The edge of pure land

Chapter 347 Because I am his

In the trembling hall, floating ashes shook off.

It wasn't until the dust was sprinkled on Aman's face that she raised her head expressionlessly, glanced at her student fiercely, and then looked at the two thugs at the gate.

I can't take my eyes away anymore.

At that moment, she raised her right hand, and a breeze suddenly blew up from the negotiating table. The wind was not loud but had a whistling momentum, faintly revealing the sharpness of a blade.

There was a click.

The mask Lu Fuji wore on his face shattered, and the wind blew his forehead, revealing his fierce golden eyes and his arrogant face.

This level of attack was not fatal, and Medanzo didn't help him block it. After all, even he himself didn't block or dodge, allowing the mask on his face to be torn apart by the strong wind.

There was an uproar at the negotiating table.

"What a hell."

Zhou Zhu pretended to be surprised and murmured.

Peng Xianzhi didn't know what expression she should make. She regretted not taking an acting elective when she was in school. She couldn't pretend to be in tears or shocked and lost her voice. In the end, she could only pick up a teacup and drink water to hide her emotions. Awkward.

As for the expressions of everyone in the military department, it was even more exciting.

Yuanze had expected it, so he acted fairly calmly. He was just a little surprised why this guy dared to come to the Tianren Organization to cause trouble. In theory, he should have hidden himself.

But who can guess Lu Fuji’s brain circuit?

Especially since Metanzo was still standing behind him.

All I can say is that luckily Longque is dead.

Otherwise, these three people would be basically invincible together.

Then the projection screen fluctuated violently, and the elders at the negotiation table immediately reacted to the huge shock and quickly turned their heads to look over, their eyes trembling.

Because in the ward on the high tower, Elder Helmut's eyes reflected the tree of life that was gradually dimming in the night sky, and the sun pattern on his chest suddenly extinguished, like a device that had exhausted its energy. Still no response.

And he also realized that he had lost the protection of the Sun God Matrix. When the coldness from his back hit the back of his head from his spine, it was already too late.

Yin Hao was already standing behind him, and his withered right hand suddenly slapped his Tianling Cap. This scene was like a virtuous monk slapping a possessed demon with his palm, full of momentum!

"Thank you for giving me this opportunity."

The old professor said coldly: "I want your memory!"


The projection suddenly went out.

No one knows what will happen next.

But it seems like everyone knows what's going to happen next.

It seemed that this was the moment that Yin Hao was waiting for. When the fifth elder lost the protection of the Sun God Matrix, he used the long-prepared blow to break the embankment and fight back.

He wasn't trying to kill anyone.

It's about stealing each other's secrets.

And only he can do this.

Because Yin Hao is the spiritual evolver of the ninth crown realm!

At this time, the elders finally couldn't sit still anymore. They stood up one after another, and their expressions changed greatly: "This is impossible, this is absolutely impossible! How could our deduction go wrong!"

The elders are so old that they have become experts. They have predicted this unexpected situation, but they are still confident. That is because of their absolute confidence in their strength.

Of course, there is the most important point.

That is a monopoly on technology.

The Word is in their hands.

Although Metazord is powerful, what he does is also self-destructive. He does combine the immortal body and the order factor. However, he also has to endure the conflict between two mutually exclusive forces. This problem is solved But even if he returns to the top, there is nothing to be afraid of.

After all, he will destroy himself sooner or later.

The Celestial Being Organization never thought that Metanzo and Lu Fuji would come.

It's no use coming.

But it turns out, it works.

Really useful.

This is what is called one careless move and the whole game is lost.

The most important thing is that the six backbones of the Heavenly Punishment Department who guarded the Tree of Life failed to stop Metanzo. Logically speaking, this should not be done unless they made a serious mistake.

Only Aman vaguely guessed what was going on, but at this moment the emotional pain she had suffered surged up like a tide, and the dead memories suddenly attacked her, and she had lost her mind.

"How dare you come back."

