The edge of pure land

Chapter 309 Trying to coax the lady into bed

Chapter 309 Try to coax the wife...

Near noon, Lu Buer took the girls in the team to eat a barbecue on the street under the scorching sun, and then took a taxi to Cairo Port.

The Titan-class sea fortress is docked on the Red Sea.

As members of the team, they used to be senior officers of the Human Watch Army. Entering such a military facility is like returning home, but now each of them has serious violations of discipline, and the number of accumulated violations is very rare in the history of the Federation. Therefore, they can only act low-key, borrow the identities arranged in advance, and sneak in secretly after disguising.

After all, the charges added up are enough to send them collectively to the military court. If nothing unexpected happens, the sentence will range from ten to twenty years.

Especially Lu, who may be sentenced to life imprisonment.

It is worth mentioning that there have been soldiers like them who violate the law and discipline in the history of the Human Watch Army, and every time this happens, it is accompanied by changes in military laws and even the laws of evolutionary behavior, which often have far-reaching significance in history.

According to the military records, the one who violated military discipline the most was Yuan Xi, the first generation of the Holy Monarch, followed by Li Xingpan, the second generation of the Holy Monarch. Constantine, Medanzo and others were also ranked high, and the next one was Longque, whose military status was destroyed by someone else.

"Welcome back to the Titan, respected colonel..."

Accompanied by the announcement of the drone, Lu Buer and his party landed on the sea fortress through the steel gangway. The sea breeze and hot sunshine on the Red Sea greeted them. The soldiers with live ammunition stood on the observation deck scanning potential enemies from all directions.

On the deck, you can see a huge matrix of lighthouses, which at first glance look like an arrangement of stars, and the bright holy light released illuminates the clouds between the sea and the sky.

The mechanics of the Noah Agency were busy. It was rare that these alchemy goblin-like bombers did not blow up the equipment, but from their expressions, they looked a little regretful.

"Watcher Lighthouse?"

Lu Buer was startled. You know, this thing left a deep shadow on him. Once it carries the power to target the Omega core, it can kill him instantly.

And this thing can also locate the world.

It's useless to hide anywhere.

"After that battle, my sister-in-law studied the Watcher Lighthouse system left by the church. She improved it and reshaped the functions of global coverage positioning and scanning usurpers. There are only thirteen Omega Swords left, and the technology that can target the Omega core is not in this system. It should be an independent and very precious system."

Lu Sixian explained expressionlessly: "Even the foundation of the Akasha Holy Church is difficult to mass produce. It is not surprising that it is some kind of ancient legacy."

Lu Buer thought for a moment and always felt that this matter might be related to the first generation of the leader of the Tianren Organization, but he had no evidence, just a guess when he was bored.

"Now the Human Watch Army is going to set up a project called the Aurora Project, the purpose of which is to reproduce the Aurora technology of the past. The department responsible for this project is called the First Research and Development Bureau. This is a sacrificial temple system led by the Holy High Priest, and it was established after the Noah Agency was absorbed." Ai Yue explained, holding up her large sunglasses.

"I seem to have heard my uncle say that the Human Watch Army will also master the power of the Tree of Life on its own and no longer rely on any external organization. It's a pity that I didn't join the army at a good time. Now soldiers can enjoy the benefits brought by divine arts anytime and anywhere." Yuan Qing muttered in a low voice.

Lu Buer smiled silently.

This is the result he wanted to see.

As long as Lianhua is free, there will be no one in the world who is closer to God than her. In this way, she can take over the power and assets of the church and set up a new sect.

Let me ask you.

The bald archbishop of the church and the holy high priest who can really perform miracles, who has made greater contributions to the world and who is closer to God.

The answer is clear at a glance.

"So, He Sai should have joined the First Research and Development Bureau. I'll go see what this guy is doing recently and do something..." Lu Buer had a very bold idea since he learned the Divine Ashes.

That is to make his own Divine Ashes bomb.

Even make his own Omega Sword.

After all, he already has the Holy Horn in his hand at this moment. As long as he can store the Divine Ashes in another way, he will undoubtedly be the strongest usurper hunter.

