The edge of pure land

Chapter 390 Dragon Bird Upgrade

The ruins of the town of Luxor late at night.

A tent was set up next to the deserted street. Medanzo held a roast rabbit in front of the campfire and said with a smile: "So, this is your plan. When you took the risk to attack Helmut, in fact Not just for the Word in his head."

He smiled and said: "At the beginning, I felt that you were too reckless in acting like this, treating the symptoms but not the root cause. But now it seems that I did underestimate you. The person you wanted to take the opportunity to bring down... turned out to be the second elder's faction. As expected. He is the last member of the Tianshen Civilization Scientific Expedition Team, I admire him.”

He responded with a mouthful of thick bloody phlegm.

Yin Hao spat out a mouthful of blood on the ground. His dark face was covered with strange black lines, like blood vessels that had been dyed black. This was a sign of immortality.

And his pupils were glowing with a flickering holy light.

The fragmented holy light overflowed from his body, as if it was about to burst him apart.

"Not really, because this second verse of the Holy Word is indeed crucial."

He said tiredly: "The person in charge of the first confinement trial is Elder Serra. This level is relatively simple. It mainly tests the talents of the trialists. The person in charge of the second confinement trial is Elder Helmut. , this is the most difficult level, because if you want to complete the trial, you need to accommodate both divine power and dark matter. Because of this, it gives others the opportunity to do something, even if Chen Jing has thought about it. It’s not easy, so we have to muddy the waters.”

There is something wrong with this confinement trial, so no one will pass it.

But the Word still has to be obtained.

This is why Yin Hao will attack the fifth elder.

"It's interesting."

Medanzo sprinkled cumin and chili powder on the roasted rabbit and asked intentionally or unintentionally: "Did you already realize that something was wrong when you joined the Celestial Being Organization?"

"Lu Zhe and An Xian were the first to discover it. They are both scholars and have a strong desire to explore. After they first joined the Tianren Organization, they became curious about the long-lost Divine Ember Technique. Later they also discovered that in history It seems like there are two supreme ancestors.”

Yin Hao coughed painfully: "Later, Lu Zhe and An Xian, after their own investigation, were inclined to the teachings of the second supreme ancestor. Practicing the Divine Ember Technique is not a good thing. In addition to the harsh conditions, it may cause Some unexpected negative effects. At the time, they didn't know what the negative effects were, but they just felt that it was not a good thing to be too close to Omega. Of course, the ultimate problem is... food."


Medanzo took out a small notebook and took notes carefully: "How to say it?"

Yin Hao thought for a while: "Because most people don't have enough self-control, this is also the rule of the God's Order System. The closer a person is to Omega, his thinking will be assimilated to Him. Just like in the God's Curse System, the body is pregnant with People with the curse of origin cannot disobey the order of the god of origin. As long as they accept the creation ceremony, the curse of origin will be produced... But there are people who can circumvent this restriction. "

When Metanzo heard this, he finally showed a satisfied smile.

Because he is the individual who is not bound by the God's curse system.

The God's Curse Binding System is at the same level as the God's Order System.

In this way, he can also practice the Divine Ember Technique.

And there will be no side effects.

"However, in the history of the Celestial Being Organization, the debate about the Divine Ember Technique has never stopped. This is actually human nature. After all, the Celestial Being Organization does not have the Divine Ember Technique, which is equivalent to the Beggar Gang without the dog-beating stick. And the Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon. Fortunately, the training conditions for the Divine Ember Technique are very harsh, so harsh that no one can learn it even if they want to learn it, and gradually no one mentions it anymore. "

Yin Hao sighed: "But there are always people in this world with extraordinary perseverance and never give up. Even Lu Zhe and An Xian can't convince them. What's the saying? You should never try to convince someone online. In fact, The same is true in reality. I have always believed that communication is the most useless thing in the world, because the problems that communication can solve are not problems, but misunderstandings. "

Medanzo nodded in agreement: "Yes, I also discovered this problem before I fell asleep in the cocoon. Some people believe that the history of the West is false. Some people believe that the earth is flat. Some people believe that the rise of the West is due to them stealing the "Yongle Dadian". They believe that the set of books records steam engines, cameras, generators, photolithography machines... For questions like this, there will always be people who come up with various There is no end to the debate about things. At that time, I didn’t know who was right. Maybe it was just an eye-catching topic.”

"The world is always like this."

