The edge of pure land

Chapter 320 Thunder and metal, the fate of meeting again

The golden mushroom cloud exploded in mid-air, and the shock wave swept through the ancient and majestic temple, and also shook the sphinxes on both sides of the Shinto. It was like the afterglow of dusk fell on the dilapidated ruins, and was also reflected on the crawling In the eyes of the local special sequence.

Even the sun disk entrenched in mid-air was almost overturned, and the criss-crossing holy lights in the wind and sand began to flicker and flicker, like a disturbed signal.

The air was filled with the smell of burning. After inhaling the hot smoke, the heavenly beings seemed to have been poisoned by some kind of fatal toxin. Their golden eyes were filled with blood, and there were broken golden lines on their bodies. The blood they vomited was in the air. It even carried fragments of internal organs.

There was the faint sound of grenades rolling on stone bricks.

The coughs of the heavenly beings stopped abruptly.


The fierce glow exploded, and the heavenly beings swallowed up by the explosion were like evil ghosts thrown into the sulfur hell. They screamed, melted and collapsed, and disappeared into ashes.

In the roaring sound, burning ashes flew down and passed through the thousands of rays of the scorching sun. On the broad Shinto were twitching and melting gods. Their white robes riddled with holes fell from the wind and sand, silently burying the painful screams and roars.

Out of the smoke emerged young men back to back. The two brothers held Gatling and Thomson machine guns and fired wildly. The fire from the muzzles seemed to melt the wind and sand. Every time the bullets shot out hit a heavenly being, He took away their lives easily.

The mysterious and noble heavenly beings were defeated. Some tried to launch a suicidal counterattack, while others fled into the temple in embarrassment, leaving golden blood all over the floor.

"This feels really good, He Sai."

Lu Fujihuang held a Thomson machine gun and fired: "I feel like I'm back when I broke out of the cocoon from Fengcheng, but it's much more exciting now than it was then."

He Saijiejie smiled and said: "What kind of equipment was it then, and what kind of equipment is it now? Is this the ruler of the dark side of the world five hundred years ago? Why does it look like an ordinary White Walker? I can only say, Alchemy technology is the truth of the universe!”

The two brothers were leading the way, and Lu Sixian was pushing a heavy weapon box behind. She looked as pitiful as a little match girl.

No, it's the little girl selling bombs.

Lu Sixian expressionlessly distributed the weapons and ammunition to the special orders, then jumped into the cart lightly and walked away like a little girl visiting a shopping mall.

The special forces took the weapons and ammunition from her hands in a daze, mechanically assembled and loaded the weapons, then aimed at the fleeing celestial beings and pulled the triggers.


One shot fired.

A celestial being stumbled to the ground.

Twitching and writhing, screaming to death.

This terrifying lethality shocked them all.

You must know that the vitality of evolved people is very tenacious, which is why modern weapons do not have much effect on them, because even spells are difficult to cause direct fatal damage.

Of course, this is when the level of strength is almost the same.

The Dawn Special Sequence has experienced countless battlefields. It has fought against the White Walkers on the Holy Mountain, sniped at heretics on the streets of Tokyo, and even surrounded and killed low-level Aragami in the deep sea. But there has never been a battle like this. A moment so simple.

Aim the gun and pull the trigger.

Kill with one blow.

Ai Yue's beautiful eyes widened in surprise, and she subconsciously hugged the unconscious woman in her arms tightly. There were roars of artillery fire and bullets from all directions, and the heavenly beings fell to the ground amid the roar.

The turn came too quickly.

"It's okay, as long as I'm here, my sister won't die."

Lu Fuji glanced at the unconscious stupid girl in her arms, and then threw a hot Thompson machine gun and a heavy magazine chain to her: "Stop using the Soul Blade, this thing is the real thing. . Who dares to shout in front of us again, let him know that times have changed!"

As the commander-in-chief of the Dawn Special Sequence, Zong Si recognized the weapon. It was technology from the Akashic Holy Cult, a product of the previous era, and a weapon against the Snatchers.

It’s just...when did it become so much?

A trace of emotion appeared on Zong Si's sick face. Before he could ask a question, a grenade was stuffed into his arms. The heavy emphasis made him moved.

"Throw it on target, don't blow us up."

Lu Fuji said seriously.

"Brother Lu, I already have twenty-four heads!"

Jose shouted from the front.


Lu Fuji roared: "Are you in the majority?"

"Whoever cheats is the grandson!"

"Meow, wait for me!"

The balance of the battlefield is broken.

The strength of the Celestial Organization lies in their ancient heritage and their mastery of a special ghost technique called the Order Factor, which makes them invincible on the battlefield.

The basic ability of the Order Factor is the unlimited improvement of skills. When paired with their own numerology, they can often create magical effects that turn decay into magic. They even have exclusive restraint effects that can annihilate dark matter. They can advance, attack, retreat, or defend without any fuss. No shortcomings.

Especially when facing evolvers who master the art of ghosts.

Their lethality is extremely terrifying.

This is also the reason why the Dawn special sequence suffers.

