"The Celestial Organization has arrived in Egypt."

Lu Sixian whispered softly.

Lu Buer was a little surprised, he didn't expect it to be so fast.

The paleness in Lu Sixian's eyes gradually returned to normal, and the smoke in her little head gradually disappeared. She said seriously: "Egypt will allow my brother to obtain unprecedented evolution, but the process of evolution is very dangerous. I see two possibilities."

"Which two?"

Lu Buer asked impatiently.

"One is that you blew yourself up during the upgrade process."

"What about the other?"

"The other is that you blew yourself up after the upgrade."

Lu Buer's face was dark, and he immediately knew that the little girl was playing tricks on him. He stretched out his hand and pinched her face without any hesitation: "Lu Sixian, did I give you face?"

Lu Sixian rarely revealed a hint of cunning, pointing to the divine ember bomb hidden in his arms: "This bullet contains the seventh school of divine arts, which is a school that even the Holy High Priest cannot teach you. If you can feel this power, it will be of great benefit."

Lu Buer then let go: "That's better, what if I can't learn it?"

Lu Sixian said seriously: "Then it will really explode."

Lu Buer nodded slightly, and suddenly felt a sharp pain in his head.

His senses suddenly rose into the air.

It was as if he was in the depths of the universe, overlooking the earth.

He sensed a huge energy fluctuation!

Since the authority of the God Curse Binding System was upgraded, Lu Buer, the secondary machine, can not only do things offline, but also perform certain operations online.

For example, perception.

The bad woman at the beginning could sense the state of the God of Origin.

And at this moment, Lu Buer clearly sensed.

The God of Origin has recovered a large wave of divine power!

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