Yin Hao wiped the blood from his lips and whispered: "Everyone holds their own opinions, and no one can convince anyone. But one thing is certain, that is, the price to pay for pursuing the Divine Ember Technique is too high. Therefore. , the First Elder would order to ban the practice of the Divine Ember Technique. But during a confinement trial, Lu Zhe and An Xian discovered that they had forgotten something."

He paused for a moment: "It was that time that we realized that someone was manipulating the confinement trial. At that time, Lu Zhe and An Xian did not practice the Divine Ember Technique, but they used it to gain insight into the truth of this secret technique. , thus discovering a terrible fact..."

Medanzo asked with great interest: "That future that is destined to be destroyed?"


Yin Hao glanced at him: "Did you not participate in the confinement trial?"

Medanzo shrugged: "I have always been a truant. Who in this world is qualified to test me? My goal has always been Omega's pseudo-core... If I can't find where the First Elder is hiding, , I even grabbed the fake core in his hand."

This is such a niche language.

Yin Hao almost wanted to complain about this guy's arrogance.

But he really has the capital.

"This group of people may have been motivated by greed at first, but later they became slaves of Omega. We had a guess back then that the Nine Pillars of Ancient Egypt, the ones at the top of the order, might also be because of This is why it disappeared into history.”

Yin Hao said quietly: "They are missing."

Medanzo raised his eyebrows in surprise, playing with the pencil in his hand, and the tip of the pen drew a dazzling arc: "You mean, those people have successfully mastered the Divine Ember Technique, and even learned the true meaning through calculations, And then you hid yourself?"

Yin Hai said numbly: "I think it is more likely that they took the shortcut of the Divine Ember Technique, and then because of their limited talents, they became Omega's slaves."

Metanzo sighed: "So that's it."

Yin Hao explained: "If you want to fuse the Divine Ember Technique, you must have the core of Omega. But here, many people don't understand it. In fact, when you fuse the immortal body and the order factor, as long as your own Once your computing power reaches a certain level, you are qualified to perform the Divine Ember technique, but what really provides you with the Divine Ember energy is the core of Omega."

He glanced at the man next to him: "The reason why you can't cast the Divine Ember Technique is precisely because you are too powerful and Omega's pseudo-core cannot control you. Lu Fuji is different. The things in his mind have long been integrated with him. For one thing, they are one.”

Medanzo bit the end of his pencil and thought thoughtfully: "I understand, according to what you long as someone is willing to provide God's Ember energy to the heavenly beings, then those who have mastered divine power and dark matter can also use God's Ember. Technique, is that so?"

Yin Hao nodded and said: "Yes, these are the believers of Omega. But because not every heavenly being is so talented, they more or less performed some configuration castration when they accepted the transformation. Some people will It’s very strong, but some people are a little weaker.”


Medanzo put down his notebook, picked up a knife and cut off a piece of roast rabbit, put it in his mouth and tasted it with relish: "Back then, Lu Zhe and An Xian were aware of the hidden crisis, but they were not understood by others. I can only say , this is your method is wrong.”

As if he was a little gloating, he looked up at the stars flowing in the night sky and complained: "Even if the boss does something wrong, the employees will not be able to point out the problem in time. Because a headstrong boss will not listen to what you are saying, he will only think You refuted his face. There is a saying that no boss likes an employee who can point out his problems. Although it is a bit generalizing, in most cases, this is true. "

Yin Hao stared at him: "Then what kind of employee is lovable?"

Medanzo tore off a piece of roasted rabbit leg, opened a bottle of beer for himself, and said calmly: "Of course he is an employee who can turn the tide no matter what the boss does."

That seems to make sense.

Yin Hao glanced at him: "That's what you do, right?"

Medanzo smiled and said nothing.

"What if things get to a point where even you can't put an end to it?"

Yin Hao asked.

Medanzo's answer made people's eyes darken: "What does it have to do with me? I didn't mess up the matter, why should I have to wipe other people's butts?"

Yin Hao stared at this guy and shook his head.

This is Metanzo.

A very egotistical person.

Perhaps in this person's heart, the weight of this world is not as important as a bowl of fried noodles. As long as he doesn't want to, even if people all over the world die in front of him, he will not frown. Instead, he will gloat at home, eat noodles, and open a bottle of beer to celebrate.

"Let's get down to business."

