The edge of pure land

Chapter 3 The Place of Rebirth

Due to the deterrence of the firearm, the middle-aged rich man sat back angrily, and his companions next to him also retracted into the corner and quietly put down their weapons.

The deer was frightened.

Everyone sticks together when they are in trouble. They are strangers to each other and cannot be trusted partners. When it comes to life and death, there is no telling what will happen.

Officer An looked at the young man and asked softly: "Classmate Lu, where does your food come from?"

Lu Fuji hesitated for a moment: "I brought it with me."

Officer An pondered: "It's true. None of our belongings have weathered or rotted. You can also see this from our clothes. I think it's because the cocoon that wraps us forms a kind of protection for us. In addition to the cocoon What is in it, nothing else can be preserved.”

Boss Zhang said quietly: "I walked all the way from the west of the city and saw the wreckage of helicopters and tanks. There were bullet holes and traces of explosions everywhere. Obviously, when we were unconscious, something terrible seemed to have happened outside. Including those animals..."

In such a harsh environment, the only thing everyone relies on is wisdom.

After the survivors exchanged known information with each other, it was not difficult to infer that the world they saw in front of them was no longer the world they were familiar with. After they woke up from the cocoon, the outside world had not known how many years had passed. It was so far away that it was possible Beyond their imagination.

Lu Fuji didn't know why such a thing happened. The Aurora Technology project was researched by his parents during their lifetime, but the information left behind never mentioned that such a situation would happen.

"It's not a good place to stay for a long time, but there are dogs outside, so... huh?"

Officer An stepped on something in the dark, and it was so crisp that it was creepy.

Everyone looked around and saw that it was a skeleton wrapped in torn cloth.


They were surprised, this was a rare discovery.

The newness here is only relatively speaking, because what they found along the way were things that had been abandoned for who knows how many years, and this skeleton was only seven or eight years old at most.

But the problem is that this skeleton is deformed like a monster and has already become moldy. No one dares to touch it for fear of contracting some pathogen.

"You look really ugly."

Boss Zhang was so frightened that the musty smell made people nauseous.

Officer An hesitated, not sure whether he should touch this thing.

Only Lu Fuji was brave. He went up to play with the corpse and found some relics of the deceased in the gaps in the cloth, such as the dagger he carried with him and the golden tree-shaped emblem. The most noteworthy thing was a book Dusty notes.

"What does it say?"

Officer An came over and helped him light up the flashlight.

Lu Fuji looked at the handwriting and found that it was still Chinese characters.

"May 4th, this is a great day. I finally accepted the baptism of God. I saw the great sacred tree in my dream, felt the sacred rhythm, and touched the extraordinary. Human beings in the new world can really master It’s so powerful, it’s beyond my imagination.”

"This is a gift from God, a gift from the Holy Cult of Akasha. I thought that after I completely mastered the sacred rhythm, the door to evolution would be opened to me. But I was wrong. I found that the rhythm I mastered was wrong. It failed to make me evolve, but destroyed me..."

"I hated this deformed appearance at that time. My parents and sister hated me because of it, and my superiors and colleagues alienated me because of it. I was forced into the prison of the Inquisition, and in that dark hell, I accepted the inhumane punishment. Endless treatments and experiments..."

Just these three paragraphs, but it makes people's scalp numb.

I thought it would be a happy event to see traces of human civilization in this desolate world, but the weirdness revealed between the lines made people shudder.


They all thought of the strange dogs outside the door.

Including those mutated creatures.

But Lu Fujiu thought of the notification sounds he heard in the virtual helmet before.

New world, this is a keyword.

In other words, they may still be in their original world.

Is it just that this world has undergone some changes?

"On August 16, I met her in prison. God, this was the first time I saw someone with such severe deformation, but I was not afraid of her, and even thought she was so beautiful. She claimed her name It’s called a butterfly. The butterfly is a beautiful creature, but people are often afraid of its horror when magnified. Little do they know that that is her true beauty that is not understood by others.”

"The butterfly helped me and made me realize that I am the most beautiful person now. I began to learn to appreciate myself. This distorted beauty is so intoxicating."

