The edge of pure land

Chapter 386: Exchange of Information

Faced with the bad woman's doubts, Lu Fuji explained: "In that military base, I found this type of Omega believers. I was worried that they would turn you into this, so I hurried back. But I'm not sure Just kill everyone who is a believer in Omega.”

"How did you do it..."

Only then did Chen Jing realize something was wrong: "Wait a minute, the sixth-order overlord?"

Lu Buer responded: "Yes, we are still the main angel now, and the next level is the angel, which is the seventh-level desolate god. How about, let you experience it first."

Chen Jing curled her lips, but it was undeniable that when the Golden Martial God was possessed, it was like being enveloped by a layer of burly lightning armor, giving the illusion of being integrated with the mecha. Not only that, her numerology also improved a lot. With a powerful increase, the combat power increased several times.

"Can the sixth-level overlord kill all those people? It seems that you should have some other gains. Wait, didn't you kill them all for the Origin Curse?"

she said suspiciously.

The man who understands Lu Buer best in the world is He Sai.

The women who know Lu Buer best are Chen Jing and Lian Hua.

"How is that possible?"

Lu Fuji was horrified when he thought of the carpet massacre just now: "Of course it's for you, the curse of harvesting the origin is just incidental. The main reason is that I look like this. Even if I don't kill them, they will kill me. I'm exhausted. I came here to save you, but you still doubt me!"

Chen Jing snorted lightly and said plausibly: "Because according to your personality, if you really sense that I am in danger, you should come to me immediately."

Lu Buer argued: "I have been sniffing your breath and wandering about fifty meters around you. My body can't last long. If I really fall into coma, the dark matter body will also stop functioning. In case of this, What if the other side waits until I'm gone and then attacks you?"

Chen Jing was silent for a second: "Is the body overloaded?"

Her voice became softer.

Rationally, she hoped it was dark matter.

Because it doesn't matter if the dark mass body dies.

But emotionally, she still prefers the original body.

Although the feeling of driving a Gundam is exciting, it is not flesh and blood after all.

I can't feel that sense of reality.

"Fortunately, it's just that it's a bit difficult to open the seal here. In fact, I already noticed that there was a problem here last time, but at that time I didn't have enough practice in the Divine Ember Technique to break through the barrier here. How did you get in?" Lu Fuji suddenly asked.

Chen Jing took out a simple bronze plate from the collar on his chest and explained: "The alchemy equipment of the Celestial Being Organization is similar to the Eye of Horus, but it is not as easy to use as the genuine one. If there is no such bronze plate , none of us can get in."

Lu Fuji fell silent and said after a moment: "I think things may not be that simple. There may be some more amazing secrets hidden here. I have only cracked a small part of the seal, and the data stolen is just the tip of the iceberg." That’s all.”

He paused and said, "Remember, the water of Tianren Organization is far deeper than you think. I originally wanted you to seize power here and slowly control this place. But now I have changed my mind. After this incident Come with me immediately and don’t stay here. There are believers of Omega hidden in the Celestial Being Organization. If you don’t get the secret of the God’s Ember Technique, you won’t be able to find them.”

"Believer of Omega?"

Chen Jing was confused when he heard this: "What do you mean?"

Lu Buer sorted out his analysis and said to her: "Do you remember the ancient Egyptian gods we met in the underworld under the Karnak Temple? The collapse of ancient Egypt actually originated from Anubi Si. All this stems from Seth being bewitched by the gods in the Valley of the Kings. The power of the corrupted god of death has spread in this land. But the question is, how did Anubis come out? This power frees Him?”

Chen Jing is so smart: "Omega?"

Lu Fuji said: "Yes, Omega. In the ancient era of gods, Omega and the corrupt god of death were one. After the legendary supreme ancestor ended the civilization of gods, the Tree of Life fell into a deep sleep. But , He also left a back-up for himself. According to my speculation, that back-up is most likely to be the God's Ember Technique. People who practice the God's Ember Technique will have changes in their thinking and become closer to Omega's way of thinking. will become His followers."

When Chen Jing heard this, her beautiful eyes widened in surprise, and she murmured: "If this is the case, Horus claimed that there was a traitor in the Council of Elders..."