Well, let's go and see the situation of the lady first.

This new version of the Watcher Lighthouse still seems unable to break through the barrier of the Nothingness. Those celestial beings can still hide in the shadows and continue to rule the third war zone.

Lu Buer thought about it and thought that the Divine Ashes he mastered should come in handy at this time, but he didn't know if he could trick the lady into bed with this thing.



In the office of the First Research and Development Bureau of the Human Overwatch Army, Archbishop Reiner was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot, scratching his head and saying: "How could this be? Our program seems to be fine, the difference is that it is not offensive enough. This is like two hackers competing with each other on the Internet. It seems to be fierce, but it is actually difficult to affect each other."

The former Noah Agency has been incorporated into the First Research and Development Bureau.

Archbishop Reiner serves as the chief consultant.

Of course, he should not be called the bishop now.

He should be called Dr. Reiner.

Yuan Lie sat on the sofa and said in a deep voice: "But what we have to do now is not to fight and kill on the Internet, but to directly blow up the dog head on the opposite side along the network cable!"

Xia Yan said seriously: "Recently, the army has been complaining, and the soldiers have a lot of opinions. Since the establishment of the Human Watch Army, it has never encountered such a situation. Civilian evolutionists are fighting and killing in the land of rebirth, while the regular army is not moving. The deterrent power of the military is weakening day by day, and the soldiers will also be dissatisfied. Moreover, most people join the army for promotion resources. If we continue to suppress it like this... it's not a good thing."

The senior officers also looked at each other.

"Yes, everyone has a lot of opinions."

"Reiner, can you do it?"

"A lighthouse exploded again yesterday."

The pressure was given to Dr. Reiner, and he blushed: "The explosion of the Watcher Lighthouse cannot be considered an explosion, this is art! Can art be considered an explosion?"

There were incomprehensible words one after another.

What art is explosion.

What we are not goblins.

The office is full of a happy atmosphere inside and outside.

But this is just to adjust the atmosphere.

I saw a complex holy light matrix flickering in the void, as if it was made up of countless ancient and bright tree roots, and it was ethereal in the illusion, as if the stars were flowing.

Everyone looked at this scene and was daunted.

That was the miracle performed by Lianhua.

This is also the core program of the new version of the Watcher Lighthouse.

In the hot sun, Lianhua sat behind her desk and blew the air conditioner. Since she got freedom, she liked to dress up more and more. Her long black hair was curled into a graceful arc with a curling iron, scattered on her white jade cheeks, and her skin was glowing with porcelain white.

She rarely put on light makeup, and her cold eyebrows revealed a hint of charm, like petals flowing in spring water, with a kind of fascinating beauty.

Because it was in the office, she was dressed more formally. After taking off the black suit, she put it on the back of the chair, and the white shirt was illuminated by the sun.

She poked the pen a little irritably, staring at the Holy Radiance Matrix, and said lightly: "The current situation is that the members of the Celestial Organization are repairing the Void Matrix. As long as the Void Matrix is ​​not breached, the military cannot enter the third site."

Faced with the powerful high priest, everyone chose to shut up.

But someone also said: "If we can't break through the Void Barrier, will we just wait like this? Wait until the Celestial Organization plunders all the resources of the third site, wait until those civilian organizations, and even the Evolved Family, all join them?"

Everyone was silent.

It is obvious that the military is not a monolithic entity.

Although the Akash Holy Church is an external organization, its infiltration of the military has lasted for many years. Many people in the current army are loyal to them, and naturally they will interfere.

Faced with the split of Aurora Technology, the Akash Holy Church's response was simple.

That is, the Akash Holy Church also agreed to merge into the military!

This is really a brilliant move.

It is also really shameless.

It would rather give up some power than stabilize the overall situation.

After all, the core intention of the Akasha Holy Church is to create a world dominated by Evolvers. As for what form it takes, it doesn't matter at all. These people can act as devout and fanatical believers, or they can package themselves as peaceful and dedicated soldiers.

