The edge of pure land

Chapter 35 Lu Fuji: I want your ability

When Qiangwei hit the iron railing, the dwarfs had already swarmed over her and put daggers to her eyebrows and throat, damaging her heart and spleen.

Barron suddenly turned around, revealing a ferocious smile under his lifted hood, his white teeth flashing with a hint of coldness.

I saw him growling: "If you don't want her to die, put down the gun!"

A revolver was aimed at his head.

Lu Fuji kept raising his gun and aiming, and said expressionlessly: "Please make it clear, the person you are holding hostage is obviously her, why should you ask me to put down the gun?"

Bang bang bang!

Two shots in the heart and one in the head.

But Barron's body made a sound like metal colliding. He was only knocked back half a step and growled: "You ignorant lackeys, don't you have any way to survive?"

Lu Fuji was startled, what's going on with this guy!

With a bang, the four dwarfs were blasted away.

As a judge of the second realm, Qiangwei would certainly not be taken down so easily. She saw raging steam bursting out from her whole body. After shaking off the enemy, she clasped her hands with her ten fingers intertwined, and a boiling energy condensed in the gaps in her palms. The white steam is ready to go!

Technique·Steam Cannon!

This is the exclusive ability of the evolvers of the Glory World, the advancement of numerology, and the power of magic.

Just hearing a loud noise, Barron was blasted into the wooden house!

"Be careful, that guy is weird."

The dark matter in the palm of Lu Fuji's right hand was beating wildly, which was obviously a desire to eat.

"Are I so unattractive? Why don't you save me?"

Qiangwei's plump chest rose and fell slightly. She turned around and looked at the four dwarfs who had been blown away. She saw them getting up like evil ghosts, and the bones all over their bodies were making explosive noises.

The skin burned by the steam was healing quickly.

"No, no, no, I believe in your strength and charm."

Lu Buer said casually: "Come on, you are the best!"


Qiangwei became obviously cautious: "These guys are indeed not simple."

Suddenly, the wooden house exploded again, and Barron flew with a kick at an astonishing speed!

Lu Buer was hit in the chest and was blown away into a garbage dump on the spot. He didn't know whether he was alive or dead.

Qiangwei's quick eyesight and quick hands blocked the punch that was thrown at her, but she was shaken back half a step by a force of brute force. Four dwarfs immediately pounced on her like wild dogs and launched a siege!

At this moment, she finally saw clearly.

After Barron's gray robe was blown away, his completely decomposed body was revealed, but for some reason his body surface became abnormally hard, and the skin burned by the steam was healing rapidly.

Thinking of the clues Lu Fuji had submitted before, she was suddenly shocked.

"Corpse Eater Cultist!"

The characteristic of corpse-eating cultists is half-body rot!

No wonder this guy wants to hide, it turns out he is not clean.

"It seems that you are not an ordinary hunting dog. Those liars sent you to silence them, right?" Barron had a crazy grin on his face. He rushed forward to bite and scratch like a wild beast, even though every blow he made was blocked. When he came back, his mood became even more crazy.

"Unfortunately, I am no longer what I used to be."

He roared: "I have gained the power of God!"

Dark blood vessels flowed on his body surface, making his body stronger.

"You actually implanted dark matter into your body? A bunch of lunatics, insane!" Qiangwei had already pulled out the dagger and hit the enemy's vital points continuously, but the sharp blade could not cut through the skin of these guys, and could only spatter a series of futile Dense Mars.

Instead, the dwarfs moved deftly and punched her from time to time.

It made her inexplicably annoyed.

However, in the garbage dump, Lu Fuji seemed to hear someone scolding him.

Barron's kick just now was at least at the level of the first realm.

The accumulation of life energy definitely exceeds fifty percent.

And there is the blessing of dark matter.

Well, dark matter.

Lu Fuji was originally worried that he could not find a new ghost to devour.

It's better now, you delivered it to your door yourself!

I saw the sound of beast-like breathing and heartbeats in the garbage pile.

Rose and Barron were both surprised.

That guy is not dead!

Lu Fuji opened his golden eyes and attacked like a beast that broke out of its cage!

Left hook, right swing!

Knee top, leg sweep!

The four dwarfs were once again thrown away by a force of brute force.

Just as Qiangwei was knocked back by the oncoming punch, she saw the boy suffering from the Holy Riot syndrome passing by her, his breathing and heartbeat like thunder.

"Be careful, you are no match for him!"

Qiangwei exclaimed!

"What a soldier who overestimates his capabilities. You are only worthy of cleaning up those mindless White Walkers on the front line!" Barron faced the charging young man and punched out his iron fist again, and a surge of power surged out.

His numerology is, strong!

In a fleeting moment, Lu Fuji's pupils were filled with violent arcs of electricity, and blue lightning flashed all over his body. He leaned over at an astonishing speed to dodge the fist that hit his face, and his body was filled with energy. The long-lasting uppercut was suddenly thrown out, and the wind of the fist exploded!

This was the first time he used numerology in actual combat.

As for his numerology, the biggest feature currently is his unimaginable explosive power!


Barron's jaw was shattered on the spot, and his whole body flew backwards, smashing into the collapsed cabin behind again. Thick dust was splashed out, and smoke was everywhere.

This scene stunned Qiangwei.


She lost her voice and said: "Is it still the thunder type?"

It was a pity that Lu Fuji couldn't appreciate her shocked expression. He was already suffering from Holy Riot Syndrome, and coupled with the influence of numerology on his personality, he had completely lost his mind.

At this moment, it was as if he was possessed by the original family, and there were only three words in his mind.

