The edge of pure land

Chapter 324 The thing is old, creak, open the door

Kanter led the team deeper underground, and the scene illuminated by fire became more and more terrifying. The walls made of huge stones were actually embedded with decaying corpses. They didn't know how many years they had been dead, but they looked like It is sealed like a fossil.

This was originally a city, but it sank deep into the desert, so there were collapsed buildings everywhere, eventually forming an intricate maze.

There were many broken bronzes along the way. Although they were almost broken, the fragments were still intact, and exquisite and vivid animals and plants could be vaguely seen.

"The civilization of ancient Egypt is divided into many periods, spanning thousands of years of history. At the earliest, our great supreme ancestors came to this land and established glorious gods on both sides of the Nile River. At that time, our ancestors were Gods, and we are the descendants of the gods.”

Although Kanter was afraid, he was also a little proud when he came to this underground ruins: "At that time, we enslaved all the people, were worshiped by the world, and were as high as gods. It can be said that after solving the problems of the gods, our The world has entered a new era. We enjoy rights, but we also fulfill our obligations... Without our protection, how could stupid mortals survive to this day? Who taught them how to grow crops, and who taught them how to farm? Their laws? Who drives the advancement of technology?”

He licked his lips: "Not to mention, our ancient Egyptian gods shouldered the mission of guarding the third station and fought against the corrupt god of death for generations. The ancients once said that the great god was like a man from the underworld. The returning undead wander among the reeds... He is the world-destroying Apophis, the source of disaster everywhere and the end of all disasters."

The firelight illuminated the dark depths of the ruins.

The image of a dog-headed human body is branded in front of the huge collapsed stone door.

It is Anubis in ancient Egyptian mythology and legend.

"We're at the cemetery."

Kanter said seriously.

"How do you know this is a cemetery?"

Someone asked curiously.

In the depths of darkness, Chen Jing rolled her eyes. As expected, not all of the Tianren Organization were knowledgeable people. There were still people who didn't understand what even she knew.

In fact, this common fallacy appears in many movies with ancient Egyptian cultural background. In order to present majestic scenes, the director team often shoots some pharaoh's palaces and temples, next to the huge obelisk and Anubis. sculpture.

This is very funny.

First of all, the obelisk is dedicated to the sun god.

That is the legendary sun god Ra.

In real history, His identity is the first generation of heavenly beings.

The Sun God is just a pseudonym left by Him.

And the sculpture of Anubis next to the palace is even more hilarious.

Because Anubis is the god of death.

Just like the emperor in the East placed the statue of Lord Yama at the entrance of the palace.

In the history of ancient Egypt, the image of Anubis often only appeared in tombs, so as long as you see the image of a dog-headed human body, you will know that you have arrived at the cemetery.

The ancient Egyptians were a very strict race.

No one is kidding about this.

"This Kanter said that the decline of ancient Egyptian civilization was not due to foreign invasion, but because of a strange epidemic? According to him, there are still some sick pharaohs buried here who are still alive even after thousands of years. possible? That’s ridiculous.”

Chen Jing murmured quietly: "No, it's possible."

She thought of something.

Time cocoon!

Chen Jing is not a cocoon breaker, and she is not very impressed by that thing, but she has also studied it out of curiosity. The so-called cocoon worm is a companion product of the Tree of Life.

The appearance is actually like the scarab beetle worshiped in ancient Egypt.

To put it simply, they are dung beetles.

This means that humans have misunderstood the ancient Egyptian culture, mistaking the cocoons for scarabs, thus missing the opportunity to interpret the civilization of the gods.

"If it's a cocoon, it can indeed protect the body to a certain extent. This is probably a point that has not been mentioned in ancient Egyptian civilization... Well, it seems that Kanter is not a fool. I know how to catch him and beat him up." Chen Jing hid behind the broken pillar and continued to eavesdrop on the conversation of these heavenly beings.

No wonder the Celestial Being Organization attaches so much importance to the Duat family.

The first thing he did after coming to Egypt was to call them back.

The underworld in ancient Egyptian culture was called Duat.

This family may be hiding some dark secrets.