Lu Buer said solemnly: "Yes, it may be for this reason. Some elders tried to practice the God's Ember Technique, and their thoughts changed and they unlocked the seal of the corrupted God of Death. Because of some special abilities, they are still able to this day. He has not been discovered and has always been hidden in the Tianren Organization.”

"However, the prerequisite for practicing the Divine Ember Technique is to master the immortal body and the factor of order. But in the history of the Celestial Being Organization, the number of chosen ones has been very few."

"I'm afraid this is not so absolute. I saw with my own eyes that there is a special drug that can temporarily give them this power. For example, the elder I met in that military base looked like an ordinary celestial hurricane evolver who practiced the order factor. After swallowing the drug, he gained the ability of the God Ashes. Of course, it is possible that he had transplanted the dark matter of the God of Origin before, but it was hidden very well. What's more, the condition for practicing the God Ashes is probably to integrate the core of Omega. Whether it is a real core or a fake core, this is a necessary condition. As for the arithmetician just now, including the Omega believers I met before, they may have bypassed this restriction by connecting to Omega."

"So they all use the ability of Omega, which is equivalent to a group of secondary machines with some functions of the main machine? Does that drug still exist?"

"There is no trophy, that guy is very strong."

In the dark passage, Chen Jing drove the Golden Martial God and ran fast. Behind him came a faint roar like a beast. Obviously, the old monster was chasing again.

After thinking for a moment, she said softly: "No wonder, Master Miejue once told me that there had been several debates in the Tianren Organization regarding the Divine Ashes Technique. In fact, both factions have produced strong evidence on this point. The Tianfa faction of the second elder produced evidence to prove that the Supreme Ancestor had left a will, requiring the younger generation to study the Divine Ashes Technique. But the Tianhe faction of the third elder also produced strong evidence to prove that the Supreme Ancestor ordered the younger generation not to study the Divine Ashes Technique. The most important thing is that the evidence of these two factions... is true."

Lu Buer: "Ah?"

Chen Jing knew that this would definitely confuse him, so he stuck out his tongue and explained: "The Supreme Ancestor actually left many contradictory places, which laid the groundwork for the factional struggles in the Tianren Organization in later generations. But according to what the arithmetician said just now..."

She hesitated: "There may be two Supreme Ancestors."

Lu Buer was stunned for a moment.

This is indeed a very reasonable explanation.

If there are two supreme leaders, then this contradictory will can be explained.

But why are there two Supreme Ancestors?

The Celestial Organization has no record of this at all.

Logically speaking, this is impossible.

But after a series of strange events, Lu Buer sensed a possibility.

What if the other Supreme Ancestor is also hidden?

Just like the number between three and four.

Disappeared from people's cognition.

If this is the case, then everything can be explained.

I just don't know which Supreme Ancestor is in the Holy Word's memory.

"In short, we must first find the database left by Thoth. The ancient Egyptian era is the era closest to the era of the gods, and there is a high probability that some clues will be left." Chen Jing took out the crystal-like jade bone in his pocket. At this time, he still had to rely on the wisdom of his predecessors.

Just at this moment, she saw a body in the abandoned control room.

It was one of the few bodies that were still intact here, because the upper body was almost intact, and only the heart was pierced with a blood hole. As for the lower body, it had turned into broken meat, thick blood solidified on the ground, and a line of words was scratched on it.

It was a line of Chinese characters.

"I want to go home."

Chen Jing seemed to recognize the face.

The delicate face covered with blood.

"It's her."

Chen Jing said softly when they passed by each other.

Lu Buer seemed to sense her mood: "What's wrong?"

"That was a poor child who used to live in a small town near Linhai City. Her parents were ordinary people who saved money for half their lives to buy a decent pre-sale house. But before the house was built, it was destroyed by the battle of the evolvers. Logically, there should be a generous compensation, but it was deducted by some local departments, and very little was left in their hands."

Chen Jing said softly: "Later, her mother became ill and the family had no money to treat her, so she worked outside. Suddenly one day, a group of people in white robes came to her and told her that she had the potential to evolve. The Tianren Organization agreed to treat her mother, and the price was that she had to join. For her mother, she agreed. That year, she seemed to be only twelve years old. After I came here, she knew that I was also from Linhai. , she called me sister every day and asked me how to go home. "

Lu Buer was silent for a second: "Do you want to go home?"