"The more I indulge in this aberration, the more I discover the hypocrisy of the Akashic Religion. That false god who is full of lies has deceived us! He used divine rhythms to turn the world into such an ugly appearance, but he did atrocities to such a beautiful me. ! He does not deserve to be called God, He is a false god!"

"I want to escape, I want to tell the world the secrets I discovered, I want distorted flowers to bloom in every corner, for such a beautiful me, for such a beautiful butterfly..."

The diary ended abruptly, and the yellowed pages were covered with blood.

I always feel like the owner of the diary went crazy in the end.

A sick and deformed person met his own kind one day, and then became obsessed with the deformed self like crazy, and even developed different beliefs.

"Bah, I didn't mean to disturb you, the dead one is the worst!"

Boss Zhang was frightened and led everyone to salute the skeleton.

While Lu Fuji was surprised, he also realized that the world was not just ruins.

There are still traces of civilization in places they have never reached!

"Look, there's more than one corpse here." Officer An searched in the abandoned church again. There were deformed skeletons everywhere, some with only half the skull, some with more than 20 extra spines, and some with... The one with the third hand is quite weird.

There were about twenty bodies, and the cause of death could not be determined.

Lu Fuji went to check and found that everyone was wearing a golden tree-shaped emblem.

It's just that those emblems were scratched beyond recognition by sharp weapons.

This shows the hatred this group of people have for what this emblem represents.

"There is also a statue here!"

Boss Zhang pointed to the depths of darkness and said, "What the hell is this?"

When the flashlight light shined through, a simple and incomplete stone sculpture suddenly appeared in the light. It was a huge six-winged archangel, but it grew branches and roots like a tree. The surface of the body was still smooth, with mysterious symbols engraved on the whole body.

Of course, the most eye-catching thing is the writing scrawled on the stone carvings.


"False gods who betray us!"

"The monster that tarnishes faith, he should be like us, deformity is the real beauty!"

How crazy.

Behind this sculpture is a secret passage, probably the back door of the church.

There was still coagulated blood on the door handle, and there were residual footprints on the ground.

"Apparently, this is a group of pagans, and the mainstream church here should be called...Akasha Holy Cult. They came here for their crazy obsessions, some died in this church, and some left here. " Lu Fujian analyzed.

"And this church is very well preserved. It was built probably more than ten years ago."

Officer An whispered.

Boss Zhang and the others were confused. Now that the city they were in was weathered, a building from more than ten years ago appeared out of thin air. This was too weird.

"Anyway, we can get out from here."

Officer An suggested: "Avoid those dogs and look for those light sources."

Yes, the only hope right now is the light source.

Because they are all rushing towards the light source, if there are other survivors in the city, then everyone will meet at the end, and may also reunite with their old friends and relatives.

"Let's go, everyone is almost rested, let's move on."

Seeing everyone's nervousness, Officer An greeted everyone: "If we continue like this, we will all freeze to death here. It's still the old rule, I will lead the way for everyone, the man will follow me, and Lao Zhang will be responsible for the rear. The old man, the student and the girl are here. In the middle of the team, stay vigilant at all times.”

No one raised any objections, even the middle-aged wealthy man followed the team.

Before leaving, Officer An looked at Lu Buer: "Are we going together?"

Lu Fuji hesitated for a moment and then hummed.

Officer An nodded: "Pay attention to safety."

They pushed open the back door of the church and walked cautiously along the desolate long street. Sure enough, they avoided the crazy dogs and walked for more than six hours.

Lu Fuji found that everyone talked very little, except for the middle-aged wealthy man who always wanted to buy his food. From time to time, he would bring a few companions around, and there were almost conflicts on several occasions.

The only good thing is that Lu Fuji passed by Ginza Washington on Huaixi Road along the way.

This is the school district room of Fengcheng No. 2 Middle School. Many of He Sai’s classmates live here, and there are obvious signs of fighting and a pile of animal carcasses nearby.

It's obvious that someone has been active around here, I don't know if it's He Sai.

This made Lu Fuji feel comforted and hoped that he would be safe.

The fog became thicker as we got closer to the light source. Someone almost fell into a crack in the ground just now. Fortunately, Officer An had quick eyesight and quick hands and pulled him up.

According to the current situation, no one knows whether they can return to the original world. In fact, Officer An no longer needs to abide by his responsibilities as a peace officer, but he still leads the team to protect everyone as much as possible, even though he looks very tired.