"In the ancient Egyptian civilization, the place we are in was already called the underworld. The dimension here is very special and is protected by the alchemical matrix. I have to tell you a few rules here... First, don't let anyone in the tomb chamber People smell the breath of the living. Second, don't break the mummy's shroud. Third, if you hear anything, don't look at the dead. Quasi tomb robber."

Kanter said in a deep voice: "Do you understand?"

The gods looked at each other.

It is understandable that tomb robbers are not allowed, because some old objects in the tomb may be composed of the alchemical matrix. Once removed, it may cause the matrix to collapse.

The rice dumplings in ancient Eastern legends are actually just like this. It is most likely that the ancient beings who swallowed the cocoons were sleeping in the alchemical matrix, but were awakened by a group of tomb robbers. I was confused, but I didn't expect that even my clothes were taken off.

But the question is why are the first few items?

"You don't understand that the seals on humans or evolved people in ancient times were not perfect... Today's cocoon breakers can wake up from the cocoon intact. That is because of the contributions of the leaders of the previous generation of heavenly beings, that is, that To a rebellious couple.”

When it comes to the leaders of the previous generation, Kanter's face is not good-looking: "Although they have no faith and are shameful betrayers, it is undeniable that their skills are excellent. But in ancient times, there were not such good technical conditions, and they swallowed the cocoon of time. In the future, other things will be needed to assist... This is how mummies appeared. From ancient times to the present, human beings have never stopped pursuing immortality."

The gods suddenly realized. They looked at the dilapidated ruins in the darkness, felt the depth and coldness of the underground, examined the dilapidated sculptures among the broken walls, and the dog-headed gods carved on the tomb door. Suddenly, I felt a shiver.

It's like being in a desolate underworld.

It's like being in hell.

"We are all living people, but we have the sun disk in our hands, and the blazing energy can isolate their perception. There are exactly eight of us, and the energy is stable enough. If there is one more, it will be difficult to say." Kanter took a deep breath and recited an ancient mantra in a low voice.

When the ancient spell echoed in the silence, Chen Jing in the depths of darkness hesitated to speak, because it was obvious that she was also a living person, and she was the ninth person.


In the more hidden darkness, Lu Fuji, who was quietly chasing after him, was also stunned. If he guessed correctly, he was the tenth person in this cemetery.

In fact, it is not easy to find this secret passage. First of all, its location in reality is very difficult to find. You need to turn the scarab in the temple and turn it to the right position, just to let the sun shine. Just fall on it.

The sculpture of the rotating scarab is not finished yet. The entrance is actually in the holy lake. It seems that the lake is not deep, but after jumping in, we found that it is bottomless.

Ordinary people simply cannot reach the end.

The reason Lu Fuji was able to successfully reach this underground temple buried underground was probably because the power he possessed was recognized by the alchemical matrix.

He was convinced.

The celestial being who fought with him also followed.

But obviously not in Kanter's team.

Lu Buer didn't care what was in the tomb, he just wanted to confirm who that person was, and for this he didn't even have time to sacrifice the dead gods.


Kanter was speaking ancient Egyptian, a lost language.

I saw golden formations lighting up in the dilapidated ruins, lighting up the darkness like sunlight. The door of the tomb opened with trembling, and the floating ash shook off.

As the door of the tomb opened, the thick gray mist poured out like a demon, and the sharp wind sound was like a weird grin, spitting in front of the heavenly beings.

Fortunately, Kanter raised his hand and broke through the gray fog with a golden flame. With a wave of his hand, he led his men into the tomb chamber. His cautious movements happened to be a group of tomb robbers.

They were still shocked when the firelight illuminated the tomb.

Because the tomb turned out to be a pyramid-like structure, but the building materials used were not cut boulders, but magnificent gold!

The brilliance of gold blinded them.

How much money can be exchanged for so much gold?

How many resources can be exchanged for?

no one knows.

The heavenly beings are all selected through hard training and have a certain degree of restraint over worldly wealth. After all, they were once the rulers of the world. Naturally, they will not waste money on gold and silver treasures like a group of gold miners who have never seen the world. saliva.

What really shocked them was the golden coffin in the tomb.

The ground in the tomb is gilded with a lotus pattern, which symbolizes lust in ancient Egyptian culture, but is proof of eternal life in the civilization of gods.

