The edge of pure land

Chapter 366 The Principle of Corruption Virus

The truth behind this military base was finally revealed.

When Xia Zhu saw the strange complex, he roughly understood what was going on here, because there were traces of the alchemy matrix everywhere on the altar, the arranged bronze vessels emitted dark red dark matter, laptops and projections The equipment was damaged, toolboxes and equipment boxes were scattered everywhere, and of course there were rotting corpses that died in miserable ways.

Some are militants, and some are heavenly beings.

The only person who survived was Ye Cheng.

It was obvious that these militants were tortured to the point of being unbearable by the disease, so they took the risk to go to the Land of the Fallen Dragon through the inheritance of the local primitive survivors.

Then human experiments began. The rotten corpses that escaped from the underground tunnels came from this. The diseases in their bodies had disappeared, but the people still died.

Although the power of Corruption and the Power of Burning Heaven can be neutralized, they cannot be used to save people so easily. These guys still think too simply.

But even so, it still doesn't explain anything.

Logically speaking, if the leader of the militants on the altar wants to cure the disease, he also needs the dark matter of the Dragon of Candlelight, and he needs to find the most reasonable method.

But what is the evolutionary chain of the God of Origin?

Suddenly, Xia Zhu seemed to sense something, and clusters of flames emerged from the void, drawing a prison line to trap the subordinates behind him: "Stay here and don't move around. No matter what happens, don't go out, otherwise everyone will be killed." I can’t save you.”

Because she had already felt the violent trembling from the deepest part of the earth, like a giant dragon roaring in the deep underground, and the mighty dragon's power came like a tidal wave.

"Miss Xia Zhu..."

Ye Cheng spoke hoarsely in the cold mist, his face covered with ice crystals, trying his best to maintain the last trace of his sobriety: "Elder Sada is missing... We have been tricked. We don't know who has this ability, but here we are already A trap has been set. The mission is terminated. Run away as much as possible. I will use my last strength to escort you out."

"You? Protect me?"

Xia Zhu found it a bit funny and said calmly: "Excuse me, no wonder you are so low in the rankings. It seems that you have not learned the essence of heaven and man. The heaven and man organization seems to be devoid of temperament, but it does not allow you to really A person without a heart can’t survive here.”

She sneered: "Although the experiments here are low-level enough, without the technical support of the Tianren Organization, these militants would not be able to do it at all. You haven't seen the respected elders until now, don't you think Is it strange?"

Ye Cheng was slightly startled, as if he had thought of a shocking possibility, but he was still unwilling to accept it, but the surging cold mist revealed his uneasy mood.

At this moment, the leader of the militants on the altar began to twitch, and the strange, distorted complex turned into thick dark matter and returned to his body, and the fierce momentum suddenly erupted like a volcano.

Obviously, the dark matter in this guy's body detected that the host body was frozen, so he gave up the plan of replacing the body and returned to the original body to exert the strongest combat effectiveness.

Furukawa Ichigo and the others felt fear when they felt the pressure from the sixth-order overlord, but then they discovered an unusual phenomenon.

The man on the altar raised his rotten face, with thick corpse juice flowing from the eye holes, and the roars and roars in his mouth were so hoarse, but there was also a faint hint of fear.

The feeling of fear is like a hyena seeing a lion.

He tried his best to remain fierce despite the fear.

But the tremors are already felt.

Because a violent dark red appeared in Xia Zhu's eyes. Just when she was about to deal with the monster in front of her, light and shadow suddenly appeared on the stone wall of the altar.

It was obviously technology from the ancient celestial civilization. The dense light points gathered like a tide, condensing a projection in the darkness, reflecting a dark laboratory.

Not a modern laboratory.

Rather, it is a primitive laboratory in ancient style.

There is a middle-aged man in a white robe with an Arab face in the laboratory. He is tall and square: "Nice to see you again, dear Miss Xia Zhu."

"Elder Sada."

Xia Zhu said his name accurately.

Ye Cheng in the cold mist even showed an expression of disbelief. He suppressed his anger and said, "Elder Sada, why did you betray the organization and your faith?"

His consciousness was already very blurry.

He is about to enter suspended animation at any time.

But seeing this scene in front of me, I still couldn't contain the shock in my heart.