"After entering the extraordinary world, who has the right to be an ordinary person? So I said at the time, if you are so weak, don't think about going back. Later, after the first confinement trial, I never saw her again, and I forgot about her inexplicably. I didn't expect..."

Chen Jing whispered: "In fact, there are many such people in the Tianren Organization. If it weren't for your parents' affairs, they might have come to you back then."

Lu Buer thought about it. The years when he fought cancer alone were his most difficult period. If a mysterious organization told him that he had extraordinary abilities that could override the secular world, he would probably be as happy as a little emperor and follow them happily.

Chen Jing seemed to know what he was thinking and rolled his eyes: "Many people who join the Tianren Organization think so. But after coming here, I found that things are often not like this. You thought you had obtained the super Ability can be shown in front of ordinary people, as carefree as an emperor, but in fact, most people just change their circles and become cows and horses. Even people like Medanzo cannot be truly carefree, let alone. other people."

Lu Buer controlled the Golden Martial God and glanced at the corpse: "Can I resurrect her?"

Chen Jing shook his head: "It may be difficult to die like this. It's obvious that she has been transformed, and even if she is resurrected, she will be nothing more than a walking corpse. It's better to find Toth's database first... Damn it, what should I do? Which way to go?"

"Fifty meters ahead, turn right."

Lu Buer acted as a navigator.

Chen Jing raised her carefully drawn eyebrows: "Don't give directions blindly."

Lu Buer said with confidence: "Don't worry, when I came down, I stole some of the data here, and I know the terrain here better than you. If the final boss here is the arithmetician, we should be able to survive Get there."

He asked, "Did Master Miejie give you the sacred object to protect your life?"

Chen Jing snorted, hesitated and said, "Of course, she also gave me a drawing and told me to run away if I saw something similar to the drawing."

She stretched out her green-white jade fingers and held a drawing between her fingers.

Lu Buer controlled the God of War and took a look.

In the drawing, there is a familiar tree-shaped brain flower.

At this moment, he suddenly understood.

Turns out he's not the only one chasing these things.

Some people in the Tianren organization also noticed that something was wrong.

"very good."

Lu Fuji said suddenly.

"What's wrong?"

Chen Jing said suspiciously.

"It's okay. This proves that I made the right bet. Sure enough, although I can't believe in Metanzo's character, I can never question his view of women." Lu Fujie let out a long sigh of relief.

Chen Jing was too lazy to pay attention to this guy. After running for fifty meters, he turned left. This place was already deep in the quarantine area. The ground was full of white bones, which looked very old.

You can tell that the experiment here has been going on for many years.

According to Lu Fuji, the experiment here should have been normal.

But because of the intervention of Omega believers, such a bloody scene occurred.

However, the survivors of the trial will lose all their memories, and even those who come into contact with the quarantine area will forget everything related to the Arithmetic.

What a creepy ability.

At this moment, there was a strong smell of blood in the wind in the corridor.

Lu Fuji realized that the arithmetician was about to catch up, so he asked: "How is your situation now? If nothing else happens, the toxin of the Hydra Egg should have spread."

Chen Jing hummed and said: "The immortal body can no longer be used, and it is possible that the whole body will be paralyzed later. If you came down from the original body, this is your opportunity."

Lu Fuji was stunned: "What opportunity can we take advantage of?"

Chen Jing rolled her charming eyes, and her voice became softer: "Isn't this what is written in martial arts novels? The poisoned demon witch is often captured by the righteous young man at this time. Because of the poisoning There is no ability to resist in the end, and the detoxification method is sometimes very forbidden... Speaking of which, if you really need that to detoxify the Hydra egg, what will you do? "

Lu Buer said angrily: "Stop pretending. If it were anyone else, I would still believe that this kind of toxin can poison you to the point of paralysis? Unless the dimensionality reduction attack is carried out, what else can make you..."

He suddenly thought of his experience in Banyue Manor, and he wisely shut up.

Chen Jing also thought of going with him.

The Hydra Egg might not be able to paralyze her.

But this guy's electricity does.

Her pretty face turned red, and she said angrily: "Pervert, I won't pick up any pot. I will enter the database later, and you can help me buy some time. After I get the things, I will use the holy objects to retreat."

Lu Fuji coughed dryly: "No problem."

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