Yin Hao also tore off a piece of roast rabbit and put it into his mouth. He shook his head and said, "Helmut is probably just a puppet who was pushed to the front. The real mastermind behind the scenes is someone else. What I want to do now, Just bring this matter to the table to gain the support of the first elders, including Aman. Although your ex-girlfriend has a bad temper, she is not bad in nature. "

Medanzo shrugged.

Yin Hao took a deep look at him and suddenly said: "In fact, you must have discovered something was wrong back then. When there was something abnormal about Aman's teacher, you should be the first one to notice it. According to my calculations, with that leader His self-control should have been assimilated by Omega long ago, unless someone has been secretly helping him to regain his consciousness."

The old man continued: "It seems that Aman was someone you used and then discarded at will, but you still have feelings for her. Otherwise, you wouldn't have sent Chen Jing's child to her. Not only It is to continue her inheritance and help her realize her long-cherished wish in disguise, because only when Chen Jing is by her side will Lu Buer be willing to help."

Medanzo was still smiling: "Really?"

Playing dumb as always.

"Living with a mask is very tiring, especially for someone like you who wears countless layers of masks. No one knows your true face, and no one will truly understand you, let alone stand by you at the critical moment. Around you. You seem not to care about anything, but you still reveal your loneliness inadvertently. Is this really good?" Yin Hao said intentionally or unintentionally.

Humans are social animals and often cannot truly be alone.

Humans need emotions.

More recognition is needed.

In many movies or novels, some murderers can obviously hide the evil they have done in their hearts for the rest of their lives, but they can't help but tell others.

This is not because they are stupid, but because they are longing for recognition and comfort.

Medanzo continued to act stupid, eating meat and humming a song.

"I can see that all this is part of your plan. Based on what I know about you during this period, when you went to the North Pole, you probably saw the truth under the ice. No wonder, Lu Zhe and An Xian, I will entrust all this to you.”

Yin Hao was too lazy to enlighten this weirdo. Instead, he changed the topic and said seriously: "After seeing all that, your will did not collapse. If you become the fourth generation of holy monarchs, then you are the most talented among all monarchs. "

Medanzuo waved his hand: "It's not that exaggerated. After I saw those things, it took me a full year to calm down. Lu Zhe and An Xian were right, this world is dominated by Well-designed, but how can I tolerate that the designer of this world is not me?”

Although he seemed modest, he was still very happy.

It was obvious that the other person's compliment made him feel very useful.

"If it were anyone else with this kind of arrogance, I would probably laugh at it. But if it were you, I can agree with it. At present, only you, the murderous and arsonist duo, can truly achieve this if they come together. Against Omega."

Yin Hao shook his head helplessly and said with emotion: "But for now, we still underestimate Omega. I don't know how many people in this world are serving Omega. Not only in the extraordinary world, but also in the world of ordinary people. Those companies, those enterprises, and the cross-border capitalists all have the shadow of the Evolutionary family or the Evolutionary organization. And behind these families or organizations are nothing more than more powerful forces. I don’t know when I was invaded by Omega’s will and became a slave of the gods.”

Medanzo burped: "There are always people who think that they have gained freedom. Little do they know that the freedom they have gained is just a wider cage given by humans."

Yin Hao sighed: "If you want to deal with Omega, you can't act too hastily. This time it's just a butterfly flapping its wings slightly, but it can start a prairie fire. Elder Helmut is just an introduction. As long as this matter is exposed, it will You can go with the flow.”

According to him, there are two ways to do things.

One is a stupid way.

The other is a smart way.

Take Foolish Old Man Moves Mountains as an example.

Yu Gong wanted to move the mountain, but others didn't agree, so he had to dig it with his bare hands.

Day after day, year after year, efficiency is very poor.

But if Yu Gong tells the villagers that this mountain is an evil mountain where monsters live, and it happens to block the dragon veins and hinder the luck of the village. As long as the mountain is moved, everyone can make a fortune, then the villagers will come together to help, and soon Able to move mountains.

Yin Hao's method for dealing with Omega believers is the latter. He doesn't need to consider whose brain has become a tree. He only needs to expose the truth of the experiment and intensify the conflicts within the Tianren organization. Then he can follow the trend and achieve his goals. desired purpose.

"It seems that after the lessons learned five hundred years ago, you are much smarter."

Medanzo praised: "You actually know how to adapt."

"no way."

Yin Hao breathed a long sigh of relief: "I'm really afraid of losing."