Charge, kill, do it!

Lu Fuji suddenly ran out, leaving only a series of flashing arcs.

Before the arc was extinguished, he had already jumped into the ruins.

Barron rolled in pain, and his broken jaw was quickly repaired in a short period of time. The moment he regained consciousness, he saw the boy coming over with lightning flashes, holding two bricks in his hands.

He changed his arrogance just now, turned around and ran away!

Of course, the deer will not give up on the prey that is close at hand, and will chase after it.


Just as Qiangwei wanted to chase after her, she found that the four dwarfs around her got up again.

A calm command came from the earphone: "Don't worry, leave Lu Fuji to us. You are responsible for taking care of the four dwarfs around you, and you must capture them alive. Do you understand?"

The incident happened suddenly. I thought I was just here to bring a witness today, but I didn't expect to find the heretic they were looking for directly. The nature of the mission was completely different.

Qiangwei hummed.

Now that the commander has spoken, she can rest assured.



Barron was on all fours running wildly on the ground. Half of his body was rotten, and the other half had dark blood vessels protruding from it. He didn't look like a human being at all, but like some kind of animal.

When he rushed out from the corner, the vendors in the black market were startled.

"Damn it, there's a monster!"

"This is a fucking White Walker. It's rare and strange...wait, White Walker?"

"Ah, help! Go to the top and report it!"

Bricks flew from mid-air, hit the monster on the back of the head, and shattered into pieces.

Barron roared to the sky and continued to run away.

I saw this monster jumping repeatedly across various stalls and running fast.

With a bang, the trash can was knocked over into the air.

Lu Fuji drifted and turned on the muddy ground, stepping on the wall and bursting out at astonishing speed again, like a fleeting blue shadow, setting off a howling wind.

The black market vendors were once again stunned.

Especially Lao Zhang, who was waiting at the stall, his hair was messed up by two strong winds in succession, and his whole person was sluggish. He never thought that the battle between evolutionaries would be so amazing.

The fat-headed snake who was receiving treatment almost peeed in fear.

Fortunately, he knows what's interesting.

Otherwise, at his speed, all the bones in his body would fall apart if he was hit.

On the road in the underground neighborhood, the truck transporting goods was still driving smoothly, and two figures were seen overtaking the vehicle at a high speed, one after the other. The driver was so scared that his legs broke out.

Lu Fuji still couldn't catch up with the opponent in his bloody rage, so he casually pulled up a synthetic meat vendor's stall support and threw it towards the fleeing figure in front of him.

With a whooshing sound, the steel pipe was thrown with great force and force, and the steel pipe flew through the air and penetrated Barron's lower abdomen!

This is the advantage of explosive power, which can penetrate even the hardened body.


The vendor's synthetic meat stall also collapsed, and a pile of meat was scattered on the ground.

Lu Buer gave chase without even looking at him. When he disappeared, a merit ticket with a face value of twenty fell from the air and landed in front of the merchant who was about to collapse and cry.

The merchant was so sad that his lips were grinning from ear to ear.

Because this is money that he can’t earn in half a month.

"It seemed like the military master was chasing the criminal just now, right?"

The vendor next door said: "It seems a little uneasy recently."

This kind of thing happens often in underground neighborhoods, and they are not surprised by it.

When gods fight, ordinary people suffer.

If someone knocks over your stall, it would be nice if they don't pick on you afterwards.

After all, if I forcefully accuse you of obstructing official business, you won't be able to defend yourself.

As for your loss, just bear with it.

However, this was the first time that the synthetic meat vendor saw a military man who was willing to pay compensation.

When Lu Fujiu caught up with him, Barron had already escaped to the elevator.

He had already pulled out the steel pipe, and the bloody hole on his lower abdomen was shocking.

Barron has become unrecognizable at this moment. His face is covered with dark blood vessels, his eyes are as deep as ink, and half of his rotten body exudes a stench. It seems that he is no longer a human being and thinks of himself as a white ghost. , or beast.

A terrifying force is transforming him!

He seemed to want to delay time and shouted: "Do you want to know about me..."


Lu Buer came through the air in one step, grabbed the guy's brain and smashed it against the wall!

This hit Barron stunned, even though his hardened head was still buzzing.

This guy actually doesn't follow the rules.

Who is the crazy person, you or me?

However, his healing ability was still very strong, and he regained consciousness in an instant, roaring: "Don't think that I am the same as my adoptive father! The old man is just cannon fodder to create an army of White Walkers outside! The power I control , more perfect than him!"

If it was Lu Fuji under normal conditions, he would definitely start analyzing.

It turns out that the Corpse Food Cult has activities inside and outside the city.

The original mission of the old priest was to create more ghosts in the land of the dead.

But now that time is tight and tasks are heavy, he is too lazy to think.

There was only one thought in his mind...

"You will all die and this city will be buried."

Barron struggled to get up, intending to use brute force to overwhelm the crazy young man in front of him: "False gods, liars, and tyrants will all be punished by equal death! Ah, may the great nest of creation protect me and grant me The power of my rotten ghost has completed my evolution!"

At this moment, his body surface became harder and harder, and his healing speed became faster.

The bloody hole in my lower abdomen is almost healed!

However, at this moment, the claws tore open the wound again.

Lu Fuji's right hand penetrated along the wound on his lower abdomen.

The boy's hoarse voice echoed in the beast-like breathing and heartbeat.

"Ah, may the great Mother's Nest of Creation protect you and grant you the power of a dead ghost."

Lu Fuji paused: "Help me...complete my evolution."

I like your abilities very much.

But now, it's mine!

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