But now a weapon has emerged that subverts common sense.

That is the weapon of the God Ember series.

The Celestial Being organization originally thought that this kind of weapon was taboo in the Akasha Holy Cult. Considering that the number of weapons in existence is not very large, although it is a headache, it is not impossible to deal with it.

Who would have thought that this weapon has been upgraded.

Sniper rifles, submachine guns, rocket launchers.

Even grenades have been made.

And there are a lot of them!

What will happen next?

Nuclear bombs?

This is too scary.

The most important thing is that Lu Buer still has the sacred horn.


The sun disk trembled violently, and the walls of the temple were shining with brilliant golden light. The stones on the wide Shinto Road shook and poured out a rich glow, like a ladder to heaven.

Lu Buer felt an inexplicable resistance. He finally stopped moving forward, raised his head and looked at this ancient and majestic temple, revealing a disdainful sneer.

He Sai's footsteps also paused.

He stretched out his hand and pressed forward hard.

The void seemed to become sticky, as if it was filled with thick glue, and an inexplicable force bounced his hand back.

"A thousand-year-old turtle is worth ten thousand-year-old tortoise."

He complained: "We have to blow up this alchemical matrix."

Lu Buer looked up at the sun disk in the sky and said lightly: "If nothing unexpected happens, the core of this alchemical matrix is ​​this thing. The sacred horn has no effect on it. It seems that it can only work on living things. Let's try and see if we can blow it up."

And he also smelled a familiar smell.

The smell of a strong man.

If nothing unexpected happens, the guy who fought with him not long ago should also be in this temple. This time he will not have another chance and will definitely take him down in one go.

Kant was also frightened by the weapons held by the other party. He turned around and ordered his subordinates: "Notify Miss Chen Jing immediately and fully activate the Sun God Matrix. The leader had long expected such a situation, but since these are weapons left by the Supreme Ancestor, they will definitely not be able to resist the power of the Supreme Ancestor. I want to seize these weapons and crush them!"

The subordinates were also frightened and pale, and hurriedly said: "We can't order Miss Chen Jing, her rank is far above yours. If she orders a retreat, you have no choice."

Kant was speechless for a moment. He was given the surname of the Duat family and is now the fifth heir, but he is still far behind in terms of status.

Now in the Tianren Organization, Chen Jing's position as the heir is unshakable, even if she is not fully trusted yet, but that is another matter.

"Even if we have to withdraw, we must destroy the temple."

Kant gritted his teeth and said, "This secret cannot be left to the military!"

The white-robed people were pale. When they thought about the secret hidden in the Karnak Temple being exposed to the world, they could not control their fear and realized the seriousness of the problem.

There was a loud bang.

The sun disk in the sky trembled violently, as if absorbing the energy of the sun, reflecting a noble and majestic shadow, like a god.

It was like the sun rising.

When the sun disk lit up, the desert became dark, as if absorbing the light from the world, and only the noble and majestic shadow became brighter.

It is said that during the New Kingdom of Ancient Egypt, the pharaoh and his subjects came to the temple every morning to greet the rising of the sun and welcome their gods to wake up from their sleep.

The name of that god was Amon.

Amon was a name compiled by later generations.

In the most ancient times, His name was Ra.

Ra, the sun god.

"The Sun God Matrix is ​​activated!"

"Miss Chen Jing didn't choose to retreat?"

"This is the heir of the Tianren Organization. We will not compromise with ants!"

The sun's light fell on the ancient obelisks, and the refracted light shone through the darkness and climbed to the heights. The dilapidated pillars were dyed a mysterious crimson, and the light was projected on the temple of Ramses II. The sphinxes on both sides of the sacred road were also illuminated. The pharaoh statue under the sculpture actually closed his eyes and dared not look directly at the glory of the gods.

Zong Si and Ai Yue realized that the entire Karnak Temple was a huge alchemical matrix, but no one had discovered its clues for thousands of years.

Whether it was the archaeologists of later generations.

Or those alchemical mechanics who entered the land of the afterlife to explore.

They all missed this secret from ancient times!

"I declare in the name of the 34th generation of celestial beings."

A woman's voice sounded in the Karnak Temple, her voice mysterious and ethereal as if it came from the vast ancient times: "- Kill all evil and eliminate the enemies!"

In the deepest part of the temple, Chen Jing, wearing the white robe she hated the most, sat in the center of the elders, and the golden lotus matrix lit up under her body, swirling and flowing.

The development of things was beyond her expectations.

I didn't expect that man to be really capable.

He actually got so many divine ember bombs at one time.

This disrupted her plan.

For this reason, Chen Jing could only pay a higher price to awaken the sun god matrix in the temple, giving him more pressure, forcing him to fight the enemy with his own strength.

I just hope he can recognize me.

Recognize her new destiny!

With a boom.

On the wide Shinto, Lu Buer was enveloped by a majestic magnetic field, and the destiny sleeping in his body suddenly woke up, as if the memory sealed in the deepest part was touched.

"Wait, this is numerology?"

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