The topics of conversation between these two old antiques were very exciting.

Sometimes we talk about philosophy.

Sometimes we talk about technology.

Sometimes we talk about sociology.

Of course, it is more about things in the extraordinary world.

In the middle of the conversation, Medanzo suddenly turned around and vomited, like a drunk man on the roadside, looking extremely painful: "Damn it, it really doesn't work."

Yin Hao stared at his vomit: "Is there something wrong with this rabbit?"

Medanzuo snorted: "It can't be eaten anymore, it's already rotten. Although there seems to be no problem on the surface, it will slowly rot and deteriorate after eating."

During this time, they have been wandering around the third site, examining the changes in the surrounding ecological environment. Because they no longer have much food to carry with them, they need to hunt.

This rabbit was caught in the sand. Although it looked charred on the outside and tender on the inside when roasted, it actually went bad when it was eaten in the stomach.

"Can't it provide the energy needed by the human body?"

Yin Hao also vomited out the rabbit meat he had just eaten.

"Well, although the rabbit itself is not enough to meet human food needs, it can still provide some protein. But after being infected with the corruption virus, it cannot be eaten at all." Medanzo looked at the ruins in the night and took a look. Next to the palm trees, there are lush weeds.

It is close to the Nile River and full of vitality.

But amid the lush vitality, there is a hint of loneliness.

"If even one sand rabbit is infected with the corruption virus, then all life in the third site may be infected. When the materials carried by the evolvers are exhausted, they will have to endure hunger, and even... start to plunder! "Yin Hao realized that something was wrong.

"I think there's more to it than that. My old friend has become different from before and does everything he can. Since he said this is a game, then naturally it will be interesting. Professor Yin, come here and take a look." Medanzuo stood up and held his shoulders.

The sound of the howling wind disappeared in an instant, and Yin Hao felt that the world was twisting and turning in front of him. The black clouds in the sky were pulled and rotated, and the dilapidated street scene was blurred.


Even though he had experienced it several times, Yin Hao still couldn't help but vomit.

It was like riding a roller coaster for a whole day, rushing through huge centrifugal force and acceleration. My consciousness was about to be thrown out, and my soul was separated from my body.

Medanzo led him across a distance of ten kilometers to the banks of the Nile.

Medanzuo, however, acted as if nothing was wrong. He bent down and poured a cup of river water into the cup, handed it over and said, "Come on, Professor Yin Hao, have a taste of this."

Yin Hao took the water glass and glanced at the water in the glass.

He raised his head and tasted it, then frowned and spat it out after a moment.

"The water source is also contaminated."

Yin Hao said hoarsely.

"And there are basically no purification methods."

Medanzo spread his hands: "According to my calculations, within about four days, the evolvers at the third site will use up all their supplies. The Human Watch Army's supply reserves can probably be used for half a month, but if If you want to save other evolvers, you can only use it for a week."

Site Three is now a giant prison.

All evolvers are trapped here and cannot leave.

The water sources, flora and fauna in the third site have been contaminated.

Once water and food become non-renewable resources, what happens next?

The evolvers in the third site are by no means good.

"This is the game my old friend wants to play."

Medanzuo squatted down, looked at the surging river, and curled his lips and said: "Gong Yu wants to watch human beings kill each other... I have to say, he really has a bad taste."

Yin Hao glanced at him: "Your expression tells me that you also find this interesting."

Metanzo smiled indifferently: "Yes, I also want to know how this human game will end in the end. But this matter is actually not that bad, because although we can't get out, Go, but others can still come in."

Yin Hao said with a straight face, helplessly: "Who would be willing to come in such a dangerous place? Even those enthusiastic idealists who are willing to come in and die may still get lost in the endless wind and sand. Those who can really walk in... …It’s probably impossible to save one out of ten. It is indeed possible to transport supplies from outside the third site, but the efficiency will be very low.”

Medanzo let out a long sigh: "But this is the only way. If no one is willing to come in, then everyone will starve to death together. Besides, we are not the only ones who suffer."

Yin Hao was in poor health. He sat by the river and looked upstream at the Nile River. His cloudy eyes narrowed slightly: "Indeed, we are not the only ones suffering."

As the most powerful spiritual evolver currently alive in the world, the old man can naturally sense the strong men in the third site, especially the strongest one, who is only twenty kilometers away from them.

