The edge of pure land

Chapter 358 Xia Zhu

Each huge sculpture in this dark hall is controlled by the consciousness of a superior senator. Sometimes they communicate in modern languages, but sometimes they also use languages ​​that are so ancient that they have been lost, giving people a sense of A feeling of inscrutability.

Chen Jing knows that they are just a group of old guys sleeping in a dormant warehouse. The difference is that some people have survived for a long time, have gone through countless dynasty changes, and have a deep foundation of knowledge and experience, but they may not be as strong in terms of strength. Not that amazing.

After being comforted by Master Miejie, her mood became much more stable. As long as her emotions were not erased, she could still accept some arrangements from the organization.

After all, it was all for that man.

Life is not easy, the bad woman sighs.

Next, Aman, as the leader of this generation of Celestial Beings, finally spoke: "I would like to ask all the superiors, what do you think about the speech of Horus, the last god king of ancient Egypt, after he awakened? That terrible disaster that year , is it related to the Council of Elders?”

The sculptures in the darkness fell into silence.

The gods looked at each other, and the elders were silent.

Finally, a sculpture made a voice: "Aman, you have to understand that even if there was something wrong with the Elders Council back then, no one would be able to survive until now. Otherwise, how could we even have the evolutionary system buried? I do not know?"

Aman fell into silence, it was indeed true.

The Council of Elders in ancient Egypt was actually very famous in history.

That is the most famous nine-pillar god in ancient Egyptian mythology.

Their status is even higher than that of the God-King.

But the Senate is also divided into superiors and subordinates.

There are only five members of the Superior Council of Elders.

The sun god Ra.

Shu, the god of air, and Tefnut, the god of lakes.

Geb, the god of earth, and Nut, the god of sky.

There are four members of the Lower Council of Elders.

Osiris, Isis, Seth, Nephthys.

Of course Chen Jing knew this very well, but what really made her feel strange was that there was the legendary sun god Ra in the superior council of elders in ancient Egypt.

Another identity of the Sun God is the Supreme Ancestor.

The civilization of ancient Egypt was established by him.

This is no problem.


According to the timeline, the Supreme Ancestor created glorious celestial and human civilizations in the birthplaces of the four ancient countries, but there are only a few records about him.

However, many estimates in the Celestial Organization's database have mentioned that the Supreme Ancestor disappeared not long after he ended the Celestial Civilization.

However, there are also some ancient books that mention the deeds of this supreme ancestor in ancient Egypt. This is obviously logically contradictory.

The scholars of the Celestial Being Organization are very strict about historical records, and they will never talk nonsense if there is no basis. Therefore, there is a debate between two groups on this point.

"But judging from the experience of the journey to the underworld, Thoth, as the god of wisdom in ancient Egypt, is in charge of civilization and knowledge. If the supreme ancestor has not disappeared, it means that the first five of the Nine Pillars of God have Having been active in this land, he should not know the truth about the fall of the Celestial Civilization. But it is obvious that in Toth's knowledge, history has been eradicated. "

Chen Jing thought to himself: "From this point of view, either the Supreme Ancestor concealed the truth of this matter, or the Supreme Ancestor was no longer around at that time."

But this still couldn't explain why there were two completely different records in the database of the Tianren Organization, so she decided to use the key of the God of Wisdom to unlock more information in the database through advanced permissions, and maybe she could find the answer.

The huge sculpture spoke again: "As long as someone can complete the sacred mission, we will be able to restore the clues of the matter through real history. Therefore, I think we can make reasonable punishments for the first heir in the organization. ”

The gentle voice of the third elder sounded: "Confined to reflect on the past, and start the ancient trial ceremony. During this period, we must continue to consolidate the numerology and move towards the seventh rational world."

The second elder's suppressed angry voice sounded: "During this period, contact with the outside world is prohibited. Before she proves her loyalty and talent, we will not teach her the next volume of the Holy Word. If it turns out that our first heir is insufficient If you can shoulder this mission, then change someone!”

Chen Jing was actually quite surprised by this punishment. Fortunately, it was just a confinement trial, and she just couldn't see the man for a few days.

As for the punishment of suspending the teaching of the Holy Word, she had already anticipated it.

After all, there are other heirs in the organization competing with her.

She is so deviant and will definitely affect the choices of the elders.

"we accept."

Aman said lightly.

Chen Jing caught a glimpse of the smile on the woman's lips from the corner of her eye. She suddenly realized that the matter was not simple. This punishment seemed to be intentional.

Master Miejie deliberately wanted to confine her!

But Chen Jing did not feel any malice. After all, although this woman's character was indeed very bad, she was really kind to her during this period and was sincerely devoted to her.

