The edge of pure land

Chapter 378 Sending corpses thousands of miles away

Before Lu Buer could ask any more questions, the girl in front of her seemed to be asleep, the holy light in her eyes completely silenced, and she made no sound as soon as her head dropped.

After Omega left, the enemy's appearance also changed. She was no longer a girl carved from ice, but turned back into that mediocre-looking man. Her breathing and heartbeat, which had been revived, also became like candles in the wind. Faint, as if he might die completely at any moment.

Not only that.

His body suddenly collapsed, and red blood mist appeared all over his body.

Like a burned out machine.

"Hell, he was tricked by Omega."

Lu Fuji felt that his headache was disappearing, and couldn't help but curl his lips and said: "I originally thought this was a spiritual technique similar to possession by gods, just like in those fairy novels, where the consciousness of gods comes to people. But now it seems that this is not the case. There seems to be some kind of program in Elder Sada’s body that can think in an Omega way when it is overloaded.”

Ai Yue narrowed her beautiful eyes: "What about performing the Creation Ceremony again?"

Lu Fuji spread his hands: "Although I don't know how many times Elder Sada can withstand the creation ceremony, but no matter how many times he comes, he will become like this, and we won't get what we want."

At this moment, Yuan Qing's beautiful eyes turned, as if she was reconnecting after being disconnected, and she said suspiciously: "What's wrong with you? Did the creation ceremony fail?"

Lu Buer scratched his head. He didn't know how to explain this problem. At this moment, he was more concerned about the information revealed in the conversation just now. The Cocoon Breakers seemed to be special to this world, and some secrets were only available to them. can only be touched.

The new generation will be isolated.

But if it's a genetic problem, that shouldn't be the case.

After all, the genes of those who broke the cocoon and the new generation have been locked.

What else doesn't he know?

"It can't be said to be a failure, but there are indeed some problems. You should rest first, and leave the rest to me. I will do an autopsy." Ai Yue put on a protective mask and white gloves, and took out the box from the box. The surgical tools were removed and the body was prepared for dissection.

Corpses can also talk.

And it won't lie.

This is not something Lu Fuji and Yuan Qing can help. Neither of them has systematically studied autopsy. They have seen relevant memory chips but they are not of a high level, so they can only stare.

It was at this time that they suddenly heard the roar of the engine.

Lu Fuji thought it was an enemy attack, so he grabbed the woman next to him and threw her down under the shadow of a palm tree. However, when he saw the helicopter whizzing by above his head, he was stunned.

Black-painted helicopters flew over the banks of the Nile like hawks, roaring past the desolate and abandoned towns, heading straight towards the eastern desert.

"It's not the military department, and it's not a heavenly being."

Ai Yue also ducked behind the dense jungle and said softly.

The riverside where Lu Buer camped was not far from the highway. In the night, which was so thick that it couldn't be turned away, a mighty convoy could be seen running in the wind and sand. A large amount of daily necessities and weapons and equipment were piled on the trunk. The searchlights stand out so brightly in the darkness.

This is just the first batch.

Looking around, there are countless car lights flashing in the darkness deep in the wind and sand. The lights illuminate the dust raised on the sand dunes and also reflect the dilapidated ancient buildings.

"I see, it seems that the evolvers in the third site have indeed come to look for the Land of the Meteor Dragon. Although only one day and one night has passed since the Corruption of Death declared war, some of them should have been infected with the disease. Human beings are obsessed with death. Fear will inspire an infinite desire to survive.”

Lu Buer shook his head: "Even the human watch force can't control the situation. It's okay, these people are not coming for us, just don't worry."

He stood up and looked into the depths of the night.

Yuan Qing shook her hair and got up, murmuring in a low voice: "These people are really tired. I heard that since they found out that the teleportation point could not be used, some people tried their best to escape to the north, and some people Then they fled upstream to the south, but no one could escape. Now they are all heading east. Do they really want to use the dark matter of the Dragon of Candlelight to cure diseases? "

Lu Fuji shrugged: "Who knows? In short, this time we may have to witness history again. The situation at the third site is much more troublesome than we imagined."