"The emperor is not in a hurry, why should the eunuch be in a hurry? Although I am not a eunuch either."

Medanzo squatted by the river and washed his hands, gloating and said: "How is her condition recently?"

Yin Hao looked at the wilderness in the night, frowned and said: "It's not good, my mood is sometimes confused and sometimes angry. Especially tonight, it's like a volcano about to erupt, especially restless."

Medanzo chuckled.

"You'll know just by looking towards the north and feeling it."

He shook off the water drops on his hand: "Because her brother is here."



Late at night, the tents in the ruins whistled in the night wind.

Long Ling was sitting on the military chair, looking at the kettle boiling on the campfire. A trace of hot red flashed in her charming and beautiful eyes. She raised her white and slender right hand and shook it gently.

"Dark matter transformation."

she said softly.

A faint electric light lit up at her fingertips, illuminating her peerless face.

Her long, ink-dyed hair was swaying in the wind, and a strand of forehead hair fell to her forehead, blocking her carefully painted eyebrows. Under her long, curled eyelashes were a pair of rose-red eyes, as rich and delicate as red wine that had accumulated for thousands of years. The red lips are like petals, crystal clear.

The electric light on her fingertips was first dyed with a touch of cold black, and then transformed into a burning red, but at the moment when it was completely dyed red, it collapsed again.

"Did it fail?"

Chu Shiqing sat next to him with his chin in his hands and said regretfully.

The strategist of the Tower of Babel was dressed in an assault jacket, with white hair scattered casually, but his complexion was a bit unattractive, especially his lips that were chapped.


Long Ling lowered his eyes, his long and curled eyelashes trembling slightly in the wind, and said softly: "Theoretically, my dark matter can be transformed into the form of any evolutionary chain, but the premise is that I must be perfectly integrated with the god's body. . That little thief has been stealing my divine power, which makes my connection with the main body weaker and weaker. Tonight, he has consumed another tenth of my divine power."

Chu Shiqing licked the dry and cracked skin: "Only going out but not going in?"

Long Ling nodded slightly: "Only out, no in."

Chu Shiqing felt that his blood pressure continued to soar: "Okay, okay, this little thief is really taking advantage of me. Is he still a human? Even if he is a god, he can't stand this. It's okay to take advantage of me before, but now it's the damn time and he's still taking advantage of me."

"If the dark matter can't be transformed, it can't be transformed into the power of burning the sky."

He patted his forehead: "Then what do we eat and drink?"

The reason why they stared at this pot of water is because their drinking water reserves have been exhausted.

The members of Babel Tower were all watching eagerly in the tent.

A Xiu had hunted a camel before and brought it back to the camp.

The best ingredients often require the simplest cooking methods. After being busy for two and a half hours, Master A Xiu just tasted a bite of the camel meat after roasting it, and turned around and vomited.

The camel has been polluted and can't be eaten at all.

Even Winnie can't solve the problem of pollution of these animals and plants.

The evolvers of the rain system are useless.

Because the rain they created also carries the corruption virus.

The plants created by the flower and grass evolvers also carry the corruption virus.

There is no way anyway.

Now the entire Babel Tower has been hungry for a day and a night.

They are numerous and came in a hurry, so they don’t carry much material resources.

Originally, I thought of resupplying in the third station, but now the plan has completely failed.

"If only your brother was still there."

Chu Shiqing sighed regretfully: "Once the Great Red Lotus Hell is opened, the epidemic in the entire third station will be burned out, and we won’t have to starve."

Long Ling covered her heart, and the burn marks pierced by the Levadin Sword seemed to still hurt. She looked at the night in the north and whispered: "He seems to have come."

As soon as these words came out, Winnie and Ashu suddenly became alert.

"Resurrecting a corpse?"

Chu Shiqing's eyes changed slightly.

"It's a corpse."

Long Ling said indifferently.

This made Chu Shiqing relieved.

"But not completely."

Long Ling was silent for a second, and her red lips gradually raised a faint arc: "No wonder, judging from his state, more than half of the divine power that was taken away at the beginning has entered his body. The identity of this thief is probably about to be revealed..."


Ah Xiu whispered beside him.

"Who else could it be beside him?"

Weini snorted coldly, obviously very unhappy with that man.

Even Chu Shiqing agreed with this statement: "In this world, the only person who can steal your divine power may be Medanzo, which is in line with his style."