Sada just glanced at him and said with a smile: "Child, you know nothing about our beliefs. As the world says, the Celestial Organization may seem powerful, but after all, it cannot escape the fate of annihilation. You know that it has ended. How glorious are we in the Celestial Civilization? Do you know what kind of dominance we have after the Age of Gods? Even in the era after the end of the Age of Gods, we still have great influence on the dark side of the world."

He paused: "But you don't know why we are strong."

At this time Xia Zhu discovered something.

The elder's way of speaking was stiff and awkward.

Even though his voice is magnetic and elegant.

Even though his tone of voice was unhurried and relaxed.

But it still feels like a robot.

Clearly emotionless.

But I want to work hard to create feelings.

After Elder Sada said this incomprehensible words, he smiled slightly: "Of course these are not important, and I don't think you will understand it. But as you can see, we have opened the Land of the Fallen Dragon in advance, and A part of the dark matter of the Dragon of Candlelight was brought out from there and tested. Unfortunately, the results were not very good."

As his words fell, the entire underground secret room began to tremble, floating ash and gravel shook off, and scorching lines spread along the walls like dragons and snakes.

Fragmented golden light illuminated the dark secret room.

The projection on the wall is also flickering.

Everyone looked at each other. It was obvious that they had fallen into a trap. This mission was a scam from beginning to end, just to attract people underground!

They shouldn't be here!

"So I would like to ask Miss Xia Zhu for advice."

Elder Sada asked politely: "What is the reason for our failure?"

Xia Zhu had already felt the surging solar energy in this underground ruins, and curled his lips and said: "Since you want to keep us all here, you still want to ask me this question? Do you think I have a good temper, or do you think I Brain problem?"

"We can still talk."

Elder Sada explained: "According to our analysis of you, you are actually a very kind and soft-hearted person. Although we don't want you to leave, your subordinates are worthless. They can leave here, provided... Erase all memories."

"what about me?"

Xia Zhu said calmly: "Do I want to work for you?"

"If you wish."

Elder Sada sighed: "This is the best result. We made this game specifically for you, just to lure you into taking the bait. As a direct descendant of the Xia family, you are one of the people who has studied the second site the most. Xia Wei and Longque, the two strongest owners of the Burning Sky Bone at the time, both have close connections with you. I know that you hold the secret of that giant dragon."

He said seriously: "If you are willing to tell me now the core reason for the failure of the experiment, I can let the people behind you leave immediately. When they walk five hundred meters along the corridor, they will see a stone altar. There is me on the stone altar. Prepare the medicine in advance and you can leave safely after taking it.”

Xia Zhu said expressionlessly: "What if I refuse?"

Elder Sada replied: "I will immediately release this sixth-stage overlord and detonate the Sun God Matrix in the ruins. None of you can get out."

The housekeeper was already a little panicked when he heard this. Of course he couldn't accept his young lady working for someone like him, and he was thinking of a solution quickly.

Furukawa Ichigo's face turned cold: "Miss..."

Xia Zhu suddenly raised his hand.

There was a boom.

Flames filled the dark corridor.

Create a burning path of fire.

"Listen to me and leave here later."

Xia Zhu took off her sunglasses and gave them a look.

Furukawa Ichigo reacted suddenly.

What the lady means is that if they stay, they will only cause more trouble!


Furukawa Ichigo pulled the butler and led his subordinates back step by step.

"Wait a moment."

Elder Sada suddenly said: "Did you forget something?"

Xia Zhu sneered: "Your experiment failed because you used the wrong method. The disease created by the corrupt god of death is essentially a method used to transform the human body. In other words, this god wants to invade this world. It relies on the corruption virus. The sky-burning power of the Dragon of Candlelight can indeed neutralize the corruption power of the Corruption of Death, but you used the wrong method."

Elder Sada showed a puzzled look: "Oh?"

Xia Zhu mocked: "The sky-burning power of the Zhuzhi Dragon can indeed annihilate everything in the world, but it will also kill people. If you want to cure diseases, this is not enough. The corrupt God of Death uses epidemics to invade The human body is precisely because this method is gentle enough and will not cause the human body to die. If the dark matter of the Dragon of Candlelight is directly transplanted into the human body, the corruption virus will indeed be gone, but the human body will not survive at all unless it is possible. Find the way the Dragon of Candlelight transforms the human body, and we name it annihilation... virus."