In fact, these evolved people poured into the eastern desert in large numbers, which could be regarded as a cover for the team. After all, the situation was already so chaotic that no one could notice them.

It is not difficult to fish in troubled waters and return to that safe haven.

Suddenly, Ai Yue whispered: "Come over and take a look."

After confirming that there was no threat, she continued the autopsy work, but as soon as she cut open the target's skull, her movements paused and she felt a chill.

In the past, Ai Yue had only seen similar things in the retinue of the Corrupt God of Death.

Those rotten brains.


Lu Fuji went over to take a look and was stunned.


Yuan Qing was taken aback.

Elder Sada's body was placed on a white cloth, and the skull had been neatly cut off. What was exposed was not the brain tissue, but the intertwined tree roots.

Ai Yue was afraid that they would not understand, so she explained: "Since the Supreme Federation discovered those rotten brains, it has begun to study them. Take Archbishop Chamberlain as an example, his body has undergone some very special transformation. It seems that he is controlled by the Corrupt Death, but in fact he is not infected with dark matter, and has no authority related to it. Even Chamberlain's ghost magic is not the power of the Corrupt Death, but the Hundred-Armed Giant. strength."

She paused: "The only thing worth noting is that Chamberlain was once a member of the Akashic Holy Cult, and he was also a core high-level member. This means that he may have been exposed to the practice of order factors as an evolver, but It just failed.”

Yuan Qing was confused when she heard: "Then what?"

Lu Fuji understood: "What you mean is that we have to look at everything together. Omega and the Corruption of Death have been in the same camp from beginning to end, and the series of things that happened in the past were their common work. This means that , Chamberlain and the others' changes came from changes in their thinking. The real initiator was actually Omega. Chamberlain tried to cultivate the order factor, and it was through this opportunity that Omega took control of him. "

Ai Yue nodded slightly: "Yes, Omega's power at that time may not have been enough for him to directly control Chamberlain, so he borrowed the power of the Corrupt Death. Therefore, Chamberlain's allegiance was to the Corrupt Death, and Chamberlain's brain The phenomenon of decay has provided a cover for Omega to prevent us from realizing the real enemy."

A strange color flashed in Lu Fuji's eyes, and he suddenly realized: "Therefore, we can be sure that Omega's ability is to control human thoughts! As for the conditions for the activation of this ability, we still don't know. But this ability , undoubtedly extremely dangerous.”

It's no wonder, Omega said that he can be anyone!

"No wonder, I mistakenly thought that the rotten brain in Chamberlain's brain was the process of transforming into the human body of a White Walker. But I have never been able to figure out why, if the God of Death is so corrupt, he would go to great lengths to release the disease buried in the underworld. , isn’t this unnecessary?”

He murmured: "It turns out these are two different things."

Ai Yue glanced at him: "The method for gods or ghosts to transform into human bodies is called Dark Matter Infection Syndrome. This disease will occur in two situations. The first is that the infected person completely becomes a god, and his thoughts and consciousness are completed. One hundred percent assimilation. Some people think that this is a form of body snatching. Others believe that the premise for this situation is that humans have been infected with dark matter before they form embryos, and their genes have already changed, so they do not exist. Because based on the above situation, you can understand that humans have given birth to gods. The second situation is that the infected person cannot adapt to his own dark matter, and his consciousness will be temporarily occupied by the thoughts of the ghost and become a madman. "

This time, Yuan Qing understood. She bit her green-white fingers and pretended to analyze: "Isn't this the case with the experimental subjects we met in Linhai City?"

Lu Buer waved his hand: "No, not exactly. Back in Linhai City, it was just a clumsy experiment by humans imitating this process. The way gods transform human bodies is more advanced. They use dual infection of numerology and genes. . Numerology is the prototype of the soul. Genes are the foundation of the body. This is the real... dark matter infection syndrome!"

This is the most accurate definition.

The double infection of numerology and genes is the method by which gods transform the human body.