Long Ling held her forehead with her hand. In theory, this person is indeed very suspicious, but she always feels that something seems to be wrong. It seems that something is missing in the once disturbed memory.

Something crucial.

The penetrating wound hurts again.

The trauma that Long Que gave her was too great.

No one in this world can kill the God of Origin.

But as a human body, Long Ling is not invulnerable.

Long Que seized this opportunity and used the Sword of Levadin as a medium to carry the power of the Great Red Lotus Hell, cutting off the connection between the human body and the divine body.

Long Ling is now in a very strange state.

Sometimes she is a god, sometimes she is a human.

But as a god, her power has not yet been completed.

And as a human, she will be troubled by the past.

The most important thing is the memory that has been shattered. The memory of that time in Linhai City is all broken, leaving only the last battle on the Holy Mountain, which is unforgettable.

"If it doesn't work, we try to break through the barrier?"

Chu Shiqing asked.

"My sister is very smart."

Long Ling's eyes became cold again: "She pried the power of the Tree of Life and restarted the seal of the third site. It's difficult for people outside to come in. People inside want to go out unless they get rid of her. I am equal to her, and I can't break through her barrier."

Unless she can restore her divine power and master the power of the divine body.

But that damn thief is still stealing.

Still stealing.

Stealing in the middle of the night.

Stealing all the time.

It happens every day.

At first, Long Ling was confused, and didn't know where this little thief got so many dead bodies.

Later, after the think tank of Babel Tower held a meeting, they came to a conclusion.

No dead bodies?

Just kill them now.

The members of Babel Tower are all heretics who kill people without exception, and there are also many antisocial personalities among them, but even they think that this thief is really inhumane and unforgivable. I don't know if it is because of the lack of parental education that such a deformed personality has been formed.

Suddenly, Chu Shiqing's expression changed.

Long Ling followed his gaze and his eyes became stern.

In the resort hotel that had long been reduced to ruins, a white-haired old man dragged a hippopotamus weighing at least three tons and walked over, with shocking blood stains along the way.

It seemed that he was old, and it was a bit difficult for the old man to drag this thing. He had a rotten wooden bow tied to his back, a simple shoulder strap hanging on his waist, and a dusty military uniform.

The hippopotamus had charred blood holes pierced through its body, and it smelled burnt.

The old man skillfully handled the hippo body in the ruins, set up a bonfire to make barbecue, and the kettle was full of river water. It seemed that he was living a happy life.

This scene made the members of the Tower of Babel stunned.

"Why can he eat meat? Doesn't he feel disgusted?"

"I have the power to burn the sky and can purify the corruption virus."

"Barbecuing meat with burning sky fire?"

"Yes, the kettle is filled with boiling water, and it has obviously been purified."

The members of the Tower of Babel looked at each other, but they did not dare to speak loudly.

The old man who followed me all the way was not a follower.

It was Yuan Rong, the special-level general of the military.

Long Ling glanced at the old man, snorted slightly, turned around and went back to the tent to rest.

Chu Shiqing felt thirsty and hungry, and couldn't help shouting: "General Yuan Rong, can you finish eating such a big hippopotamus? Why don't you give us a price and sell us some."

Yuan Rong sat on a big rock, with no expression on his solemn and serious face, and said lightly: "Okay, one life for one pound of meat, who will do it?"

As the leader of an evolutionary organization, Chu Shiqing certainly couldn't kill his companions for meat. Even if he wanted to, he couldn't do it. He could only shout helplessly: "Facing the threat of the gods, we have room for cooperation. .After all, we are all human beings.”

Yuan Rong was minding his own business roasting the hippopotamus legs, taking a sip of cold water and saying, "Pull him down. Since you are a human, go ahead and kill the woman in the tent behind you."

This sentence touched Chu Shiqing's weakness and tore off their disguised masks. He could only restrain his smile and asked calmly: "In this case, as the owner of the Burning Sky Bone, you, Why not try to burn out the disease in the third site?"

He paused and used moral kidnapping without hesitation, asking: "How many soldiers of the Human Watch Army are there in the third site? They are all soldiers under your command. You are willing to watch them contract the disease, and then Died in an unknown way?"

Yuan Rong sneered and ignored him at all.

Just when Chu Shiqing was about to say something, a cold yet charming voice came from the tent.

"He has already taken action."