I see.

The disease that corrupts the god of death is essentially a way of transforming the human body.

His ultimate goal is to let his dark matter flow into the human body.

Every infected person is His people.

It's just that this transformation method is destined to be deformed and incomplete.

It's hard for a White Walker to find that perfect host.

What is a perfect host body?

Gong Yu is that kind of perfect body.

Because first of all, his numerology is consistent, secondly, his talent is very good, his rank is high enough, and most importantly, he controls the Eye of Death.

This is simply a human body tailor-made for the corrupt god of death.

On the other hand, Dragon Bird cannot become the human form of the corrupted God of Death.

Because the dark numerology in Longque's body is incompatible with the power of the corrupt god of death.

If Dragon Bird is infected with the disease, his body will be controlled by the White Walkers condensed in dark matter, but it will also undergo unstoppable decay and eventually die.

Even the combat effectiveness will be weakened.

The White Walkers in the evolutionary chain of the Corrupt Death cannot exert their strength in his body.

The dragon bird's own strength will also be affected.

Incompatibility is the key.

Only when the numerology is completely consistent will it become a human body.

But in most cases, people who contract the disease will die.

The infected person's body will be controlled by the dark matter produced by the disease.

The original human experiments in Linhai City were even more crude. They directly forcibly implanted the dark matter of the evolutionary chain of the God of Origin into the human body. To put it bluntly, it was grafting.

This is a very crude method.

Compared with the transformation of the human body, it is much rougher.

After all, gods transform into human bodies in order to invade consciousness.

The experiments in this underground ruins are also crude in the same way. It is like inserting the dark matter of the Dragon of Candlelight into the human body like grafting flowers and grafting trees, and naturally no good results will be obtained.

That’s not how fighting fire with fire works.

It's like someone catching the flu.

Why don't you spray biochemical gas at him?

Isn’t that pure nonsense?

Elder Sada was a very smart man, and he quickly understood what this meant, and suddenly said: "If the corruption virus is compared to an infectious disease, we can also turn the annihilation virus into an infectious disease. As long as at the same time You need to be safe from both viruses.”

Xia Zhu didn't say anything, which was considered acquiescence.

Elder Sada continued to ask: "How to create the annihilation virus?"

Xia Zhu replied with a straight face: "Let my people leave first."

Elder Sada nodded slightly: "Okay."

Furukawa Ichigo led the housekeeper and subordinates back step by step. The sky-burning fire was burning in the narrow corridor. The scorching flames did not seem to release any heat, but only condensed a barrier. Isolated from the invasion of diseases.

Elder Sada looked at this scene, his eyes slightly condensed.

What a subtle control.

Xia Zhu has served in the military for a short time and has rarely been active in the extraordinary world, but judging from this subtle control of his own strength, he is definitely a top-notch genius.

If he obtains the right to be crowned, he will definitely be a strong contender for the throne.

Lu Fuji is also the most advantageous contender for the monarch.

But in terms of micro management, he would be thrown out of the game.

"Remember to run faster."

Xia Zhu ordered indifferently.

The subordinates did not respond and gradually disappeared into the firelight.

"Now it's your turn to answer my question."

Elder Sada asked seriously.

"Actually, I guess you don't really want to know how to solve the epidemic, right? You want to create an annihilation virus for other purposes. Although I do know how the Dragon of Candlelight transforms the human body, I'm a little unsure. I want to tell you." Xia Zhu said suddenly.

In the projection, Elder Sada sighed: "Sure enough, based on our analysis of your personality, we know that you will not cooperate so easily. In this case, we can only find a way to make you speak. Imprisoned in this altar What is there is an experimental product that we accidentally obtained. Coincidentally, we once found the dark matter of the God of Origin in the desert. That part of the dark matter has amazing activity... under our deliberate cultivation, it grew. Very quickly.”

There was a click.

The chains on the altar broke.

The skeletal giant imprisoned on the altar roared and broke free from its restraints. The rotting body between an angel and a devil sprayed corpse liquid, and a thick and fishy wind rolled down.

Xia Zhu's forehead hair was blown by the cold wind, revealing her beautiful red eyes!



In the underground tunnel, the burly and ferocious Martial God's body was surrounded by electric light, shattering a wall with one punch, and continued to move forward amidst the shaken gravel and floating ash.