The golden coffins were neatly arranged around the lotus pattern. The lid of the coffin was actually opened, and a putrid smell came out, which was disgusting.

The scariest thing is that there are handprints on the coffin lid.

As we all know, gold is relatively soft.

The power of the ancient gods can easily leave traces on gold.

That handprint looked like it was not left by an outsider.

It was left behind by the person in the coffin from the inside out!

The gods looked at each other.

This means that in the long history, these ancient people who were buried deep in the earth have all woken up for a period of time and tried to resurrect from their coffins!

Kanter breathed a sigh of relief and said with relief: "It's okay, we are worrying too much. People in ancient times would also experience instability when swallowing cocoons, but because they are already evolved, they don't They will become ghosts. What really makes them terrifying is the disease they suffered from during their lifetime. Our mission is to take the samples and destroy them. Fortunately, these ancient people will survive. There are no signs of recovery.”

But the heavenly beings said suspiciously: "Sir, there is something we can't figure out. Since the person is suffering from the epidemic, why not just let him die? Instead, protect him?"

There was a snap.

The god was slapped.

Kanter said with anger: "What do you know? Don't say such disrespectful words in front of seniors! People are dying for us these days! Do you know that in that era, no one could stop that? A terrible epidemic... the only way is to let those ancient heavenly beings make sacrifices, let them eat their own kind, seal the disease in their bodies, and then be mummified and sealed here. "

The gods were stunned. They didn't expect that in the distant ancient Egypt, there was such an unknown history. There was a trace of sadness in the cruelty.

"Once the heavenly beings truly die, the disease will escape from their bodies and then be transferred to other people. The only way is to keep the host of the disease in a state of half-life and half-death, just like Schrödinger's cat ”

Kanter said in a deep voice: "Now the changes in the third site have made the ancestors wary. This is the responsibility of our heavenly organization and we must not take it lightly. The epidemic back then was too weird. After so many years, we We must face the nightmare of the past again. Once this epidemic reappears, our world will slide into the abyss!”

The gods immediately bowed their heads: "I understand!"

In the darkness, Chen Jing narrowed her eyes, and a flash of realization flashed in her soft eyes. She didn't feel that the Tianren organization was a good bird at present, but the position of this group of people was indeed unquestionable.

"No wonder Master Miejie is so cautious. It turns out that the ancestors of this group of people suffered great losses in Egypt. So what exactly is this weird disease? Does it have something to do with the Corrupt God of Death? Fortunately, I am smart, otherwise I won't wait until that guy comes. I might suffer a big loss in the future.”

Chen Jing leaned against the pillar with her arms folded and continued to peek.

At this moment, she suddenly felt a crisis.

It's like a cold wind passing by.

It's like a sinister laugh again.

"Get your tools ready and we'll collect samples."

Kanter and his men took off their backpacks and started preparing tools.

It was at this time that the tenth man in the tomb couldn't hold himself any longer.

Because Lu Buer saw with open eyes, a pale arm wrapped in a shroud suddenly appeared from a golden coffin, reaching towards the people these days.

It just so happens that people don't notice it these days.

In the golden coffin, a pale mummy suddenly stood up, its withered body twisted violently, making a terrifying sound like broken bones.

The shroud wrapped tightly around His face.

There was only a pair of terrifying eyes, with a hint of horror in the dead silence.

Because of the corruption of the God of Death, Lu Fuji almost became stressed when he saw the mummy, but this group of heavenly beings acted like fools and ignored him, so anxious that he even wanted to remind him.

But at that moment, he heard another voice.

"Hey, you...didn't you see anything?"

It was a trembling voice.

Chen Jing, who was hiding in the darkness, finally couldn't help but remind her loudly. It was at this moment that the smell of a living person on her body came out, and she was noticed by the mummy in the coffin.

Just for a moment.

It's like the frames of a movie are out of order.

It’s like the images recorded on tape are distorted.

Time and space seemed to turn into black and white.

The mummy in the golden coffin climbed out of the coffin in an inhuman and weird posture, and came to the girl in an instant, letting out a scream!


The terrifying death air spurted out and was isolated by the powerful magnetic field.

Her long crimson hair fell down like a rose.

At that moment, Lu Fuji's mind went blank.

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