Long Ling in the tent said indifferently: "Every stronghold established by the Human Watch Army is protected by his kingdom. The holy high priest created a special magic through his kingdom to protect everyone. A soldier of the Human Watch Army. He is too old, and the exhaustion over the past few days has made it impossible for him to directly incinerate the entire third site."

Chu Shiqing was silent for a second and then laughed dumbly: "So that's it, there really is a way. That's right, even if you really don't want to die, if you use all your strength to burn out the corruption virus in the third site, it will probably only take a while. . Once the Corruption of Death is still alive, everyone will still be infected. It’s better to have a steady stream of water.”

After all, Yuan Rong still needs to retain his strength to deal with the Tower of Babel.

The situation today is obvious.

The forces of all parties seem to have reached a balance in the third site.

If someone can break this balance, he will have the capital to overturn the table.

Long Ling in the tent looked at the brilliant stars in the night sky, stretching her graceful curves on the plush carpet, and lightly opened her red lips: "What did I forget?"

holy mountain.

Burning sea.

Demons screaming for annihilation in the sea of ​​fire.

It seemed that someone climbed the mountain at the last moment.

That's a very weak person.

But he dared to say harsh words to her.

A bit arrogant.

A bit annoying.

Kind of abominable.

That person...who is it?

Yuan Rong roasted the hippopotamus meat leisurely, took off the bow and arrow and put them aside, patted the dust on his military uniform, turned around and pitched a tent for himself.

"I hope that boy named Lu can be more reliable this time."



The jeep broke down on the side of the road.

Qiangwei kicked open the driver's door and vomited profusely beside the car.

Damon felt uncomfortable being next to him. He collapsed on the passenger seat and gasped violently: "I was scared to death. I almost thought I was going to die just now. The sandstorm along the way was really deadly, and the new car I just bought was turned into dust. Was that Aragami that flashed by just now?"

"Even if he is not an Aragami, he is still a sixth-level overlord. Fortunately, that thing was just rolling around in the sand and did not notice us. No, it may have noticed us, but because we came in with the boss, no one dared Make a move on us.”

Qiangwei wiped her mouth, opened a bottle of mineral water and poured it into her mouth: "According to the attribute restraint between gods, the dark matter of the Dragon of Candlelight can restrain the corrupt god of death. This is why the White Walkers dare not do anything to us The reason for taking long as we don't lose the boss, we will be safe."

After a long and dusty journey, the delicate and beautiful girl was now gray and gray. She wrapped herself up like an Arab, but there was still sand in her eyes, nose, and mouth.

Damon's condition was not much better. He looked like a coal digger. Only the golden coffin on the back seat was still intact, and ghostly breathing and heartbeats could be heard from time to time.

"How far is it?"

Rose asked.

"It's early."

Damon sighed.

They came from Qina City.

Those Egyptian military personnel guarding the third site blockade thought they were crazy.

They claimed that they were volunteers and wanted to make a contribution to mankind. They were allowed to go with a large amount of supplies to the front line.

But now the ecological environment in the third site is extremely bad.

The edge of the land of the dead is shrouded by endless sandstorms, and there seems to be a lot of corruption in the sand, which can turn a living person into dry bones in a second.

If it weren't for the body of the dragon bird, they would have died by now.

"The place we are going to is... the eastern desert of the ancient city of Thebes, where there is a military base. The High Priestess of Lotus is there, and we have to find her."

Damon asked: "Did the deer tell you why he was looking for the high priest?"

Rose wiped the water stains on her lips, hesitated for a second, and whispered: "I'll tell you secretly, but don't be scared. In the nightmare I had, the deer told me in a very serious tone that we should find the High Priestess of Lotus... and transplant the order factor to the boss!"

Order factor!

This is the sixth truth-level alien ghost technique that is widely circulated today.

No, to be precise, it is a variant of divine arts.

The conditions for mastering this kind of alien arts are also very harsh. First, you need to fuse the holy bones, and you also need the branches of the tree of life, and observe the true posture of the tree of life.

So far, there are only a handful of people who can do it.

Few people in the Akashian Holy Church have mastered this special alien art.

Currently, only a few senior officers headed by Admiral Sush have mastered the order factor in the military, thanks to the assistance of the Lotus High Priest.

"We need to transplant the order factor to the boss."

Damon murmured: "Then he will have two kinds of alien arts?"

Rose spit faintly: "Yes, you can upgrade even if you die, this is fate."

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