"As for Elder Sada's tree-shaped brain flower, it is undoubtedly the work of Omega. According to my inference, if you want to generate such tree roots in your brain, you must practice the order factor. This is similar to using the power of other gods. The controlled believers are different. If Omega wants to maximize his abilities, his followers must master the Order Factor and even the God Ember Technique."

Lu Buer suddenly thought of something: "After Elder Sada was transformed, he seemed to have some kind of sequelae. He didn't even talk like a human being. Instead, he seemed like a machine without emotions. No wonder this guy was sent out to monitor If that military base has such obvious characteristics, it will be easy for others to spot it. So, can we just spot them by observing the way the heavenly people speak? "

"Maybe it's not that simple. Chamberlain's brain has rotted, but you can't tell anything from the appearance. But among the other believers we captured, some had pus coming out of their entire heads. There is a clear difference. The phenomenon may be due to the different time they were controlled. What's more, there are many evolvers in the Celestial Organization who have annihilated emotions. Most of them don't even bother to talk. How can you infer whether they are Omega believers? "

Ai Yue thought for a while, shook her head and said: "I vaguely guessed something. The reason why there were traitors in the Supreme Federation was because of the Akasha Holy Church's research on Gong Yu's body. Guess what the Akasha Holy Church did to Studying the reincarnation of a god?"

Lu Fuji blurted out: "Divine power!"

Ai Yue lowered her eyelashes and said softly: "Gong Yu might have been captured on purpose in order to get close to the Tree of Life and gain the power to control humans. I just thought that the prerequisite for this kind of control over humans is aliens. The compatibility of ghost arts. But among the believers controlled by the corrupted god of death, everyone practices different ghost arts, but they have one common characteristic..."

Lu Buer took a deep breath: "Have been in contact with divine power, or practiced the factor of order. As the Archbishop of the Akasha Holy Religion, Chamberlain may sometimes have even become a carrier of divine power with the help of the Holy High Priest. And they all I have tried to practice the Order Factor! In other words, it may not be because Omega is not strong enough, but because these people have poor qualifications.”

It is for this reason that Omega needs the help of the Corrupted Death.

After all, they are all gods.

One sister and compatriots.

There are always similarities with authority.

At the same time, transforming believers through the hands of the corrupted God of Death also avoids the possibility of Omega exposing his own existence. It can be said to be a good way to kill two birds with one stone.

Not only that, the corrupted god of death can also take the opportunity to evolve!

Because Lu Fuji suddenly thought of something.

Xia Zhu once said to him: "You guys still know too little about the gods. Human beings can have two kinds of ghost arts, that's because ghost arts and divine arts can indeed coexist. Do you think that the immortal body and What's the difference between the Burning Sky Bones? In fact, they all belong to the power of the God of Origin, and they are just split from the immortal body."

The woman's voice echoed in his mind repeatedly.

"All the alien magic is like a newly assembled machine. Divine magic is the only existing system. The difference is that the Immortal Body is the most suitable host, while other alien magic needs to bear the burden if it wants to be compatible with this system. Risk of getting burned out.”

Xia Zhu has already integrated the Burning Sky Bone and the Order Factor at the same time.

Longque had tried to do this before, but he had not made the final decision.

So why can't Gong Yu do it?

The corrupt god of death has most likely evolved.


Cheating, right?

Shameless, right?

"So that's the case. This is the game they are playing behind the scenes."

Lu Fuji murmured softly: "I have to go back to that safe haven first. I don't know why I always have a bad premonition. By the way, do you two have any way to contact the outside world? Since we can't get out, what can we do? How can we get the message out?”

Ai Yue fell into deep thought: "Theoretically..."

Yuan Qing suddenly interrupted them: "Yes."

Lu Fuji and Ai Yue turned to look at her.

Yuan Qing turned around and rummaged through her backpack: "I remember it seemed like..."

Ai Yue was stunned: "Why do you have everything?"

Lu Fuji's eyes lit up, and he licked his lips and said: "No matter what method you use, as long as you can get the news out! Hurry up, find a way to help me contact Qiangwei and Damon, and ask them to go to Egypt as soon as possible. Be sure to bring them Go up to Longque’s corpse!”

Meow meowing, you are shameless, I don’t want it either!

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