After passing through the hole in the wall, he came to the tunnel next door, sniffing the smell in the air carefully, and after confirming that the smell came from below, he stamped his feet hard.


The ground collapsed, and he let himself fall, landing in the dry tunnel with a bang. The dust fell like a heavy rain, completely submerging him.

"Is this a fucking mouse hole?"

He was a little irritated by the winding and complicated terrain. Until now, he still hadn't seen any living person, and sometimes he would get lost briefly.

He simply used violence to clear the way, taking shortcuts and smashing through.

Along the way, all Lu Fuji saw were rotting corpses. Most of these people had committed suicide. They seemed to have fallen into madness in order to cure their illnesses, and finally chose to commit suicide.

Based on his experience in Linhai City, Lu Buer realized that these people seemed to have been subjected to human experiments during their lives, but after dissecting the corpses, they found that there were no traces of dark matter remaining in their bodies. This is a very strange thing. thing.

The reason why they are highly decomposed is because they are infected with the disease.

But there are no traces of dark matter in the body.

It's like being annihilated by some kind of force.

"The power of burning the sky?"

Lu Buer did not rule out this possibility: "It seems that the power of Burning Heaven can indeed neutralize the power of corruption, but it does not seem to be able to save lives. But this does not rule out that it is because these people's experiments were too rough. Even the original corpse food It’s not as good as teaching, it’s just a grassroots team.”

Five hundred years ago he once read a book.

"We Live in a Huge Gap" by Teacher Yu Hua.

This book is still very meaningful even now.

Just like what Lu Fuji experienced after arriving at the third site.

He is an evolver who can fight head-on with the degenerate form of a god and win.

But the vast majority of evolvers in this world actually find it very difficult to fight against the White Walkers of the same level, and they may not even be able to put together four complete sets of combat systems in their lifetime.

The militants in this military base are no longer weak to live in the restricted area, but they are still far away from the dark matter experiment.

The corpse-eating cult in Linhai City is backed by the Tower of Babel.

Who is behind this military base?

This underground ruins seemed to be getting weirder and weirder, and the cold air was filled with an unusual atmosphere. At this moment, he found a sound in the corridor in front of him.

Someone was whispering.

The burly God of War suddenly flashed behind the collapsed wall, and did not hesitate to let his dark matter disintegrate. His life level continued to degenerate, and his breath suddenly declined.

Finally, he became the lowest level of decayed ghost, and the thick dark matter flowed along the cracks in the ground and disappeared, like a crawling living thing, perfectly hidden.

"Has this underground ruin collapsed? I thought someone had invaded. If there is nothing wrong, leave quickly. We still have business to do. The secrets in the Land of Falling Dragons are not allowed to be touched by outsiders. Anyone who enters here cannot leave alive."

"Why not let the invaders become one of us like before? In this way, we don't have to pay such a high cost and can continue the experiment."

"This time is different from the past. There are many difficult characters in the third site. Once the transformation fails, they will know the truth, and then everything will be over."

"Next, there is another important character to deal with. Act as soon as possible."

In the dark corner, Lu Buer was stunned.

Because with the faint light, he could see the other person's back clearly.

That was the white robe of the Tianren Organization!

In fact, what shocked Lu Buer the most was the way these Tianren spoke. It was so stiff that it was like the language emitted by artificial intelligence, and the pronunciation gave people a particularly weird feeling.

Yes, it was too pronounced.

Even if the ordinary people of the TV station owner five hundred years ago spoke standardly, but when he pronounced the words with emotional fluctuations, it would feel particularly comfortable.

However, once the emotions are lost, this way of speaking will sound particularly strange, and it is still trying hard to create emotions, which is indescribably awkward.

"Is this also an infected celestial being? Why does it feel wrong? The seeds of the gods have not reacted, which means that there is no dark matter in these people."

Lu Buer felt a deep confusion.

After the other party left, Lu Buer emerged from the darkness, recovered the dark matter again and completed the evolution. His burly and ferocious posture appeared again, and the electric light surged.

There were people on this floor. In order not to alert the enemy, he stopped wiping the light, but walked carefully along the corridor in the dark. He felt a burning sensation after walking a few steps. It turned out that a beam of sunlight shot out from both sides of the wall and penetrated his body.