"Everyone, be careful."

Officer An motioned for everyone to walk behind him. He walked alone in the front, but his steps were a little staggering.

"Is your blood sugar low?"

Lu Fuji realized that he was exhausted and simply handed him a packet of egg yolk pie.

Officer An was obviously taken aback, and then pushed his hand back: "Keep it for yourself."

Everyone's attention immediately focused on the egg yolk pie. Just when the middle-aged rich man wanted to come up and snatch it, Boss Zhang immediately said: "Stop, stop, look ahead."

They all felt the warmth. The cold air no longer made people shiver, and the tree roots that penetrated the ground were also so warm, like charcoal that they could hold to keep warm.

The light penetrated the fog and illuminated the silent cemetery in front of them.

They actually walked to a cemetery.

"Hey, if we find the light source, we will clear the level, right? We can't get out, it must be because of a bug in the game. When I return to reality, I will definitely sue Aurora and bankrupt her!" The middle-aged rich man took the initiative to leave. Team, go to the front.

It seems that he insists that the world he is in is a game.

Officer An was helpless and waved his hand for people to follow.

"Hey, look, you guys, what is this!"

Someone raised a finger weakly.

Lu Fuji turned around and looked around. There was a huge stone monument standing in the cemetery.

Officer An motioned for people to come over and check. There was a mottled writing on the stone carving.

"The carrion nourishes the air of spring, and then disperses into flowers, exhaling soft breath. The sun is like fragrance, and the flowers are like stars, burning death brightly, mocking the crawling maggots in the earth."

Lu Fuji gently recited the last eight words: "The place of death, the restricted area of ​​life."

This sentence vaguely revealed a strange and ominous meaning, and the survivors felt creepy, as if they were gradually approaching some terrible taboo.

"Hahaha, I finally found it, I finally found it!"

The cheers of the middle-aged wealthy people rang out from the front.

Everyone looked at each other and followed, only to see a huge cocoon in a collapsed building. In the darkness, it was so white and flawless, as if it was a bead left at the end of time.

The middle-aged wealthy man knelt down in front of it, as if he had discovered a rare treasure.

Most people don't think this is an opportunity to return to reality, because they all came out of a cocoon, and are more inclined to think that they are survivors who have not yet woken up.

"Why is there still someone who hasn't come out? Is this a dystocia?"

Boss Zhang leaned over and took a look: "Why didn't you come out of the cocoon?"

"God is having a difficult time giving birth. Is this what a human would say?"

Lu Buer was speechless and didn't know how to answer.

"I'm going out! I'm going out!"

A young man rushed over and tore at the cocoon like crazy.

Some people looked at each other, thinking that the people in the cocoons might be bringing food, and swarmed over them.

As the silk on the cocoon was peeled off, a girl in a white dress slept in the cocoon. Her black hair was scattered like a waterfall, her delicate sleeping face was so peaceful, her skin was as white and flawless as snow, and her hands were folded Stack it on your chest, as if praying in your sleep.

This scene is like a mural that has been silent for thousands of years, and it is lifelike.

A desolate and ruined world, a sleeping girl in a cocoon.

A mysterious atmosphere filled the air.

The young man was so amazed by her sacred and inviolable beauty that he held his breath for a moment, admiring her seductive curves like an obsession and not knowing what to do.

Lu Fuji felt the urge to gag when the cocoon was opened.

By the way, he remembered.

In his early years, he worked in a suburban crematorium and saw many rotten and smelly corpses. The so-called corpse odor is this smell that hits your soul and makes you unforgettable forever.

He was vaguely aware of the danger, but it was too late.

Because the moment the girl in the cocoon came into contact with the air, she quickly shriveled up like a mummy that had been weathered for thousands of years. Like an extremely evil ghost in hell, she opened her graceful and sinister eyes.

There was a click.

The young man's head was bitten into pieces like a watermelon, and thick blood mixed with white brain matter spurted out, spraying like a fountain onto people's dull faces, forming a paste.

Only a headless body was left, lying straight down.

There was also a drop of blood on the side of Lu Fuji's face, his heart was beating wildly in his chest, and he was sweating profusely.

Someone was killed.

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