That's why she felt strange.

In fact, Aman did it on purpose. Many things that happened today had a great impact on her, so much so that she lost control of her emotions.

For example, seeing that damn scumbag again.

For example, students who have been carefully cultivated seem to be following their own old path.

But in the end she forced herself to calm down.

This is a difficult thing for her to do.

After all, many people think she looks like Master Miejie.

When did Master Miejie ever calm down?

All this happened because that damn scumbag secretly stuffed a note into her after meeting her, just like when she was a girl and she had an extra rose in her hand for no apparent reason. In a trance, I went back to decades ago.

There was only one sentence on that note.

"I have found out the real reason why Yuan Rong wanted to kill your teacher."



Lu Buer was sitting on the floor in the study. Dawn had already broken in the eastern sky, and the sunlight reflected on the huge obelisk seemed to reflect the mysterious vastness of ancient times.

He leaned on the pile of documents and dialed the phone repeatedly. He said angrily: "Medanzo, this guy, I don't know where he went. Is he having a private meeting with his ex-girlfriend?"

Last night, Xiaoxian had already rummaged through the information in the entire stone house. Unfortunately, no new clues were found. Considering the current situation, they could only take one step at a time.

The main question is how to act.

To be precise, it is to get rid of the surveillance of the heavenly organization and move freely.

Ai Yue leaned on the wooden table and said coldly: "We have encountered this situation before in the Dawn Special Sequence. We usually operate secretly. Once the superiors occasionally have problems, then in the eyes of the military department, these actions It's just illegal. We will encounter resistance, and sometimes we have to face pursuit and obstruction from other departments. At this time, we use the sacred objects in the sealed door to solve this situation. At the beginning, the military and the church. The cooperation is quite close.”

She explained: "There is a sacred object in the Sealed Gate with a serial number of thirty-nine, and its name is a bionic mask. The function of this sacred object is to simulate the human face, thereby achieving temporary perfect disguise, with the naked eye and the machine There is no clue. We usually find a group of people to wear our bionic masks to cover up people's eyes, and the main body disguises itself as other people and operates secretly. "But the problem is that we don't have this kind of resource support now."

Suddenly, Yuan Qing bit her finger with a strange look in her eyes.

Ai Yue turned to look at her: "What's wrong?"

Yuan Qing silently dug out her military backpack, found a metal box from inside, and opened it in front of her: "Is this what you are talking about?"

Ai Yue took one look and was stunned.

Because the metal box contains all bionic masks, the body of this kind of sacred object is usually strictly sealed, and those that leak out to the outside world are basically imitations.

But how come there are so many imitations!

Just like a facial mask!

"Where did it come from?"

Her eyes trembled slightly: "Stealed?"

"What are you talking about? This is for you!"

Yuan Qing muttered in a low voice: "Wasn't I injured before? Mr. Zhou visited me when he went back. Before leaving, he seemed to have forgotten a lot of things, so I just... grabbed some. In fact, there were many But I was in such a hurry that I didn’t have time to take them together.”

"As expected, sister, this is the tradition of the Yuan family! How do you call it stealing? It was obviously taken openly! Okay, I won't kid you, it's obvious that they left this to you on purpose."

Lu Buer thought for a moment: "According to my judgment, this should also be your father's intention. In addition to cooperating with the mission of Department Zero, they don't trust you alone outside."

Ai Yue also agreed: "If it were just Mr. Zhou, he would not have the direct authority to use so many sacred objects from the Sealed Gate. All of this requires the consent of General Yuan Rong."

Yuan Qing fell into deep thought: "Really? My father actually cares about me? Although I am also his daughter, I was born in the new era. My father and my brother are both cocoon breakers, and they always treat me as a child. There is a generation gap between me and them... and I am not close.”

Lu Fujie and Ai Yue looked at each other. This is indeed the case in this world. There are often some generation gaps between cocoon breakers and the new generation, and their views and thoughts are also different.

In fact, it is difficult for most cocoon breakers to integrate into this world. Just like people like them who devote themselves wholeheartedly to their careers, it is because they cannot adapt well to modern life.

They are not used to many things that are commonplace in the new era, and may have to write them down as new things, making them seem out of tune with other people.

Just like back in the day, Lu Fuji's parents would play an old game called "League of Legends". They usually couldn't line up teammates for more than a few rounds in an afternoon, but they still enjoyed it.

It’s not that the games are fun, but they’re nostalgic for the past.

Shika Fuji, on the other hand, likes to wear Nintendo's new virtual helmet to capture Pokémon around the world. It was the most popular game method of his time. Although it cannot achieve complete stealth, it can still achieve a certain degree of sensory simulation.

As for the old-fashioned tower pushing game, he expressed no interest.