She gritted her teeth and said, "How dare you come here!"

A large number of heavenly beings gathered and blocked the entrance of the palace.

In front of everyone, Medanzo did not shy away from the past, and calmly spread his hands: "It has been so long, why do you still hate me so much? This woman is indeed a vengeful creature, but I didn't It also helped you eliminate your competitors and help you secure your position as leader? Adults, who talks about feelings all day long?"

He sighed faintly: "You are just too stubborn, Aman."

Lu Fuji shrugged and didn't care whether the enemy behind him would make a sneak attack. He just watched the show between the mistress and the scumbag and thought it was really interesting.

Aman was silent for a second, forcing herself to stay calm. At this moment, she also realized that the recovery of the Tree of Life had been terminated. She looked at the rain of golden light outside the gate, and in a very complicated tone, she bit He said with his teeth: "Medanzuo, have you awakened...the Divine Ember Technique?"

Lu Fuji silently glanced at the man beside him.

Metanzo felt like he had been shot in the heart. He could only say that the revenge of his old lover was indeed cruel and it hit him where it hurts. However, in this situation, it was impossible for him to tell the truth, so he forced a smile and said: "God's Ember Technique, is that difficult?"

The elders could no longer contain their anger, and said with stern voices: "Medanzo, what exactly do you want to do? Do you really want to kill everyone?"

You must know that the organization of heavenly beings is not afraid of any individual in this world.

Even if it's Metanzo, they can destroy it at all costs.

"Old man, don't be so excited. I'm not here to cause damage today, nor to steal things, nor to kill people or steal people. Although I have done these things... but the protagonist today is really not me. , I’m just a worker.”

Medanzo clapped his hands, stepped back half a step to let the young man beside him out, and introduced with a slight smile: "Look clearly, the person standing in front of you is... a former major of the Human Watch Army, the person with the shortest training time in human history. The five majestic realms, the most powerful evolver in history, the most talented human individual before and after the new era, the controller of the immortal body and the order factor, the young man who has the most hope of being crowned the sacred monarch in the past hundred years, the number one in the Tower of Babel Enemy. Lu Zhe and An Xian’s child, Li Nuo’s boyfriend, Long Que’s good brother… and my boss.”

He paused: "I'm here to take him home."

What is home?

Of course it's the Celestial Being Organization.

Lu Zhe and An Xian were once the leaders of the Tianren Organization.

So of course the Tianren Organization is Lu Buer’s home.

Regardless of whether his parents betrayed the organization or not.

It was precisely these words that completely angered the Council of Elders.

"No, that's impossible!"

An elder representative stood up and said angrily: "We don't welcome the traitor's children. What qualifications does he have to call this place home? What qualifications does he have to practice the order factor? He should be executed, not stand here. !”

As soon as he finished speaking, his anger became more intense, as if he was about to break through the Heavenly Spirit Cap at any time: "No, Holy Word! You have all practiced the Holy Word, who gave this to you? After all, he is leaking the secret! You are not qualified to practice the Holy Word, you Not qualified at all!”

The momentum of the elders became turbulent, like a group of vampires crawling out of the coffin, releasing their murderous intent and madness.

At this moment, a soft voice sounded.

"He's certainly qualified."

Lianhua, who had always remained silent, finally raised her beautiful eyes.

On the opposite side of the negotiation table, Chen Jing suddenly stood up and gently took off his mask, revealing his beautiful face that was noble and proud, with a head of dark red hair falling down.

"Throughout the tens of thousands of years of the Celestial Being Organization's history, it has never been clearly stated that the children of traitors have no inheritance rights. His return here is his freedom. He is qualified to come back and to stand here. Because of his holy words, I gave it to him."

Chen Jing smiled, her smile like a delicate flower shining in the water, as if shining in the night: "I know, you may want to know why this is, after all, privately teaching the Holy Word within the organization is a serious sin. But it is a pity that from beginning to end, I am all his...only his."

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