The dark matter was suddenly corroded and thick smoke came out.

The God of War felt this burning sensation and was slightly frightened.

The Sun God Matrix!

There is also a Sun God Matrix here!


But this was not a problem for the God of War. The golden pupil on his forehead suddenly lit up, and the mighty thunder in his body became hot, like stripes of the sun.

Then he took a light step.

Sure enough, there was no more sunlight on the wall.

Lu Buer easily passed through the narrow corridor. The celestial beings he had met before had disappeared. In front of him was a huge circular stone chamber, which looked like a relic left over from ancient times. A huge stone dragon skeleton was suspended in the air, as if it would wake up from its slumber at any time and fly.

"The Candle Day Dragon?"

The God of War raised his head and said softly.

He didn't understand archaeology, but he could tell at a glance that the sculpture was very interesting.

The thing was old and useful.

This was obviously not the work of the Celestial Organization. After all, with their technology, they certainly wouldn't make the sculpture so rough, let alone use such cheap materials.

This was carved by the local indigenous people.

Since the Candle Day Dragon had appeared in the third station, it was normal for the local indigenous people to have primitive worship of Him.

Suddenly, Lu Buer was stunned.

Because above the sculpture of the giant dragon, there was also a human-shaped sculpture hanging.

Rather than a human-shaped one, it was more like a corpse.

Because the image of the sculpture was a rotten corpse covered with a shroud.

"The confrontation between the Candle Day Dragon and the Corrupted Death God in ancient times?" The God of War looked around but did not see any traces of those celestial beings. It was just that at this moment he felt the vibration of the ruins, and a series of burning lines appeared on the rough walls, breaking into pieces.

The ground cracked during the shaking process.

The God of War suddenly lowered his head. It turned out that the ground of this underground ruins had another clue. The seemingly ordinary ground was actually set up with a mechanism, and at this moment it was turning like a huge gear.

The dome rose into the air in the trembling.

The ground was also rising.

As the ground turned, the tunnel was also covered by the wall.

A new tunnel entrance appeared.

The fragmented sunlight on the wall flickered.

The Sun God Matrix was ready to go.

"Are you trying to use the Sun God Matrix to trap everyone who enters here?"

The God of War sneered and said, "Interesting."

Apparently this underground ruins activated the self-destruction mode, and the changes in the building structure were to prevent people from escaping easily for a while, but this did not bother him.

Because when the Sun God Matrix was activated, he sensed the core of the formation.

He was too familiar with the fluctuations of the Divine Ashes Technique.

The Martial God was lit up with burning arcs, and he was suspended in the air with his burning wings of lightning. He fell down like a meteorite, smashed through the ground, and broke through with force.

Boom! Boom!

As the hard stratum was smashed through, the deafening roar echoed in the ruins, and the fluctuations of the energy of the God Ash became clearer and clearer, like a vast ocean.

The Martial God broke through the stratum with force, and finally saw a dark underground palace. The ancient bronze sacred tree lit up with burning patterns, and the brilliance of the God Ash technique was so hot.

The celestial beings knelt around the bronze sacred tree and raised their heads in horror.

The Martial God did not give them any chance to react. The fingertips of his raised right hand lit up with brilliant dawn light, and the light contained thousands of arcs of electricity, which were fleeting.

The lightning swept across like a sword, and the heads of the celestial beings flew high. During the sacrifice, they had no defense at all, and were killed so easily.

A part of the Martial God's dark matter suddenly disintegrated, spraying on them like ink.

Then he strode to the front of the bronze sacred tree.

His fingers burning with dawn light touched the bronze sacred tree.

The power of the Divine Ashes forcibly destroyed the structure of the Sun God Matrix.

The entire underground ruins roared.

The Sun God Matrix, which had been activated, was forcibly terminated, and the structure of the underground palace was also destroyed by the huge impact force. The hard strata appeared like a spider web, with shocking cracks, and collapsed after a short stagnation.

It was at this moment that the Martial God's God Seed suddenly jumped.

He heard the terrifying movement from deep underground.

The scorching flames shot up into the sky, burning the fallen rubble and dust in an instant like magma, and the ancient sacrificial site underground was also illuminated by the flames, like hell.

The Martial God was suspended in the air and saw an incredible scene.

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