But he didn't expect that time had passed, and the bullet he shot back then hit him between the eyebrows, and he became an outdated antique.

In short, it is difficult to accept new things. Everyone in the world is more or less trapped in the past and cannot get out.

So far, Lu Fuji has not integrated well into this new world. For more than half a year, he has been wandering in the extraordinary world. Most of the people in his social circle are cocoon breakers, with only a few exceptions.

For example, Xiaoxian is in a coma because her abilities have been overdrawn.

Another example……

Boom boom.

There was a knock on the door.

"How are things going?"

Chen Jing was leaning against the door of the room. Her makeup today was still very charming. Her long, slightly curly crimson hair was flowing down like a waterfall. Because of the hot weather, she was only wearing a loose purple casual shirt and brown shorts, revealing A pair of slender white legs, wearing canvas shoes.

"If everything is solved, then come with me and prepare to repair the Sun God Matrix. By the way, there are some experts you need to meet."

She paused: "Don't be too surprised."

She is someone who likes to dress up.

Initially dressing up is to please yourself.

Later, it was the appearance of a woman who pleased herself.

Especially after Ai Yue and Yuan Qing arrived.

There is a hint of female competition in this...

Every time Ai Yue sees this woman, it's like seeing a vixen. Her appearance and figure are also extremely outstanding, but she is just an ordinary military uniform and military trousers, which looks very simple.

On the other hand, Yuan Qing is different. Although she is also a soldier, she wears a small vest that shows off her figure, paired with brown wide-leg pants and long military boots, which gives her a unique style.

It can only be said that this new generation is indeed different from those who broke the cocoon.


Every time Lu Buer saw a bad woman, he found it pleasing to the eye. He picked up the sleeping Xiaoxian and asked curiously: "Why are we surprised?"

Chen Jing brought breakfast on the way here, stuffed a peeled tea egg into his mouth, and said with a strange expression: "Because there will be some people you don't expect."

Lu Fuji looked at each other with the two girls beside him, confused.


The gods stood at the door of the courtyard and saluted respectfully.

Then Chen Jing took them into a commercial vehicle, slowly drove away from the courtyard, passed through checkpoints, and arrived at the entrance of a bunker.

As the door of the bunker opens, a deep underground well emerges. It is still the bronze architectural style of ancient times, and there is a faint sense of technology in the ancient and primitive.

"Aren't we going to repair the Sun God Matrix?"

Lu Fuji asked casually.

"Yes, but not to the temple yesterday, because the roots of the sacred tree are underground. Eat quickly, it will be a serious occasion later, so don't let others see you chewing on the dough sticks."

Chen Jing stood on tiptoes and wiped the oil stains from the corners of his mouth.

Lu Buer was eating fried dough sticks and nibbling steamed buns, and asked curiously: "There is actually a Chinese breakfast in the Tianren Organization? Doesn't this place advocate a culture of asceticism?"

Chen Jing rolled her eyes charmingly: "I woke up early in the morning and begged the chef to cook it for you. I said my man would die without Chinese breakfast, and I would die for my love."

Lu Fuji nodded slightly and said: "Next time, remember to tell the chef that I want to eat roasted chicken. If there is no roasted chicken, I will starve to death. According to custom, you have to be buried with me."

Chen Jing was amused: "Goose goose... Okay, remember."

Yuan Qing and Ai Yue looked at the two of them showing their affection with dark faces, silently chewing on the fried dough sticks.

"How is Xiaoxian?"

Chen Jing asked: "Is everything going to be okay?"

"Used to it."

Lu Fuji shrugged: "That's just her."

As the old-fashioned elevator sank into the ground, blazing white lights suddenly illuminated the darkness. The ancient bronze walls were covered with murals, all scenes of humans worshiping the sacred tree.

This place is like an underground military fortress. You can see celestial beings carrying heavy boxes and transporting supplies everywhere. Of course, there are many modern mechanical equipments, but they all look old and have a strong pre-epoch flavor. , has not been renovated for five hundred years.

There are warehouses and laboratories in the fortress, as well as passages and wide main roads extending in all directions. Celestial beings come and go here, but there are also some familiar faces.

Yuan Qing suddenly stopped, her eyes suspicious.

Ai Yue's eyes also became sharp, because the door of the laboratory in front of her opened, and someone walked out surrounded by subordinates, with swaying black hair like a floating ink mark.

"Miss Xia Zhu?"

She frowned: "Why are you here?"

For a moment, Shika Fuji's pupils shrank violently.

Because he felt a familiar numerology!

No, it’s exactly the same numerology!

The numerology of Longque!

This woman whom I have never met actually has that guy’s numerology!

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