Lianhua frowned slightly and said nothing.

"Secretary Zhou only gave a deadline of seven days."

"There are only thirty-seven hours left."

"We need a reason for the military to stay put."

The senior officer said reluctantly.

Lianhua's voice was still cold: "Because I foresaw that if I rashly entered the third site, something would inevitably go wrong. Is this reason enough?"

The opening of the third site was originally full of conspiracy, and the prediction of the sacred wisdom body even believed that this was a drama of power struggle among Evolvers.

Human greed and ugliness will be exposed vividly.

"Can you be more specific?"

The officer asked seriously.

Lianhua fell into silence.

Because she just felt bad.

Specific reasons really couldn't be given.

At present, the deadline given by Secretary Zhou is about to expire.

Even the mother can't mediate.

Lianhua held her forehead with her hand. This was not a solution. However, the new version of the Watcher Lighthouse could not break through the barrier of the Void. It was like an endless tug-of-war.

You attack the city, he repairs the city.

You go back and forth, and no one can do anything to anyone.

Just like what Dr. Reiner said.

Unless someone can kill the other person along the network cable.

But the problem is that this is impossible.

The Celestial Organization is very powerful. Even if the Akasha Holy Church has been in power for five hundred years, it still cannot completely crush them. You must know that the latter has the power of the Tree of Life.

The senior officer exchanged glances with his companions and confirmed that the Holy High Priest did not have a good way to break through the barrier of the Celestial Organization.

In this way, the situation will be very favorable to them.

What Aurora Technology wants to prove is that the military can maintain peace without the church. On the contrary, what Akasha Holy Church wants to prove is that the military cannot do without the church.

The contradiction between the two is irreconcilable.

But the current situation is a bit unfavorable for Aurora Technology.

Lianhua was silent for a moment. In fact, she thought of using the Omega Sword to break through the barrier of the Void, but even so, it was not a long-term solution, because the Watcher Lighthouse system could not be truly upgraded, so the Tianren Organization must have a way to deal with it.

Unless the Watcher Lighthouse undergoes some kind of qualitative change, it is like implanting a virus on the Internet. As long as the hacker touches the computer, he will be poisoned and die immediately.

But where in the world is there such a poison?

After thinking about it, she felt that she should seek help from Professor Yin, but even so, she was not 100% sure, so she could only take a risk and try.

Just at this time, the door of the room opened.

The girl who looked like a secretary put the file in front of Lianhua.

That was Yuan Qing and Ai Yue in disguise.

They blinked and conveyed hints.

Lianhua has the ability to read thoughts. She does not need any extra communication. With just a casual glance, she can see through what they think and understand what they mean.

She turned around and looked at the door of the office.

Lu Sixian was eating ice cream, and a dark holy light was released, changing the appearance of the big boy in front of her.

Lu Buer, wearing a black suit, walked in with a document in his arms, looking like a capable subordinate, and said in a deep voice: "Captain Li Nuo, the method you just ordered about how to break through the barrier of the void has been studied."

The officers in the office were stunned.

Lianhua was also slightly startled.

Her clear eyes were raised and looked at his face.

Lu Buer smiled slightly.

At this time, the two of them were very close.

After Lu Buer bowed deeply, he quietly held her hand, and then pinched her cold and soft palm like a prank, as if it was a toy that she couldn't let go.

Lianhua gave him a subtle look.

Sure enough, he would take advantage of her whenever he had the chance, without any form of conduct.

But the next moment, she realized that something was wrong.

Because Lu Buer was transferring divine power into her body.

And this divine power was very different!

Lu Buer leaned down slightly, breathing in the cool fragrance from her collar, as if he was whispering something beside her. This scene made the senior officers present dumbfounded. The Holy High Priest could actually accept outsiders getting so close.

"I learned a new trick. Let me teach you to try?"

Lianhua felt the breath close to her, and her earlobes flushed at some point. The anger in her eyes became more intense: "What is it?"

Lu Buer did not answer, and the output of divine power became more and more violent.


Lianhua almost couldn't suppress a cry of surprise.

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